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Dudng th. p'!gt strdy rh€ following achievcmcnts werc nad..<br />

L The ricc polhhings was enriched with rcspet of irs protein contenrs. Tte fioalty<br />

prcparcd bioeas had 37% proleiD as compse ro rhe subst ale which had t2%<br />

2. Tlc lysine conient of .i@ polishings also inFoved frcm 0.59dlo (subsrrarc) to<br />

L38 % biomass 0uough two steps fermcntation.<br />

3. The aim !o uie by-products ofother industries i.e., com steep liquor and yeasl<br />

sludS€ duing lhe proccss of femmration was also lchiev€d.<br />

4. Tle prolein biomass proved good protcin supplene although some whar poor<br />

as compared to fish,r€al.<br />


l. h is rccotunended th8t l)sine conrenB of biomAs should funher bc incrded<br />

by us. of mutdlstmitrof Af etibaderimJl@u.<br />

2. Il is also recomnended liat the methionine deficiency in fedenred biomas,<br />

should ale be imprcved trouSh furthn lmcntation with mebionine<br />

3. l1 is suS8esl€d thar lh€ polenrial ofteast sludge a! an additive 1o lhe medium for<br />

the produclion of biom.ss protein and iE other us may be cxploited.<br />

4. The €{.nomic fssibility for @ycling ofa8ric$lbrc waste thrcush largc scale<br />

prcducliotr of bionass and its us€ in lhe broiler chioks (p€rformance rdal)<br />

should be allempled.

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