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20h ofculturins md 44.3 % rne.4Eh for strain 2673M. Th. crud. prcrein @nicnls<br />

w.e 51.9% md 4E.7% fo.3taiN 2672 ud 25?3, cpectiv.ly- rvh.n glucos. w4<br />

addcd dlotrg *itb .ceLate drd melhanol in th. mcdium for lwo straif,s, litll.<br />

difltrcnc. in composition oflheirbiodss wd obsedcd.<br />

Dowson and Sleinh q (1980) sludied lh€ cell cyclc of Cdndida uilis i,<br />

rlmc nlcdia of .elntcd conrposition. Medidn(a) was thosPhorus liniled ond<br />

connined 30g tlucose, 2.58 NlIi)rSO. md 0.18 KHrPOy'L Medium(b) wa<br />

nirrosen limited and conlain€d 308 slucose, L08 o\lHrrsor and 2 58 KHfoa p€.<br />

liIer. Mcdium(c) w6 carbon limited md contained 108 slucos€, 2.5g (Ntta)lso{<br />

and 2.5g KTHPO4 per lite.- Each medium al.o @ntained 0-58 M8SO.THrO, 0.059<br />

Coclrsd l0 nrl winzlcr miqo nullienr s.lt solution ln @bon limitcd mcdium ell<br />

division occured a1 4.5 to 5 houB. while in N and P limiled mcdia it occwed<br />

betweon 5.5 to 6 hou6. ln carbd limited Dedilm bud cvcle fom.tion sbrred s@n<br />

aRer the stan ol cell cycl€, wh@ s in N md P limit d mcdia bud did not fom<br />

utrlilafter 1.5 to2 hour.<br />

El-Ashwah e, al. (1980) Drcduced nDsal biomas bv cultivarinS different<br />

fungal $lairls on subsltatc comprising molass.s, swcet Pot toes od com stcep<br />

liquor. The resullrnt biomess (24.2Isll) €odai'ed 34 38 percent Prctein' l-7.8 tL<br />

to(al crud€ prolciq 14.33 g/L crude fat, 50'lo N.F.E and 400 mg/ 1008 NPN.<br />

Chen e? al. (1987) emined the efTecls of cullurc mcdium on lvsine<br />

fomation duinS fermcntation with Br.tibocteriuh fuw strain FM 84415 The<br />

effccrs of salls, urea, bran, pH, sugar and com powder werc studied. High€sl lvsine<br />

prcduction (64.39 lysirc HCyL) was obsewed with a medium containing l2-ll%<br />

slucose, l0% molasrar, l"/o clm powdcr, 0.5% hair hvdtolver€' 4016 (NHr)$O.<br />

0.02010 KrHPo1.3HrO, 0-02% (HrPOr,0 06% MgSOa TH1O and 4% cacor at pH<br />

7.2 in a fmentation pcriod of ?2-E0 houB.

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