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substrate in balrl n.dium ar pH 7-7_5. Ttc orgeisos showed 50-55%<br />

decomposition of substr.t. in 5 days sh.ting cutrurc. A mixed cutture of<br />

ce 'no|onos sp. nnl Ttichoddma sp. showed 95% dccomposilior of thc subsrrare<br />

in a day culrurc. The prolein contenr of Celtulonow IAM l2l0E, lhe<br />

Ce ulonuas sp. rrcm b. rume and lhar fron (h. bio-tiquid wcrc 62, 52 dd 57<br />

klkevics e/ al. (1984) Ned solid sra& femcnr.rion of sr€M hcarcd whqr<br />

smw (wheat srra- 90% md whear bM l0%). Ttichoderda re.sei or ^ mixed<br />

culturc of lreerei nd Edoht@ptit libtlig.t was us€d fof fermeDblion and<br />

dcoveEd 13 pcrc.nt prorcin. Th. best proi€in pmducrivity Ms obraired in<br />

stationary layer feim€nters. Tley concluded lljat SSF had low€r ovemlt ef|ciency<br />

bui hidq prcdlct conc.ntnriq Fr @rion votum. rhln othe. conv.Bion<br />

schcmes. I wls aho conclud.d rhar teo orgeiss fcmenrarion prov€d besl rhd<br />

single organisn fcrmentalion.<br />

Molina a al. (1984) incubarcd slkati hydrotyzcd and unr..aGd bagass pilh<br />

with mixed cuftlrre of Cethtowtus sp. ^id Baci 6 rrrrtii Th.y reported<br />

'naximum myceli3l biomals p.orein prodocrion by co-qjtrue.<br />

Maciel-dc-Manciltal er al. (t985) used @cao pod husk 6 a sote carbon<br />

source wnh concenkarions of3.0, 5.0 and 7.5 g,,I_ for singte cel protein production<br />

thto\t$ Cellulonow ll@ieetu s d ,ltcatigd.s hecatis. A ndinum ,i.t.l of<br />

63.79% to total prctein wss obiained !r q€o pod huk conccno-ation ofl.0 e/L<br />

aner 60 hous of fermentation.<br />

Pqoni al|d Os@ (t9E?) used slk.li rre{ed ni ed comcobs of differcnr<br />

gnnulometric fncrions d caftohydnt. euce for fcmenrario, wir,'r nixc.t culrurc<br />

of Cellutodotus tp. Nd Rocir8 s,rrilir. They found no difcrcnce berwcen rh€<br />

bacldill prcrcin production from rh. tinc fiacrion (_25m6h), th. cerse fmction<br />

(+25 mesh) and rhe clmcob mitted *ithout fracrionaring by gmnulomcrry. They

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