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27<br />

Sandhu 4d woraich ( 1983) sludi€d a numbcr of yeast spe.is for production<br />

of single cell protein uing chcese whey s rh. subslrale. The ch.es. whey was<br />

suppl€m€nled wilh minorah ed yeasr exlract. They reporred that of lJ)e lliaeen<br />

speciq srudied df,4rdralrr, C.c@ata, P.polyiqpha dd W.robe sii ^lained<br />

'naximum bioD6s aner 72 hous of incubation, Tt. prorein conlerrs ofrhe skains<br />

varied lion l0 to 60%.<br />

Laukevics.r a!. (1984) subjected steam treated wheat sr6w (wheat sraw<br />

907c, whcat bm l07t 1o solid stac femenratlon with Tlichoderno ,eesei d a<br />

Dixed cultue of tf€6et and E"dohttopsis frbutiget ar 29.C. Ttcy obrained 13<br />

perco1 prclein aner 168 hou6 of incubrrion. The besr prcrein pirducrion ws<br />

obtaincd if, stalionary layer fermsters. lt was conctuded that SSF had towd ovedll<br />

elficiency but higher pfoduct concenkarion per rcacljon votume than other<br />

Molina.r u/. (1984) studied the production ofsingt€ cell prorein frcm lolo<br />

NaOH lreded ud unfrcared bagase pith wirh a mixcd culrt rc of Ce ohohos sp.<br />

and Aacillu rdrilrc. The shond incubarion period rcquired for fie producrion of<br />

mqmM prot€in wa 24 houB 31 25oC temp€aturc.<br />

Abdullah e, o/. (t985) Opiinized the gro$th corditions tor crderariM<br />

ce dol,ti.un tt producrion of bionas gotein from whet srmw The b6r<br />

lreatnent was IoLlnd 1o be ammonia fieeze exllosion. Tl€ feme .tjon was canied<br />

oul ar 3/C usirS 2ol, ineutum, substrar€ hiakness of I to 2cn for ?2 houls.<br />

Maximtn of 27.2t/r biomas p.or€in w.s obrained under optimum condirios.<br />

Mixed culluing of Carddo //,ir fuflhe. inqeesed biomrss producrion by 20%.<br />

Tley concluded lhat the besr mode of femslltion was scmi conrinuors f€d barch<br />

fcnrenration wherc hslf of the formenred mat..iat was rcmoved a1 ihree days<br />

nrtewal dd rcpl&.d by frsh subs1raL.

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