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tcchnique allowed r 54% incrcase of L-lysine prcduclion @mpaEd lo batch culturc<br />

i.e.2l vs 50 s/L L-lysine HCl.<br />

Gomez (1989) culturcd Cddidd ,7 i NRRLY 660 on substrate containing<br />

cane f&lory mixed juicc ed molNs, diluted juic. ed eith€! mdNs, ckined<br />

jrice or vina$e.In each casc th€ constiluenb rere used in s@h proproiions fial fte<br />

mlios of tolll tducing s!8& wcrc 0:100, 70:10, 80:20. 90:10 ed l0O:0. lt wc<br />

concluded that mol6s wa ! good slpplmcnt to 3ubsrat6 bacd on filmre o.<br />

vin.sse, bur rh. prot.in yi.ld and produciivity d.crcdcd with molsses of abnomal<br />

@trposition or with t@ low proponion ofmolases,<br />

Hir.o.t dl. (1989) clltuftd CtlsrznriM rtrnin in nediuo bdcd on cde<br />

n]olasss, inilially conraininS 3% susar (a, slucos€), f€d wnh a nedinm containing<br />

12,20 or 28% suga$.'i]]ley obsedcd fEl L-\isine output was slD6l constsnl<br />

durins 50 hours. Tle maximum L-lysine concenlration @ched was 105 g[ and it<br />

d€cr€ded with increasing dilution rete in the rarg€ 0.03-0.07/h. Productiviry<br />

ircMsed wi(h .gitatio! ntc in the rdg. 450-?00 rpm, it inc@l.d who oxygd<br />

cnriched.ir was us€d. Thc nnximw yield wG 5.6 g/tfh,2.5 limes rhar in fed<br />

Pf&jy ud Ulb.n (19E9) isol.t.d C.sl anitu 9166-AEq tdosedrc<br />

dependcnl, aillant to S-(2-minoethyl)-L-Cysteinc ed sensilive to fluoropyruvde<br />

and culturcd on a medium corbining 2540 % molases dd 18-24 % Sround nut<br />

meal hydrclyzt.. It produced 40.4-49.58 lysine{- rhtr was hiSher rhe orh.r srnins<br />

tested. Yield was mdimum wirh 250lo molasse, 24% hydrotyzrr€, l% com steep<br />

liquor and | .6 o/o CNItr)rSO..<br />

Abdel-Hameed (1991) usen sugar cue mol.sses as a cr6on sourcc for<br />

growth and single ceu protein (SCP) produclio. by Sadcrarohyce, cenisiae lal<br />

cdrlsbereehsit. He obtair.d suffici@t single ell prcrein yi.td ar t0lo sugd<br />

cotrccnldtion, while 50,6 wos c@plcd wilh gmd grcwrh dd minimat chotqtol

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