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165<br />

4. Estimation ofTrue Protein (T.P)<br />

'l-he ruc protein $G €srimlred brough (Munrc and flcck, t966)<br />

mclhod. One gm of dri€d and finely groDrd sampte war treared with jomt of 5%<br />

T.ichloroac€tic acid (TCA), mixed welt and lhen hqted h eare. ba$ at 90.C for<br />

20 minutq. Smple was shaken occasionally during healing. Alter heal tr€ar,renr<br />

the mixtre was filrercd rhnu8h filr* paper and Siven 3_4 wdhio8s with disriled<br />

water. The reidue along -ith filter papq ws dig$red in coicenlr.ied H:SO4 along<br />

wilh digestiod mixrur€ ofKrSO., CUSO..5H1O al|d FeSOa in rhc rario of 100 : l0 :<br />

5 (Hiller sr 4/. 1948). A bldk ws atso run. AS.r dig.stion n was dilurcd nDlo<br />

250m1 volumc $ith dislilled water. Ten mj of diSesred ssmple plus l0mt of40%<br />

NaOH @ raken in rcceivs o I micr oKj€ldalt.s disnltarion appdatus. The mixrurc<br />

was ($'ned and the disrillat. wa, collected in a b&k€r (100 ml) having lomt 2%<br />

boric acid solution along wilb methyt red s indicalor. The conl€nrs of6. flask<br />

were tirated against slsnded N/10 HrSOr tilt lighr pink color end Doinr. The rrue<br />

proten {"s etimated using lbc fomrla,<br />

vol. ofN/10<br />

T.P % = x 0.0014 x<br />

vol. ofdisesred sample<br />

tlken for dhtillddon X sample<br />

The rqulranr fiace ws Bultipli.d wilh 6.2j fo. conv.rrirS rhe<br />

nilrogen inio protein. The sme above procedur. was ako fo ow€d for th. bl@k<br />

dd iis @ding wa subhcled frcm rh. smplc @ding for rhe qtim.rion of % rrue<br />

5. Amino Acid Analysis<br />

The amino acid contenis of the bionass was d€r€rmined by lhe<br />

merhod of Moo.e and Srein (1954) usi,8 auroneric amino acid analyzer. .nte<br />

sample containing l.5t0.l mg of protein w$ w.igh€d inlo l6xl50 mm pyrex resl<br />

tube md 0.5m1of Mg.nt gBdc con@nkared HCt *rs added follow.d by 0.5mt of

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