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55<br />

co'nnercial diet. Feed consumprion of 3eni puified diet was much lower than thal<br />

of lhe comrercial chick srarrer Thc MBp septes in conbinar'on with ISp<br />

appeai€d ro have good acccprabiliry and consurnprion by $. chick. Consunpfo,<br />

of rh€ ISP diel incfeased wi$ l})€ addirion of fuigat MBp. The values ofapparent<br />

proteh digestibility ofisolared eyb€ln probin (tsp), tsp pts MBp and lw' lsp<br />

pl6 MBP dd 2w ad ISP plv Tottlt y.s\ w.rc 6|yo, 59yc, 6t /o ant 56%,<br />

Chrlal (1969) culriv.ted P/.wottq tajq-@jl in sfi ncr8cd condirion on<br />

J./o (w/v) of coh slovd in Mandels atrd Wcb.r m.dium wirhour lry orher grcwll<br />

iactoa addql and produced hyc.tiat bioma$ @ntainine 40-490/0 crude prorcin.<br />

The mino acid prcfile ofrhe prorein wss as good as edible funSus exceDl rhat ir<br />

was deficienr in sulphcr cont ining amiro acids. Th. prctinioary feding rri.k on<br />

rals indicated thal aboul 500/0 ofprctein in $e di€r can b€ r€Dlac€d witb p.raDr_<br />

caJ! biomass wiIlloul oy delerqiols eff.cl'.<br />

Maxte and Hamld (t994) fed bro'ter chick a modemre {22%l o. a hitl<br />

prctein (300/0) well balanccd diet conraining yesr ,taccl@roarrcs ..tutuiae (20/r)<br />

artd soya protein isolate (Soxzii) or a pu.ified anino acid mixrurc. .lte viramin-<br />

86 statu of thc chicks ea! rss€ssed and ir w.s foud rhal the pr.scnce ofy.asr did<br />

nol augment metabolic r.quirem€nts for pyridoxinc. Th. removal of yeasr frcm ih.<br />

dicl provoked sever sympronstic d€ficicncy. It qe found rhal a low level of0.6mg<br />

viranir BrtS ofdier wrs adequare ro mai dn normat srowlh and ro aaoid ncusl<br />

symproms. The nomal r€quireme for pyridoxinc hr! been r€poned ro be 3 m8&g<br />

Arhar €/ aa (1995) fed rhe biomds ro day old broilcr chicks prcpared<br />

thrcugh f€rm€nration of bler pulp in fed barch cullure sysren first wnh Cadrira<br />

utilis rhenwirh Brqibetetunlav"nl. Tle biomals was f€d for a period of I 0 days<br />

by rcplacinS wirh lsh mcat in th. bas.t mrion al0, 25, 50, 25 and 100% lcv.h.

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