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98<br />

molas€s inchding unfernented sueas, .nd mircral siducs 6f s!lr5 add.d during<br />

rh€ @u6e of f.mdtltion sd somc of dr virsmins. K@ping in vi.w $c<br />

impodance of y6t extract s s conmon ingrediert of differeni gro*1h mcdia for<br />

.nhancing lhe grcwth ot dir@dr org&isms! it wB deidcd 10 use y41 rludge as .<br />

supprcDrnr to rhe g.owth 'nedin6 ot B.Iow. The avqage rtue pdein vatu€s of<br />

rl'c bioNass hlrvcscd s i hcnced by supplcnpnrarion ofdillcrcnt lcvcts ofye.sl<br />

sludge ar€ lresenled in l able 6, and Ihe ltatistical ealysis of Lhe dara is Drcsentcd<br />

in Appendir XVIU. The rcsults..vealed signifi@1 diffcrcnc€s among truc proi.it<br />

values ofthe biomas obtained as a eult of supplmentllion ofdirercnt levels of<br />

yc.sl sludgc. ll ws obscned tlut rhc supplemcntador ol yed( sludSe lplo L0%<br />

Ievel rcsulkd nt muitnum incr€3le in bioma$ pfot€in yield. Tlis incr€ale was<br />

sigoincan y hi8her at 0.50lo and 1.0% lev.ls d comparcd with the contrcl and orher<br />

lcvels, wher€ as non significint diffss@ re fosd b.lw6 truc protcin !?lu€s<br />

obtained at 0.5 and Lo%o levels.<br />

Ycasl cell mals or y4t €xlract has ben .€poned to enhance the<br />

nulriliv€ value of lhe growth medium (Yogo e, a/., 1976 i El-Sabaeny and Hdsan,<br />

1996 md t{ .r a/.. 1997). In all rh€se c!s6 ll|c }61<br />

extract was supplem€nted ro<br />

the medium within rhe rang€ of0.l to 1.0 %. Simild findinss werc observed in the<br />

present study wilh sludge, which contained sufficicnt Inin€lal conl€nts slong with<br />

the y€ast bionass. A neSalive eff€cl was observ€d when sludge was used above I 0/o<br />

in presenr study. This @uld b€ duc lo thc pso@ of high minqal conrcnis in rhc<br />

sludee. Addilion of yoa3t sludgc at 1.0% level gave the maximum biomass proGin<br />

yield and wa! $crefore adopted.<br />

6. Determination of Ilirv€sting Time for 8.jfI4r4m<br />

For se.ting maximum dd €conomical yield of biomass prctein $€<br />

femotllion was cuied od follosing all the dclennined groMh conditioG on<br />

fonnulated medium. The fermentation was l€rminated at $ree titne Deriods. Th.

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