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3l<br />

in.lbalion- ]l'ey obseNed that volalil€ fi(y acid!, known as major compounds of<br />

poulq f..c.s odor w.E .lmost rcmorrd ftom lhc mirinal louliry fa€ces drr&r<br />

Lec .r a/. (199?) cullivated blue gr€en algae CNIES 19,19,46) for production<br />

of singlc ccll protein. ]tey rcponcd rhar after ? &ys of cultivarion mdd 5000<br />

Wm2 lieht inleffity, Iiml cell conc.nhlion srs 2.8 (g/L) fld chlorcphyl,a w.s<br />

4.9 ms/L. rwirh inilial concenrrarion of NlHcoj, l.7olo and NsNor, ws 0.250lo,<br />

ndimm ccll @ncentrarion vu obtti,n d. Spnulitu ploreNn NIES 39 show.d<br />

faste. growrh nre lhd NIES 39.<br />

Sdndhu and Jorhi (1997) studied fep factoB for producrion of ethanol and<br />

protein th.ough enher solid s1a1€ feanenlation (SSF) or natu.ll f€rmenration of<br />

apple ponuce Ning dwc diffcEnt y61 sr-aiB. The fesults showcd rhar produclion<br />

of ethanol, crude and solubl€ prclein rhrough natural fcmentarion was atmost hatf<br />

rhd thal of fmnenration witr added inoculm of Saccn@ony..t cenisiae. The<br />

oplimum timc for ethmol orcdlction in SSF ws 96 houB.<br />


Vadely of ways have been adopt€d 10 fe neot diffefent types of subslrat€s<br />

for fie productim of ei$er sinsl€ cell prot€in or other kjnd of usctut prcducrs.<br />

B6ide uing methods of b3tch, f€d bakh, solid srrr. fmenrarior or subne.g.d<br />

fernentation, the biotechnologists have kied the use of more than one orgdism for<br />

$e enhancemenl of fermenraiiotr products. Sone workers had adoDled $€ co-<br />

cullure renncr ation whil. olii6 hav. used fmarlriae orgatrtum one ancr rhc<br />

olher. An available lircorure on multi-culrue fem.nirdon has b€€r rcviewed as<br />

Han ?t a/. (1971) used leo orSdisms for ferm€nration, one C./t lo'ora<br />

(cellulas. lroducinS bicf.ria) .nd oth.t Alcatieenet faecatis (ccllobiose urilizing<br />

bactefia). Tb€y succeedcd in obrainin8 6.248 of dry c€ll per lii€r i, symbiotic

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