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Ljpiosky and Litchfield (1974) reponed that tsyo addition of SCp in diet of<br />

chickens show.d cquivale f.cd @rvcnion efliciency to tiore obhined with<br />

conlrcl gNp. Hoeever in pctlcrcd mdons fecding dtov. rhis tcv.t 6rtr€d in<br />

excesive accumolation offa@6 on flmr scrccns in batlery b.ood.B.<br />

Reade and cregoiy (t9?5) ferme ed cassava non as€prica y wirh<br />

,4speryiUus luhigat6 and prcduced dried mass..Whetr the biomas was aalyzed<br />

tb. its mino acid profile, it wss fourd deficie h merhionin€. Tlc r.r fedinS t ial<br />

indicaled tial supplernotation of biomssr wirh m€thionine lesulred in compahbte<br />

nel prolein atio and feed efliciency vatuc wifi 6ein dier ehen fie pdein valne of<br />

biorDrs conlainitr8 diet wa! c.lculared on mino acid profil..<br />

Smilh e/ dl. (1975) dere.mined th. feeding valu. of six direrent tunsal<br />

biomass obhin.d after fermentation of dillerent substates. ficy observed sna<br />

diiIererces in lh€ contents of essenrial amino acids berween diff*nr or8disrns<br />

uder sludy. ]I€ rals fe€ding rrial Save ner p.orein utilizarion vahes dging<br />

berweeD 34 ro ,g p€I@1 dd true dig€sribitirig ftom 69 ro Ej pcrc. F@ding r.ial<br />

also .qqlcd S-mino acid s the fiBr limiting mino acid dd turrher<br />

supplemcnlation with methionine showed marked inc.esse in ncl prot.in utitizion.<br />

TeEa (1976) delemined 6€ nuldlionat vatue ofrhree dicrs all$ a rat feeding<br />

lrjal. fte fced effciency values obtained by feeding ca3ein, biomass and biomas<br />

plus whey prct€in, wcrc 0.32t4, 0.2086 and 0.254t and prorcin clficiencv ratio a<br />

3.3309,2.4403 ard2.6?49,Bpecrively.<br />

C^yabyab .t at. (1977) obtained ycasr bionass ane, fem€nration of acid<br />

hydrolyzed dce st6w vitl Cahdida hopicatis. me biomass had 5t.0 Dercent<br />

prolein. The amino acid composirion ot the biolrrN was coDpaiabt€ with thal of<br />

FAO refennce piotein. Comp.mrivc srudies showed Crolicatu had gMtd lysine<br />

conrents rhn c.tuilis v3 rher@ohitia.

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