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l3<br />

s,urces prcv€d bcrl. Com sle.p liquor wos the besl ofall, whcrc s licNtlrso. wos<br />

fdrnd as lhe poorcst rourc€ ofnil.ogen.<br />

El-Ma$y d, al. {1987) uscd DreLreaied rice straw for s(udyins choico ofhost<br />

suitable nitrosen source ro increase th. prcduction of fun$l biomds 6 w.ll as<br />

prcteinby Tri.hodem hani@@. They r€poned that u@ wls gMtly dsimilal.d<br />

than other nirrcgcn sources and addilion of us in conjuction *ifi ammonium<br />

sulfate in ! ralio of I I I gsve a tunsal yield of 8.7 g/L, with 30.4% crude prolein md<br />

2.6 g/L rotal prot.iD. Com steep liquor used !t a level of20% (.quivalenl to 400 mg<br />

N/L) gready improvcd the tungal yicld to ll.4 e/L and protei! cont€nt to 5l.l 0/0.<br />

TIE mino acid profile ofbioN showed the pr*nce ot lE amino acids- Tb.y<br />

obsered rhat thc composilion of T.hoBionun ary@cned |Jrat ofsoyb@ m@l md<br />

sug8sted thal it can be used a! a supplement to plant prolcin in mimal feed.<br />

Mahmood ul lldsan (1992) produced a biomai, having maximum of 280lo<br />

true prclein aller fennenlalion of 3% beet pulp wi$ ,4rp?r8ilr' ,e/'e6 undcr<br />

optimi&d condirions. Tle ionic concenlration of lhe medium wa! adjust d al<br />

0.0075% Caclr, 0.01% I{gSOi.7H,O, 0.125 % KHIPOr and supplemenlcd wid)<br />

1.2% corn sle.p ljquor.<br />

Athar er ai. (1995) reporl€d thc bi@onveBion of b..t pulp into microbial<br />

bion6 h.f.d ht.h cultuc sysr€m. Th.y succeded ir att.inirs 5.98 ms/ml of<br />

mic.obial biomsss prct.in aI inirirl 3t.p by f.mdtltion wi,h Candida ttilis wn rc<br />

d fol batch of 1.5 % ndaq and 0.75 % 6m ste.p liquor ai 36 hou6 of<br />

fcarcnlation causcd tunlE ris€ of micrcbial prolein to 7.78 m8/ml.<br />

cm€lilrs €l al. (1996) worked on . new liquof com sre€p mmDfactured by<br />

Roque(e Freres, which rcpB.ded a source of.nitroge4 tace elements and sev€ral<br />

vilmiN to cvalulte ir for industrial prcduclion oflactic bacl.ria. They found thst<br />

So/ltr l-3b 2218 advantaseoullr coorp4ed Iactobacilla planrd'!' for biomals<br />

production, at miDiDal y6t extacl addition. Cultur€ m€dium containing Sotutr

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