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29<br />

Ilashini (1987) srudied the produclion of biom.is pmtein fmn rice 3traw,<br />

tsfig Trichadema hdtziahttu as ferl,eniative orgsism. He achieved maximum of<br />

I 3.3 percenr pslein aRe. 120 hou6 of fennentltion.<br />

Ftrrisek er dl (lgEE) u.d chrolnoEqic m'rrats of Brcvibactel'M sp. lol<br />

,r. srudied the bicytrlhqis of L-lysin.. Undd optimum fmenrarion condirions,<br />

L-l)sine production of 43-49 gil in 96 houls with a @Ne6ion of 45-49% wrs<br />

noric.d. Kiani eI a/. (1989) producal yeall biomass ftom defatled rice polishings<br />

lsinA Candida !116 d f.m.nlalive orgmism. TIE mdimum cnde protcin<br />

oblained was27.8l percenl for an incubatior periodof?2 hou6.<br />

Moltrnood "r a1. rlcao' oprimized f.ment rion penod for maximum<br />

production of biomds protoin by Arcchkiota 5p. lsingri@ polishinSs as subs|ml..<br />

A maximum protoin percenl of 17.23 ws produ@d anc. 72 hours of f€rment tion<br />

!l{ 4.0 and 30"C temperaturc. Bajwa et dl. (1991) obtained the maximum crude<br />

prolein of 15.17 percent when 0.5 p€cent NaOH t@ted dc. st"q (5yo) wes<br />

f.nnenr.d wirh ,{racr,tor6 lP. for 6 days.<br />

Yans (1993) obtahcd 32.4y0 crudc pro&in rner 4 days of femenrdion of<br />

sweet potatoes residue al 30oC with I I I cGculture of Mylol)lic mycelial fun8i.<br />

Hcn.B €r a1. (1995) conducted a study 10 get maximum numb€r of yenst cells by<br />

10-14 hours fermentalion. ftey uled sugar cane.iuice havinS liule proportion of<br />

mola$es thrcugh a rcNl€rilized process. Tley suggesl€d thal juice should be flerh<br />

havirspH 4.5 to 5.2 and be incubated .l 32'C.<br />

El-Nawi er at (1996) fcrmenred alkali rcated bagasse al conc. of 1.5<br />

o/dw/v) under various culor. condilions by ,1vel8il6 teneu' fot prcre;n<br />

produclion. The optimum cooditions l|cle, pH 4.5, tenperature lsoc, culturc broth<br />

l:5 (v/v), inoculm 4% (v/v) and cortinuous shakirs fo.7 days. They obtained<br />

biomss hrying prcIein conrenis 2l-2870 (dw). The protoin re@vercd wls ll,<br />

14.5g p€l l00irba8asse.

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