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level. The preiein yietd ai t% tevel of supptemohtion had .on sigrificanr<br />

difercncc wirh conlrot (wirhotri motasss). .Il,e besr carbotr to nitrcgen ralio<br />

esrablished was I I I 0. foflowin8 this .d(io when I % molasse wa! supplem€nled ro<br />

the 8rowrh mdlium ar direcnr rime inleNars,46,r hour supDtemcnhrion gave<br />

ldcir yicld having nor sianincatrl dircmccc wjrh €ontrol (wnhoul ,notasscr.<br />

llislEr lcvch stDecd siarificlDtly dcpesed prcGin bjooas yietd. Corn stcep<br />

lr{tuor ai 0j% levcl supptcmenhdotr b rhe grcu,th oedium at 48ft hour proved th€<br />

bcst ofatt th. tevels rcsred, howeve. irs addirion ar 60d or 72d hod6 did nor give<br />

funh.. inprovenor in biomrs yietd. Unde. lhe oprmEed condirions when<br />

IaFcsrinS lime wa derermined, ?2 hou6 of fcrmenhtion gave marimum pro&in<br />

Yield of l1 .3lo/r.<br />

An inocularion $i$ &.erl.ra. teriM ltMn wa, Eiy.n io th. stetitized<br />

nLdtua ot,lra.hhiot6 ,tEcier. Durin8 ba.lqiat fcmenrauon supplcmenrarion of<br />

molasss ro lhe medium dcprcssed the gro*ln ar alt the tevels .vm al t% t€vet.<br />

Stpplemcnta on of ghce a12% Ievel ro rhe grcwr medilm a124o ho!. g.v.<br />

besr resulrs as omparcd lo 4% tevct and ofter rime periods ofaddilion. tlow.v.r<br />

the diffemcs wefe non signifierl when compared wih rh. contot.<br />

Suppledenrarion of gwh lo fte mcdium at 2% Ievct dcpqsed ft.8roqh while<br />

yeasl sludge supptencDblion al l% lcvel improved rhe prcGin yjcld significan y<br />

(19.66370) s comped to @nkot (18.62%) md orhq levels. 1.he besl hNsting<br />

lime for femenbton witl A,{rvrn war found ro be 24 nouls.<br />

Tle specitic growrh 6le during fi|sr phsse was 0_0j5h_r whci@ for<br />

sccord pl6e it w$ 0.0t4h.r. C@n of ell bN produccd rE.8rm pr subnEte<br />

ulilizld wd 0_5 ed 0.6t4 fo. fi6r ed for second phase of fermcntarion<br />

respcclvery. Specitic substrate uprake mre was 0.07 g/&/h for frtst aN O.O22S S/gh<br />

for second phase of femenrarion_ The gran of producr (r.p) fomed pcr gram cetl

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