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6E<br />

7. Estim.tion ofCalcium and Phosphorus<br />

These estimations were nad€ followinS the Anonymous (1954)<br />

herhods. 0.58 of smples wde wct disest.d in l00ml- conic.l oasks. To esch flask<br />

w.s add.d l0 mL conc.nrracd Nnri. Acid. SmDte w.rc het€d n tow<br />

lc,rp.ralnrc @1il solid !{licls had nedly di!!pp.{.d. Then 5hL of p.rchloric<br />

Acid (72%) ws add.n in esch fl.sk. It {6 fiNt hsred g.nrty rhd aigorouly mril<br />

2-l ml clear solution was obtljned. Th. di8.sred samptes sere transfen€d ro<br />

l00ml volM.lric fllsk! and volumes werc madc uplo mark using disrilled war..<br />

7.1 &timrtion of Cslcium<br />

Five nillilirer digesred sotution was taken in china dish. To it 20mL<br />

of dktilled water was addci alone wi0r l0 drops of 4N NaOH and 50 m8<br />

moniun puryu.alc (0.5g ammoniuo puQrnrc plB l00g K6O.). h ws rirated<br />

lsainst0.0lN Erhyl€n.-Diamine-Tera Ac.rare (EDTA) solulion 10 prptecolorend<br />

poinl. P.l@ll8e of calciM (Ca") in rhc sapl. wd @lcut0red frcm the volume<br />

of 0.0 IN EDTA ued asainsl 5 t L of solulion. From the volum.s ot th€ soturions<br />

used, nodaliry of th. sample soltrion wirh rcspecr to Ca| wa catculat..t ed<br />

therefrom % age ofca-' in th. sdpl€ was calculated.<br />

7.2 Estim6lion of Phosphorus<br />

For phosphods estimation fi61 of all srock solulion ws pr.parcd<br />

sing 0-3519 dried Mono Pot.ssium Phosphab. Ir ws dissolved in 200mL of<br />

dislilled wacr atrd resfmed quanribnvcly to a l000ml volumelric fl6k. l0 mL<br />

of loN HrSO. was added Dd volumc wa! madc upto rhc mdk wirh dhrilled water<br />

and mix€d. The solution contaircd 0.4m9 phosphoru per 5mL. A stand{d cuwe<br />

va prcped uiing diffffit dilurions (0.25 tol.sml)- To cach dilurion lml<br />

AmbDium Molyb&te, 0,5u!L Amino N.lhthol Sdphonic Acid soturios werc

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