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'neal<br />

25<br />

Ba.jrach.rya and Mudse( (1979) repoded (hat prolein r€covery from atfatfa<br />

residue increed from 47.270 tor conrrol sanples upto 64.5% fo. temenred<br />

sampres an r irs fmcntation wilh different fuSal stnift e.A. Aspergilt6 sp. eM<br />

9994, AsFErgilb hiqet QM a77 a d Rhitopt$ "igica6 eM 387 for 5 daF. Kamel<br />

(1979) obse ed lhal yeasl vcry ellicicntly convedcd 4-5 perce dates soluble<br />

solids to 4.E6 percen( sinSle cettprotein ater I2 hours incubation.<br />

L.. et al. (r97g) studi€d rhe chmctdisrics or 6 isotatG of @ltulosic<br />

bacleria. All werc idenrified .s mcmbeB of rhe gens C€itutaroer. Diff.ml<br />

condirions w@ optimiad fo. hqimun yietd of biomass. rn rwo separ.i. rrials<br />

one at l% and orhd at 6% sobsrEtc tevet recove.ed IZ ed 25 g e msyl lnd<br />

48 houls of f€mcnradon havinS 4 t .55y0 and 25.6% proem, resFcrrrely.<br />

Quie.zy ar ar (t9?9) obrained sphagnum peal exhcb as hydrotyzates aod<br />

osed that as culrurc mediun fo. rh. prcduction of Cdrd,i/a lrilir biomass. Shake<br />

fldks werc used for f@Enlarion. fte ,naximum bioma.r, conenraton (?.5 8r-)<br />

rvs obtqined after 60 hou$ incubarjon ar jo.C and 200 rpm.<br />

Roshkova (1979) in a srudy cuxivaled rwo srrains of Caddd viz 2672 and<br />

2673 M on difleEnl nedia unde. oprimun @ndiriol!. The biomN yictds w.rc<br />

56.5% and 44.3./, 6 dtied y6r for stEirs 2672 .nd 20 hou6 Md for 267j M atter<br />

volfova er al (t979) aner $e fermedarion ofscid rrerted srmw hydrol)zrle<br />

vith Candido topi@tis for 12 hou6 at pH 4.6 and l0.C remp@turc succ.cdcd i!<br />

ar|aininS 8-9 % prolein in fitraly fcmcnlej biomN. Atberro ed D.sou (t9E0)<br />

fef,neDt r€d ellulcic hydrotlzrle wjrl marine yesr cutrur€ tor 2 days .nd<br />

obrained 5-6 g/L of dry yeasr m€ss.<br />

Hirchne. and L€{therw@d (19S0) fermeded celulos€ wilh<br />

derepresscd nurant slEin ofceldouoro rp. for 96 hou6 and producrd<br />

protein havinS 75% crude prcrein and 68% rrue protein

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