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Okmolo (1997) rcported that L-liprophan (I) @ b€ nanufacrucd by<br />

cultuinS l-prcducins micrcors hh such $ d.r/l6 in a m.dium conraininS Et<br />

l@t y@t .xt .ct Md Try?tophe dd th! melllod did not €quirc substdr..<br />


Rieche er o/. ( I 966) piepsred high quality pmrein f€€d fron potalB through<br />

rhejr fe.tndrrarion wift C4rddo /r/ii.&. Thcy repo.r.d 44 ro 46g ofy.an dry m.rrcr<br />

yield per I00g reducible sugar. Penels€n (19?5) studied rhc producrion ofprctein<br />

srd enzyme @llulasc from alklti prcr.€{ed barlcy sraw rirough fc.menrarion wirt<br />

Ttichoderha ytide.Ihe yield constant (y) were catcutared ro be 0.40_0.56, of rhe<br />

sane order ,s lhN, which m be obtain.d by growing rhe fungu on gtucN.<br />

Yogo €r ar. ( f976) cultured y.$t Ca"dida MOy-657 (FERM_p 3601) wirh<br />

shrting on a medium uder oprimiud condinons. yi€ld of y..sr containing 55.5%<br />

crude prorein $a3ll.l9o in l€ms ofM€OH. suzutr d/ at. rt977r in ! srud] repon.d<br />

that \ahen Candida parujinia e6 cutturcd on suligt chrin hydrcarbons, fic<br />

specilic Bfowth rar. (p)was 0.376 md yield coefficjent (y) basen on,-atksnes was<br />

l0l.E%.<br />

Pamm€nl er al (19?8) reponed average sp€cific groslh nte (I) value for<br />

shdle flask fcxDenradotr of l% akatipretrearcd hdd wood Medusl as 0.057hr<br />

dudng thc pcriod ofactive grc*t. On th. ofier hand rhe f.mentarion ofprcF€ared<br />

sawdust liquor followif,g same condnions hsd specific S.owth 6tes of0.t96h.r at<br />

pH ?.0 and o.l5lh'r ar pH 6.0 @mparcd to 0.22h., fo! &e orgeism srcwn on<br />

glucose al pH 5.0.<br />

Panmqt €r a/. (197E-s) @nduccd femcnhrion of d!3ti pct e3red mtpte<br />

savdust in rwo conditions first solid slaG, second slurry srate Bing Chdetoniuh<br />

cellllotitic@. Th. ale61e sp.cific 8ms1t| nr6 duing slid soe feme lrion<br />

were 0.01h_r dd 0.0092hr for tumbl€ femenrer and rEy femenrer rcspeciively

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