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2l<br />

Mahmood ?/ at (1990) sludicd lhe innu.nce ofdiffercnr C:N ralios on the<br />

pulNrior of furS. bionms ptotcit bt /lro.hniot6 sp- usin8 ricc tolishangs d<br />

subslral€. l hey obsined lhe maximum crude prolein under C:N ratio of l 5 r l dd in<br />

fie prcsence of CaCl, 0.001%, MgSOa 0.00 l% ud KHTPO. 0.075% ar ptt 4_0 and<br />

30'C tempcrature for ?2 hou6.<br />

Bajwr et ar (1991) obraincd $e maximum crude prorin of 15.17 p€rcent<br />

Birh 0.5% NaOH kearcd .i@ srraw (5yo) femsrcd wjth Atetniotw Sp. 'fhe<br />

opttum conditions used were cacl,0.0l%, MgSOr 0.01%, KH,PO4 0.2%,<br />

molasses (cane) 1.0 % *ith C:N Btio of25:l at pH 4.0 and 30.C rcmperature qirh<br />

Chanem er a/. (1991) damined rhe eflcct ofsubstote ro wsler and carbon to<br />

nitroeen ratios by !si!g (l) lxcd dounl of nutri.nr medium md incr€asing h€.r<br />

puh levels (2) usirg conslart b€€r pulp level ed incr€aling mcdium votlnes.<br />

Subsrate 2 g/l0ont proved the oprinat Cn! ratio for prctein production and high<br />

convesion elficicncy of 23%. TIE resulrs atso indicared rhat ls (NHrlSOy'L was<br />

opnnum for maximnm biomass yietd. Higher coocentrations of nirrogen sfiowed<br />

inhibirory effects on c.llulasc production makin8 tec, slbon avaitable for<br />

Ak.am (1992) prcduced fun8al biomss using whear bra, os subslrare and<br />

Asper{llu tercLt I fcmenrative ol8eism. He obrained fte maximum tungal<br />

biomass production having 32.88 0/o crude protein with 8% subsrEre (s/v),<br />

0.0075o/o CaCb.0.l% MgSOi.THrO, 0.25% KHrpOa and 7:l carbon to nitroS€n<br />

Mahnood ul Hassan (1992) oplimied conditions for p.oduction of fungat<br />

bioDass. He us€d 3% b€et lulp ( v) under the ionic conce,rratio, of 0.00?50lo<br />

CaCl2, 0-01% M8SO+?H!O, 0.125% KHrpO..?HrO and carbon to nitrcgcn mrio of<br />

5:l vith fr suppl€me.tarion of 1.2% com s1€ep liquor. He obtain.d rhe maximum

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