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Chapter - I<br />


Tle grcwing f..d industry of Patdsre ha always fac.d lhe challense<br />

oi shodage ofqrality ingredients bolh of vegerabl€ ad eimatorigin. (Anonymous,<br />

l9E8). The .xpesion rnd incEase in production @paciry of this indur.y ha!<br />

lurther brcadened th. gap beiw€en thc dcmand and supply and rhe prices of lh.se<br />

coonodilics s€lated. Althougi rhc cxpdding agriculture induiry hs atw.ys<br />

srppon.d the needs of feed indusrry but lhe equalion neve. bec.ne b.lanc.d. Th.<br />

requirements for en€r8y of rh€ slions are met onb way or the othq by a vdiery of<br />

cer€l Shins but lhe requircnenrs of rh. qualiry pror.ins arc n.vq mel wilh b€c|use<br />

of the non availabiliry of siandtrd prorein sou.ces and also of then limited suppty.<br />

This situation nccesitated att atong lhe se@h for novcl prcrein sources. The<br />

dcv.lopmenl ofsienritic methods to .nhance th. nutririvc value of exkring non<br />

coDverlional leed rsou.ces eirhq by nechoicat, chemical, physi@hemical o.<br />

bioreclnolosical mehods hat dwaF ben fie priorjty.<br />

lementalion rechnology tad been practiccd long sgo for the<br />

production of food ftom a vari.ry of matc.ials_ This is $€ p.@!, thrclgh wt,ich<br />

the carbohydare rich products, b}!@ducts .nd wasre producG ee f.menred with<br />

differenl kif,ds of microorgaxis'ns like bacrqia, y€lsr and fungi. Each typ€ has ib<br />

oM pot€ntial to urilize subshte and synlhesia the produ.rs like Drotejn. fr€e<br />

anino acids, enzymes, vit rnins and many other usefii lroducts (Aab .nd Amnir.<br />

1994 i Bonna.det er dt t 995 ; S@narh er al l99j). A nunb.r or exp.rihenrs hav.<br />

bcen conducted iD Pokistan to iftprove rbe outrjtive value of a8rc_induslriol by-<br />

producls throuah fcootarion 6ing mic@rg.nisms for then udliuiion in

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