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20<br />

0.0122 to 0.02E p.r hour. The highest productivity w rcco.d.d d ! diludon 6re of<br />

0.022 pe. hour. 11 was obs€ryed lhal Yeast dcnsity, C/N conten( (4.46) and nilrcgen<br />

consurnplion rate reached their maximum. Wahing out of crllurc occuir€d at a<br />

dilulion mle of 0.028 pq hou- The moul of @sumed ca6otr rcqnired for<br />

produclion ot lg carbon biomN wd found to range fiom 2.21 lo 3.05. The amount<br />

of .oDsund CN bioorN werc 9.37 \nn 4.24 ^10.022 p.r ho!. dilulion rale. The<br />

prolein conront, carbon conlent md total asb of Cad,ida urilis CBS 62 I *ere 42. I ,<br />

93.4 ad 6.5 p.rc.nt, respectively.<br />

H6hmi (1987) prcdlctd biomsss protein aner femcnlation of nce straw<br />

eitlTticho.Lrtu hMiuw. Mrximm prctcin of 13.3 perc.nt was ob(qined when<br />

fementation wa! clded out und6 c:N latio of l5:l for 120 hou$ al pH 4.0 and<br />

l0'C le,np.ratur€ on 5% slbslrate.<br />

Hashmi er al (1989) culued Alachhiota sp. on slkali n.ded rice strdw lor<br />

lhe produclion of micrcbial biol)N. Th€ fcnnentatron medium .ontained subslrale<br />

Mler ratio 5% w/v od wbon lo nirogetr latio of25:1. Th. biomass prcduced in<br />

srill md submerg€d cullure showed almost lh€ sme di8€stibilily valu€ ftr dry<br />

Dauer, crudc fibre and crDde p.olein uDd€r optimum colditions. From I ks ofalkali<br />

keated rice stmw ?30g biomass w!! produced.<br />

Kiei .? al. (1989) studi€d production ofbiomds prct€ii fion detatted rie<br />

polisllings by f.nncntirg tr wirh Caftlida lrilir. They obtlin€d lhe muimum<br />

biolsss prctein of 27.E% udc. C:N ntio of 12.5:l for 72 hom at 35'C<br />

Bashir (1990) produced lhe biom8s proein ftom whcd bnn ihrcug} ib<br />

tenent ion with Cahdidd ,tilis. He obbin€d lhe mdimum biohass Prcl€in by<br />

fmotation under CrN otio 12.5:l in th. pr€sence ofCaCh 0.005%, MgSoi.THro<br />

0.0050/0, KHTPOT 0.001% al 35'C temp€Elue ud pH 6 using whet bm 6<br />


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