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livestock/poulq l€eds. Di €rcnt kiDds 01 lungi, yeast dd bacl.ria have been<br />

grown or a vdi€ty of fibrcus wastc matedah (Bajwa er a1. J99l ; tlathni €t a/.<br />

1989: Kiani e, a/' 1989: AkBm, 1992 i Ar|l'at et al. 1995 r SaiDa, 1996) ro<br />

i'rcrc.sc rhc prolein quantity along *ith impbving the qualily d sell a lh.<br />

digslibility.<br />

The incrc66 i! lsricultuG produclivity in the @unilt duritr8 rcc.nt<br />

yeaB ha ault d i! a l&ge mounr ofagricultural p.oducts md byprcducts. Ri@ h<br />

one of th€ major cqel crop.r of Palistan and its production is incrcasing cvery<br />

year. Acco.dirg lo a Repo.t ofNational Commission on Agriculrure (Anonymouq<br />

1 988) 325 5(000) M.T oi rice was prcduc€d d rins the year 198?-88 and $€ target!<br />

set ior lhe y€af 19992000 are 5320(000) M.T. About 106.4(000) M.l of ricc<br />

polishinss (2% orrice) will th€reforc be available du.ins the yd 1999-2000. Rice<br />

polish'ngs conlain 12-14% oil ed l2-139lo poor qlaliry prorein. High {ibre conteirs<br />

( | 2- l3%) limits ils ue in broiler ntions. By impoving i1s digestibilny ald lurritivc<br />

vallle it c€n be ued upto l5% in all tinds of lslions.<br />

In th. pst cfforts wer. nadc ro imprcve the nutiirive value of dcc<br />

polishinss firough fementation witl sinSle orgeism Atrch"iotw sp.cies ot<br />

Canlida stilis in tle presence of y€ast sludSe, a wasre producr of distitlary.<br />

Atdchriotus species wer€ initially used as an artagonklic fungi agaiDsr planr<br />

palhosens (Akltar, 1982). Its potenrial for synlhesis of sin8le cell pforein (SCp)<br />

vas, however, rccognied larer (Ha!hni, 1987; Bajwa er ol. l99l ; Sarrraz, 1990).<br />

This organisn w6 rcported to havc sumcicnt clllulolyric ability ed has pot€nlial<br />

lo enrich pmlein of Ihe fementliion medium by ulilizing the soluble su8a6.<br />

Kecping in view lhc cunent situarion of fed industry and fie dcmand<br />

tor ch@! qMlity p.otein $uces, a proj€cr ws @nducr€d ro imprcve rhe nukirivc<br />

value oflhe .ice polishings, d aboundantly available @nodiry in rhc counlry. This<br />

was pr@Ned otrough femcnrarion fitst wirh ,4fa.,riord rpeci4 followed by

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