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norc ulilizlion of cellulose which uhitrsG9 improved the @ll gtlwth and SCl,<br />

production. In thlir study they wd cellulase producing b6.tetia C.ltulohotu' 6s<br />

Han md Callihm (1974) cofrpared ih. erech of chemiqt, physic.t and<br />

enz.ymic l.ealmenls on rice stBw ard suSd c6ne bagdse to inprcve th€ mioobi.l<br />

dig$Libiliry of ellulosc- lhcy rcportcd rllu| trornc ei|l| 4% Naolt tb. t5<br />

oinutes at 100 'C incrersed $c diS6ribiliry of crllulose ftclrn 29.4 ro 1l%.<br />

Treahent wilh 5.2% NHr @uld incnase dig€stibility ro 5?.0% md rr.rhcnts wilh<br />

sulfuric acid ed crude cellulse prcpsElions solubalizd c€llulose but did no1<br />

in(.N. th. digestibilily. crinding or hi8h prcsure cooking of the subslErc had<br />

little eff€c1 on incrcdinS the dig€stibilily of cellulosic subtrares by the<br />

C'yabyab et al. (1971t gt.s Cadida trcpicari on acid hydrolyzcd .ie<br />

slraw dd '@vqed 46.E lsent y€.et biom.ss contlirirg 5l% pror.h lt wls<br />

rcport d rhat rhe eltrciocy of conv.Bid of 3ugr i o y4t bims! wB mximud<br />

d pH 5,5,lcmp.Flurc 29oC &d sugar con@nt ion L6%. Th€ ye{sl bioms had<br />

aDibo acid composirion compmble eilh thc FAO refe.en@ prct€in.<br />

Moo-Young d, al. (1977) conrpared $e cellule activity Md single cell<br />

pror€in production belween t*o cellulolyric funSi Cr,ebui@ cellulollti.un and<br />

Trichodemd tiri.le. mes. organisms were gfown on 1wo substratcs Solka,floc (a<br />

purilicd, predominanlly amorphorcN fom of cellnlose) and padially deli$ifi€d<br />

sawdlst (consistitrg of a mixrw of hardeoo&) wirh alkali, pe.sccric .cid ud<br />

HrOr. Thcy obsded lhat T.vtide p..drc.d morc ellul8e md d.sradcd morc<br />

slbstrate b the SCP produclion wrs higlEr in crsc of CC.n/./oUriM.<br />

Quierzy rr zr (1979) rraicd rhc ground pear wirt acid dd dlncls qere<br />

os.d ,s fm€nration n€dia fo. lhe production of SCP 6ins Candida ttilir. A.id<br />

Iydrclysis of grcund pa1 (40-60 m.sh) wu achicv.d in d allochve op.Er.d

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