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22<br />

bioffi prctein of28% by f.mdtlrion ||ilh Asperyill6 terreu. H. obsewed th.t<br />

the biom6s w6 @mpler.ly lackiog in cscnrial dino lcids, llsirc, his dine dd<br />

Arhar er al. (t995) rcponed lhe bioconveBion of beel pulp inlo hicrobial<br />

biomN in fed barch culrue sysrm, Followirg 3% sutEtEtc to \rarq Eiiq<br />

0-00?5% C.Ch, 0.125% MgSOrTHrO, 0.30% KHTPO. 0.000?5% F.SO..1H!O<br />

and l5:l carbon 10 nitrog€n ratio drcy sll.ined 5.98 mg/ml of niorobial biomass<br />

prorein at initial sbge by fermorrrion vit\ Condida utilis. Fed batch of 1.570<br />

molasses and 0.75% CSL ar 36 hou6 of fermenlation caused funhe. rise of<br />

microbial prcrein to 7.78 mg/ml. Tle baclerial inocul.rion with 404 glucose added<br />

lo the abov. fermenied medium ohanccd prclein upro 10.74 ng/ml od lysine<br />

content fioo L29 lo 3.08Y0-<br />


This is onc of rt. very imporrer palama.r for 8cning ndimum<br />

yield Aom m orguism od is also iDpo.ret to loow tbolr ib p.liod of mdimum<br />

8ors'1h. Th. incDbalion pe.iod of any org&ism dcpcnds on ih€ avaitability of<br />

optimun conditions. Once he 8ro*th conditions arc optmized it is necessary to<br />

tnow abou( the inobation p€riod of thar orgmism for Setiin8 majdmum yield.<br />

Some o.gdbms gmw in shtrt period of ine while orh6 take mor. rime. Srudi€s<br />

have beer conducled 10 know about th€ inqibarion Friod ofdifferenl ogranisms.<br />

Follosing arc a few rcterencs which gives info.tnarion aboul rhe incubalion p€riod<br />

ofeme o.ganisms and its .r.ct oo final prcducr yietd.<br />

Rieche er a/. (1966) fem€nrcd t% acid lre3t€d hydrolyed potaroes with<br />

C.Utl,r sl.. adj61in8 pH ed adding .|moniuD ph6ph.t ed mnorium<br />

sulphac as oirlogen sources. They obrained rr4 ro 469 yea$ dry mane/100g<br />

rcduciabl. sugd md 36% crude prolein wilh incubarior period of4-5 days.

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