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56<br />

They concluded $at 25% replacenenr grve bst results. They tound significet<br />

dirercnce in w€i8hr gaio and f@d .onsumprion berwc.n conrml and rhat of<br />

rcpl4.'nst wilh micmbial bio'nols prcrein (Mttp), rhe btcr showcd lower vatu6.<br />

A gmdual deprc$ion in feed convedion ralio (FCR) u0, obseNed by incrcasidg<br />

ieplacemol level of fishmql wilh rhe biomass. Thcy rcported the Drorein<br />

(iigcslibihy s 74.1%. Th. biolo8idl vsluc (Bv) *6 50.2% at 25% subsliturion<br />

with nsh meal. The ne1 p.ot.in utilizarion (NpU) vatue obrained al 25%<br />

r€placemenl w6 39.35% ss comparcd ro rhrr of fish m€d which was 40.74%.<br />

Simil.rly Inc value of prcrcin crtrcia.y 6rio (pER) i125% rcptllmert was bet<br />

ofall h&ving value of2.lE3 s compded ro @nrrol vatue of2.3jJ. Thc !ni!o lcid<br />

prolile reve.l€d koleucinc as lh. firsr timiting amino acid.<br />

Kdleczn! et ot. (1996) cvaluared prorein pEparrtions of dilTcml kinds<br />

wirh felevance to m€al processins. The hydrophilic_lipophitic batarce (HLB)<br />

numb€r PA used as c.irc.ion. pamfiio oit(HLB=I1.0) and soybean ojl (HLB=|5.0)<br />

1vfrc sclecred ro detemine rhe HLB vatues of non m€at proteiB (btood Dlasma.<br />

'nilk proteins, ptanr proleirs, bacteriat biomsss)_ Emuts'on stabitity curves a! a<br />

function of tlLB indi€red $.t burlennitk prorein and bacre.i.l bioma$ prorein<br />

were lhe per.sr cmulsili.rs. Th. reminiry prol.in had Elrriv.ty tligh mutsion<br />

stsbility (>80% emulsion phsse)<br />

Vulchevdal. (1996) obs.Ned thst thc ca!.in_s singte celtprorein corraired<br />

75.7y1 Votein (57.4oA Wpsin digcalibt€). Th. prcrcin cdrtined 6.56./, Irsi\., 2.6%<br />

methionine, 3.51% m.thioninc+cystine, lAyo ryptophu dd 6.9y0 vatin€. clrrin<br />

conlaincd all .ssedial ma$o ard micrc eteocnrs. Tle enc.S/ conrdt or the fed<br />

va 55 14 Kc.L/ke.

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