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14<br />

reported th.t rhe li.!l composition of th. fcrmcnl.tion Prcducts changed according<br />

|o rhe @m cob conce ration us.d in the cont.nt (65.070), and lov fibd @ntent<br />

(0.6?vo) suitable as protcin supplemenl fo. fowl forag€s. Iley staled that by<br />

increE'ng tle inirial com cob concenlralion upto 609 litrc ', it was possible to<br />

produce a final biomass with higl liber co .nl (l7.E7o) and 35.70lo of prot€in. It<br />

was suSAested that srch biomass could b. us.d as rumin.nl fccd.<br />

Manilal er al. (1991) inoculat€d two cullurcs of Csrlis and ,lr!/tge' or<br />

Car,7,ir ond ;uas'6i simulbn.oNly into lhc l00ml sl.ril€ emuenl of cassava<br />

starch for the production of biomals. They mixed th. .mu€nl wirh (NH.):SO. 2.8g'<br />

KllrPo. 0.7& CaClr.2r|O 1.0& MgSOa.THro 0.2& NsCl0.lg and y.an exhcl<br />

0.01 8/L. 'Ih€y obtai.ed a biom.ss contsining 22% (*/w) prolein, which rcmained<br />

unchuBed during f.rm.ntation.<br />

Rodiiquez .nd OsU.rdo (1991) proddd siDsl€ c.ll prct i! usins rwo<br />

orsanistu viz. C. ulontu sp..nd Ps.udodo@ sp. usinA b!8tss€ pith. Th.<br />

nnge of prcponion of tnq.lwo orgsnism! \{rs found to b€ 4:l to l00rl 0nd lhc<br />

b.sr pH vas ?.0. A nuturl symbiodc relarionship was found b€tw€en rhese two<br />

orearisms in such a way thal tl'c C. ulononas sqpljin hc cubon (Slucose<br />

produced from blaaisc dcgradation) 1o thc PreudoafirJ .nd thc lattcr producing<br />

lhe virrmin supplcocnb nc..ssdy for minimal m€dium, wihout addnion of any<br />

grcwfi factor. They concluded lhal thc co-culturc syslcm was succ€ssful for F.d-<br />

b.rch clllivarion givinS ri$ ro hi8h biomN Ptoduction (19.a g/L) and utilliziioD<br />

of lisnoccllulosic subslrat .<br />

Vst$trez et al. (l93ll) culth€led a mix(w of orsrnisms, 3 yasts (l<br />

Car.li.lo uttlis ,nd 2 Sacchoronlees .enbi@, 6d a fungus (C.ofidi@<br />

.drdtd@) od leo slcp Geld Pinus pi.litcr buk sd!p16. Thc substntc w6 fiEt<br />

r.eated wnh akali and al sccond step wift ac.tic .cid HrOr solution. Tt.y w.rc<br />

succcssful in 8€dng incrcsscd biomass yi€ld ard singlc cell prolein

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