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l6<br />

for xanlhan produclion md fast cell growth. In contr6( fed-balch fementalion with<br />

idrnniLrcnt oddilions of glucose to rh. fcrbentltion medium durine th. srationary<br />

pha3e wss not tavoumble for mlhan prcducrio. b@!se of reladvely low O/YE<br />

rcsultinS in low xutho production rat.andyi.ld.<br />


Com step liquor is . by prcduct of @m itrdurry snd is produccd<br />

durint the com wshing. ll is t rich eurce of orgdic nitrogcn, vitMins md<br />

minedls. lt is d$ rich in sotuble su8$s snd th@f@ @ be sed bo|h as .n.r$/<br />

$ppl.,nerl s well $ source of nilrogen Equicd fo. li. microbial gtoslh. ft ha<br />

been us€d ei$er 3 exclusive growlh m€dium o. 6 a supplement in lh. grost'<br />

mdiuD for enhancedent of microbi.l g.ov"4h. Lit€dture hd becn rcvicwcd on<br />

corn sl€cp liquor s supplement in the 8ro*1h m.diu md k sho{n as follows.<br />

Foda .r al. (1973) u5ed com st..p liquo. conlainins procitr 5.2, tolal solids<br />

I L4 lnd cdbohydotes 0.2% fot sowr|i of Candida utilis. Tney obldted oqimum<br />

microbill yiclds of prcteio ild dry matler a 38 to 55% ed 15 lo 29 8/L,<br />

rcspectivcly ancr p@ipilation of liquor bctw@n PH mg€ of 6.0 lo ?.0- The<br />

femenl.lion ws cMied orl at 30'C for 72 hou6. Shellan (19?5) ptoduced tunsal<br />

bio'na$ by fennedting l0 g/L corn sc.p liquor havins C;N ss 6rl with<br />

n i.hod.nM viri.le td 48 hot6.<br />

Smirh d, a/. (1975) delermined lh€ anino ecid composition and prolein<br />

nutilivc values in rais and p'gs f€ed'nS trials. Six diffd€nt funSal my@lia gro$n<br />

on diff.renl subslEtq wee l6led. Th€ protein qulity of fungal biomas of<br />

Rhizops dthbu M 261 sFtin 8rctn on @m slep liqror rcv€lcd NPU, Prclein<br />

ditestibility, biologi@l value and chemical s@re 3s aa,69,64 and 60 rcspecliv.ly.<br />

lle bio'noss ws repoftd lo b. deficient in sulphcr @ntaioing amino,c'd!. Trte<br />

RNA conrenr oflhe biomN wd 1.2 %.

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