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t2<br />

Diaz Ricci .r al (l9E?) fepo ed lhat whcn c!/i/ir was continNusly<br />

cultured in sugar qne snllhSe wirhoul any supplmotllion, the y*r ulilized the<br />

stillnge rilrog€n only panially. s a result the ccll biomass producdon was low and<br />

fic rcsidual COD, as woll N the totul Ditrcgen @nte of the efluenl werc high.<br />

The addition of24gll mmo M phosphare and smlt amounb offe, . Cu,' and<br />

Znr' Ddkedly enldced both the ovenll nirrcgen uprake and cetl biomass<br />

production, decreaed the COD dd higber cdtical diturion r.te w6 auained_ No<br />

subsldlial differ€ne werc found wh.n pH was kept ar 5.0 or allowcd ro vary<br />

freely. The optimu,n lemporature range was found between 30 and 150C.<br />

Atsushi and Isamu (196E) dedved mur.nts from d./?dl@ No.l5-8 si$<br />

cirmle synlhase activiry and feed back resists1. Ih€se mutants prcduced above 40<br />

g/L oflysine d ilJ Ilcl salr in rhe medium containing t0% 8luc6e. Strain No.6647<br />

with normal activiry and completety feed back resistanr, produc€d 45 g/L of lysine.<br />

Chavez €/ al (t988-I) produced microbial biomass usins celtulotyric fungus<br />

with glucose o! molas$s subsrrare 6 min csrbon sourcq. The chemical<br />

composhion and Dulrilile values of rhe bionass were compmd Nilb othe.<br />

microbial protein i... Totuto !41, brcw6 ycr5t and dricd mushrooms. Tlr<br />

.erlulolyric fungi C.ce ulollti.@ MAp products coniained about 45% crude<br />

prolein on dry mattcr bsis. lheir ajnino acid p.otile, aner hydrolysis was conpar€d<br />

well with rhar of dried skim mitk. Torat amino acids accounted for onty 75_6 and<br />

62.5% ofthe crude prcrin ofMBP ofglucose and molNes substrate, rospectively.<br />

ljad.i-SNi ?, al. (1988) srDdied rhe influence of initiat concemrarions of<br />

grucose from 60 to 223 8/L on the prcducrion of L-lysine by Corytub@teim sp. tl<br />

wa studicd fisl in batch culturc. The maximm convcBion rare into L_tysine was<br />

oblaired .t 165 g/L.nd thc best specific prcduclior de for LJ)sin. was obsen.d<br />

at 65 g/L ofglucose. In fed balch feflrenralion bcfler and specific produclio, dies<br />

rve.e obtained. Maintiining of a high gtu@sc cotr@l.arion h the f€d batch

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