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Rice polishings is a by-product of ricc industry ed is availabl€ in<br />

lbuDdant qu.ntity in Palhlan. Althoueh it is quit€ ich in encrgy bur its high fiber<br />

cuncDls limirs irs usc i! pooltry raions.It m bc lscd in poulrry drions at 5lo 8%<br />

level. lhe surplu quan y oftbis agriculLure byproducl is wasrcd.s tUet lbr brick<br />

nakjng. It wa so pldned lo upg8de its nulritional valuc $.oud fermentalion<br />

with ref.rcnce lo its prcl€in conrents and also d.gEde ils {ib€r conretrls to make ir<br />

more digeslible. The ain of the sludy under report w6 to use rice polishings as<br />

subslrate for the prodrclion of mic.obial biomass protein rh.ouSh fennentalion firsl<br />

wilh,4ruchhiot6 specie6 (ftngus) ed rhen wi$ Bfeviba.r"/ iun lawn (ba.tedaJ.<br />

Il was also envisiged $al lhe biomass eilt be evatuacd tmugh<br />

chemical ana!/s'! as well as $rough chick assay ro know lhe nurritionat porentiah.<br />

The pmtein yield was enhanc.d thiouSh stuEing rhc eff@l of defauins and acid<br />

reamenr of ii. subshte eitt. Arachriotw speci.s. Supplcmentation of growth<br />

Dedium wilh molass€s ud @m st6p liquor was also anenpted. Optimum carbon<br />

lo niliogen mtio and hdestinS rime wcre €srablished_ For funher enhanc.ment of<br />

prolein esp€cially with respect 10 lysine cont€nls, ll)e growlh condilions for<br />

B-JlavM ||rc opnn.irld. Eff@ts of supplemahlion of molass6, Btucosdgunh<br />

and y6t sludge werc delermined and rhe optimum hsesting tine for bacrerial<br />

tbmentadon was esiablhl.d. followinS all rhc oplimiz€d condiliom biomN was<br />

prcparcd at ldge scale. Th. bioh6 so prcpared was subjecred lo chmic.l analysis<br />

and biological trial broilerchick.<br />

'n<br />

Thc rcsrlb of rhe tnng.l fcmsralion shoeed |har def.(ing of ric.<br />

polishings Bavo compalable biomais prctein yield wi$ undefa$€d one and was<br />

adopred becaue ot behg cheap. Supple'nenralior of mdr$s lo lhe growth<br />

nedium duing fisr phe of fcmenralion result.d in depNd grofih above t%

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