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54<br />

crude protein was high€st for the ca!€in die! avernainS cto6e ro 9l% for 20d and<br />

40\ week meaurcmenrs, followed by fo'uta y6t of 82%. The lW aveag.<br />

digestibility of?E.7% wa simite to &.r of brc*cr's y6r (?7.1%) ed $Derior ro<br />

rhat of 2w ed dried mushroom diets.<br />

chsva,r at (l988ll) prcrcd rhe micrcbiat bim4 por.itr (MBp) lsing<br />

rtneus ChaetoniM ce ulolt idu dd d.i.d in olcn st 6O.C (oD) or frc€z dri.d<br />

ar -25oC (FD). P!.ified dicis cltcutarcd ro enoin l0% crud! prclcin s6 fed io<br />

w@ling mts for two week. A clnrrol diet conraininS cascin as rle onty prcrcin<br />

Bource and other having isolal€d soyb€a, prcrein (tsp) * $€ sole sourcc ofp.otein<br />

vere also prcprEd. ln two o$q dier! on€ hatfof rhc crudc pblei! ws provid.d by<br />

IsP md odEr half by MBP-OD or MBP,FD. Thc diets conlaining OD mpt€s<br />

yielded poor growth, feed corsumplion and feed uritiation efnciocy than $e diels<br />

conlaining lSP or ISP plus FD smptes. Alt tltr@ ofrfiesc dicts showed sig ficanr<br />

i6ponse to sutptementation wilh 0.4% melhiori.€ dd slight bur non sisnilicanr<br />

irhpmvm.nl wifr funher 0.t50lc Ltysine. Thc doubte supplmenr.d MBp dicrs,<br />

howev€r showed a gMter weidt gain lhm rhar of the sinitarly suppl€menred ISp<br />

or c.$in conlrol di€r. The r!l! eeiving MBp bsal die( ,howed dte low6r f..d<br />

cotrmption wh.rca with Mim aqid suppl.m.nradon rh.y showcd hisn$t<br />

consunption. Relarively !oo. fed/gah sno of rhe rars tcd MBP_OD alone or<br />

$ppl.mencd indicdcd low prorei. uritiation emciency than conirot or tullv<br />

supplem.nted MBP-FD 8roup.<br />

Ch^yez et al. (l988lrr) ltudied fte nurririve vatue of Ch@tmiuh<br />

Micrcbial bionass proGitr (l,lBp) obrained ai.r srcwio8 on slucose (lw) or<br />

molases (2W) in combination wirh isolated soybean prcrein (rsp) in lhe diets of<br />

chicls. SiSnificad dill@nc6 w.E rcflered in th. body wciShr gain of fic chicts.<br />

Fecd emciency da1! $ve non sisnificant difte!€nces. Thc contrct ISp di€r ws<br />

bercr than the b.ewe. s yejlr diet bul rhe besr f@d cmciency was obsened with ltre

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