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t09<br />

Similar ro fed consumpriotr the weidr gaio of $c chicks did nor<br />

direr significanrly due lo nlions. Thh is anorhe. indication of good qlality of<br />

nridobial biomass prepared during rhe erpedmcnt. Crawford and Eliab.th (t973)<br />

also could not fild ey significdt diffcrcnce berw..n wcjghi gain ofbaby chicks<br />

f.d biona$ proei! and corrrcl. This was prcbabty du. to rh. facr fi.r lh.<br />

dclicidcy of Lysine od Merhionin. wss met thrcugh soppl.n@lalion ofsynrhclic<br />

amino acids. Daghir and Sell (1982) alro foud non significant difer€nce in wcigll<br />

gain oI broiler chicks fed di€ls, cont.ining soya protein or yealt pror.in<br />

supllemsled wi{r deficienr amino acids. Similar rsults were rcpoded by Foundra<br />

d 4r (19E3), viktorcv "r al. (198?) and vulcrev e, aa (1996). However, poor<br />

weighl gair was shown by rhe expsim.rtat .nimats wirh $e inc6e in fie levels<br />

ol-micrcbial b'omass in the mrions (Citter er o/., 1958 ; cunz€l dd Vogr. 1982 ;<br />

Surdzltiiska ?r al., I 984 ; Cha,hal, 1989 and Alhd .l 41. 1995). This could b€ du€ to<br />

the deficied.y ofsonc €sntialmino acids i! rhe microbial biomN.<br />

2.3 Feed Conversiotr Rstio (FCR)<br />

The data on F€€d Conv.$ion Rado (FCR) wer€ subiecl.d to<br />

sl.lislicsl malysis ed the analysis of variance ws shown in Appendix xxtt. The<br />

r€sults showed significant (P

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