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Asperyila Iufligarts.l\e @culture system slowed imprcved hydrolylic and tcla<br />

Bluc6id6e rclivitis a comlaed io rh. occasion when th€y weE us€d scpararely.<br />

Various pflreal])ol melhods were ued 10 Dake celtutose acccssible to enzymatic<br />

a ack. llest reulrs were obr|inej rhmugh prerslrnenl *ith 2% (Wv) catcium<br />


SupplemenIation of 8ro*lh mcdiurn wi$ sugds for de supply ot<br />

enc!5/ b@ones e$ential when ir is depteted ar a ce.lain poinr of rime durinS<br />

fementatjon. Diflerc sources ofsugars hav. b.cn tried as enerSy suppt€m€nr for<br />

lltis puQose. Each rype of sugar has its own benelir and uailiry. Some are more<br />

soluble hence provide readily availabte enerSy. whilc oncrs conrarn some growlh<br />

racrols alonS wirh rhe avaitabl. en€.$,. Il€ benefit achieved by providing different<br />

types of sugars fo. $e .nhancemcnr of microbial 8roqah has been reviewcd as<br />

Yarez er at. \t972) dctcfi ned the chemitlt composlron and biotoSicat<br />

quolity of rhe p.otcin biomass of Can tida tnitis. Motasses tiom sugar-b€€l<br />

pMesing w6 used.s a substBte. /\mino acid of|wo sampte of Cnl,s showed a<br />

high correnl of tysin. (6.9 ud 6_5 g/t68 N) and rnrconr. (a.5 tud 5.lg /l6gN).<br />

Howeve. Ihe biomas contrined tow conrerrs of S,conraining amino acid<br />

(ne0'ioninc i.e., l.4 rl6s N).<br />

Dovhych (19?5) us€d small doses (0.01 ro 0.05yo) of suse beet sri asc.<br />

mnize exrncf and yea$ sludge to increa* ttr Uiomus ot the yeut Cahdida<br />

topicalii K-41 g.own on oit paia{in. He .€poded rhar $e addirive of molass€s,<br />

maie extmct .nd yeasr sludSe rcsutled in 8 to I I % increse m biomass.<br />

Fod^ et al. (t9'16) used fie stop (vinsse) liquo., a maJor byproducr of<br />

ahohol ffln€nlation industries as growth mediutn for plod n rton ot Cwdida ttilh.

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