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160<br />

Analytical Methods<br />

l. Proximate Antlysis<br />

AO C (1990) nethods.<br />

1.1 Moisture<br />

Th. prorimate nnalysis of subsrrate ud biomsss wa! done fo owins<br />

For noisture esrimalion sampts w.€ w.iShed .rd rhcn dricd<br />

oveD al ?0"C dll consbnl wcishr. Weisht of dried samptes ws rccoded and<br />

the direrencc in initial dd final weighl lhe moisrurc conrcnrs we.c esrrmared<br />

following fomula<br />

Moisturc'/o =<br />

1.2 Ether Extract (E.E)<br />

Inidal Wei !:Einal wei<br />

Inilial WeiShl<br />

!x 100<br />

A known weiShi of $e s.nple es d(en in fiimbl. ard then<br />

cxhcled wirh dierhyl elher in Soxnlefs appaBtus. Aft€r 5_6 exrmc ons the clh€r<br />

ext"ct wd tat.n in p€rri dishes rhen pul in oven for drying fi conjtant wei8ht ar<br />

?0"C t€mperanrr.. The p€rccnr .tft.r exrract ws calcutared by using following<br />

1.3 Crude Fibr€ (C.F)<br />

Eth.r Exkact o/o<br />

A klo*n quartiry ofdried and far tile sarnpl. wss rakell snd refluxed<br />

li6l *ith L25 per@n( sutfuric acid fo. half sn hour, &ercalt€r it was fijrecd md<br />

$orouslly warhed wili disritt€d wale. and rhcn rcnuxed again now wnh 1.25<br />

percot sodium hydroxid€ for hatfan hour. .nE suspcnsio, was fitrercd and Siven<br />

lhorcu8h washing wirb dki €d water. The r$idue was dncd in oven ar 70.C<br />

lenpedtu.e rill coNtant weight Tte weighr of dried r€sidue was rcco.ded and rhcn<br />

using<br />

Weilht of Etb Extracl X 100

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