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36<br />

brined vegetabl.s axained lhe desh€d acidity wi6in 4 days at 28-30.C by adding<br />

0.1% sorbic acid to $e brine.<br />

Guple and Datla (1997) atcmtlcd fie productior ofc€llulolr,lic enzymes oD<br />

b.grse undq sofid slale femen(qtion by @cullu€ of,llp.rgill6 euiptic6 ad<br />

Atpersittu fwigtw.ItEy rcpoded th.r the cGculrurc had tEuer hydrcb,ric ed<br />

0-elNo6idasc activitie, a5 compeed to rhe @ions whcn they were us€d<br />

Gutienez-Coffe3 and Tengedy (1997) ,tudied elfect of @culture<br />

cultivation of Trichodema ,e.sei LM-UC4 ed its mulanl LM-UC4E with<br />

Aspe.gila pho.nicit onbngass€ duing its solid s1are fmenbtion process. Mutual<br />

syn€rghD rlas obsened between Trichodenna nonmutant s]fain and AspetAillut<br />

resulting in enl€nced biomasr production and conesponding increase in c€llula!€,<br />

endoslucanase and p-sluGidde activitj.s. They could not obsede such synergism<br />

betweo mutet ftichoder@ sn in 8d AtperyiU8. They wcre of the view rhal<br />

mutarion 16l thc coopcmtive intdction lbility of tr,i.lod.tua.<br />

lkesamiand Yasuhno (1997) investisaled the cret ofcarbon marerials on<br />

lhe g.owth of ycast du.ing a co-crllure f€rn€ntation ofpotato sloch with skains of<br />

Sdccharcry,cet sp. 8d Asperyillu otrza€. They reporled that by acBrion of rhe<br />

liquid cullurc thc mycelia formcd pcllcis. The y6t could groe pEdominmlly ar<br />

30'C dd yelsl tr€€ c€ll nunb€. hcr.ascd wi$ the saarch cont.nl. By the addirion<br />

of Cebon marcrials, aclivat€d-C or charcoal, ye3sl Srowrh was accelemred wif)<br />

rcg&d lo the sizc of chtrcoal, smaller was more effeclivc for y€aslsrcMh. Th.y<br />

suggesled lhat the carbon mterials apparcnlly acted as a carder for immobilirarion<br />

Tsiguchi dr o/. ( loa?.a) deleloped a sysrem of cecullue femenrltion for<br />

the production of ethdol from glul:N md xylose thrcugh f.rm€ntlrion wilh Piclio<br />

nipitis nnd Inrls[tl of Stu harcnycer c.nrlrrbe in a batch cultrr. process. It was

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