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slignlly lower cgg prcducrion md fenilty ws noled for tay.6 fcd 20% y@t<br />

Shacklady and Carlhet (r9?2) suppl.mcncd rh. y6( prct.in wnh 0j%<br />

derbionine end ien tsled that in ra!s. Th.y reporred rhe di8etibility and<br />

biolosical vslue s 96% and 9l yo, rcsp€ctively.<br />

Yan z et dl. (t972) der€rmin€d rh. chcmical composirion a|ld biotogicat<br />

qu.lily oftwo sanples ofyeasb of C'.!r'lrs prol€in viz., St and 52. Tte 52 was heat<br />

lrcaled and slored ar room temp€rature tor ore year and then analyad and lhc olher<br />

*d analyzed as such. fhe biologicalquati(y of.p.otein was medured by lrEtt in<br />

2l-dats old nrs. They reponed (har rhe Sl had pER value ofl.8o, where u of52,<br />

l.l5 as comparcd io cdein cortrcl, whjch h6d pER vatue of 2.54. I.hey ako<br />

obscrved thal nethionine supptementation of Sr @ 0.30lo irrproved ils pER vatlle<br />

Bello e, al. (1923) studi.d |he pror.in qlarity of biomds ot caadidd ,tith<br />

SrosD on waie tiquo. trcm olivc pro.$sing, When y€.!1ws! 8iv€n to.atr ,s 26.4<br />

or 31.7% of the dier 6 solc prorein source supplying 8.0 ,nd l0.6yo prorejn. it did<br />

nor supporl Srowrlt. Ttey gave a dicl wiLh 31.7% prolein 10 hypo proreinaenic nrs,<br />

il could not prcducc a no.mat reave.y whcn compued to orc bascd on cascin. A<br />

.lr€r conraining 62_2% yc6l provoked signs ofsrrss md dqlh.<br />

cmwfo.d ed Etizbc$ (t973) pmdrccd microbist biomsss prorein d.ou8h<br />

fenrcrration of pulp fines wi t1 Themonospon f6.a. the biomsjs so obrqined had<br />

30% lrorein comprising alt rhc mino &ids. The bionN ws red io baby chicks<br />

and dey showed simitar g.otr'ln as conpred to lhe conrcr grorp.<br />

Woodham ard Deans (1973).vatu.r.d rhe o,omrss produced throuSh<br />

fennertatio! of I p.@cnr betey with Asperyittus orrz@. Ttey epo(cd lhar th€<br />

boma$ pror€in had alr ftc amino acids .xca1 sulphq conurnmS amino aci&,

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