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50<br />

.nd leucine as fi6t, second and thnd limiting Mino acids, r.sp€clively compsred<br />

wirl NRC valucs. The soya prolein dict sened s onlrol 6nd th€ othe. YSCP as<br />

basal. Seven addnional diels we.e prcped wirh 0.55,0.34 strd 0.3?% methionine,<br />

esinine dd leucine, Fp€cliv€ly alonc sd in all pNibl. combinstions. Tlcy<br />

rerort€d simild fced inrake, weigbt gain and feed conv.rsion eoiciscy d<br />

compded {i1h di.t conraining YSCP in broiler chicks qhcn compared wilh soya<br />

prolein di€r whcn f€d in equiliz€d form. They conclDded that n€rhionine was<br />

limilinS mino acid ir yeast prolein and arginift did not give rcsponse in the<br />

absence of fi61 limiting eino acid.<br />

Gu@l od Vogr (1982) cull!rcd !.tst Sa..h@ontc.t .eniria. in nulti.rr<br />

solution ofwh.y. The biomass obLir.d had crude protein of 46.40/r, ctude fat7 _6o<br />

and phosphorus 0.99%. The biomass $as fcd 1o day old brcil€r ohicks upto 6 we€kj<br />

ot a8e by rcplacing the soybean oilmellal0, 5, 10, 15. 20 aId 2570. They fosd<br />

rhar upto 25% y€lst had no dotrimenlal cllecb on weishl gain and iL€d @nve6iot<br />

Lee and Yan8 (1982) obseN.d non sisnilicrnt diff.rcnc€ in weight gain,<br />

feed convc|sion elnci€ncy ed nulrient compcition of carcajs of broiler chicks<br />

when they weE f€d @lions havinS soybean m€al rcplaced wirh yeast prclein<br />

obtain€d ftrcug) femenlalio! of mcthanol ^r 20 nd 40oh levels in the basal<br />

ralions. Howcver the crude prorcin in musclcs was signific$rly gr€arer ;tr rhc<br />

@trt ol (24.48%) tlan 40% y6t in diet (23.58%).<br />

Rab€cha €r al. (1982) produced fungal biomass havinS 26% prote'n aner<br />

fennenfalion of glucose soltrrion w;ti Asp.rgi a siget.The protein was found ro<br />

be deficient in sulpher conlaining amino scids as well as lysine, isoleuc€in,<br />

ph€nylala nc dd vrlin. and lfiat it5 protcin efficiency Erio wat found ro bc 46<br />

pcrcent of that of6cin.

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