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2J<br />

t'oda d al. ( | 971) Iirmented supemaranrs of corn sbep liquor obtained atter<br />

precipiiaron of protein *i1h C,dda d ir for goducrion of fodder yeast. Ihey<br />

$rcceeded ii prcducinS yean biomass containing 3E lo 55% prorein aft$ 72 hou6<br />

of f€.ncnlalion at lo'C.<br />

I le { | 975) obtai,rcd lungal biomrss having 18.6% c.ude prorcin atier 3 days<br />

of fernentation of alkali prctre3red rjce srraw wiln mixed cullurc of Cellutohow<br />

sp. Md Alcalieenet f.ecatis. He reponed that c.llular biomas was rich in all<br />

essenlial amino acjds ard vilsmins nnd had 4t.2 lo 55% in- viro proiei!<br />

dieeslibility.<br />

Pcn6.n (1975) optimiz€d rhe conditioB for two srr.ins of @futotyric funsi<br />

Tri.hodetM vitide. Tlc conditons w.re blsed on max'oum yietd of biomds<br />

prol€in and cellulase enzym. prcd&rion, He found thoi l_2 % ofalkati rcared<br />

barley srmw when fennenled for 3 days at pH 3.5 ro 4.5 yielded maximum .rude<br />

p.otein (2t-26y'\ whercas t0 days of fernedalion yi.tded maximum ce utsse<br />

R€nde and Cregory (19?5) $rou8h fennentalion of cssav a vjrh Atperaitrus<br />

lutrigota obtd,rcd microbial biom0ss after 20 hours of femenlarion. The final<br />

yi.ld lvas 249 dry product conraining 36.9% crud€ p.otein. The detcrmin€d prorein<br />

on amino acids b6is ws 2?.1%.<br />

AroM md Fitzpatrick 0976) obLin.d mdimum prcducron ot e ure<br />

.nzya. wirh Trichodema ei,id.. Th.y trr.d m.dium amp.bing dihydrogen<br />

phosphale, dimmonium sulph.r€, CaCl, atrd other lrac€ elen.nts with an<br />

incubation period of ?0 hous.<br />

Yogo., zt. (1976) culrwd yejsr Card,Za MOy-657 in a m.diun having<br />

l0g MeOH ed lg com sreep tiquortiter at 30.C for 48 houB. tt war observed lhal<br />

lh€ crud€ prolein in rhe yesl cells w6 55.5 percent, which was 3t.3% in tems of<br />


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