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El,sab..ny ard HNd ( t996) arcmptcd rhe producrion of taclic acid, tacric<br />

acjd d€hydrogeE€ (LDH) and singlc cell protein (SCP) fiom dried whey by<br />

fem.ntarion with bcbba.iUw .lelv@ckii, subspei€s ,,taartu6,369 on !<br />

ftdium €nriched with dri€d whey (8% v). Tl.y rcDoncd rh.t ferb.nralion cdied<br />

out ar pH J.5 for 24 hou6 gavc hqimM of32.Eyo SCp.<br />

Cao e/ al. (199?) dev€loped a snnple and €fI€crive melhod for rrca$nenr of<br />

fig"Mflulo6ic nile.ill for tlE prcducfion of 2,3-buranediol by Ktebsie o ottroca<br />

AICC 8724 frcm comcob f€rmenralion. TIey prcpared subskaie comprized 90%<br />

cellulose. They werc able 10 produce but nediol @nc€nlsrjon of25 g/L and an<br />

ethanol concentalion of ?g/L by Kotttoca ftor'|.E' gL ol comcob celtutose wirh s<br />

@llulae dosage of 8.5 IFPU/g @llulose of coh@b atler ?2 houB of solid slarc<br />

Dahol ar al (1997) conparj $c anounr of singlc cel protein production<br />

trom rice h$k rreared wirh two differ.nr atkati solutions !r variow concenrrarions<br />

(0. | 5, 0.3, 0.45 ald 0.6 N) ed femotcd with p.tui in .xrv&M. Th.<br />

fcmentstion was canied our bstch whe in shake fl6*!. They r.ported m.rimum<br />

rungal biom&ss p.orcin (2.63%) ar t92 hom on 0.3 N sodilo hydroxidc Uered<br />

nc€ husk rs comparcd to l.3l% on 268 houls of 0.45 N ammonium hydroxide<br />

Gupt. and Darl! (1997) fen€nr.d bagassc undd solid statc condirion with<br />

*ctllrve of Aspergll8 ellwics and Aspergi us luni4atus for producrion of<br />

cellulol'lic enzymes. They foutrd thar rhe pcrrcatrnent of baeass. wilh 2% (Vv)<br />

calcium hydronde .nd lh€n E da)s of fermentqrioD savc maximum Foduclion of p-<br />

HM et al. (t997\ isotated Candida rp€.riar ftom rhe soit atrd found rhar lhe<br />

organism was abl. io d€gradc uric acid of poutry f&ces pl.s.nt in rh. groqi<br />

medium. Msximurn cell srotrth (3.8x10v CUF/ml) wa! obraincd at 16 hou6 of

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