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l5<br />

nunber of yeast c.ll in 10-14 h dd found nccessary to ae frcsh su8e @e juic.<br />

qhoce rH $s 4.5-5.2. ar incubdrion remptrsture or 12 t. Tle oprimum<br />

concentntion of rcducing sugar at initial nage wc 70 8/L.<br />

Elsabacny and Hlus (1996) femmted d.i.d vhey *ith ltutobtuiUa<br />

delbub uec*ii sub sp.cies dg@r'tu 369 and cpo.(ed the hi8h6t producrion of<br />

lactic acid l.7l 8,{-{r by using medium enriched wi$ whey (8% q/v} at pH 5.5.<br />

Spccific activily oflactic acid dehyd.oSenrse was 1.03 U/mg prolein and single cell<br />

prclein produced was 32.8%.In balch culture, the addirioD of20 tL elucose plus<br />

0.759 nilrcSen/L a (NHaLSO. reruX€d in highst prcducliviry. By contrar when<br />

xylose ed cellubios. rw 6.d d a eure of fm.ntlbl. clrbohydrar€s all<br />

vad.bl6 serc reD.escd.<br />

Han.t 41. (1997) isolared a'nicrcorg.nism from th€ provincial soil of Soulh<br />

Korea. Tlt orgarism was idotilt d ts Candida sp. Dt t6. 't h€ oigrnism had ability<br />

lo grcw in minimal poultry fa€B extEct. Supplddtation ofglucose to poulry<br />

fa€c€s exhcl medium helped in compl.t upirte of soluble protein by lle<br />

micrcorgatrism. Uric acid in lhe poultry famq cxctEct mcdiun could b.<br />

con,plerely dcsodcd du.iDg ,nicrobial Srowth, but this deSadation wa faler in<br />

taecs exkact thar in lhe gllcde oomplement medium, They obtlined maximun<br />

cellsro*lh (l.8xl0'CUF/ml) at 36h of incubation. Addilion of4% neopetlore ro<br />

th€ oinimal poltllry faecs edEct medium promoted Inaxilnal growth ofcells.<br />

Lo sr o/. ( I 997) studied the cffecl of th. gl$coser'yeast cxtEcr 6tio (c/YE) in<br />

$e medium on c€ll srowth and xmthan production in various op€.aling models<br />

includios barch, two stages batch atrd fed barch fermentarions. They {o!nd thar<br />

incred€d C/YE in the m€dium r.sultld in incrcdcd x.ntlan Drduction bur<br />

d@l%ed c.ll yicld Md speific growth ra1c, lt ws @nclud.d that two slag6 balch<br />

fmatation wirh C/YE shin frcm (2.5% 8lu@ser'o.3% y.!st .)dtnct ro (5.9%<br />

glucose/0.3% y6si €itdc9 at th. €nd of.xponential gowth ph&c€ ws prcf.nblc

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