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,2<br />

fenncntation as compared ro I -?g of dry c.ll p€r litrc wirh prre cultu. t-€mrenHion<br />

orC. ulohon's. They .mmqled rhar lhe SCP prcdrclion $.ou8h f€mentarjon of<br />

cellulGic substr.l€ wilh a singlc o.sanbm b nor a emcienr s in c6€ of<br />

fermentation wjth nore ftm one organhn. Synergistic erect oltwoorgdnisns wa<br />

suggested for lhe enhoc€m.nt of the atnoun! of dry @lls production,<br />

Hm (1975) f'motcd rice straw wirdt Cdlulono@ sp. sd ltcaliEeaes<br />

Jae.alis. H. rcported rhar'l5yt ol tlE ricc struw slbslrale wc digetcd .nd I E,6% of<br />

tolal substEtc wcidl lhat disapp.€red eas recovercd d micrcbial prorein. FrntE<br />

lhe micrcbial cell fFction wd 3?% prorcin ud 5% crude fib€!, Gido. wa! 12%<br />

prorcin and 45% crude fibd. In virro digetibilny ofthe microbiat piolein was 41.2<br />

ro 55% ard that of cellulose was 52%.<br />

Fuska and Kollarovs (1977) fermenr€d 5-7 peI@r sawdust hydrotyzate with<br />

a mixed culrorc of Macor rte riliun atd cibberclh l\jikuoi and yietded I .28- l .45g<br />

dry !na&r/lo0,nl of the nedium- The dry marler of$e mycetium was obseded to<br />

be rich in essential mino acids ofwhich m.rhionin ed cysreire @ntcn|s w.rc 5.4<br />

and 7.0%, Gsp€ctively.<br />

Banaquio er a/. (1981) srudi.d rhe producrion ed nutrilive vatue ofsinglc<br />

cell proLin tro'n whey Ning Cd4lida ps.unouopicolis ad Sauhotok!.es rasitis.<br />

'liey obsened the prot€in yield of ll.E perc.nr in the shajc fldk culrure and 2l.4-<br />

17.7 perccn( fo. tle other melhods. Thcy obhined fte highcsl cell mass yield .s<br />

12.5 g/L all.r cuftivatiotr with Cah.lida pseudonopi.alis tsilg whcy supptcmenled<br />

with (NH.ISOa md KHrPO.. The av.rog. pror.in mrenl ofccttnass eas jtyq<br />

and bolh the y6ts prodoced all f'e ess.ntial amiro &ids.<br />

Sek r dd Prablu (1982) isotalcd and cheacreri&d 1wo bacr.ri0l slrains<br />

liu rumen and liquid wasle (bio-liquid) from a bio,eas ptanr urilizing basasse,<br />

capablc of growing on alkali lreated baeasse. Borh isolats were id€ntified .s<br />

Ce onon6 sp. Nd verc.nlturcd on alkali rreted bagass€ at thc rate of l%

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