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l9<br />

dd yeasi exkact in con@nrntions of8-10 g/L and t-2 gr_ rcspecdvety with 20 g[<br />

ofD-dexhse led 10 similar biomN..lcs rhan.ulture mcdium wnh onty 5 gil_ of<br />


Shellan (1975) used com st@p liquor for rhc prcduclion of fungal prccin.<br />

tle obtained 48% cNde funSal protein by fermcnt'ng l0 g/L ofcom steep liquor<br />

havingC:N as 6ll vitll Tti.hoderna vii.le tor 48ta@.<br />

Osmm and Voino ( 1976) studicd rhe effect ofCN mtio on the prcducrion of<br />

ye6l procin. They ob$wed thal drc protein conlenls deoreased from 52.30lo lo<br />

42.0y0 by de.reasing C:N nlio white r,he biomas yietd incr€s€d. In orhcr<br />

experment rt wa5 obseflcd that aner keeping the suSar t€vel constanl and by<br />

dsresing the C:N rario f.om t? to 8 rhe prcreil| conient ofyessr ircrcas€d from<br />

2E.lto5l % and th€ biomass yield likcwise droppcd f.om l8 to t2 g/L.<br />

Prmment er dl (19?8-s) cordrcred $lid slale femenradon of alkali<br />

prerred.d haplc s.wdut jn rmy and ronbt. fem.nld usinA Chaeroniuh<br />

ce outicth as fenenrative ofganism. Th€y reporred rhat crude pror.in contenl of<br />

rhe solids roso f.om 0.9 to I tyo i! r.ay t mcnr.r and s% in rhc tumbte femencr.<br />

Tle pH of llle medim was set al 5.0, cebon ro nirroge, mtio ar l:10 and<br />

tempenturc al 37oC for 20 days.<br />

Abdullah e/ 4l (1985) srudied ih. .ffer of C:N nrio on rhe produclion of<br />

tuneal biomss proreir f.om wh€1 srrav wirh Chaebhiun cellulolrticud. .Ih.<br />

fdnenltlior ws cMied oot uder sotid sbd eidr mmonia fMa cxprcid<br />

followcd by srem telted whcat stoq (100 8 at 80?o ww mostu.e conrenr) and<br />

C:N ratio of l0:t at 30oC rcmpemrure in rhe prcscrce of KHrpO., ZnSO. ard<br />

Feclr. They obt|ired mdimum bionas, pmbeh yietd (27.2%) ane.3 days.<br />

Camal €r d/. (1985) pmpagaLd h. Candido utitis tn .ontintes cutrue usint<br />

bagasc hydoly?rle medium suppli.d ar diffe.crr diturion d6 .atrting from

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