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24<br />

Fuska md Kallarova (19?7) used mixcd cllrwe of Mw steritiM and<br />

cibbetettalrjitwoi on sav dusr hydrolyale for a pqiod of52 hou6 and obtained<br />

1.28-1,45 a dry uDucr/100 mt othcdiuh. the dty matter ofDyelilm @nldned<br />

33.3'35.7% amino acids ot which |6.I-16.6% wcrc escnri.l amino acids.<br />

Kag€aki d, a/. ( 1977-a) cutrurcd Toltopsis nahatutophags 6 ^,i.dinnl<br />

ror 30 houB and obtained 3?s/L ofdrj.d ce s. Kas.aki sr d/. (t9??-b) in second<br />

stut\ ,crobic.rry cuhurcd //a Nehuta trcthrlororu 91 on ^ tncdiuh for 30 houB and<br />

obrained cell yi.ld oflsg/L. Kagc*i et al. (t977-c]l i^ another nudy obraincd 20.1<br />

stL ..ll prcdwr u'ing Hmicota net,ytovorc 97 . The naubation period in lhis caje<br />

PeileBen (1977) oblained n]dnnum of24 tL mycelial prolein by culturin8<br />

Irichodena vnid. witt, 4-t I g/L of subsrnlc. Hc used (NlL)rSO4 t.S. KHrpOl<br />

2.0, !rea0.4, Cactr 0.3, MgSOa.?HrO 0.9S, ZnCIr o.Et, CoCl, L0 (gl0g ccthtose)<br />

md peplores (t8/kg cellulose) in thc mcdium hd obseryed an hcubaiuion pedod<br />

Patmenr er dl. (1978) srudied rhe fementarion of atklti rrelted sw dost<br />

with Ch@toni@ c.UutotltiM ed obhiocd 12.5 p€rccnr prorein iD 48 houB. Thc<br />

subskate when f.rnored in solid srar. for 20 d.ys wirh Cra etonitun ce utot ti.w<br />

produced onty lt.0 and 8.0 percont celt mass for tray fermenl€r and rumbtc<br />

feflnenler, resp.ctively indicating much slowq rate rnan wben substrare was<br />

feflne ed in shate nask.<br />

Silamm ?/ al (1978) srudied the abitiry of some tunsat cutrures to produce<br />

microbial prolein on 3 difterent !rclr$ted c€llutosic subslrates (rice slraw, bagr$e<br />

ed groundnut stElk). pe,.tidr M chtysoeenW go\ed s ve bd or8rnism fo. rhis<br />

purpce. It produed 85 mg prorcin p€r g of alkati rentcd rice straw (ATS) all€r 62<br />

h of incubalion wlEn fte iniriatpH wd kepr in fte nnge ol 3_5.6.0 at t% Vv of

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