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5l<br />

Enriquez and Rodriquez (1983) conduccd a biologi@t lrial on rals ro loow<br />

llN prorci,r qualiry ot blcreial prorcin. Thc digstibjliry and biological value of the<br />

baoterial biomAs wos ibund lo be 90 and 62dl0 r€spectivety, *hich h good index of<br />

protein qDalityardirs utilizarion. T16 NpU vatue Ms reporEd !o be 56%.<br />

fou ora e/ dl (1983) cotrdoctcd a fecdiDg rrial wilh ycasr mass fcd to<br />

broiler chicks ar staner age using rwo t€v€h viz., l0% aDd 20%..l.te r€sutrs<br />

reveal€d non significanr direrencc in weighl gain and feed consump$on by chicks<br />

fed l0% yeast mass when comparcd wirh thc 20% suppremenred grou!, 1504, I 539<br />

g/bird ard 3499,3501 g/bi.d r€spectively. Th€y obswed thar 20% Gpt.cemcnr<br />

si8nifi cantly educ€d FCE,<br />

soros dd come (198t) f€d fungat pror.ir diel ro 6r! for r p€.iod of 28<br />

drys. The 6rs lhow.d p@. w.ighr gain s coDprca rc cs.,n .@1rct di.r,<br />

consurned tess feed atrd gained lcss weigh. p€r unir of feed consumed. Th.y<br />

obsedcd lhar fic nefrionine supptemenrarion improved rhe qually of prorein, and<br />

Bls gained sinilar ycighl ro thar ofcas.in diet.<br />

Leeson dr al. (1984) produced sinSte @ proteir ttrougi ferncnrado, of<br />

Dair, sbver and putp sludge wl|lt Chaetohirn cellutot ti.ra. Tiey reponed oon<br />

signilicanl difference in ften chemicjt composilion exceF proten cpntents which<br />

were higher in case of pulp sludSe SCp. Tie comparison of net proFn uriliziion<br />

value of maize srover fungat bionds prol€in procesed by two wsls, ov.n d.ied<br />

md lj€eze dri€d wi r rhai of soybco mcal (4E% Cp) wa rdund b b. 25.0% and<br />

33. 19i, 60.3% and 61.3% respectivcty.<br />

Prokop ?r 4l (1984) yi€tded 3?-56 pcrcenr true pror€,n ot t|,e biomoss by<br />

conli.Dous fcrm€nbtion ofinerhanot yith a.robic ihemophilic nell.oot uilizirS<br />

bacl€jial cuhure (NBR). ft€ nur Lional €vatuarion of the produ.l proved irs<br />

sul,e o ty over both casein and soybean with rcspecl ro ner prote,n tiliation and

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