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t1<br />

Yogo er al. ( 1976) krmentql Cattlida Moy-657 wirh shakir g at 30 'c for 48<br />

hours on a medim (pH 6) onrairing NttaNor 4.0, KrHPo. 4.0, Mgsor 0.5,<br />

t:eSO. 0.02. Caclz 0.01, yelst exnact 1.0 ed com st.ep liquor 18. Miror amounts<br />

ofMnSOi, ZnSOi,lhiamin€ and biolin, wiih lh€ addition of l0g methanol/L were<br />

udded. Tle yield of ye6!r conrain€d 55.5 % crud€ pror.h rnd w4 31.3 % in rer6<br />

Svrki .t at. (1977) qfta.n Cardida l@alr,?a<br />

on a medim conuinilt r-<br />

alkanes 2.0, (NHrrHPO4 0.4, KCl0.l. MgSOa.?HrO 0.1 ed com steep liquor 0.1<br />

pcrcent plus lrace amount ofNacl, CaCl! FcSOa and y€lst extract, at ptl4.0and<br />

ls"C lemp€nlDie. Sp€cific growlh Erc wd noled s 0.3?6, yield baled on n-<br />

alkanes wd 103.8 pcrccnt dd @d6 prct.in @ntdr of 0|. c.ll w3 59.1%.<br />

El-Ashwah ./ a/. (l97El) rcported thal ir fermentation medium having<br />

nolssses, sweet polaloes and com sGep liq or the produclion of biomas wss 24.2 1<br />

e/L containiry 34.3E percst protein. They .le oh6.rv€d d oprimum rsle of<br />

slalin8 ror 6 isobt.s of fiDsi Impcrf.cri. A nte of 250 rpm w4 found suirabl. for<br />

all culturcs ex@pt Clddospo.,i@ claosopqioides (150 ry'i).<br />

rrantisek er r/. (1982) precultured Corywb@teliuh slutamicun in a<br />

mcdium conbining ACONa , slcrs€, com st€ep liquor and watcr. thcn flrlh€r<br />

cullured fo. 96 h !1 29-30'C i! medium @ linin8 addni@l pcanll nql<br />

hydrclzte and mineBl salls with feeding fron 5th 10 24th hour ad a mixturc of<br />

ACOtl, ACONHa, lactic ac;d md sucrose and an cqual volume of air. l he yield or<br />

33-40 g L-lysine[ medium was oblain€d.<br />

GaB and N.clalelln (19E2) fem.nted I pcrc.nl alkli trealed bagas<br />

alon8 with €ttle uring urea, com st.cp liquo., (Nt!)rSO., NH.NOr, ltNH.SOt,<br />

Ntlacl a NaNOr (fumishing 250-600 g NlL, wi|Jl. Asperyi s tefteus.'rhey<br />

r*o!e.ed 32,8 pscent crude prc&in 6rd stlt€d that all sddili!6 lsed 6! nitogo

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