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@nlcnl. Fudher impmlenent of biomass and single c.ll prolein prodlction vas<br />

achi€ved on 0-3% KHTPO. and L50,6 M8SO..THrO addilio to lhe mdass<br />

NL'diuD. Thc coDparative @lysis of ycst c.lls grown on synthetic "Phaf'<br />

medium wilh thal ofoplimal molass€s m.dium rev€led an increa5€ of4l5% SCP.<br />

52?0/0 peplides, l0l8% arnino acids, 2010/0 ammonia, 394% lotal soluble nitrosen.<br />

394% lolaltrilrogen and 522% in dry weight eain for laler.It was ako obseNed that<br />

lhc cholestrol cont€nt decr€ased by 40% on moldsesmediu'r.<br />

Bajwa er dr (1991) oblained a biomass co.taining 15.17% protein whet<br />

0.5vo alkali lreared dce slraw was fenn€nt€d wi$ Auchniot8 spe.ies. They<br />

ferndled the sDbslrate in the prcscnc. of Caclr 0.0l%, no|ldg 1.0% wilh C:N<br />

mrio of 25: I at pH 4.0 od 30 oC temp.mturc after 6 days of incubalion.<br />

Abo-Ahmad (1993) hydrolyscd com sFaw with 0.5 N H,So. dd srew<br />

Sacchotohlres ceflisioe on ils diff€rent mncenk tions. The high€st concenlralion<br />

of clm sFdw hydrolyz.tc (CSH) !t which thc maxirnum cellular prorein (SCP) was<br />

obhined wa! that mnlaining 15% sugors. H€ added dilTercnr conenlralions ol cane<br />

molasses (CM) to lhis n€diun ed obtaincd $e muimum biomai, containing the<br />

highest cdcenlnlion of SCP wi$ a m€dilm conrainingCM ar a ocotmtion of2<br />

e,I'<br />

Alhd er al. (1995) used bcer pulp for bieonvcrsion inlo nicrobial biomN<br />

iD fed batch cultu€ syscm. Tley suce€ded in improving the qumlity of mioobial<br />

bionds produced at first st€p i.e. 5.9 mgml to 7.78 mg/ml by supplemetrling the<br />

femmtation medium with 1.5% molass€s and 0.75% coln ste€p liquor at 36 hou$<br />

of fementation. I het r€ported that the ,.J4rvrm inoculalion with 40lo glucose added<br />

in Cltlir medium enhanced prolein f.on ?.92 mg/ml to 10.74 mg/ml and lysine<br />

contents from L29 to 3.08 p€rcent.<br />

nerc6 er al. (1995) producri biomass having hieher prctein conlenrs frcm<br />

sugu cane juie with a liltle proportion ol molasss. They obhined a grcatcr

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