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26<br />

aaraquio ?/ a/. (1981) prodrce/ singlc cell prolein ftom shey lsine<br />

Cur.lkld tls.udoh oticolis nnd Sacchdrunyces ,agi/jl. Ti € nrotcin yield q.s l l .8<br />

pcrdcnr b rlt sliokc ll'$k culturc usils dcp.otcini4d whcy lbf batch and 21.4-3?.7<br />

pcrcent lbr olher merhoG Gemiconrinlow and supplem€nted batch collures Ning<br />

unlrcated whey). Il. hislEt c.ll mas yi.ld ws 12.5 g/L and 12 hou6 ot<br />

cullivarion wirh Candida pvttlolropicalb 6ing whey supplooled with<br />

(NHr,so. od KHrPoi.<br />

cds dd Ne€lakantatr (1981) produced single c€ll protein from bagasse.<br />

-l-hey su@eeded in obtainine 20.1% biomals pmtein after fem€ntation of I%alkali<br />

rreared bagasse wirh ,4rpfal6 ,ere6 ancr 7 days of incubation-<br />

Muindi and Hsnssd (l9El) suc.lded in improvinS $e crude prolcin<br />

conl€nls of.assava rool meal ftom 2.40lo to 3E% after sub'n€r8ed cultivation wilh<br />

Trichodem hdBiMun at 3O'C lempeatwe, 4.0-4.2 pH for a period of 60 hours.<br />

Ca|e and N€elakanrd (1982) fcm.nred l% alkali tGat.d bagdse alonS<br />

with €de urine. !re!, c@ st + liqlor, (NTLLSO6 NHaNOj, FeNtlrsoa, NH4CI<br />

and NaNOI @lf€ctively by /spetgillw tene6 for 3 days.. They produced 16.4<br />

percenl p.otein/1009 bagase- Davey and Bruce (1983) femenGd ll0 9,4, of<br />

Iiggerf dury solid ,netrer wlth Sporctti.htm pulterulqtrz at pH 5.0 od yi€lded<br />

22.? percent biomass p.olein aflq 168 hours.<br />

Eriqrcz and Rodriquez (19E3) f€me ed alkali k atcd bagasse at leo<br />

levels 25 and 40 gil with Ce ulononas sp. llbc fot 4E hours in a shalc medium at<br />

pH 6.5 ard lemperature 35'C and r€covered bacterial biomass containing 49 pe.cent<br />

Mill$.nd Srinivasan (I9E3) f.nncnred ellulose conrai.ing synlhelic<br />

neditm w'nn AspetSill6 tenw at pU 4.0 in sdni continuous batch. They obuined<br />

23-28 pe@nrliomas prclein aller 36lou6 of fementarion,

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