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2. Biological Evaluation<br />

108<br />

'lltc biorrass produced on pilol scatc was biolosicaty evaluared usina<br />

.lrichs.-lhc resutls obtairred durins rhc rriat are given herc under. Thc aveE8e<br />

values on vaious pamnerels used fo. biotogiql evalualion ofbiomas are gjven in<br />

ldble 10.<br />

2.1 Feed Consumption<br />

Tltc dara on reed consumption of fie bids on experimenral .ations<br />

$cre subjccted to statistical anatysh. l.tre analysh ofvariarc€ or.rhe dala is slo\u<br />

i Appcndix XX. Non{ignificanr dirTerences were obs€rved in feed consuDntion<br />

li) lhe chick led difcrent arions_ lecd consumplioD values ranged f.om 322<br />

-the cellular prctein (biomass) gave cooparabt€ feed consumption by<br />

lhe chicks as Nirh conrot, as the ditTerences in fecd consumprion vatues were non<br />

siSDificnl. Thk is an iodiqrion of good quatily of tte bjomds. Foundom s/ al<br />

(1983) olso found nor sisnilirant differcnce for feed consumprion by rhe chicks<br />

al$ough they rycre fed ye.sr biomass upro 20"/o in fte mr|on wnerc as in the pres€nl<br />

Nork rl'c bionrass was fcd to a maximun of tO% in ue ratron. Almosr simila.<br />

rcsults rvcrc obtained by petukhova ?r d/. (1985). Tr,ey rcptaced upro l0% protein<br />

olthe rario,r \vith lhe nricnlbiatproleii.<br />

2.2 Weight Cain<br />

lhc dala on rveiSht ganr (Tablc t0) of lhe birds fed diflerenr<br />

cNperiDental rarions were subjecred to sratislical anotysis ,nd the analysis ol<br />

v.flanceofllE d.r! is shown in Appendix XxI. AppaMlty lhe highd weight gain<br />

\vas aMincd bt the birds tedRation-E, in which fish mealwas coDptetety replaced<br />

try lhe biomas. lle Neight gains EnSed frcn 22E gEms ro 27t gms .nd rhe<br />

dill-ererces a,ron8 rations were non si8nificanl.

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