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28<br />

Maciel-d.-Mecilha er dt (1985) uscd cacao pod husk as a sole cafton<br />

source wnh @ncenoations of3.0, 5.0 and ?.59/L fo. sitrgl. cell prorein producdon<br />

tttotcb CellutMo@ flsise@ 8d Alcalieeres faecoti'. They obrained a<br />

mdiDm of 63.79% proteh lt subctrat€ @@tlirion of 3.0s/L !ft.r E0 hoE of<br />

remenrariotr. Th. valft of dry mdrq oblained vei€d fiom L93g& ar sobsrare<br />

conc€ntElion of 3.09/L aner E5 lrculs of femenrarion and 7.040g/L a1 ?_58<br />

substnter'L afi$ 65 holl6 of fmentarion.<br />

Pdaiotov e, al (19E5) used browr supmarrnt msinint and rhc<br />

@guhtion of alfalfs prclein as grcwlh mcdium fo. miqobial f.mcnr.tid. Duing<br />

72 hou6 of f.mentation Caadi.h topicalit, Car.tida utitis sid percitih<br />

rcntuculosun con\.ned 50, 6l and ?l% of rotal suga6 ed accumutated 2 I ,26 md<br />

3 I g solidyl0oml containing 32, 35 6rd 3 I yo prcrein, respecnv.ry.<br />

SmaAnna (1985) grew Crrilir using m inr€mirl@t supply of concenlnGd<br />

spenl sulfite liquor (black liquor) h.ving ll.9% lolal reducir8,ugs or psnial<br />

substBtc subsdlutim nediw. He ohain.d 54.95% yi.td afte. t?2 hous of<br />

AIam ( 1986) opnmird rhe fennentdion condiriom for maximum produclion<br />

of biomass proreiD. She f.rmented rice polishings with Arcehriotus sp. in sttrlke<br />

n6k usinS 5 pcrccnr (Vv) subsrale ar pH 4.0 ;d 30.C remp..atur€ for ?2 houB<br />

dd obtaiDed maximum bimass p.oteil|.<br />

chen d dl (1987) eMDined ih. .lT.cls of culrurc m.dium on tysine<br />

fofrarion dudng fcmenrarion wi|}. Brcvibactqiunlawn FM E4415. The effecrs<br />

of salts, ur€a, brm, suge. com powd€r and pH of lhe medium w€rc srudied. HiShesr<br />

lysine p.oductiotr (64.3s Iysir,€-HCl/L) was obtained aner ?2-80 hours of<br />

fenrdlalion undcr optimum @nditions.

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