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l8<br />

llar (19?5) uscd ! growrh mcdium havins o.5e y@r cxlEcr pc. lir€r atoDs<br />

Fnh 10,50e ot atkali p.erreated cellulcic subslrar€ of ricc sl.ap ad snall<br />

quantitis of orher salts fo. irs fermcnrarion wili Celllonoadr sp. and Atcatigehes<br />

/ae.all'. lle rcporred that rbe microbiat c. mas kotaled aft€. femenrarion had<br />

37% nrotein and 5%.rude fibcr.<br />

YoBo et at. (1976) Femenled difleren( yeasr slmins on cutlure mediun<br />

containjng MeOH (6?-56-l), EIOH, glycefot, HOAC, glucos€, galaclose or fiuclose.<br />

Candida MOy-657 (IERM,P 3601) wss culrured wirh shating at 30"C for 4E<br />

hou.s. The m€diun had pH 6.0 snd conbined NH.Nor 4. K,Hpor 4, MsSOa 0.5,<br />

FcSOi 0-02. CaCl:0.01, y@t qtlact 1.0 and com sreep xquor lg plus minor<br />

amoDnb of Mnso4, znso4, thimin and biorin with l0g MeoH per Lire. They<br />

obtainedayield otyeast conbining 55.5% crudc prolein, which w6 3l_j% in lenns<br />

ofMoOH-<br />

Moo-You!8 "r al. (1977) in a srudy compared fie ce|utase and sjtr8le cell<br />

protein pfoduction by lvtride and C.@ utolyticM. Th. basrc media formulared for<br />

study lrd 0.1% ycasl exracr along wirl, urea and orlc. satrs. The subsrnlcs used for<br />

fenc arion were Solka-noc S.W.40 and paniarty dcriSrified sawdun and fie<br />

fcnnenhlion wss carried our ar pH j.0,30.C and 37.C lempemture for lritrile and<br />

C.cellulolrticun, rcs!€.tively for 22 hours. The resuls showed Dorc celtrlase<br />

prcdrcrion and substmre degmdation hy T.viride. Morc SCp p.odudion by<br />

C.CeUulolytic"h i\ rhe presence ofyeasr extiact ws noticed,<br />

Suzuki et at. (1971) fermened shight chain hydro.dbons wirh Catr.rila<br />

parul|iai.a. Tne microo.ganism was ae.obically cuhured at J5"C on m€dium<br />

having pH 4.0 containing n-atklns 2, (NHa)rHpOa 0.4, KCt 0.1, M8SO|.7H?O 0.1<br />

ano com s&€p riquor 0.t% plus race amounts of NaCt, FeSq ed yea$ exrracr.<br />

Tle) obEined a produ(r conraining 59.190 crude prolein.

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