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d€hydotion of p.ntoses and h466 which suppr€s!.d lhe oicrcbial &livity.<br />

Dificrent levels ofpH varying from 4.5 lo 7.0 wqe d$ studied in different 6€dia<br />

for fte growth ot lrt roL.a4 'eerei 10 overcome thc cff@t of toxic compounds<br />

Thc inhibilotr .ff@is of toxic compounds wcrc ov.rcotn€ by increlsing the pH of<br />

rhe fcmenrarion mediun lo 5.0. The inocula of oth€r fuisi, C. c.lltlalrti.uh a d<br />

Pr4,r-.a/, could .lso bc prcdued on tlis ftution. Thc surplls hcmicclhlGcs<br />

would be convcd.d to SCP by th* fungi. All of tbcs. funSi wer. c.Fblc of 'rsint<br />

the sugd found in the hemicellulose fraclion at pH 6.0. lt {as repoded thal the<br />

SCl, produced by thee fungi conlained 4047% crud. protoin on dry weigh basis,<br />

qlricl can be used u an animalfeed.<br />

Ch^h^l .t al. (19E7) found tllat toxic cobpounds lil€ furlitral,<br />

bydroxymelhyl furfml dd lheir prc.!$m and phcnolic compounds rvcrc<br />

produced du.ing acid lrdtment of lignoccllulcs. Toxic compoun& identified<br />

vere furfuml, sydngaldeyd. and syringic acid CnCr acids mong the fany acids<br />

found in hydm!.zate ll wB noticed lhst th. inhibilory eff@l of such compound<br />

lras olercome by Srowing thc fuSi in mcdim naintain€d at pH betwen 6 and 7.<br />

Hdlhni (1987) report.d rh.r 5olo HrSO. tF.tnenr of the rice polishinS,<br />

rcsulled h inc@led myelill prctein yicld rs conp.rcd to unlr.rt d substraG ancr<br />

fenenr^ti,on with TtichodeMo h@zionun tot 3 daw inder oplimum conditiotrs of<br />

pH. tcmpemlure and ionic conmtration.<br />

v.zgla et ol. (lv)l-ll) tezted Pinus pindt . bark s!d6 in a rwo st.p<br />

process. In 1i6t st.p it was lrcated with NIOH acelic 6cid and HrO, to incr.asc lh€<br />

polysacchdidc conlenl of thc solid sidu€ In se.ond slep etzymic hydrolysis was<br />

achieved ro yi.ld susN \rhich w@ us€d as ferme talion medium for singlc ccll<br />

protein production.<br />

Gupt md Dath (1997) studied lhe ploduction of cellulosic enzr'r.s on<br />

basals. under solid srate flmdration by @olrt . of .ltpetsilla e ipticw tnd

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