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BY<br />


M.Sc. (Hons) U.A.F<br />




IN<br />






To<br />

The Controller of Examlnations,<br />

Unilerslty of AgriculrurGt<br />

faisslabad.<br />

'We, the Supc.visory Conmitrce, cerrify lhar rhe cotrtenrs and<br />

forn of tltcsis subnitted by Mr. Muhamnad Ikrrm-ut-haq, 82-a8-E60,<br />

have bcetr found satisfacto.y ind recommeod rhat ir be proc€ssed for<br />

ev.luation, by the Exrernal Examinc(s) fo. rhc awa.d of degree".<br />

SupGrvlsory Commitae€<br />

3.<br />

_d4+?<br />


(Dr. Altaf-ur-R Barque)<br />

2. MEMBER<br />

MEMBER<br />

(Dr. Sh id Rasool)<br />

\t<br />

it;. fi ;;;i;;d-Sh;ihl----




AND<br />


AND<br />



. ll nnie5 lor Allih. who 8u,Jes us ,n d.rknBr an,l h.rtt n, d,|]j!,,trier<br />

drd,'rr 'e.r(t( h' l|n poph.l AzfuAt MU AMM D (nrry pr,a b. u|rr litrr)<br />

oriislrurin{ or con*ienc. wirh fic.6senc. or tailh in A[ah. "ou"etging tris ti,,,tu*s<br />

I t*tsE.r pt.uuc !o.rpEs! my hdr.tr sErirudc and linc.r.sr rhanks<br />

r' u' ^rr0r u' Rchnah uarqu.. prctersr ond ChDnmn, D€nlnnFnr ot Arrul<br />

N nrnr lor lk tind su'da ce coniist.nl .n@uds.nEnr, h;atfiy (iri.n drl<br />

udainr! kndtresr thrcugh lhe c!!M otfiis studv,<br />

,. _ , I rirl nrcu'i urtFins rtE nud.nl;rt,r.Abu S..cd .st,n rnJ t)r.Ah,al<br />

rrrqn.rir, r, rrc \oy \nrd xnJ.lrccrioh!i. r.a.he,r, Inos[,s rtE nrit.sroncs in ltN<br />

.., ........,,,.:lll'1"1'..11*,ru.,!DrshahidR6mr.Asnr"h,rror.io,.Dena,rherl<br />

:'iTni:? ',J D, vurdnnnr,i Ahru . A$isrsnr prore{!u,. r,.i*,i,""i "i<br />

i,j;;,;J}"filii$illl;Jlli:, suidena.,n.crionok,n,rd. !d !.,uabr su*s.liotr1<br />

-,,'..,,,','". ",1:i.ll'"1l:::"'"'"<br />

quore r' DeE ot Dr'Rana riirdos sho r'|erted De s<br />

r,r.d nkm,tr. rn ntn(. .n r.cord n,y ohtig.rion. ro ,tr, L,en,k<br />

11 lli'llil'ii"lllti,i*"llt'"1,1il*;",;tiiT*::*',,;'qb"' s",;'<br />

^;;;;;;:<br />

., , -, ..]l': i!tr,$teitaDenrr wi L imornpt.r€ u,rtDur reteaDL. dr Na/i,<br />

^hmHr \rur'iit slltr. Nazr *rnor. M!n,&r.<br />

qr<br />

Khatid. Javed.<br />

!u,fsaler Cr,"r..,<br />

$.rtr<br />

Sr,"r,,,a ,,r,.,<br />

De o(h more dutrtre whote Firod otmy Ese,crr ""a<br />

, wnn,a dRp (trk ot ipnr.(,arion.<br />

\LT,nrj,.rd I otT.r nry<br />

IJ a,<br />

sihc.,.\l rhsnt\<br />

u+us lo nr\<br />

d V k.t, t.tDrc qllr(ia<br />

Irlj , O,.,r.t""<br />

rt,tr. rr". t)rEcror<br />

U,<br />

vckrinrry<br />

v.,r,,,,_,;<br />

lf<br />

tt€$srch Innir;rc. t r,.<br />

.,1;ll, i,.;;"l;,tl;1, :' J:ffi ;',]fit:,:itri:,ffi ,::y,)liiil:,",tlllj"lll<br />

I ufter xry hea ielr ftanlrs |o hy ,ft ctioture poenls,<br />

ror u{tr broth.u and sislel<br />

tE}cn d.t noatsppon,nd my eiic dd my<br />

Mtr^,ln,wrD t u..}Eps N@r ut udda and<br />

Iny<br />

'enaimJ rann.B du,,ns<br />

astro\reds. ., .*rol.wi,r,<br />

nry r!d'e{}hw.<br />

au. ,".*i l<br />

my bbrhr6{n:t!w.<br />

nccr{d my sist.".i"-r".,<br />

Mo.F,.,tr+w. a,r,.r<br />

"i,a ",,<br />

.ft*i, b.sr *i"h"" rd pdyos:,obl.d n" . *r^" l,"l],.1i<br />

(Muh.mm.d tkrdn uth.q)







F.rmetrtlalon Parrm.teru<br />

Soblanae tr.rrn€nt<br />

D€fatting<br />

Acid treatmcnt<br />

Md.s.rclu.d. Soppl.D.nr.tlor<br />

Con Step Liqoor (CSL) Slpptd.trr.atoD<br />

Crrbor to Nltrose. R.tio<br />

Ircubrtior Pe od<br />

Multl{rg!ft n F.rn.!t tion<br />

s!ppl.d.n|.tio. of y.$t stud!.<br />

Growth Kln.ris<br />

Biologiel Prnn.ten<br />


D.fritiry<br />

ct.mlc Composiaion<br />

Pnprntiotr of ltrsuhD for Arnhaiot6 spei.f<br />

Optlmlz{tlo. of Ferh.nrrrior C.diatons<br />

E recl of Typ€ of Rice polishinss<br />

ElTet of Acid THtrndlr of Subsrrar.<br />

*.w<br />

^ltf \l:tr'rtEUta<br />

,.l"nr.j Atrt,|l,|t.<br />

-x!u'1wt'<br />

lor Aroch n lotut spe.l.t<br />

Additio. of Diffe@l La€k of Mots$€s rt 486 Hour of Fcrmenbtion<br />

Setting Carbon to Nilrog€n Rario<br />

SednA lihe for Additio otMdllg<br />

Addition of Com Step Liquor (CSL) r! 48 trous<br />

sertine Tim. for Addilion of csr.<br />

HaNastirg Time<br />

Pig€<br />

vii<br />

I<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

5<br />

9<br />

l6<br />

l9<br />

22<br />

3l<br />

38<br />

4l<br />

43<br />

51<br />

57<br />

57<br />

57<br />

5E<br />

5E<br />

59<br />

59<br />

59<br />

59<br />

60<br />

60<br />

60<br />

60<br />

6l<br />

6l<br />

6l<br />

6l<br />


PreDrmtio. oflooculum for Bt@iba.tetiadflaran 6,<br />

llocdrn 62<br />

Clltoe Cnllir.iioo 66<br />

Hrdesting 66<br />

Opinlation ofrcrnenlrtiotr Condilions for A,Jooran 66<br />

Autoclavod vs Umut@laved Firsi Step Fementation 6l<br />

Addirion of Dillerenr Levek of l,lolNes ar 48'i Hour olFcrm.hLd'on 67<br />

Addition ofDilT€rcnt GIU@se Levcls at Dir€rent Tim€ P.riodi 61<br />

Co'nparison ofclucose md Cuffh 67<br />

Ysl Sludge Suppleinenlatiol 68<br />

He*1in8 Time for 2d Phde 68<br />

Growtb Kitr.tic! 6E<br />

Ldrge Scrle Productior of Biomrss 59<br />

Biologic.l Evrlulion ?0<br />

Elp.rlnental Rr$ons 10<br />

Etp.rioeolal Bird! 7l<br />

Mrnrgcmeot 72<br />

D.tr Collecliotr 72<br />

Prnm.l€6 71<br />

Slrrhricrl Analysis 73<br />





Rarlls.od Dtuctrssiob<br />

Effcct ofTr?e ofRice PolishinSs<br />

Ercct ofAcid T!€atrnol ofSubsrmte<br />

D€temimtion of Optimm Level of Motdss al48 lrou$<br />

Ef.c( of Different Carbon ro Nitog€D Ratios<br />

Dctennioation ofoplinu Tnnc for Addilion of l% Molsscs<br />

Deldnination of Optinm lcvcl of Com Steep Liquor ar 4E Hou6<br />

D.tcDinarion of oprimum Timc fo. Addiiio' of 0.5% con<br />

Liquor<br />

Del€rmination of Oprimrm Harvdting f ime<br />

Oveniev for A-Prt of Cbrpter-4<br />


B,.vlba.t.tiun Jlaeun ON \HE BIOMASS PRODUCED ITURING<br />


R.sulb rd Dbcu$ion<br />

75<br />

75<br />

76<br />

79<br />

EO<br />

82<br />

E3<br />

9l<br />

92<br />

92<br />


Brcvibdctein llatun C rue Cnttiyarion<br />

EITecr ofAddition ofDiffsetrr L.veh ofMotssq<br />

Erer of Dirsenr L€vels of ctu6e ar Diflercnr Timc periods on<br />

crcwth of R rc v i ba. E I i M Jl av un<br />

ConDarison berween 2% Ctucose and 2zocunh<br />

Ydr rludge Supplemenrsrion<br />

Detemimtion of He€srinS l-ill|le fo. Brevibact.ri@ flarM<br />

Growt[ Kin.tic<br />

Ov€nlew for B-Pfft ofChiprer-4<br />



objcctiva<br />

R€sulh ud Dtu.u$ion<br />

Atuino Acid CoDlosition<br />

Biologlcrl Evrtq.aion<br />

F€.d CoNumption<br />

WeightCain<br />

Feed Convdsion Ratio (FcR)<br />

Nel Prcrcin Uliljarion (NpU)<br />

prcrein Imcien€y turio (pER)<br />

Oveni€w for C-Prrt or ChrDr.r_4<br />






I Ch.mical composition of rhc subsFare us.d duing he prfts of<br />

92<br />

93<br />

ihe 95<br />

91<br />

9l<br />

9E<br />

l0l<br />

104<br />

105<br />

r05<br />

105<br />

105<br />

t0E<br />

108<br />

t08<br />

109<br />

ll0 l<br />

ll4<br />

llE<br />

ll8<br />

119<br />

r!6<br />

t36<br />

I Percenl chemicdt composition ofbromass t3l<br />

lll Amino ac'd prcfileofbiomass_A snd biomass-B rDMd,o) D8<br />

rv chemr€t composition ofingredienrs us€d in rhe raxons {pscenu tl9<br />

r ( ompo$tjon ot vilaDin and minersl premix used in I he Eriols i qO<br />

', 1'lllf'. o, \d,ance or da'a shosing influence or def! ,ns of rice iai<br />

,,., po|snrngs on b,ooEs prorein yietd<br />

fdata showing inftu.nce oreid reunenr ofrice t42<br />

.. por6hh$ on bromass pror€in yield<br />

viir Amlysis of v&ianc. ot dara shosing e{Ier ot addilion of di0cr.nr l4l<br />

teveh otmolases on biomGs Drorein;ieH<br />

,^ 111{: -glJ-'I*- "f dar! ;howins rh. ,i.rd of bioms3 psrcin ar r44<br />

otrhar corbon lo nirrogs drios<br />

x Analysis ofvariance of data showing prcdrcrion ofbiomass prorein as t45

effecled by addition of I % nolasses al vadous tirne periods<br />

Xl Analysis ofvtrime ofdata on thc eff€ct ofvarious lev.ls ofcom slcep 146<br />

liquo. supplenenbtion on biomsss protein yicld<br />

Xll A.alysh of varianc. of dala showing erecl of supplcmenfing 0.5% 14?<br />

com stecp liquor at various nme inlerals of f€rm€nialion<br />

XII Analysis of vari.ncc of data on lrue !rct.in yield of the biomas l4E<br />

hdsted !t diflercn( time pcriods<br />

xlv Analysis of va.idrcc ofdala showing effcct ol aul@lavine rhc growlh 149<br />

ot Anch ot6 species on nu. ptot in tield of B.lNun<br />

150<br />

xv Analysis of variancc of ddta shoping effcct of supplorentaiion of<br />

dir@t l.vels of molasq at 48 hou6 of h. grcwlh otAlM<br />

XVI Aralysis of vdiece showing erect of addirion of dircrdt lev.ls of l5l<br />

Slucose st ditfercnl lime peiods<br />

XVll Analysis ofvdidce ofdata showing effcct of2% cwh on dE biomrs 152<br />

XVIII Amlysis of variance of data showing cffecl of y.ast sludSe 153<br />

supplementation on biomass pro€in yield<br />

xlx Analysis of variancc of data showing innuence of hrwesring riDe on<br />

tue prcr.in yield by Enribrct timJlew<br />

XX Analysis of varianc€ of dara on fced consumprion<br />

XXI ADalysis of varianc€ of dsta on weighl gain of chicks<br />

XXll Analysis of vdime of data o! f..d @nve6ion mtio<br />

XXlll Analysis of vdioe otdara ner prct.in uritiation<br />

XXIV Analysis of vdiec. of dala on prorein efnci€ncy ralio<br />

Prcinrt. Anrlysi!<br />

Ether Extract (E.E)<br />

crudeFibrc(c.F)<br />

crudePmrein(c.P)<br />

Nitros.D Frce E(racr (N.F.E)<br />

Solubl€ Crrbobydnt.t<br />

E linrtior ofcirbon<br />

ardo.tio! ofTru. Protetu |I.P)<br />

Amim Acid Analysi!<br />

Ribose Nu.leic Acid (RNA) E fltn,rion<br />

F,stia.tioo of C.lcirn lnd phorphorus<br />

Estimation ofcalciurh<br />

Esti@tion ofPhosphotus<br />

154<br />

155<br />

156<br />

151<br />

158<br />

159<br />

160<br />

r60<br />

160<br />

160<br />

160<br />

i6l<br />

t6l<br />

t62<br />

r62<br />

163<br />

165<br />

165<br />

166<br />

l6E<br />

l6E<br />



Trbl. Ttate<br />

I CotrrpNitiotr ofag& ncdiun (B/L)<br />

2 Coop6ition of in@lumm.dirm f6 traclniotg sp.lejtL,<br />

3 Compcition of itr@ufu n dltn t6 Bftibactqim ltavun<br />

4 Composilion ofrle exp.rimentat rarios<br />

5 M.s I SE tue prcrein producrion sr affe4t€d by using<br />

Atuchniotw sp.<br />

6 Mcm i SE lne proreh production a! aff@red by cing<br />

tl<br />

l2<br />

ll<br />

Rraiba.Eri@ ll@@<br />

58<br />

59<br />

@tL) 62<br />

.11<br />

? M@ prorein yieldardiflrcnr t.vckotStu@sedd dilTcrcnt rime a7<br />

E V.rious Grcs,$ Kirclica par&ncr.rs of femenrative or8anisms<br />

9 Amino acid compGition (c/l6CN) ed Chemical Saor€ of ric€<br />

- polishinss, bionss-A and biomass-B<br />

l0 Average values of Weidr Cain, Fced ConsmDtion. F.cd<br />

Convclsion Ratio, Prolein Eflicicncy Rdio and Ner pforcin<br />

Utiliation of rhe exDc.im.nral Erions<br />

Eslination of Solublc Calbohydnrd<br />

CalibDtion ofstandard curvc for Ribo!. slimarion<br />

Eslimalion ofPh6phoru!<br />

77<br />

94<br />

t02<br />

lo?<br />

lt2<br />

162<br />

167<br />



Flturc Tltl. Prr.<br />

I Trend ofCroslh During Borl Phase ofF.rm.Nurion t03<br />

? Showing lrsd of Suh6lntc utilialio[ Cell ||e fomtrio, od t03<br />

3<br />

5<br />

Prcdel (T.D fo.natim<br />

SllDdlId Curvc fq Eeination of Solublc clrbol|l/d|.r.s<br />

Slardrrd Clivc for Dstination ofcsrbon<br />

St ndad Curvc for RNA Brinution<br />

t64<br />

164<br />



_ photo8rrph! p.8.<br />

rnowmg resn cufrur. Janr ot A.&hniorut q.ciet 6l<br />

ShNirg fr€sh crdtur! rlrtrt of B,etlbocEritat'Iwts 64<br />

Showirg rotrry.h*d pLcd ir ovc4 pFp.rios inadoln mdium gj<br />

Showins Inbor.tory sc.lc f€rn€oilr (qp.city 5 Lit in op€nrion 86<br />

Showing fdrnqtition rt irs!€{k 89<br />

ErperimerDrl p.m showinS serara{c anlngcmm(! of fc.din8. ea|tring 90<br />

8nd droppings collccrjon for @ch exDcrimcnrlt unil<br />

Showins arrng.mcnb made in thc,p.[t3 for dtoppinss co .crion b€tow 100<br />

|n. net<br />

Srtn*ing cxpdirD.ntil clicrs killcd !|ld opencd fd &ying in ovor ofi lod I 13

Chapter - I<br />


Tle grcwing f..d industry of Patdsre ha always fac.d lhe challense<br />

oi shodage ofqrality ingredients bolh of vegerabl€ ad eimatorigin. (Anonymous,<br />

l9E8). The .xpesion rnd incEase in production @paciry of this indur.y ha!<br />

lurther brcadened th. gap beiw€en thc dcmand and supply and rhe prices of lh.se<br />

coonodilics s€lated. Althougi rhc cxpdding agriculture induiry hs atw.ys<br />

srppon.d the needs of feed indusrry but lhe equalion neve. bec.ne b.lanc.d. Th.<br />

requirements for en€r8y of rh€ slions are met onb way or the othq by a vdiery of<br />

cer€l Shins but lhe requircnenrs of rh. qualiry pror.ins arc n.vq mel wilh b€c|use<br />

of the non availabiliry of siandtrd prorein sou.ces and also of then limited suppty.<br />

This situation nccesitated att atong lhe se@h for novcl prcrein sources. The<br />

dcv.lopmenl ofsienritic methods to .nhance th. nutririvc value of exkring non<br />

coDverlional leed rsou.ces eirhq by nechoicat, chemical, physi@hemical o.<br />

bioreclnolosical mehods hat dwaF ben fie priorjty.<br />

lementalion rechnology tad been practiccd long sgo for the<br />

production of food ftom a vari.ry of matc.ials_ This is $€ p.@!, thrclgh wt,ich<br />

the carbohydare rich products, b}!@ducts .nd wasre producG ee f.menred with<br />

differenl kif,ds of microorgaxis'ns like bacrqia, y€lsr and fungi. Each typ€ has ib<br />

oM pot€ntial to urilize subshte and synlhesia the produ.rs like Drotejn. fr€e<br />

anino acids, enzymes, vit rnins and many other usefii lroducts (Aab .nd Amnir.<br />

1994 i Bonna.det er dt t 995 ; S@narh er al l99j). A nunb.r or exp.rihenrs hav.<br />

bcen conducted iD Pokistan to iftprove rbe outrjtive value of a8rc_induslriol by-<br />

producls throuah fcootarion 6ing mic@rg.nisms for then udliuiion in

livestock/poulq l€eds. Di €rcnt kiDds 01 lungi, yeast dd bacl.ria have been<br />

grown or a vdi€ty of fibrcus wastc matedah (Bajwa er a1. J99l ; tlathni €t a/.<br />

1989: Kiani e, a/' 1989: AkBm, 1992 i Ar|l'at et al. 1995 r SaiDa, 1996) ro<br />

i'rcrc.sc rhc prolein quantity along *ith impbving the qualily d sell a lh.<br />

digslibility.<br />

The incrc66 i! lsricultuG produclivity in the @unilt duritr8 rcc.nt<br />

yeaB ha ault d i! a l&ge mounr ofagricultural p.oducts md byprcducts. Ri@ h<br />

one of th€ major cqel crop.r of Palistan and its production is incrcasing cvery<br />

year. Acco.dirg lo a Repo.t ofNational Commission on Agriculrure (Anonymouq<br />

1 988) 325 5(000) M.T oi rice was prcduc€d d rins the year 198?-88 and $€ target!<br />

set ior lhe y€af 19992000 are 5320(000) M.T. About 106.4(000) M.l of ricc<br />

polishinss (2% orrice) will th€reforc be available du.ins the yd 1999-2000. Rice<br />

polish'ngs conlain 12-14% oil ed l2-139lo poor qlaliry prorein. High {ibre conteirs<br />

( | 2- l3%) limits ils ue in broiler ntions. By impoving i1s digestibilny ald lurritivc<br />

vallle it c€n be ued upto l5% in all tinds of lslions.<br />

In th. pst cfforts wer. nadc ro imprcve the nutiirive value of dcc<br />

polishinss firough fementation witl sinSle orgeism Atrch"iotw sp.cies ot<br />

Canlida stilis in tle presence of y€ast sludSe, a wasre producr of distitlary.<br />

Atdchriotus species wer€ initially used as an artagonklic fungi agaiDsr planr<br />

palhosens (Akltar, 1982). Its potenrial for synlhesis of sin8le cell pforein (SCp)<br />

vas, however, rccognied larer (Ha!hni, 1987; Bajwa er ol. l99l ; Sarrraz, 1990).<br />

This organisn w6 rcported to havc sumcicnt clllulolyric ability ed has pot€nlial<br />

lo enrich pmlein of Ihe fementliion medium by ulilizing the soluble su8a6.<br />

Kecping in view lhc cunent situarion of fed industry and fie dcmand<br />

tor ch@! qMlity p.otein $uces, a proj€cr ws @nducr€d ro imprcve rhe nukirivc<br />

value oflhe .ice polishings, d aboundantly available @nodiry in rhc counlry. This<br />

was pr@Ned otrough femcnrarion fitst wirh ,4fa.,riord rpeci4 followed by

BrcvibrctetiM llavM. Bretibacteriw low hst b..n rcW.ted to Foduce lyrine<br />

in th€ ferm€ntation mediurn alotrg wi$ ofier arnino &ids (Cher e, dl. l9E7 ;<br />

Frantirek ?r al l9E8). The mrt8nr strain ofthis organhm is reportcd to produce 558<br />

lysnlc p.r litc. of femeorarion mcdium s ia hydrochtoiic rcid satl (hamu cr at<br />

1964). bdB&ial byprcducts of sug.r industry likc mohss.n corn st rp liquor dd<br />

y61 sludge of suga industry werc also uritized during $. proccss of fermc orio,<br />

to .c[iev. th€ following objecrives.<br />

Objectives:<br />

r. To optimia fie g.o*,$ condirions of Atuchnio,w speciq nd oI<br />

Brcvibackntn lavrn fq msimum yield of bioma!! p.orcin.<br />

2. To produc. rhe biomass on targe $ate foltowing the opimizcd condirions<br />

dd to assss ib rulritional porenrid by ch.micrt 0nat),sis.<br />

3. To dcrcmirc rhc nut.itionlt vrhe of lhe biomass prodoc.d ihrough cc<br />

culte ush8 broitd .iick.

Chapter- 2<br />


Recycling of w6t€ hal.rials ud indarlial bypiodlcis noi only h.lps<br />

in educing the pollution but also l.ads io th. p.oduction ofmby useful prcducts.<br />

The recycled wasle materials @ usefully conve.r.ble io edibl€ prcducrs like mitk.<br />

and €ggs lhiouSh livestocl atrd poljtry. This pmces has lso fold advantag.,<br />

'neal<br />

it meets the nutrienrs .equiremenls for livestocupoullry on one hdd and hetps in<br />

bridSing th€ prct€in shonaSe gap for humans on the orher hand. A 8@d deal of<br />

ro.k ba bem done on th. bioconv€rsion of rice polishings into high gradc nutrienr<br />

ihrolgh tenenhrion by diffcrcnr kin& ofmicroorganisds. The avaitabte lh.nturc<br />

otr dirqenl dpels of femstltion as wcll s bioloSidl aatuation of diff.rcnl<br />

f.nnctrtalion products hd ben @iewed in rhc following pdgEphs<br />



lJ D€frtting<br />

Kimi er o/. (1989) wo*ed on protein e.richnent of defated rice<br />

polishings rhrough its fement^rion virh Candi.la Uilij. They found thal yeasl coutd<br />

synllt€size 22.125% lru€ polein whei 9yo sljbsl.al€ was fermenr€d uder oDrinlrn<br />

conditions for a pe.iod of?2 hon$. ]'hc biomass pfot€in was, howevd, d€ficienlin<br />

aDirto acid, valine. Kho (1990) convedcd dcfarlcd ri@ potishings to prorein<br />

conc.nlrale dd biolosi@lly evalnared il in broile. chicks. The fementrrjon ws<br />

.atied onr nith Ttichodema hanihuh. He s$c...d.n h inoeasing the infterenr<br />

prot.h of ri@ ralishings ftom 14 to 24.80%. n. ftngat bioms was f.d ro b.oil.r<br />

chicks by rcplacinS veg€rnbl€ protcin sour.es at ldcls of25 and 50yo of thc Etion.

Hc repon€d non signifi@l difcr.nc.s in wcidt gain ofthe chick. Mal|'nood./<br />

dl (1990) obrain.d l7.ll% prctcin funSal biomlss on fcmcnhtion ol defaltcd<br />

'n<br />

rice polishinSs vith ,{rddlrrrbr6 pe.ier at pll 4.0 md 30 "C t.mpentur. to. a<br />

pcliod of ?2 houls und.r lcmishalc .rndition. Ih. ionic conentnlion of thc<br />

ncdium was adjust€d rt 0.00lyo CiCl:,0.001% MsSO..7H1q and 0.075%<br />

Kf IrPO.. Thc pEs.ncc of mymtoxins w|s l6lcd Uairst F6oriu dysryM by<br />

spo!€ germination est. Maximum production of my@toxins wa rcportcd in fi.<br />

filra|€ all€! 6 drys ofincubatid.<br />

1,2 Acid Trerhn€n.<br />

Acid tlattnc t has b.en caFicn ot by $v.61 wdtcB with limitcd succcss.<br />

DilTcEnt l.vcls mgirg from | !o 6010 of HzSOr or HCI or c.mbin0tion of both hlvc<br />

been appli.d toge .r *ith hc.r lnd pBurc rr6trndi!. Exccrs of acid in thc<br />

rftrted md.rial has b.qr n.lrrllized wirh alk li likc NsoH. Tr€{rnor wi0r highly<br />

concenlllcd acids padicularly HrSO. produc.d rcducins su86. lt h.t b€en no ced<br />

lhat acid lEllm.nl followcd by ncutEliation with .lksli incrcrs.d thc nin€l.I<br />

matcl of thc ucatcd subslmlc. Funllcr. &id tcdncnl incrciscd th€ cosl of rMrcd<br />

subslralc. 'lle Litemlur. otr dilT.rcnt typ.s oflignoc.llulocic mnerills in rhis r.gffd<br />

ha ben Bicw.d rs undcr.<br />

Ri.ch. er ./. r 1966) wd*cd on prodrction of a h'gh qualiry prcr.in f.cd<br />

frcm pot tocs. Thc potalo€s werc pulpcd ed hldrolyz.d by l% .cid and h.!r. Thc<br />

mtrtur. so obroin.d wa fcmcnt d eirh Candido utilb for 4 ro 5 d.,s lRcr<br />

adjutint it5 pH ed tddirS mnoniun phdrph.L lnd 0mmoniM 3ulph.t. in th.<br />

mcdium a nioogd sourc.s. Yield of y6t dry m.ttq wa 44 to 468 pcr l00t<br />

rcducibl. sugar. Thc r.sulta fed luficodaincd 36% c$dc pml.in.<br />

He .r dr (1971) studi.d tlte .ffcct of subsrtarc pErMtrncnr on producrion<br />

or si'Blc ccll prorcin (SCP). Th.y reporred rhar rhc soblrrare te3|m. with rthti d<br />

acid or ofid oxidinng lgcnt d.lignified lhc lign@llulosic substrar., allowi.S

norc ulilizlion of cellulose which uhitrsG9 improved the @ll gtlwth and SCl,<br />

production. In thlir study they wd cellulase producing b6.tetia C.ltulohotu' 6s<br />

Han md Callihm (1974) cofrpared ih. erech of chemiqt, physic.t and<br />

enz.ymic l.ealmenls on rice stBw ard suSd c6ne bagdse to inprcve th€ mioobi.l<br />

dig$Libiliry of ellulosc- lhcy rcportcd rllu| trornc ei|l| 4% Naolt tb. t5<br />

oinutes at 100 'C incrersed $c diS6ribiliry of crllulose ftclrn 29.4 ro 1l%.<br />

Treahent wilh 5.2% NHr @uld incnase dig€stibility ro 5?.0% md rr.rhcnts wilh<br />

sulfuric acid ed crude cellulse prcpsElions solubalizd c€llulose but did no1<br />

in(.N. th. digestibilily. crinding or hi8h prcsure cooking of the subslErc had<br />

little eff€c1 on incrcdinS the dig€stibilily of cellulosic subtrares by the<br />

C'yabyab et al. (1971t gt.s Cadida trcpicari on acid hydrolyzcd .ie<br />

slraw dd '@vqed 46.E lsent y€.et biom.ss contlirirg 5l% pror.h lt wls<br />

rcport d rhat rhe eltrciocy of conv.Bid of 3ugr i o y4t bims! wB mximud<br />

d pH 5,5,lcmp.Flurc 29oC &d sugar con@nt ion L6%. Th€ ye{sl bioms had<br />

aDibo acid composirion compmble eilh thc FAO refe.en@ prct€in.<br />

Moo-Young d, al. (1977) conrpared $e cellule activity Md single cell<br />

pror€in production belween t*o cellulolyric funSi Cr,ebui@ cellulollti.un and<br />

Trichodemd tiri.le. mes. organisms were gfown on 1wo substratcs Solka,floc (a<br />

purilicd, predominanlly amorphorcN fom of cellnlose) and padially deli$ifi€d<br />

sawdlst (consistitrg of a mixrw of hardeoo&) wirh alkali, pe.sccric .cid ud<br />

HrOr. Thcy obsded lhat T.vtide p..drc.d morc ellul8e md d.sradcd morc<br />

slbstrate b the SCP produclion wrs higlEr in crsc of CC.n/./oUriM.<br />

Quierzy rr zr (1979) rraicd rhc ground pear wirt acid dd dlncls qere<br />

os.d ,s fm€nration n€dia fo. lhe production of SCP 6ins Candida ttilir. A.id<br />

Iydrclysis of grcund pa1 (40-60 m.sh) wu achicv.d in d allochve op.Er.d

under a sel of condilions: acid strenglh, 0.3-1.5 % v/v H,SO. holdin8 time, 14<br />

hou$ t€mp€rature, 100'l65oc and weighl ralio of dry pent to solurion, 3.1-16.?<br />

e/1009. Lo* concenFalion i.e., 4.1 I dry pe.Vloog elution rsulred in high yield<br />

of ca.bohydnre. Tle bs1 yield ws obtain€d for & holding lime of I hour ar a<br />

leDp..alure ot | 52qC. Lower yiclG wcn foud with inc@in8 p@t conc.nhrions<br />

upro I6.79 dD p.aL/ l00g solurion.<br />

volfova €r 4r (1979) treGd st6w w'1h .cid ehich sollbalized stBw and<br />

Cah.lida ttupicalis fennentation of stEw resultcd in 8-9% proGin in fte producr.<br />

The f.molalion wa canied out at l0oc ed al pH 4.6 for 72 hol|6. Thc biomass<br />

prolein was rich in all $senlial amino scids ex@pt melhionine.<br />

Balarubrarnanla md Bhaiawd€kd (1981) assc$cd rhe reasibiliry ot<br />

femenraton of co(on-sralks, rur sralks and groundnut shells for lheir enrichmenr of<br />

prctein with Penci iM fwi.ul6w and Can li.la srt16. Th. slbsrars scrc<br />

lrualcd wiL[ watcr and 0.5N lIrSO4 heated at l2l'C for ]0 minurcs ar a ptt adjusred<br />

belwcen 5.0-5.5 before incubstion- Enhdcdenr ofdude prcGin 9s achi.ved in<br />

6ll the cars wilh both the cultuGs.<br />

Dlvcy &d Brue (r9E3) srudi.d the .rccr of mild H:so. hydrctysis on<br />

cellulosic compon nts of pigerry slurry. Acid lreahetrl bclween | .rd l0% (w/v) al<br />

diff€rent Icmpcmtur€s was studi.d witi dE rim to maximize rclelse of solubt.<br />

cebolydmtes. They obtained highesryield ofl9.8 g/t ofDicrobiatbiomass havinS<br />

22.? pcrcenl protein by hydrolysis with 5olo sultunc acid ar 90oc for 3 hoN wirh<br />

Sporctic hM ptlverc uh ntn.<br />

Chahal (1984) in d inlegrated pl@ss for food/fed and tuel producrion<br />

used eheat staw after grinding to 20 m.sh &d lralin8 wilh 0.5 N IITSO4 in rh.<br />

mlio of l:10 at l2l'C for halfd hour. The trcatn.nr solublisied ov.r Eoyo of<br />

hemi@llulse. Dodng rreatncnl some roxic compound! (turtuEl, hydioxlme$yl<br />

furfuBl and theif prccursoB dd phenolic odpounds) w.rc prcdlced by

d€hydotion of p.ntoses and h466 which suppr€s!.d lhe oicrcbial &livity.<br />

Dificrent levels ofpH varying from 4.5 lo 7.0 wqe d$ studied in different 6€dia<br />

for fte growth ot lrt roL.a4 'eerei 10 overcome thc cff@t of toxic compounds<br />

Thc inhibilotr .ff@is of toxic compounds wcrc ov.rcotn€ by increlsing the pH of<br />

rhe fcmenrarion mediun lo 5.0. The inocula of oth€r fuisi, C. c.lltlalrti.uh a d<br />

Pr4,r-.a/, could .lso bc prcdued on tlis ftution. Thc surplls hcmicclhlGcs<br />

would be convcd.d to SCP by th* fungi. All of tbcs. funSi wer. c.Fblc of 'rsint<br />

the sugd found in the hemicellulose fraclion at pH 6.0. lt {as repoded thal the<br />

SCl, produced by thee fungi conlained 4047% crud. protoin on dry weigh basis,<br />

qlricl can be used u an animalfeed.<br />

Ch^h^l .t al. (19E7) found tllat toxic cobpounds lil€ furlitral,<br />

bydroxymelhyl furfml dd lheir prc.!$m and phcnolic compounds rvcrc<br />

produced du.ing acid lrdtment of lignoccllulcs. Toxic compoun& identified<br />

vere furfuml, sydngaldeyd. and syringic acid CnCr acids mong the fany acids<br />

found in hydm!.zate ll wB noticed lhst th. inhibilory eff@l of such compound<br />

lras olercome by Srowing thc fuSi in mcdim naintain€d at pH betwen 6 and 7.<br />

Hdlhni (1987) report.d rh.r 5olo HrSO. tF.tnenr of the rice polishinS,<br />

rcsulled h inc@led myelill prctein yicld rs conp.rcd to unlr.rt d substraG ancr<br />

fenenr^ti,on with TtichodeMo h@zionun tot 3 daw inder oplimum conditiotrs of<br />

pH. tcmpemlure and ionic conmtration.<br />

v.zgla et ol. (lv)l-ll) tezted Pinus pindt . bark s!d6 in a rwo st.p<br />

process. In 1i6t st.p it was lrcated with NIOH acelic 6cid and HrO, to incr.asc lh€<br />

polysacchdidc conlenl of thc solid sidu€ In se.ond slep etzymic hydrolysis was<br />

achieved ro yi.ld susN \rhich w@ us€d as ferme talion medium for singlc ccll<br />

protein production.<br />

Gupt md Dath (1997) studied lhe ploduction of cellulosic enzr'r.s on<br />

basals. under solid srate flmdration by @olrt . of .ltpetsilla e ipticw tnd

Asperyila Iufligarts.l\e @culture system slowed imprcved hydrolylic and tcla<br />

Bluc6id6e rclivitis a comlaed io rh. occasion when th€y weE us€d scpararely.<br />

Various pflreal])ol melhods were ued 10 Dake celtutose acccssible to enzymatic<br />

a ack. llest reulrs were obr|inej rhmugh prerslrnenl *ith 2% (Wv) catcium<br />


SupplemenIation of 8ro*lh mcdiurn wi$ sugds for de supply ot<br />

enc!5/ b@ones e$ential when ir is depteted ar a ce.lain poinr of rime durinS<br />

fementatjon. Diflerc sources ofsugars hav. b.cn tried as enerSy suppt€m€nr for<br />

lltis puQose. Each rype of sugar has its own benelir and uailiry. Some are more<br />

soluble hence provide readily availabte enerSy. whilc oncrs conrarn some growlh<br />

racrols alonS wirh rhe avaitabl. en€.$,. Il€ benefit achieved by providing different<br />

types of sugars fo. $e .nhancemcnr of microbial 8roqah has been reviewcd as<br />

Yarez er at. \t972) dctcfi ned the chemitlt composlron and biotoSicat<br />

quolity of rhe p.otcin biomass of Can tida tnitis. Motasses tiom sugar-b€€l<br />

pMesing w6 used.s a substBte. /\mino acid of|wo sampte of Cnl,s showed a<br />

high correnl of tysin. (6.9 ud 6_5 g/t68 N) and rnrconr. (a.5 tud 5.lg /l6gN).<br />

Howeve. Ihe biomas contrined tow conrerrs of S,conraining amino acid<br />

(ne0'ioninc i.e., l.4 rl6s N).<br />

Dovhych (19?5) us€d small doses (0.01 ro 0.05yo) of suse beet sri asc.<br />

mnize exrncf and yea$ sludge to increa* ttr Uiomus ot the yeut Cahdida<br />

topicalii K-41 g.own on oit paia{in. He .€poded rhar $e addirive of molass€s,<br />

maie extmct .nd yeasr sludSe rcsutled in 8 to I I % increse m biomass.<br />

Fod^ et al. (t9'16) used fie stop (vinsse) liquo., a maJor byproducr of<br />

ahohol ffln€nlation industries as growth mediutn for plod n rton ot Cwdida ttilh.

l0<br />

They reporled $at supplementation of fie slop wirh 0.2% (NHrzSOr dd l-5 yo<br />

c.ne molas*s improved rhe yeasr @llyi€ld, significandy.<br />

Yoso ?r 4l (19?5) comparcd difte€nr yqt @Is tor prcducrion of sinSte<br />

cell protein on m€dium containing Stucose, glacrose or f.uclose, glyc€rol. MeOIt.<br />

EIOH. HOAC. They .eponed $ar whcn Cadidd MOy,657 ws culrwcd wilh<br />

shaking l0'C for 48 houB on a m.diurn at pH 6.0, it produced yeasr mass<br />

conlainine 55.5% c.ude prolein, whi.h was 313% jn rems ofM.olt.<br />

ElAshwah., a/. (1978) delehiD.d rhe cfiecr of motGscycom slep tiquor<br />

on yield aod piotein concenb.iioD of thc fungi. They repofted thar medium<br />

.o.taining only molasses could nol suppon adequatc tungal 8rofth, bu( rddido, of<br />

com sreep liqDor rsultod in a narked iDdease in tnycelial yietd and protein<br />

concenuation. It was filtttx.r r(ted tttrit Spicorio cbaaN, Ctado4oi$ sp. and<br />

Clad$potiw .kdosporiodes produced crude prolcin 34.06, 26.69 a^d 2:J.4s Vo,<br />

Pa@nml e/ dl (1978) ferncnlaled tyi alkatiprerre.&d hadwood sawd$l<br />

lq 48 hou6 sr an initat pH of7.O{Enrr5.0sd.r 37,C tcmp€mrue ed obseded<br />

12.5olo 6rudc prolein in rhe biomss. Thcy atso rcponed thar lhe addition ofgtucosc<br />

@ 0.5% naRedly incrcased rh.prctcin yietd.<br />

LaNford d! dl (1979) used cane ,nolases s source of 8row$ limitinS<br />

carbon in rh€ fermenrarion media ior rhe prodncrion of sinste e prorin using<br />

Cdhdido trtilit NRI(L y,900. Ar one percenl level of reducing sugr wi$ $e<br />

addition of zinc powder, 6utt€d in an increse in biom6$ producrivir, ircm L? ro<br />

2.6 g/t/h wifr rhe elo*,th yield of 0.559 dry biorrB /g rcducrng srge utilizcd at $e<br />

naximum dilution rale. t he ye!$ biomass contained 5G55 o/o prolein_<br />

Rosl*ova (1979) compared fE biomrss yicld of two y€,st slrains viz<br />

Catdida ttain 2672 ed 2671M on acerst. and m.rhanot medim lnder o imun<br />

condnions. Maximum yield ofbiomass for srrain 2672 was 56.5% dried yeast after

20h ofculturins md 44.3 % rne.4Eh for strain 2673M. Th. crud. prcrein @nicnls<br />

w.e 51.9% md 4E.7% fo.3taiN 2672 ud 25?3, cpectiv.ly- rvh.n glucos. w4<br />

addcd dlotrg *itb .ceLate drd melhanol in th. mcdium for lwo straif,s, litll.<br />

difltrcnc. in composition oflheirbiodss wd obsedcd.<br />

Dowson and Sleinh q (1980) sludied lh€ cell cyclc of Cdndida uilis i,<br />

rlmc nlcdia of .elntcd conrposition. Medidn(a) was thosPhorus liniled ond<br />

connined 30g tlucose, 2.58 NlIi)rSO. md 0.18 KHrPOy'L Medium(b) wa<br />

nirrosen limited and conlain€d 308 slucose, L08 o\lHrrsor and 2 58 KHfoa p€.<br />

liIer. Mcdium(c) w6 carbon limited md contained 108 slucos€, 2.5g (Ntta)lso{<br />

and 2.5g KTHPO4 per lite.- Each medium al.o @ntained 0-58 M8SO.THrO, 0.059<br />

Coclrsd l0 nrl winzlcr miqo nullienr s.lt solution ln @bon limitcd mcdium ell<br />

division occured a1 4.5 to 5 houB. while in N and P limiled mcdia it occwed<br />

betweon 5.5 to 6 hou6. ln carbd limited Dedilm bud cvcle fom.tion sbrred s@n<br />

aRer the stan ol cell cycl€, wh@ s in N md P limit d mcdia bud did not fom<br />

utrlilafter 1.5 to2 hour.<br />

El-Ashwah e, al. (1980) Drcduced nDsal biomas bv cultivarinS different<br />

fungal $lairls on subsltatc comprising molass.s, swcet Pot toes od com stcep<br />

liquor. The resullrnt biomess (24.2Isll) €odai'ed 34 38 percent Prctein' l-7.8 tL<br />

to(al crud€ prolciq 14.33 g/L crude fat, 50'lo N.F.E and 400 mg/ 1008 NPN.<br />

Chen e? al. (1987) emined the efTecls of cullurc mcdium on lvsine<br />

fomation duinS fermcntation with Br.tibocteriuh fuw strain FM 84415 The<br />

effccrs of salls, urea, bran, pH, sugar and com powder werc studied. High€sl lvsine<br />

prcduction (64.39 lysirc HCyL) was obsewed with a medium containing l2-ll%<br />

slucose, l0% molasrar, l"/o clm powdcr, 0.5% hair hvdtolver€' 4016 (NHr)$O.<br />

0.02010 KrHPo1.3HrO, 0-02% (HrPOr,0 06% MgSOa TH1O and 4% cacor at pH<br />

7.2 in a fmentation pcriod of ?2-E0 houB.

t2<br />

Diaz Ricci .r al (l9E?) fepo ed lhat whcn c!/i/ir was continNusly<br />

cultured in sugar qne snllhSe wirhoul any supplmotllion, the y*r ulilized the<br />

stillnge rilrog€n only panially. s a result the ccll biomass producdon was low and<br />

fic rcsidual COD, as woll N the totul Ditrcgen @nte of the efluenl werc high.<br />

The addition of24gll mmo M phosphare and smlt amounb offe, . Cu,' and<br />

Znr' Ddkedly enldced both the ovenll nirrcgen uprake and cetl biomass<br />

production, decreaed the COD dd higber cdtical diturion r.te w6 auained_ No<br />

subsldlial differ€ne werc found wh.n pH was kept ar 5.0 or allowcd ro vary<br />

freely. The optimu,n lemporature range was found between 30 and 150C.<br />

Atsushi and Isamu (196E) dedved mur.nts from d./?dl@ No.l5-8 si$<br />

cirmle synlhase activiry and feed back resists1. Ih€se mutants prcduced above 40<br />

g/L oflysine d ilJ Ilcl salr in rhe medium containing t0% 8luc6e. Strain No.6647<br />

with normal activiry and completety feed back resistanr, produc€d 45 g/L of lysine.<br />

Chavez €/ al (t988-I) produced microbial biomass usins celtulotyric fungus<br />

with glucose o! molas$s subsrrare 6 min csrbon sourcq. The chemical<br />

composhion and Dulrilile values of rhe bionass were compmd Nilb othe.<br />

microbial protein i... Totuto !41, brcw6 ycr5t and dricd mushrooms. Tlr<br />

.erlulolyric fungi C.ce ulollti.@ MAp products coniained about 45% crude<br />

prolein on dry mattcr bsis. lheir ajnino acid p.otile, aner hydrolysis was conpar€d<br />

well with rhar of dried skim mitk. Torat amino acids accounted for onty 75_6 and<br />

62.5% ofthe crude prcrin ofMBP ofglucose and molNes substrate, rospectively.<br />

ljad.i-SNi ?, al. (1988) srDdied rhe influence of initiat concemrarions of<br />

grucose from 60 to 223 8/L on the prcducrion of L-lysine by Corytub@teim sp. tl<br />

wa studicd fisl in batch culturc. The maximm convcBion rare into L_tysine was<br />

oblaired .t 165 g/L.nd thc best specific prcduclior de for LJ)sin. was obsen.d<br />

at 65 g/L ofglucose. In fed balch feflrenralion bcfler and specific produclio, dies<br />

rve.e obtained. Maintiining of a high gtu@sc cotr@l.arion h the f€d batch

ll<br />

tcchnique allowed r 54% incrcase of L-lysine prcduclion @mpaEd lo batch culturc<br />

i.e.2l vs 50 s/L L-lysine HCl.<br />

Gomez (1989) culturcd Cddidd ,7 i NRRLY 660 on substrate containing<br />

cane f&lory mixed juicc ed molNs, diluted juic. ed eith€! mdNs, ckined<br />

jrice or vina$e.In each casc th€ constiluenb rere used in s@h proproiions fial fte<br />

mlios of tolll tducing s!8& wcrc 0:100, 70:10, 80:20. 90:10 ed l0O:0. lt wc<br />

concluded that mol6s wa ! good slpplmcnt to 3ubsrat6 bacd on filmre o.<br />

vin.sse, bur rh. prot.in yi.ld and produciivity d.crcdcd with molsses of abnomal<br />

@trposition or with t@ low proponion ofmolases,<br />

Hir.o.t dl. (1989) clltuftd CtlsrznriM rtrnin in nediuo bdcd on cde<br />

n]olasss, inilially conraininS 3% susar (a, slucos€), f€d wnh a nedinm containing<br />

12,20 or 28% suga$.'i]]ley obsedcd fEl L-\isine output was slD6l constsnl<br />

durins 50 hours. Tle maximum L-lysine concenlration @ched was 105 g[ and it<br />

d€cr€ded with increasing dilution rete in the rarg€ 0.03-0.07/h. Productiviry<br />

ircMsed wi(h .gitatio! ntc in the rdg. 450-?00 rpm, it inc@l.d who oxygd<br />

cnriched.ir was us€d. Thc nnximw yield wG 5.6 g/tfh,2.5 limes rhar in fed<br />

Pf&jy ud Ulb.n (19E9) isol.t.d C.sl anitu 9166-AEq tdosedrc<br />

dependcnl, aillant to S-(2-minoethyl)-L-Cysteinc ed sensilive to fluoropyruvde<br />

and culturcd on a medium corbining 2540 % molases dd 18-24 % Sround nut<br />

meal hydrclyzt.. It produced 40.4-49.58 lysine{- rhtr was hiSher rhe orh.r srnins<br />

tested. Yield was mdimum wirh 250lo molasse, 24% hydrotyzrr€, l% com steep<br />

liquor and | .6 o/o CNItr)rSO..<br />

Abdel-Hameed (1991) usen sugar cue mol.sses as a cr6on sourcc for<br />

growth and single ceu protein (SCP) produclio. by Sadcrarohyce, cenisiae lal<br />

cdrlsbereehsit. He obtair.d suffici@t single ell prcrein yi.td ar t0lo sugd<br />

cotrccnldtion, while 50,6 wos c@plcd wilh gmd grcwrh dd minimat chotqtol

@nlcnl. Fudher impmlenent of biomass and single c.ll prolein prodlction vas<br />

achi€ved on 0-3% KHTPO. and L50,6 M8SO..THrO addilio to lhe mdass<br />

NL'diuD. Thc coDparative @lysis of ycst c.lls grown on synthetic "Phaf'<br />

medium wilh thal ofoplimal molass€s m.dium rev€led an increa5€ of4l5% SCP.<br />

52?0/0 peplides, l0l8% arnino acids, 2010/0 ammonia, 394% lotal soluble nitrosen.<br />

394% lolaltrilrogen and 522% in dry weight eain for laler.It was ako obseNed that<br />

lhc cholestrol cont€nt decr€ased by 40% on moldsesmediu'r.<br />

Bajwa er dr (1991) oblained a biomass co.taining 15.17% protein whet<br />

0.5vo alkali lreared dce slraw was fenn€nt€d wi$ Auchniot8 spe.ies. They<br />

ferndled the sDbslrate in the prcscnc. of Caclr 0.0l%, no|ldg 1.0% wilh C:N<br />

mrio of 25: I at pH 4.0 od 30 oC temp.mturc after 6 days of incubalion.<br />

Abo-Ahmad (1993) hydrolyscd com sFaw with 0.5 N H,So. dd srew<br />

Sacchotohlres ceflisioe on ils diff€rent mncenk tions. The high€st concenlralion<br />

of clm sFdw hydrolyz.tc (CSH) !t which thc maxirnum cellular prorein (SCP) was<br />

obhined wa! that mnlaining 15% sugors. H€ added dilTercnr conenlralions ol cane<br />

molasses (CM) to lhis n€diun ed obtaincd $e muimum biomai, containing the<br />

highest cdcenlnlion of SCP wi$ a m€dilm conrainingCM ar a ocotmtion of2<br />

e,I'<br />

Alhd er al. (1995) used bcer pulp for bieonvcrsion inlo nicrobial biomN<br />

iD fed batch cultu€ syscm. Tley suce€ded in improving the qumlity of mioobial<br />

bionds produced at first st€p i.e. 5.9 mgml to 7.78 mg/ml by supplemetrling the<br />

femmtation medium with 1.5% molass€s and 0.75% coln ste€p liquor at 36 hou$<br />

of fementation. I het r€ported that the ,.J4rvrm inoculalion with 40lo glucose added<br />

in Cltlir medium enhanced prolein f.on ?.92 mg/ml to 10.74 mg/ml and lysine<br />

contents from L29 to 3.08 p€rcent.<br />

nerc6 er al. (1995) producri biomass having hieher prctein conlenrs frcm<br />

sugu cane juie with a liltle proportion ol molasss. They obhined a grcatcr

l5<br />

nunber of yeast c.ll in 10-14 h dd found nccessary to ae frcsh su8e @e juic.<br />

qhoce rH $s 4.5-5.2. ar incubdrion remptrsture or 12 t. Tle oprimum<br />

concentntion of rcducing sugar at initial nage wc 70 8/L.<br />

Elsabacny and Hlus (1996) femmted d.i.d vhey *ith ltutobtuiUa<br />

delbub uec*ii sub sp.cies dg@r'tu 369 and cpo.(ed the hi8h6t producrion of<br />

lactic acid l.7l 8,{-{r by using medium enriched wi$ whey (8% q/v} at pH 5.5.<br />

Spccific activily oflactic acid dehyd.oSenrse was 1.03 U/mg prolein and single cell<br />

prclein produced was 32.8%.In balch culture, the addirioD of20 tL elucose plus<br />

0.759 nilrcSen/L a (NHaLSO. reruX€d in highst prcducliviry. By contrar when<br />

xylose ed cellubios. rw 6.d d a eure of fm.ntlbl. clrbohydrar€s all<br />

vad.bl6 serc reD.escd.<br />

Han.t 41. (1997) isolared a'nicrcorg.nism from th€ provincial soil of Soulh<br />

Korea. Tlt orgarism was idotilt d ts Candida sp. Dt t6. 't h€ oigrnism had ability<br />

lo grcw in minimal poultry fa€B extEct. Supplddtation ofglucose to poulry<br />

fa€c€s exhcl medium helped in compl.t upirte of soluble protein by lle<br />

micrcorgatrism. Uric acid in lhe poultry famq cxctEct mcdiun could b.<br />

con,plerely dcsodcd du.iDg ,nicrobial Srowth, but this deSadation wa faler in<br />

taecs exkact thar in lhe gllcde oomplement medium, They obtlined maximun<br />

cellsro*lh (l.8xl0'CUF/ml) at 36h of incubation. Addilion of4% neopetlore ro<br />

th€ oinimal poltllry faecs edEct medium promoted Inaxilnal growth ofcells.<br />

Lo sr o/. ( I 997) studied the cffecl of th. gl$coser'yeast cxtEcr 6tio (c/YE) in<br />

$e medium on c€ll srowth and xmthan production in various op€.aling models<br />

includios barch, two stages batch atrd fed barch fermentarions. They {o!nd thar<br />

incred€d C/YE in the m€dium r.sultld in incrcdcd x.ntlan Drduction bur<br />

d@l%ed c.ll yicld Md speific growth ra1c, lt ws @nclud.d that two slag6 balch<br />

fmatation wirh C/YE shin frcm (2.5% 8lu@ser'o.3% y.!st .)dtnct ro (5.9%<br />

glucose/0.3% y6si €itdc9 at th. €nd of.xponential gowth ph&c€ ws prcf.nblc

l6<br />

for xanlhan produclion md fast cell growth. In contr6( fed-balch fementalion with<br />

idrnniLrcnt oddilions of glucose to rh. fcrbentltion medium durine th. srationary<br />

pha3e wss not tavoumble for mlhan prcducrio. b@!se of reladvely low O/YE<br />

rcsultinS in low xutho production rat.andyi.ld.<br />


Com step liquor is . by prcduct of @m itrdurry snd is produccd<br />

durint the com wshing. ll is t rich eurce of orgdic nitrogcn, vitMins md<br />

minedls. lt is d$ rich in sotuble su8$s snd th@f@ @ be sed bo|h as .n.r$/<br />

$ppl.,nerl s well $ source of nilrogen Equicd fo. li. microbial gtoslh. ft ha<br />

been us€d ei$er 3 exclusive growlh m€dium o. 6 a supplement in lh. grost'<br />

mdiuD for enhancedent of microbi.l g.ov"4h. Lit€dture hd becn rcvicwcd on<br />

corn sl€cp liquor s supplement in the 8ro*1h m.diu md k sho{n as follows.<br />

Foda .r al. (1973) u5ed com st..p liquo. conlainins procitr 5.2, tolal solids<br />

I L4 lnd cdbohydotes 0.2% fot sowr|i of Candida utilis. Tney obldted oqimum<br />

microbill yiclds of prcteio ild dry matler a 38 to 55% ed 15 lo 29 8/L,<br />

rcspectivcly ancr p@ipilation of liquor bctw@n PH mg€ of 6.0 lo ?.0- The<br />

femenl.lion ws cMied orl at 30'C for 72 hou6. Shellan (19?5) ptoduced tunsal<br />

bio'na$ by fennedting l0 g/L corn sc.p liquor havins C;N ss 6rl with<br />

n i.hod.nM viri.le td 48 hot6.<br />

Smirh d, a/. (1975) delermined lh€ anino ecid composition and prolein<br />

nutilivc values in rais and p'gs f€ed'nS trials. Six diffd€nt funSal my@lia gro$n<br />

on diff.renl subslEtq wee l6led. Th€ protein qulity of fungal biomas of<br />

Rhizops dthbu M 261 sFtin 8rctn on @m slep liqror rcv€lcd NPU, Prclein<br />

ditestibility, biologi@l value and chemical s@re 3s aa,69,64 and 60 rcspecliv.ly.<br />

lle bio'noss ws repoftd lo b. deficient in sulphcr @ntaioing amino,c'd!. Trte<br />

RNA conrenr oflhe biomN wd 1.2 %.

t1<br />

Yogo er al. ( 1976) krmentql Cattlida Moy-657 wirh shakir g at 30 'c for 48<br />

hours on a medim (pH 6) onrairing NttaNor 4.0, KrHPo. 4.0, Mgsor 0.5,<br />

t:eSO. 0.02. Caclz 0.01, yelst exnact 1.0 ed com st.ep liquor 18. Miror amounts<br />

ofMnSOi, ZnSOi,lhiamin€ and biolin, wiih lh€ addition of l0g methanol/L were<br />

udded. Tle yield of ye6!r conrain€d 55.5 % crud€ pror.h rnd w4 31.3 % in rer6<br />

Svrki .t at. (1977) qfta.n Cardida l@alr,?a<br />

on a medim conuinilt r-<br />

alkanes 2.0, (NHrrHPO4 0.4, KCl0.l. MgSOa.?HrO 0.1 ed com steep liquor 0.1<br />

pcrcent plus lrace amount ofNacl, CaCl! FcSOa and y€lst extract, at ptl4.0and<br />

ls"C lemp€nlDie. Sp€cific growlh Erc wd noled s 0.3?6, yield baled on n-<br />

alkanes wd 103.8 pcrccnt dd @d6 prct.in @ntdr of 0|. c.ll w3 59.1%.<br />

El-Ashwah ./ a/. (l97El) rcported thal ir fermentation medium having<br />

nolssses, sweet polaloes and com sGep liq or the produclion of biomas wss 24.2 1<br />

e/L containiry 34.3E percst protein. They .le oh6.rv€d d oprimum rsle of<br />

slalin8 ror 6 isobt.s of fiDsi Impcrf.cri. A nte of 250 rpm w4 found suirabl. for<br />

all culturcs ex@pt Clddospo.,i@ claosopqioides (150 ry'i).<br />

rrantisek er r/. (1982) precultured Corywb@teliuh slutamicun in a<br />

mcdium conbining ACONa , slcrs€, com st€ep liquor and watcr. thcn flrlh€r<br />

cullured fo. 96 h !1 29-30'C i! medium @ linin8 addni@l pcanll nql<br />

hydrclzte and mineBl salls with feeding fron 5th 10 24th hour ad a mixturc of<br />

ACOtl, ACONHa, lactic ac;d md sucrose and an cqual volume of air. l he yield or<br />

33-40 g L-lysine[ medium was oblain€d.<br />

GaB and N.clalelln (19E2) fem.nted I pcrc.nl alkli trealed bagas<br />

alon8 with €ttle uring urea, com st.cp liquo., (Nt!)rSO., NH.NOr, ltNH.SOt,<br />

Ntlacl a NaNOr (fumishing 250-600 g NlL, wi|Jl. Asperyi s tefteus.'rhey<br />

r*o!e.ed 32,8 pscent crude prc&in 6rd stlt€d that all sddili!6 lsed 6! nitogo

l3<br />

s,urces prcv€d bcrl. Com sle.p liquor wos the besl ofall, whcrc s licNtlrso. wos<br />

fdrnd as lhe poorcst rourc€ ofnil.ogen.<br />

El-Ma$y d, al. {1987) uscd DreLreaied rice straw for s(udyins choico ofhost<br />

suitable nitrosen source ro increase th. prcduction of fun$l biomds 6 w.ll as<br />

prcteinby Tri.hodem hani@@. They r€poned that u@ wls gMtly dsimilal.d<br />

than other nirrcgcn sources and addilion of us in conjuction *ifi ammonium<br />

sulfate in ! ralio of I I I gsve a tunsal yield of 8.7 g/L, with 30.4% crude prolein md<br />

2.6 g/L rotal prot.iD. Com steep liquor used !t a level of20% (.quivalenl to 400 mg<br />

N/L) gready improvcd the tungal yicld to ll.4 e/L and protei! cont€nt to 5l.l 0/0.<br />

TIE mino acid profile ofbioN showed the pr*nce ot lE amino acids- Tb.y<br />

obsered rhat thc composilion of T.hoBionun ary@cned |Jrat ofsoyb@ m@l md<br />

sug8sted thal it can be used a! a supplement to plant prolcin in mimal feed.<br />

Mahmood ul lldsan (1992) produced a biomai, having maximum of 280lo<br />

true prclein aller fennenlalion of 3% beet pulp wi$ ,4rp?r8ilr' ,e/'e6 undcr<br />

optimi&d condirions. Tle ionic concenlration of lhe medium wa! adjust d al<br />

0.0075% Caclr, 0.01% I{gSOi.7H,O, 0.125 % KHIPOr and supplemenlcd wid)<br />

1.2% corn sle.p ljquor.<br />

Athar er ai. (1995) reporl€d thc bi@onveBion of b..t pulp into microbial<br />

bion6 h.f.d ht.h cultuc sysr€m. Th.y succeded ir att.inirs 5.98 ms/ml of<br />

mic.obial biomsss prct.in aI inirirl 3t.p by f.mdtltion wi,h Candida ttilis wn rc<br />

d fol batch of 1.5 % ndaq and 0.75 % 6m ste.p liquor ai 36 hou6 of<br />

fcarcnlation causcd tunlE ris€ of micrcbial prolein to 7.78 m8/ml.<br />

cm€lilrs €l al. (1996) worked on . new liquof com sre€p mmDfactured by<br />

Roque(e Freres, which rcpB.ded a source of.nitroge4 tace elements and sev€ral<br />

vilmiN to cvalulte ir for industrial prcduclion oflactic bacl.ria. They found thst<br />

So/ltr l-3b 2218 advantaseoullr coorp4ed Iactobacilla planrd'!' for biomals<br />

production, at miDiDal y6t extacl addition. Cultur€ m€dium containing Sotutr

l9<br />

dd yeasi exkact in con@nrntions of8-10 g/L and t-2 gr_ rcspecdvety with 20 g[<br />

ofD-dexhse led 10 similar biomN..lcs rhan.ulture mcdium wnh onty 5 gil_ of<br />


Shellan (1975) used com st@p liquor for rhc prcduclion of fungal prccin.<br />

tle obtained 48% cNde funSal protein by fermcnt'ng l0 g/L ofcom steep liquor<br />

havingC:N as 6ll vitll Tti.hoderna vii.le tor 48ta@.<br />

Osmm and Voino ( 1976) studicd rhe effect ofCN mtio on the prcducrion of<br />

ye6l procin. They ob$wed thal drc protein conlenls deoreased from 52.30lo lo<br />

42.0y0 by de.reasing C:N nlio white r,he biomas yietd incr€s€d. In orhcr<br />

experment rt wa5 obseflcd that aner keeping the suSar t€vel constanl and by<br />

dsresing the C:N rario f.om t? to 8 rhe prcreil| conient ofyessr ircrcas€d from<br />

2E.lto5l % and th€ biomass yield likcwise droppcd f.om l8 to t2 g/L.<br />

Prmment er dl (19?8-s) cordrcred $lid slale femenradon of alkali<br />

prerred.d haplc s.wdut jn rmy and ronbt. fem.nld usinA Chaeroniuh<br />

ce outicth as fenenrative ofganism. Th€y reporred rhat crude pror.in contenl of<br />

rhe solids roso f.om 0.9 to I tyo i! r.ay t mcnr.r and s% in rhc tumbte femencr.<br />

Tle pH of llle medim was set al 5.0, cebon ro nirroge, mtio ar l:10 and<br />

tempenturc al 37oC for 20 days.<br />

Abdullah e/ 4l (1985) srudied ih. .ffer of C:N nrio on rhe produclion of<br />

tuneal biomss proreir f.om wh€1 srrav wirh Chaebhiun cellulolrticud. .Ih.<br />

fdnenltlior ws cMied oot uder sotid sbd eidr mmonia fMa cxprcid<br />

followcd by srem telted whcat stoq (100 8 at 80?o ww mostu.e conrenr) and<br />

C:N ratio of l0:t at 30oC rcmpemrure in rhe prcscrce of KHrpO., ZnSO. ard<br />

Feclr. They obt|ired mdimum bionas, pmbeh yietd (27.2%) ane.3 days.<br />

Camal €r d/. (1985) pmpagaLd h. Candido utitis tn .ontintes cutrue usint<br />

bagasc hydoly?rle medium suppli.d ar diffe.crr diturion d6 .atrting from

20<br />

0.0122 to 0.02E p.r hour. The highest productivity w rcco.d.d d ! diludon 6re of<br />

0.022 pe. hour. 11 was obs€ryed lhal Yeast dcnsity, C/N conten( (4.46) and nilrcgen<br />

consurnplion rate reached their maximum. Wahing out of crllurc occuir€d at a<br />

dilulion mle of 0.028 pq hou- The moul of @sumed ca6otr rcqnired for<br />

produclion ot lg carbon biomN wd found to range fiom 2.21 lo 3.05. The amount<br />

of .oDsund CN bioorN werc 9.37 \nn 4.24 ^10.022 p.r ho!. dilulion rale. The<br />

prolein conront, carbon conlent md total asb of Cad,ida urilis CBS 62 I *ere 42. I ,<br />

93.4 ad 6.5 p.rc.nt, respectively.<br />

H6hmi (1987) prcdlctd biomsss protein aner femcnlation of nce straw<br />

eitlTticho.Lrtu hMiuw. Mrximm prctcin of 13.3 perc.nt was ob(qined when<br />

fementation wa! clded out und6 c:N latio of l5:l for 120 hou$ al pH 4.0 and<br />

l0'C le,np.ratur€ on 5% slbslrate.<br />

Hashmi er al (1989) culued Alachhiota sp. on slkali n.ded rice strdw lor<br />

lhe produclion of micrcbial biol)N. Th€ fcnnentatron medium .ontained subslrale<br />

Mler ratio 5% w/v od wbon lo nirogetr latio of25:1. Th. biomass prcduced in<br />

srill md submerg€d cullure showed almost lh€ sme di8€stibilily valu€ ftr dry<br />

Dauer, crudc fibre and crDde p.olein uDd€r optimum colditions. From I ks ofalkali<br />

keated rice stmw ?30g biomass w!! produced.<br />

Kiei .? al. (1989) studi€d production ofbiomds prct€ii fion detatted rie<br />

polisllings by f.nncntirg tr wirh Caftlida lrilir. They obtlin€d lhe muimum<br />

biolsss prctein of 27.E% udc. C:N ntio of 12.5:l for 72 hom at 35'C<br />

Bashir (1990) produced lhe biom8s proein ftom whcd bnn ihrcug} ib<br />

tenent ion with Cahdidd ,tilis. He obbin€d lhe mdimum biohass Prcl€in by<br />

fmotation under CrN otio 12.5:l in th. pr€sence ofCaCh 0.005%, MgSoi.THro<br />

0.0050/0, KHTPOT 0.001% al 35'C temp€Elue ud pH 6 using whet bm 6<br />


2l<br />

Mahmood ?/ at (1990) sludicd lhe innu.nce ofdiffercnr C:N ralios on the<br />

pulNrior of furS. bionms ptotcit bt /lro.hniot6 sp- usin8 ricc tolishangs d<br />

subslral€. l hey obsined lhe maximum crude prolein under C:N ratio of l 5 r l dd in<br />

fie prcsence of CaCl, 0.001%, MgSOa 0.00 l% ud KHTPO. 0.075% ar ptt 4_0 and<br />

30'C tempcrature for ?2 hou6.<br />

Bajwr et ar (1991) obraincd $e maximum crude prorin of 15.17 p€rcent<br />

Birh 0.5% NaOH kearcd .i@ srraw (5yo) femsrcd wjth Atetniotw Sp. 'fhe<br />

opttum conditions used were cacl,0.0l%, MgSOr 0.01%, KH,PO4 0.2%,<br />

molasses (cane) 1.0 % *ith C:N Btio of25:l at pH 4.0 and 30.C rcmperature qirh<br />

Chanem er a/. (1991) damined rhe eflcct ofsubstote ro wsler and carbon to<br />

nitroeen ratios by !si!g (l) lxcd dounl of nutri.nr medium md incr€asing h€.r<br />

puh levels (2) usirg conslart b€€r pulp level ed incr€aling mcdium votlnes.<br />

Subsrate 2 g/l0ont proved the oprinat Cn! ratio for prctein production and high<br />

convesion elficicncy of 23%. TIE resulrs atso indicared rhat ls (NHrlSOy'L was<br />

opnnum for maximnm biomass yietd. Higher coocentrations of nirrogen sfiowed<br />

inhibirory effects on c.llulasc production makin8 tec, slbon avaitable for<br />

Ak.am (1992) prcduced fun8al biomss using whear bra, os subslrare and<br />

Asper{llu tercLt I fcmenrative ol8eism. He obrained fte maximum tungal<br />

biomass production having 32.88 0/o crude protein with 8% subsrEre (s/v),<br />

0.0075o/o CaCb.0.l% MgSOi.THrO, 0.25% KHrpOa and 7:l carbon to nitroS€n<br />

Mahnood ul Hassan (1992) oplimied conditions for p.oduction of fungat<br />

bioDass. He us€d 3% b€et lulp ( v) under the ionic conce,rratio, of 0.00?50lo<br />

CaCl2, 0-01% M8SO+?H!O, 0.125% KHrpO..?HrO and carbon to nitrcgcn mrio of<br />

5:l vith fr suppl€me.tarion of 1.2% com s1€ep liquor. He obtain.d rhe maximum

22<br />

bioffi prctein of28% by f.mdtlrion ||ilh Asperyill6 terreu. H. obsewed th.t<br />

the biom6s w6 @mpler.ly lackiog in cscnrial dino lcids, llsirc, his dine dd<br />

Arhar er al. (t995) rcponed lhe bioconveBion of beel pulp inlo hicrobial<br />

biomN in fed barch culrue sysrm, Followirg 3% sutEtEtc to \rarq Eiiq<br />

0-00?5% C.Ch, 0.125% MgSOrTHrO, 0.30% KHTPO. 0.000?5% F.SO..1H!O<br />

and l5:l carbon 10 nitrog€n ratio drcy sll.ined 5.98 mg/ml of niorobial biomass<br />

prorein at initial sbge by fermorrrion vit\ Condida utilis. Fed batch of 1.570<br />

molasses and 0.75% CSL ar 36 hou6 of fermenlation caused funhe. rise of<br />

microbial prcrein to 7.78 mg/ml. Tle baclerial inocul.rion with 404 glucose added<br />

lo the abov. fermenied medium ohanccd prclein upro 10.74 ng/ml od lysine<br />

content fioo L29 lo 3.08Y0-<br />


This is onc of rt. very imporrer palama.r for 8cning ndimum<br />

yield Aom m orguism od is also iDpo.ret to loow tbolr ib p.liod of mdimum<br />

8ors'1h. Th. incDbalion pe.iod of any org&ism dcpcnds on ih€ avaitability of<br />

optimun conditions. Once he 8ro*th conditions arc optmized it is necessary to<br />

tnow abou( the inobation p€riod of thar orgmism for Setiin8 majdmum yield.<br />

Some o.gdbms gmw in shtrt period of ine while orh6 take mor. rime. Srudi€s<br />

have beer conducled 10 know about th€ inqibarion Friod ofdifferenl ogranisms.<br />

Follosing arc a few rcterencs which gives info.tnarion aboul rhe incubalion p€riod<br />

ofeme o.ganisms and its .r.ct oo final prcducr yietd.<br />

Rieche er a/. (1966) fem€nrcd t% acid lre3t€d hydrolyed potaroes with<br />

C.Utl,r sl.. adj61in8 pH ed adding .|moniuD ph6ph.t ed mnorium<br />

sulphac as oirlogen sources. They obrained rr4 ro 469 yea$ dry mane/100g<br />

rcduciabl. sugd md 36% crude prolein wilh incubarior period of4-5 days.

2J<br />

t'oda d al. ( | 971) Iirmented supemaranrs of corn sbep liquor obtained atter<br />

precipiiaron of protein *i1h C,dda d ir for goducrion of fodder yeast. Ihey<br />

$rcceeded ii prcducinS yean biomass containing 3E lo 55% prorein aft$ 72 hou6<br />

of f€.ncnlalion at lo'C.<br />

I le { | 975) obtai,rcd lungal biomrss having 18.6% c.ude prorcin atier 3 days<br />

of fernentation of alkali prctre3red rjce srraw wiln mixed cullurc of Cellutohow<br />

sp. Md Alcalieenet f.ecatis. He reponed that c.llular biomas was rich in all<br />

essenlial amino acjds ard vilsmins nnd had 4t.2 lo 55% in- viro proiei!<br />

dieeslibility.<br />

Pcn6.n (1975) optimiz€d rhe conditioB for two srr.ins of @futotyric funsi<br />

Tri.hodetM vitide. Tlc conditons w.re blsed on max'oum yietd of biomds<br />

prol€in and cellulase enzym. prcd&rion, He found thoi l_2 % ofalkati rcared<br />

barley srmw when fennenled for 3 days at pH 3.5 ro 4.5 yielded maximum .rude<br />

p.otein (2t-26y'\ whercas t0 days of fernedalion yi.tded maximum ce utsse<br />

R€nde and Cregory (19?5) $rou8h fennentalion of cssav a vjrh Atperaitrus<br />

lutrigota obtd,rcd microbial biom0ss after 20 hours of femenlarion. The final<br />

yi.ld lvas 249 dry product conraining 36.9% crud€ p.otein. The detcrmin€d prorein<br />

on amino acids b6is ws 2?.1%.<br />

AroM md Fitzpatrick 0976) obLin.d mdimum prcducron ot e ure<br />

.nzya. wirh Trichodema ei,id.. Th.y trr.d m.dium amp.bing dihydrogen<br />

phosphale, dimmonium sulph.r€, CaCl, atrd other lrac€ elen.nts with an<br />

incubation period of ?0 hous.<br />

Yogo., zt. (1976) culrwd yejsr Card,Za MOy-657 in a m.diun having<br />

l0g MeOH ed lg com sreep tiquortiter at 30.C for 48 houB. tt war observed lhal<br />

lh€ crud€ prolein in rhe yesl cells w6 55.5 percent, which was 3t.3% in tems of<br />


24<br />

Fuska md Kallarova (19?7) used mixcd cllrwe of Mw steritiM and<br />

cibbetettalrjitwoi on sav dusr hydrolyale for a pqiod of52 hou6 and obtained<br />

1.28-1,45 a dry uDucr/100 mt othcdiuh. the dty matter ofDyelilm @nldned<br />

33.3'35.7% amino acids ot which |6.I-16.6% wcrc escnri.l amino acids.<br />

Kag€aki d, a/. ( 1977-a) cutrurcd Toltopsis nahatutophags 6 ^,i.dinnl<br />

ror 30 houB and obtained 3?s/L ofdrj.d ce s. Kas.aki sr d/. (t9??-b) in second<br />

stut\ ,crobic.rry cuhurcd //a Nehuta trcthrlororu 91 on ^ tncdiuh for 30 houB and<br />

obrained cell yi.ld oflsg/L. Kagc*i et al. (t977-c]l i^ another nudy obraincd 20.1<br />

stL ..ll prcdwr u'ing Hmicota net,ytovorc 97 . The naubation period in lhis caje<br />

PeileBen (1977) oblained n]dnnum of24 tL mycelial prolein by culturin8<br />

Irichodena vnid. witt, 4-t I g/L of subsrnlc. Hc used (NlL)rSO4 t.S. KHrpOl<br />

2.0, !rea0.4, Cactr 0.3, MgSOa.?HrO 0.9S, ZnCIr o.Et, CoCl, L0 (gl0g ccthtose)<br />

md peplores (t8/kg cellulose) in thc mcdium hd obseryed an hcubaiuion pedod<br />

Patmenr er dl. (1978) srudied rhe fementarion of atklti rrelted sw dost<br />

with Ch@toni@ c.UutotltiM ed obhiocd 12.5 p€rccnr prorein iD 48 houB. Thc<br />

subskate when f.rnored in solid srar. for 20 d.ys wirh Cra etonitun ce utot ti.w<br />

produced onty lt.0 and 8.0 percont celt mass for tray fermenl€r and rumbtc<br />

feflnenler, resp.ctively indicating much slowq rate rnan wben substrare was<br />

feflne ed in shate nask.<br />

Silamm ?/ al (1978) srudied the abitiry of some tunsat cutrures to produce<br />

microbial prolein on 3 difterent !rclr$ted c€llutosic subslrates (rice slraw, bagr$e<br />

ed groundnut stElk). pe,.tidr M chtysoeenW go\ed s ve bd or8rnism fo. rhis<br />

purpce. It produed 85 mg prorcin p€r g of alkati rentcd rice straw (ATS) all€r 62<br />

h of incubalion wlEn fte iniriatpH wd kepr in fte nnge ol 3_5.6.0 at t% Vv of

'neal<br />

25<br />

Ba.jrach.rya and Mudse( (1979) repoded (hat prolein r€covery from atfatfa<br />

residue increed from 47.270 tor conrrol sanples upto 64.5% fo. temenred<br />

sampres an r irs fmcntation wilh different fuSal stnift e.A. Aspergilt6 sp. eM<br />

9994, AsFErgilb hiqet QM a77 a d Rhitopt$ "igica6 eM 387 for 5 daF. Kamel<br />

(1979) obse ed lhal yeasl vcry ellicicntly convedcd 4-5 perce dates soluble<br />

solids to 4.E6 percen( sinSle cettprotein ater I2 hours incubation.<br />

L.. et al. (r97g) studi€d rhe chmctdisrics or 6 isotatG of @ltulosic<br />

bacleria. All werc idenrified .s mcmbeB of rhe gens C€itutaroer. Diff.ml<br />

condirions w@ optimiad fo. hqimun yietd of biomass. rn rwo separ.i. rrials<br />

one at l% and orhd at 6% sobsrEtc tevet recove.ed IZ ed 25 g e msyl lnd<br />

48 houls of f€mcnradon havinS 4 t .55y0 and 25.6% proem, resFcrrrely.<br />

Quie.zy ar ar (t9?9) obrained sphagnum peal exhcb as hydrotyzates aod<br />

osed that as culrurc mediun fo. rh. prcduction of Cdrd,i/a lrilir biomass. Shake<br />

fldks werc used for f@Enlarion. fte ,naximum bioma.r, conenraton (?.5 8r-)<br />

rvs obtqined after 60 hou$ incubarjon ar jo.C and 200 rpm.<br />

Roshkova (1979) in a srudy cuxivaled rwo srrains of Caddd viz 2672 and<br />

2673 M on difleEnl nedia unde. oprimun @ndiriol!. The biomN yictds w.rc<br />

56.5% and 44.3./, 6 dtied y6r for stEirs 2672 .nd 20 hou6 Md for 267j M atter<br />

volfova er al (t979) aner $e fermedarion ofscid rrerted srmw hydrol)zrle<br />

vith Candido topi@tis for 12 hou6 at pH 4.6 and l0.C remp@turc succ.cdcd i!<br />

ar|aininS 8-9 % prolein in fitraly fcmcnlej biomN. Atberro ed D.sou (t9E0)<br />

fef,neDt r€d ellulcic hydrotlzrle wjrl marine yesr cutrur€ tor 2 days .nd<br />

obrained 5-6 g/L of dry yeasr m€ss.<br />

Hirchne. and L€{therw@d (19S0) fermeded celulos€ wilh<br />

derepresscd nurant slEin ofceldouoro rp. for 96 hou6 and producrd<br />

protein havinS 75% crude prcrein and 68% rrue protein

26<br />

aaraquio ?/ a/. (1981) prodrce/ singlc cell prolein ftom shey lsine<br />

Cur.lkld tls.udoh oticolis nnd Sacchdrunyces ,agi/jl. Ti € nrotcin yield q.s l l .8<br />

pcrdcnr b rlt sliokc ll'$k culturc usils dcp.otcini4d whcy lbf batch and 21.4-3?.7<br />

pcrcent lbr olher merhoG Gemiconrinlow and supplem€nted batch collures Ning<br />

unlrcated whey). Il. hislEt c.ll mas yi.ld ws 12.5 g/L and 12 hou6 ot<br />

cullivarion wirh Candida pvttlolropicalb 6ing whey supplooled with<br />

(NHr,so. od KHrPoi.<br />

cds dd Ne€lakantatr (1981) produced single c€ll protein from bagasse.<br />

-l-hey su@eeded in obtainine 20.1% biomals pmtein after fem€ntation of I%alkali<br />

rreared bagasse wirh ,4rpfal6 ,ere6 ancr 7 days of incubation-<br />

Muindi and Hsnssd (l9El) suc.lded in improvinS $e crude prolcin<br />

conl€nls of.assava rool meal ftom 2.40lo to 3E% after sub'n€r8ed cultivation wilh<br />

Trichodem hdBiMun at 3O'C lempeatwe, 4.0-4.2 pH for a period of 60 hours.<br />

Ca|e and N€elakanrd (1982) fcm.nred l% alkali tGat.d bagdse alonS<br />

with €de urine. !re!, c@ st + liqlor, (NTLLSO6 NHaNOj, FeNtlrsoa, NH4CI<br />

and NaNOI @lf€ctively by /spetgillw tene6 for 3 days.. They produced 16.4<br />

percenl p.otein/1009 bagase- Davey and Bruce (1983) femenGd ll0 9,4, of<br />

Iiggerf dury solid ,netrer wlth Sporctti.htm pulterulqtrz at pH 5.0 od yi€lded<br />

22.? percent biomass p.olein aflq 168 hours.<br />

Eriqrcz and Rodriquez (19E3) f€me ed alkali k atcd bagasse at leo<br />

levels 25 and 40 gil with Ce ulononas sp. llbc fot 4E hours in a shalc medium at<br />

pH 6.5 ard lemperature 35'C and r€covered bacterial biomass containing 49 pe.cent<br />

Mill$.nd Srinivasan (I9E3) f.nncnred ellulose conrai.ing synlhelic<br />

neditm w'nn AspetSill6 tenw at pU 4.0 in sdni continuous batch. They obuined<br />

23-28 pe@nrliomas prclein aller 36lou6 of fementarion,

27<br />

Sandhu 4d woraich ( 1983) sludi€d a numbcr of yeast spe.is for production<br />

of single cell protein uing chcese whey s rh. subslrale. The ch.es. whey was<br />

suppl€m€nled wilh minorah ed yeasr exlract. They reporred that of lJ)e lliaeen<br />

speciq srudied df,4rdralrr, C.c@ata, P.polyiqpha dd W.robe sii ^lained<br />

'naximum bioD6s aner 72 hous of incubation, Tt. prorein conlerrs ofrhe skains<br />

varied lion l0 to 60%.<br />

Laukevics.r a!. (1984) subjected steam treated wheat sr6w (wheat sraw<br />

907c, whcat bm l07t 1o solid stac femenratlon with Tlichoderno ,eesei d a<br />

Dixed cultue of tf€6et and E"dohttopsis frbutiget ar 29.C. Ttcy obrained 13<br />

perco1 prclein aner 168 hou6 of incubrrion. The besr prcrein pirducrion ws<br />

obtaincd if, stalionary layer fermsters. lt was conctuded that SSF had towd ovedll<br />

elficiency but higher pfoduct concenkarion per rcacljon votume than other<br />

Molina.r u/. (1984) studied the production ofsingt€ cell prorein frcm lolo<br />

NaOH lreded ud unfrcared bagase pith wirh a mixcd culrt rc of Ce ohohos sp.<br />

and Aacillu rdrilrc. The shond incubarion period rcquired for fie producrion of<br />

mqmM prot€in wa 24 houB 31 25oC temp€aturc.<br />

Abdullah e, o/. (t985) Opiinized the gro$th corditions tor crderariM<br />

ce dol,ti.un tt producrion of bionas gotein from whet srmw The b6r<br />

lreatnent was IoLlnd 1o be ammonia fieeze exllosion. Tl€ feme .tjon was canied<br />

oul ar 3/C usirS 2ol, ineutum, substrar€ hiakness of I to 2cn for ?2 houls.<br />

Maximtn of 27.2t/r biomas p.or€in w.s obrained under optimum condirios.<br />

Mixed culluing of Carddo //,ir fuflhe. inqeesed biomrss producrion by 20%.<br />

Tley concluded lhat the besr mode of femslltion was scmi conrinuors f€d barch<br />

fcnrenration wherc hslf of the formenred mat..iat was rcmoved a1 ihree days<br />

nrtewal dd rcpl&.d by frsh subs1raL.

28<br />

Maciel-d.-Mecilha er dt (1985) uscd cacao pod husk as a sole cafton<br />

source wnh @ncenoations of3.0, 5.0 and ?.59/L fo. sitrgl. cell prorein producdon<br />

tttotcb CellutMo@ flsise@ 8d Alcalieeres faecoti'. They obrained a<br />

mdiDm of 63.79% proteh lt subctrat€ @@tlirion of 3.0s/L !ft.r E0 hoE of<br />

remenrariotr. Th. valft of dry mdrq oblained vei€d fiom L93g& ar sobsrare<br />

conc€ntElion of 3.09/L aner E5 lrculs of femenrarion and 7.040g/L a1 ?_58<br />

substnter'L afi$ 65 holl6 of fmentarion.<br />

Pdaiotov e, al (19E5) used browr supmarrnt msinint and rhc<br />

@guhtion of alfalfs prclein as grcwlh mcdium fo. miqobial f.mcnr.tid. Duing<br />

72 hou6 of f.mentation Caadi.h topicalit, Car.tida utitis sid percitih<br />

rcntuculosun con\.ned 50, 6l and ?l% of rotal suga6 ed accumutated 2 I ,26 md<br />

3 I g solidyl0oml containing 32, 35 6rd 3 I yo prcrein, respecnv.ry.<br />

SmaAnna (1985) grew Crrilir using m inr€mirl@t supply of concenlnGd<br />

spenl sulfite liquor (black liquor) h.ving ll.9% lolal reducir8,ugs or psnial<br />

substBtc subsdlutim nediw. He ohain.d 54.95% yi.td afte. t?2 hous of<br />

AIam ( 1986) opnmird rhe fennentdion condiriom for maximum produclion<br />

of biomass proreiD. She f.rmented rice polishings with Arcehriotus sp. in sttrlke<br />

n6k usinS 5 pcrccnr (Vv) subsrale ar pH 4.0 ;d 30.C remp..atur€ for ?2 houB<br />

dd obtaiDed maximum bimass p.oteil|.<br />

chen d dl (1987) eMDined ih. .lT.cls of culrurc m.dium on tysine<br />

fofrarion dudng fcmenrarion wi|}. Brcvibactqiunlawn FM E4415. The effecrs<br />

of salts, ur€a, brm, suge. com powd€r and pH of lhe medium w€rc srudied. HiShesr<br />

lysine p.oductiotr (64.3s Iysir,€-HCl/L) was obtained aner ?2-80 hours of<br />

fenrdlalion undcr optimum @nditions.

29<br />

Ilashini (1987) srudied the produclion of biom.is pmtein fmn rice 3traw,<br />

tsfig Trichadema hdtziahttu as ferl,eniative orgsism. He achieved maximum of<br />

I 3.3 percenr pslein aRe. 120 hou6 of fennentltion.<br />

Ftrrisek er dl (lgEE) u.d chrolnoEqic m'rrats of Brcvibactel'M sp. lol<br />

,r. srudied the bicytrlhqis of L-lysin.. Undd optimum fmenrarion condirions,<br />

L-l)sine production of 43-49 gil in 96 houls with a @Ne6ion of 45-49% wrs<br />

noric.d. Kiani eI a/. (1989) producal yeall biomass ftom defatled rice polishings<br />

lsinA Candida !116 d f.m.nlalive orgmism. TIE mdimum cnde protcin<br />

oblained was27.8l percenl for an incubatior periodof?2 hou6.<br />

Moltrnood "r a1. rlcao' oprimized f.ment rion penod for maximum<br />

production of biomds protoin by Arcchkiota 5p. lsingri@ polishinSs as subs|ml..<br />

A maximum protoin percenl of 17.23 ws produ@d anc. 72 hours of f€rment tion<br />

!l{ 4.0 and 30"C temperaturc. Bajwa et dl. (1991) obtained the maximum crude<br />

prolein of 15.17 percent when 0.5 p€cent NaOH t@ted dc. st"q (5yo) wes<br />

f.nnenr.d wirh ,{racr,tor6 lP. for 6 days.<br />

Yans (1993) obtahcd 32.4y0 crudc pro&in rner 4 days of femenrdion of<br />

sweet potatoes residue al 30oC with I I I cGculture of Mylol)lic mycelial fun8i.<br />

Hcn.B €r a1. (1995) conducted a study 10 get maximum numb€r of yenst cells by<br />

10-14 hours fermentalion. ftey uled sugar cane.iuice havinS liule proportion of<br />

mola$es thrcugh a rcNl€rilized process. Tley suggesl€d thal juice should be flerh<br />

havirspH 4.5 to 5.2 and be incubated .l 32'C.<br />

El-Nawi er at (1996) fcrmenred alkali rcated bagasse al conc. of 1.5<br />

o/dw/v) under various culor. condilions by ,1vel8il6 teneu' fot prcre;n<br />

produclion. The optimum cooditions l|cle, pH 4.5, tenperature lsoc, culturc broth<br />

l:5 (v/v), inoculm 4% (v/v) and cortinuous shakirs fo.7 days. They obtained<br />

biomss hrying prcIein conrenis 2l-2870 (dw). The protoin re@vercd wls ll,<br />

14.5g p€l l00irba8asse.

l0<br />

El,sab..ny ard HNd ( t996) arcmptcd rhe producrion of taclic acid, tacric<br />

acjd d€hydrogeE€ (LDH) and singlc cell protein (SCP) fiom dried whey by<br />

fem.ntarion with bcbba.iUw .lelv@ckii, subspei€s ,,taartu6,369 on !<br />

ftdium €nriched with dri€d whey (8% v). Tl.y rcDoncd rh.t ferb.nralion cdied<br />

out ar pH J.5 for 24 hou6 gavc hqimM of32.Eyo SCp.<br />

Cao e/ al. (199?) dev€loped a snnple and €fI€crive melhod for rrca$nenr of<br />

fig"Mflulo6ic nile.ill for tlE prcducfion of 2,3-buranediol by Ktebsie o ottroca<br />

AICC 8724 frcm comcob f€rmenralion. TIey prcpared subskaie comprized 90%<br />

cellulose. They werc able 10 produce but nediol @nc€nlsrjon of25 g/L and an<br />

ethanol concentalion of ?g/L by Kotttoca ftor'|.E' gL ol comcob celtutose wirh s<br />

@llulae dosage of 8.5 IFPU/g @llulose of coh@b atler ?2 houB of solid slarc<br />

Dahol ar al (1997) conparj $c anounr of singlc cel protein production<br />

trom rice h$k rreared wirh two differ.nr atkati solutions !r variow concenrrarions<br />

(0. | 5, 0.3, 0.45 ald 0.6 N) ed femotcd with p.tui in .xrv&M. Th.<br />

fcmentstion was canied our bstch whe in shake fl6*!. They r.ported m.rimum<br />

rungal biom&ss p.orcin (2.63%) ar t92 hom on 0.3 N sodilo hydroxidc Uered<br />

nc€ husk rs comparcd to l.3l% on 268 houls of 0.45 N ammonium hydroxide<br />

Gupt. and Darl! (1997) fen€nr.d bagassc undd solid statc condirion with<br />

*ctllrve of Aspergll8 ellwics and Aspergi us luni4atus for producrion of<br />

cellulol'lic enzymes. They foutrd thar rhe pcrrcatrnent of baeass. wilh 2% (Vv)<br />

calcium hydronde .nd lh€n E da)s of fermentqrioD savc maximum Foduclion of p-<br />

HM et al. (t997\ isotated Candida rp€.riar ftom rhe soit atrd found rhar lhe<br />

organism was abl. io d€gradc uric acid of poutry f&ces pl.s.nt in rh. groqi<br />

medium. Msximurn cell srotrth (3.8x10v CUF/ml) wa! obraincd at 16 hou6 of

3l<br />

in.lbalion- ]l'ey obseNed that volalil€ fi(y acid!, known as major compounds of<br />

poulq f..c.s odor w.E .lmost rcmorrd ftom lhc mirinal louliry fa€ces drr&r<br />

Lec .r a/. (199?) cullivated blue gr€en algae CNIES 19,19,46) for production<br />

of singlc ccll protein. ]tey rcponcd rhar after ? &ys of cultivarion mdd 5000<br />

Wm2 lieht inleffity, Iiml cell conc.nhlion srs 2.8 (g/L) fld chlorcphyl,a w.s<br />

4.9 ms/L. rwirh inilial concenrrarion of NlHcoj, l.7olo and NsNor, ws 0.250lo,<br />

ndimm ccll @ncentrarion vu obtti,n d. Spnulitu ploreNn NIES 39 show.d<br />

faste. growrh nre lhd NIES 39.<br />

Sdndhu and Jorhi (1997) studied fep factoB for producrion of ethanol and<br />

protein th.ough enher solid s1a1€ feanenlation (SSF) or natu.ll f€rmenration of<br />

apple ponuce Ning dwc diffcEnt y61 sr-aiB. The fesults showcd rhar produclion<br />

of ethanol, crude and solubl€ prclein rhrough natural fcmentarion was atmost hatf<br />

rhd thal of fmnenration witr added inoculm of Saccn@ony..t cenisiae. The<br />

oplimum timc for ethmol orcdlction in SSF ws 96 houB.<br />


Vadely of ways have been adopt€d 10 fe neot diffefent types of subslrat€s<br />

for fie productim of ei$er sinsl€ cell prot€in or other kjnd of usctut prcducrs.<br />

B6ide uing methods of b3tch, f€d bakh, solid srrr. fmenrarior or subne.g.d<br />

fernentation, the biotechnologists have kied the use of more than one orgdism for<br />

$e enhancemenl of fermenraiiotr products. Sone workers had adoDled $€ co-<br />

cullure renncr ation whil. olii6 hav. used fmarlriae orgatrtum one ancr rhc<br />

olher. An available lircorure on multi-culrue fem.nirdon has b€€r rcviewed as<br />

Han ?t a/. (1971) used leo orSdisms for ferm€nration, one C./t lo'ora<br />

(cellulas. lroducinS bicf.ria) .nd oth.t Alcatieenet faecatis (ccllobiose urilizing<br />

bactefia). Tb€y succeedcd in obrainin8 6.248 of dry c€ll per lii€r i, symbiotic

,2<br />

fenncntation as compared ro I -?g of dry c.ll p€r litrc wirh prre cultu. t-€mrenHion<br />

orC. ulohon's. They .mmqled rhar lhe SCP prcdrclion $.ou8h f€mentarjon of<br />

cellulGic substr.l€ wilh a singlc o.sanbm b nor a emcienr s in c6€ of<br />

fermentation wjth nore ftm one organhn. Synergistic erect oltwoorgdnisns wa<br />

suggested for lhe enhoc€m.nt of the atnoun! of dry @lls production,<br />

Hm (1975) f'motcd rice straw wirdt Cdlulono@ sp. sd ltcaliEeaes<br />

Jae.alis. H. rcported rhar'l5yt ol tlE ricc struw slbslrale wc digetcd .nd I E,6% of<br />

tolal substEtc wcidl lhat disapp.€red eas recovercd d micrcbial prorein. FrntE<br />

lhe micrcbial cell fFction wd 3?% prorcin ud 5% crude fib€!, Gido. wa! 12%<br />

prorcin and 45% crude fibd. In virro digetibilny ofthe microbiat piolein was 41.2<br />

ro 55% ard that of cellulose was 52%.<br />

Fuska and Kollarovs (1977) fermenr€d 5-7 peI@r sawdust hydrotyzate with<br />

a mixed culrorc of Macor rte riliun atd cibberclh l\jikuoi and yietded I .28- l .45g<br />

dry !na&r/lo0,nl of the nedium- The dry marler of$e mycetium was obseded to<br />

be rich in essential mino acids ofwhich m.rhionin ed cysreire @ntcn|s w.rc 5.4<br />

and 7.0%, Gsp€ctively.<br />

Banaquio er a/. (1981) srudi.d rhe producrion ed nutrilive vatue ofsinglc<br />

cell proLin tro'n whey Ning Cd4lida ps.unouopicolis ad Sauhotok!.es rasitis.<br />

'liey obsened the prot€in yield of ll.E perc.nr in the shajc fldk culrure and 2l.4-<br />

17.7 perccn( fo. tle other melhods. Thcy obhined fte highcsl cell mass yield .s<br />

12.5 g/L all.r cuftivatiotr with Cah.lida pseudonopi.alis tsilg whcy supptcmenled<br />

with (NH.ISOa md KHrPO.. The av.rog. pror.in mrenl ofccttnass eas jtyq<br />

and bolh the y6ts prodoced all f'e ess.ntial amiro &ids.<br />

Sek r dd Prablu (1982) isotalcd and cheacreri&d 1wo bacr.ri0l slrains<br />

liu rumen and liquid wasle (bio-liquid) from a bio,eas ptanr urilizing basasse,<br />

capablc of growing on alkali lreated baeasse. Borh isolats were id€ntified .s<br />

Ce onon6 sp. Nd verc.nlturcd on alkali rreted bagass€ at thc rate of l%

ll<br />

substrate in balrl n.dium ar pH 7-7_5. Ttc orgeisos showed 50-55%<br />

decomposition of substr.t. in 5 days sh.ting cutrurc. A mixed cutture of<br />

ce 'no|onos sp. nnl Ttichoddma sp. showed 95% dccomposilior of thc subsrrare<br />

in a day culrurc. The prolein contenr of Celtulonow IAM l2l0E, lhe<br />

Ce ulonuas sp. rrcm b. rume and lhar fron (h. bio-tiquid wcrc 62, 52 dd 57<br />

klkevics e/ al. (1984) Ned solid sra& femcnr.rion of sr€M hcarcd whqr<br />

smw (wheat srra- 90% md whear bM l0%). Ttichoderda re.sei or ^ mixed<br />

culturc of lreerei nd Edoht@ptit libtlig.t was us€d fof fermeDblion and<br />

dcoveEd 13 pcrc.nt prorcin. Th. best proi€in pmducrivity Ms obraired in<br />

stationary layer feim€nters. Tley concluded lljat SSF had low€r ovemlt ef|ciency<br />

bui hidq prcdlct conc.ntnriq Fr @rion votum. rhln othe. conv.Bion<br />

schcmes. I wls aho conclud.d rhar teo orgeiss fcmenrarion prov€d besl rhd<br />

single organisn fcrmentalion.<br />

Molina a al. (1984) incubarcd slkati hydrotyzcd and unr..aGd bagass pilh<br />

with mixed cuftlrre of Cethtowtus sp. ^id Baci 6 rrrrtii Th.y reported<br />

'naximum myceli3l biomals p.orein prodocrion by co-qjtrue.<br />

Maciel-dc-Manciltal er al. (t985) used @cao pod husk 6 a sote carbon<br />

source wnh concenkarions of3.0, 5.0 and 7.5 g,,I_ for singte cel protein production<br />

thto\t$ Cellulonow ll@ieetu s d ,ltcatigd.s hecatis. A ndinum ,i.t.l of<br />

63.79% to total prctein wss obiained !r q€o pod huk conccno-ation ofl.0 e/L<br />

aner 60 hous of fermentation.<br />

Pqoni al|d Os@ (t9E?) used slk.li rre{ed ni ed comcobs of differcnr<br />

gnnulometric fncrions d caftohydnt. euce for fcmenrario, wir,'r nixc.t culrurc<br />

of Cellutodotus tp. Nd Rocir8 s,rrilir. They found no difcrcnce berwcen rh€<br />

bacldill prcrcin production from rh. tinc fiacrion (_25m6h), th. cerse fmction<br />

(+25 mesh) and rhe clmcob mitted *ithout fracrionaring by gmnulomcrry. They

14<br />

reported th.t rhe li.!l composition of th. fcrmcnl.tion Prcducts changed according<br />

|o rhe @m cob conce ration us.d in the cont.nt (65.070), and lov fibd @ntent<br />

(0.6?vo) suitable as protcin supplemenl fo. fowl forag€s. Iley staled that by<br />

increE'ng tle inirial com cob concenlralion upto 609 litrc ', it was possible to<br />

produce a final biomass with higl liber co .nl (l7.E7o) and 35.70lo of prot€in. It<br />

was suSAested that srch biomass could b. us.d as rumin.nl fccd.<br />

Manilal er al. (1991) inoculat€d two cullurcs of Csrlis and ,lr!/tge' or<br />

Car,7,ir ond ;uas'6i simulbn.oNly into lhc l00ml sl.ril€ emuenl of cassava<br />

starch for the production of biomals. They mixed th. .mu€nl wirh (NH.):SO. 2.8g'<br />

KllrPo. 0.7& CaClr.2r|O 1.0& MgSOa.THro 0.2& NsCl0.lg and y.an exhcl<br />

0.01 8/L. 'Ih€y obtai.ed a biom.ss contsining 22% (*/w) prolein, which rcmained<br />

unchuBed during f.rm.ntation.<br />

Rodiiquez .nd OsU.rdo (1991) proddd siDsl€ c.ll prct i! usins rwo<br />

orsanistu viz. C. ulontu sp..nd Ps.udodo@ sp. usinA b!8tss€ pith. Th.<br />

nnge of prcponion of tnq.lwo orgsnism! \{rs found to b€ 4:l to l00rl 0nd lhc<br />

b.sr pH vas ?.0. A nuturl symbiodc relarionship was found b€tw€en rhese two<br />

orearisms in such a way thal tl'c C. ulononas sqpljin hc cubon (Slucose<br />

produced from blaaisc dcgradation) 1o thc PreudoafirJ .nd thc lattcr producing<br />

lhe virrmin supplcocnb nc..ssdy for minimal m€dium, wihout addnion of any<br />

grcwfi factor. They concluded lhal thc co-culturc syslcm was succ€ssful for F.d-<br />

b.rch clllivarion givinS ri$ ro hi8h biomN Ptoduction (19.a g/L) and utilliziioD<br />

of lisnoccllulosic subslrat .<br />

Vst$trez et al. (l93ll) culth€led a mix(w of orsrnisms, 3 yasts (l<br />

Car.li.lo uttlis ,nd 2 Sacchoronlees .enbi@, 6d a fungus (C.ofidi@<br />

.drdtd@) od leo slcp Geld Pinus pi.litcr buk sd!p16. Thc substntc w6 fiEt<br />

r.eated wnh akali and al sccond step wift ac.tic .cid HrOr solution. Tt.y w.rc<br />

succcssful in 8€dng incrcsscd biomass yi€ld ard singlc cell prolein

)5<br />

Jin €r al. (1994) succeed€d in trmsfonning com residue inb lrigh qualir,<br />

mixed prcrcin f.ed using solid 3kre femedtation wirh a miaed culrurc of a y.sr<br />

Sa.charon'tNes ther|'antiton@ and ^ tu.Ci Pletot6 oslreztu on com rcsidue.<br />

lhe Iennenkrion proJud ubrained I'ad l7-20s. prolein 'irh iomptere srnino sciJ<br />

prolile, rre€ ofpoisonoN compounds and rajLfut.<br />

Kallef-Mhni €/ al (1994) used nixed cuttuc of Sa.cralhrc.s .eflisiE<br />

CAS 8066 and Kluleercdycer r'.fa8ir:r for continuous p.oduction of bionass on<br />

nEdia conlaining whcy pe.mear. and glucce (WG) or whey permearcj malrose and<br />

Slucose (wMC). clucose snd maltose w@ lrovided ftom hyd.otyate srffch. Tte<br />

yield varied frcm 0.26 to 0.48 g/9. Ttrey suSSested that the rcsutls obrained werc<br />

duc to rhe difl€rcnt kinerics of glucose rmspori in Ktrr\eroarca l.agitis nd<br />

So c cha rc ntN. s c e n is i a e.<br />

Athd dr al. {1995) used beet lutp for convenion irro rnicrobial bio,nass in<br />

fed batch culrure sysr.m. They obrlined 5.98 rne/ml ofnicrcbiat biomN prctein at<br />

iridal scp by f.menbrion with Cdn lida ,litit wh.rc $ fen balch of L5% molalg<br />

and 0.75% CSL at 36 hou6 offemeniorion caused turlher rose of microbial protein<br />

1o 7.76 mg/ml. Tley rcpon€d :flr EreibaaeriD ,Idun io@ulared wilh 4%<br />

Slulle addsl lo the n€dim enheced proreiD upto 10.74 mg/ml and tysine conrent<br />

from 1.29 b 3.08%.<br />

Saima ( 1996) obrained an increased crude proaein frcm t4.29 ro 3O.Soh by<br />

fementing *heat brsn fiIsr wirh Candida ilis snd lh€n $iri Brcvibacte,iu<br />

layuu. Sh€ repoded 2.5 rimes increase in lysine contenrs.<br />

Desai and Tanvi (t99?) 3clected six isolares of lacric acid bacreia on rie<br />

bNis of their homo .nd hctro femenlation chander, ssh rolemce od nt6 of acid<br />

product'on. UsiDs these six isolates in combinarion. TtEy cdied out con0olled<br />

r€m.nl.1ion of b.ined be.! ffo! cabbaee, cucunber, €uliflower. singq, 8rM<br />

chilli, onion, rldish dd rmip ws cmi.d o!r. Th.y rcporred thar rlE fm.nt€d

36<br />

brined vegetabl.s axained lhe desh€d acidity wi6in 4 days at 28-30.C by adding<br />

0.1% sorbic acid to $e brine.<br />

Guple and Datla (1997) atcmtlcd fie productior ofc€llulolr,lic enzymes oD<br />

b.grse undq sofid slale femen(qtion by @cullu€ of,llp.rgill6 euiptic6 ad<br />

Atpersittu fwigtw.ItEy rcpoded th.r the cGculrurc had tEuer hydrcb,ric ed<br />

0-elNo6idasc activitie, a5 compeed to rhe @ions whcn they were us€d<br />

Gutienez-Coffe3 and Tengedy (1997) ,tudied elfect of @culture<br />

cultivation of Trichodema ,e.sei LM-UC4 ed its mulanl LM-UC4E with<br />

Aspe.gila pho.nicit onbngass€ duing its solid s1are fmenbtion process. Mutual<br />

syn€rghD rlas obsened between Trichodenna nonmutant s]fain and AspetAillut<br />

resulting in enl€nced biomasr production and conesponding increase in c€llula!€,<br />

endoslucanase and p-sluGidde activitj.s. They could not obsede such synergism<br />

betweo mutet ftichoder@ sn in 8d AtperyiU8. They wcre of the view rhal<br />

mutarion 16l thc coopcmtive intdction lbility of tr,i.lod.tua.<br />

lkesamiand Yasuhno (1997) investisaled the cret ofcarbon marerials on<br />

lhe g.owth of ycast du.ing a co-crllure f€rn€ntation ofpotato sloch with skains of<br />

Sdccharcry,cet sp. 8d Asperyillu otrza€. They reporled that by acBrion of rhe<br />

liquid cullurc thc mycelia formcd pcllcis. The y6t could groe pEdominmlly ar<br />

30'C dd yelsl tr€€ c€ll nunb€. hcr.ascd wi$ the saarch cont.nl. By the addirion<br />

of Cebon marcrials, aclivat€d-C or charcoal, ye3sl Srowrh was accelemred wif)<br />

rcg&d lo the sizc of chtrcoal, smaller was more effeclivc for y€aslsrcMh. Th.y<br />

suggesled lhat the carbon mterials apparcnlly acted as a carder for immobilirarion<br />

Tsiguchi dr o/. ( loa?.a) deleloped a sysrem of cecullue femenrltion for<br />

the production of ethdol from glul:N md xylose thrcugh f.rm€ntlrion wilh Piclio<br />

nipitis nnd Inrls[tl of Stu harcnycer c.nrlrrbe in a batch cultrr. process. It was

J7<br />

nported lllat lhc f€mentation widr Prttplir was stronSly dcpcnd€nt on o(ygen<br />

lra sfer mle (OTR). On $e basis ofotR values the relationship betwen optimum<br />

spcrific oxysen lptakc ruLc (qot and m!:(imun specific cthanol production (q!-<br />

md) w6 evaluated. Tlte oplimum qo, for ctheol prcduclion was 14.3 and 66.7 mg<br />

G ccllr,A'r) when xyloce md glu@se *rs us.d $ t'e qfton souM 6psriv.ly.<br />

Whe! a oixturc ofaluc@ ud x/@ wa usld d lhe clrbon su@ in a culturc of<br />

erriptir alone, fi. yicld 8nd prcduclivity of eltool wse significetly enhdced ai<br />

qo: adjBt€d to an optinm level dep.ndcnt on the typ. ofsugaf @nsmed. Tley<br />

obseN.d that thc co{ulturc oflhese lwo organisms r€sulted in mar-yield ed ftc<br />

highert Foductivily of ethaDol, from a mixture of xylo6. and 8luco6€, because qoz<br />

for xylose fem.ntation by Prr;Dtit ws$ suGsfiily mlinbincd due lo the loq<br />

oxygen consmption by th€ mulart y€ast stnin.<br />

Taniguchi dl di. (1997-b) develop.d a novel co,culture system consisling of<br />

lwo fementeB and two mimfi[eEtion moduls for effici.nt etharcl p.oducrion<br />

from a mixturc of 8l'|me and xylosc by c{)o[DE of Pi.hia stipits a d<br />

Socchuodrces .enbia.. Thay h@ulat d th. two dgdisru in a singl€ f.mcntcr<br />

whcre i1 was imposible io naintain the specific oxygen uptak. (qor) for elhanol<br />

prcduction from xylos. by Crtipirlr due to O, conlumption by AcdryiJrb.. Th.<br />

.lhanol produclion by conventiodl co.cul(w slstm ws lowd lhd a singlc<br />

culturc ofPJtlr,?ir .lon. in which qo, w3! ldjusled to e oplimum ldel depcndinS<br />

on tbo kind of suSu @nsumcd. Thc proposed cr-culture systcrh !l'o*€d re$lalion<br />

of dissolved oxyg.r concetrlralion at a level suitable for an individual y€61 in esch<br />

fcrmenler as well as successful exchang. of culture media b.lwc€n two fermenters.<br />

'Irrcy obbincd higher yields ud prcdocrivity of elhmol from a mixture of glu(rF<br />

dd xyl@ in a ncw cGcult@ s,,rt€m the h singl€ cultw ot P.ttipitis al6.-


l8<br />

llar (19?5) uscd ! growrh mcdium havins o.5e y@r cxlEcr pc. lir€r atoDs<br />

Fnh 10,50e ot atkali p.erreated cellulcic subslrar€ of ricc sl.ap ad snall<br />

quantitis of orher salts fo. irs fermcnrarion wili Celllonoadr sp. and Atcatigehes<br />

/ae.all'. lle rcporred that rbe microbiat c. mas kotaled aft€. femenrarion had<br />

37% nrotein and 5%.rude fibcr.<br />

YoBo et at. (1976) Femenled difleren( yeasr slmins on cutlure mediun<br />

containjng MeOH (6?-56-l), EIOH, glycefot, HOAC, glucos€, galaclose or fiuclose.<br />

Candida MOy-657 (IERM,P 3601) wss culrured wirh shating at 30"C for 4E<br />

hou.s. The m€diun had pH 6.0 snd conbined NH.Nor 4. K,Hpor 4, MsSOa 0.5,<br />

FcSOi 0-02. CaCl:0.01, y@t qtlact 1.0 and com sreep xquor lg plus minor<br />

amoDnb of Mnso4, znso4, thimin and biorin with l0g MeoH per Lire. They<br />

obtainedayield otyeast conbining 55.5% crudc prolein, which w6 3l_j% in lenns<br />

ofMoOH-<br />

Moo-You!8 "r al. (1977) in a srudy compared fie ce|utase and sjtr8le cell<br />

protein pfoduction by lvtride and C.@ utolyticM. Th. basrc media formulared for<br />

study lrd 0.1% ycasl exracr along wirl, urea and orlc. satrs. The subsrnlcs used for<br />

fenc arion were Solka-noc S.W.40 and paniarty dcriSrified sawdun and fie<br />

fcnnenhlion wss carried our ar pH j.0,30.C and 37.C lempemture for lritrile and<br />

C.cellulolrticun, rcs!€.tively for 22 hours. The resuls showed Dorc celtrlase<br />

prcdrcrion and substmre degmdation hy T.viride. Morc SCp p.odudion by<br />

C.CeUulolytic"h i\ rhe presence ofyeasr extiact ws noticed,<br />

Suzuki et at. (1971) fermened shight chain hydro.dbons wirh Catr.rila<br />

parul|iai.a. Tne microo.ganism was ae.obically cuhured at J5"C on m€dium<br />

having pH 4.0 containing n-atklns 2, (NHa)rHpOa 0.4, KCt 0.1, M8SO|.7H?O 0.1<br />

ano com s&€p riquor 0.t% plus race amounts of NaCt, FeSq ed yea$ exrracr.<br />

Tle) obEined a produ(r conraining 59.190 crude prolein.

l9<br />

Burgets (1994) dcveloped the mutsrt st6in of y@t Sa..hdrotht\es<br />

.endh". {hich wcrc dcficienl in prol4e enzym.. 'Ilt stains e€e used for<br />

preparation of yeasr €xtrdcts Siving maxnnM yield of nuclear prol€ins. They also<br />

developed anothe. mcthod for avoiding prclolysis during erlraction process llal h<br />

blendils c.lh with 8lN b.tds.<br />

Kalld-Mhiri dr aI. (1994) in a @culture fem€nlation prc.es studied lhe<br />

bioniass production on nedia eilhd ortlinin8 whey pemot dd glucose (WC)<br />

or whey permeatc. elucose and maltose (WGM). The orgmisms used for<br />

f€nneniation w* Sd..rarou)r.r ..nnide CBS 8066 .nd &utaetuht!.es Iragilis.<br />

Fo. eoch medium thc efist of y.st exlracr concotralios (0.1 and 0.5 e/L) was<br />

in!€stigated, Tley rcported lh.l the y€asi exlracr @ncentntion Ddledly elfect d<br />

the equilibriun of the co-cullue and c.ll yield, shich wd also influ€nced by the<br />

dil(ion.ak. Theyield varied from 0.261o 0.48 g/9.<br />

Niwa and Hirct(o (1994) prcparcd a cullurc medi! @ntaining yeasl extract.<br />

glucos. ed srdch havin8 pH 3-5. Th.y rcpon.d that lhe cultua d€dium wos<br />

useful for sel€ctive growth ofacidoplilic thermophilic bacteria toud in acidic fiuit<br />

juice at 40-60"C t mp@ture.<br />

Tabata €r d/. (1995) obse.v€d lb€ feding valu€ of th. yerst €itrEct- T1€<br />

e\trlct cotrlsitred 5 'neGlcolide, frce amino acid ad mannon and was lscful for<br />

enhancement of feeding efrrciency dd imono stimulalion. Tte extdc! 6<br />

prepar€d by autolysk ol ycasl celk grown in sulfile pulp spenl liquor healing 1o<br />

inacrivate lhe enzymic activilics and incubation of c.ll lysale wift 5 -<br />

ph$phodiestcBe ard 5 -adenylic acid deaminas.. The yeatt seleclcd were rortla<br />

yeast and sacc haronryes.<br />

El-S.baeny and Halsan (1996) in a study ob6€rv.d lhc influencc of mediom<br />

composition on producdon of laclic acid, lactic acid dehydrogenate (LDll) and<br />

single cell prolein. The] reportcd thal dried \fhey endched mediu'n (870 w/v)

40<br />

having pll 5.5 whcD femented wilt, LacbbacillB btlgdt !JJ69 fo.24h result€d<br />

in Dqi,rum produclion of lactic acid. Addition of y6r extEct plus MnCl, gave<br />

the highBl production of ladic acid (1.?l g/L/h), sp6ific acriviry of LDH (1.03<br />

U/'r8 prolein) and ScP (32.8%).<br />

K.rthikeyan d dr (1996) oprimized rhc nutienr medium compcirion<br />

(conla'n'ng sucrose, yeasl exkact and K:HPO,, lempc.alure and inilial ptl<br />

conditions for batch dexrr.n producrion in shate flask fementalions using a srain<br />

of LelconNtoc nesenteliodes NRRL B 512 (F). T}'ey rcpon€d rhe optimal valu€s<br />

6 sucrose 3009/1, y6t extact l0g/L, KTHPO4 308/L, rempemture 23 oC ed iniliat<br />

pH 8.1 wirh ipredicred dexhnyietd ot t54 gtL.<br />

Okada and Shingo (1996) compared rwo media fof s€lectiv€ gr0{rl) and<br />

diagnosis of Ba.ir6 .er€rr. They found ttal $e yeasr cxtract subsriurion wirh<br />

mear exkact in O€ cultue medium havjng p€ptonc, NaCl, Stycine. meat exrnct,<br />

laclose, phenol red, polymyxia B suthre, agd a8d .nd ess yotk lsulred in stabt€<br />

dd sup€rior media t@d for $lective gron1h dd diagnosis of A cef.rr<br />

Lo et al. (1997) srudied the synergelic effecrs of ca$on (Slucose) aM<br />

nilrogcD 06t qrract substr.les otr cclt growrh &d brhs producrion. Tle eff€cl<br />

of Slucosdyedl €xrract ratio (C/yE) was studied in veious opemting models<br />

includiog batch, 1*o srage barch 8d fcd brrch f.nnenLtiols. They obs€ryed that<br />

both xdrhe yield .nd specific produdion nte inc@sed wirh ind€asin8 C,fyE in<br />

rhc m€diuD. Bur thc cell yield and spccific grcw$ deoea!€d 6 c,ry[ shitl fron<br />

ard inili.l low lcvcl (2.5% glucose/0.3% yea{ exrncl) ro a tigh tdel (5.0%<br />

sluaosc/0.30l, yeast extocr) ar rhe end of exponcnrial Browth phlse which was<br />

prcfeEble for xanthm pmduction. lr wss also found rhar a ,noderatcly high yeast<br />

extacr concentrar'on in (ne mcdium rcsutred in high cell dcnsily beforc the cutturc<br />

ent€red in slalionary phase.

Okmolo (1997) rcported that L-liprophan (I) @ b€ nanufacrucd by<br />

cultuinS l-prcducins micrcors hh such $ d.r/l6 in a m.dium conraininS Et<br />

l@t y@t .xt .ct Md Try?tophe dd th! melllod did not €quirc substdr..<br />


Rieche er o/. ( I 966) piepsred high quality pmrein f€€d fron potalB through<br />

rhejr fe.tndrrarion wift C4rddo /r/ii.&. Thcy repo.r.d 44 ro 46g ofy.an dry m.rrcr<br />

yield per I00g reducible sugar. Penels€n (19?5) studied rhc producrion ofprctein<br />

srd enzyme @llulasc from alklti prcr.€{ed barlcy sraw rirough fc.menrarion wirt<br />

Ttichoderha ytide.Ihe yield constant (y) were catcutared ro be 0.40_0.56, of rhe<br />

sane order ,s lhN, which m be obtain.d by growing rhe fungu on gtucN.<br />

Yogo €r ar. ( f976) cultured y.$t Ca"dida MOy-657 (FERM_p 3601) wirh<br />

shrting on a medium uder oprimiud condinons. yi€ld of y..sr containing 55.5%<br />

crude prorein $a3ll.l9o in l€ms ofM€OH. suzutr d/ at. rt977r in ! srud] repon.d<br />

that \ahen Candida parujinia e6 cutturcd on suligt chrin hydrcarbons, fic<br />

specilic Bfowth rar. (p)was 0.376 md yield coefficjent (y) basen on,-atksnes was<br />

l0l.E%.<br />

Pamm€nl er al (19?8) reponed average sp€cific groslh nte (I) value for<br />

shdle flask fcxDenradotr of l% akatipretrearcd hdd wood Medusl as 0.057hr<br />

dudng thc pcriod ofactive grc*t. On th. ofier hand rhe f.mentarion ofprcF€ared<br />

sawdust liquor followif,g same condnions hsd specific S.owth 6tes of0.t96h.r at<br />

pH ?.0 and o.l5lh'r ar pH 6.0 @mparcd to 0.22h., fo! &e orgeism srcwn on<br />

glucose al pH 5.0.<br />

Panmqt €r a/. (197E-s) @nduccd femcnhrion of d!3ti pct e3red mtpte<br />

savdust in rwo conditions first solid slaG, second slurry srate Bing Chdetoniuh<br />

cellllotitic@. Th. ale61e sp.cific 8ms1t| nr6 duing slid soe feme lrion<br />

were 0.01h_r dd 0.0092hr for tumbl€ femenrer and rEy femenrer rcspeciively

42<br />

alte. 9 days of fmenLalion, wheres for 20 days of fmenrarion rhc vatue w6<br />

0.0046h_r. -the avcng. spccilic growlh dtes du.in8 sluFy-srae felnenration wcrc<br />

o.o329hr and 0.0204hr for tol, subsrralc an.r 3 ard 5 days of fem.irado.<br />

r€spectivety, whercas 0.0l9Ehr fo.5% subsrrG and 5 days offementarion. The<br />

prcGin production ot./iniri.l culruro vollm. (c/l-41) w6 0.0197, 0.0t95 and<br />

0.0114 for solid srate fermcntation in lumbt. and 0-ay f.mcnie. aner 9,9 ud 20<br />

days of fernenHion rcspectivety. For sturry starc fernenhtion lie valucs werc<br />

0.00E42,0.00554 md 0.0196 fo. l% and 5% subshale aner 3,5 and 5 days of<br />

incnbalion rcspectively.<br />

Larvford €/ dr (1979) used cane molasses as gow{r timiting carbon in the<br />

Iafln€ntalior medium lo produc€ singte ce prorein $rough fementation wi$<br />

Cakdida utilis.Ihey obtained bionass yietd @ 2.6 g/LA wilh gro{,lh yietd of0.559<br />

dry biorEsvg reducing sugu utilized at th€ maimum drtution rate.<br />

yolfo!^ et at. (1919) Ereq Caadida trcpicalb on acid ryd.olyad straw<br />

alotrg wilh o. without lkaw solids wilho $e addilion of virmins or mineEh_ The<br />

yield coellicieot (YZo) aad specific gro$ri arc U, on non sepanled skaw<br />

nydrolyzte $erc r.poned as,gyo and 0.34 respccdvct,.<br />

Abdullah er ul (t985) oplimizcd rhc grorvrfi condirions for SSF of wheal<br />

stmw with Chaetoniun c. ulot j.ru. Thc r€chnical paramele$ or rhc oprimized<br />

condilions were, dcgrec ofsubsrrdre uritizarion 27_2%,prorei, yieldsubstrare 0.099,<br />

bro'nass yield/bioconverted subslrab 0.408, deSfee of bioconveBion of toral<br />

availabl€ sugars in rhe subsr.are 60.5%, specific clficiency of bioconversion 70.80/0.<br />

olerall emciency of bioconveBion fron subsrale 42.? 4.<br />

Kallel-Mhirier at (1994) studi€d lhc €ffccr ofy6rex&acr supptmenlation<br />

al two lelvcls (0.1 and 0.5 g/L) duinS rho co,culbre cuttivarion ofa medium eirher<br />

conlarnin8 wncy permeare and glucose or wh€y p€mea(e, 8lu@se ard matrose with<br />

Saccharonws @isio. CBS 8066 ard Ktt eercnyc! fagitis. The y€asr extrrcl

4i<br />

markedly inll €nced fic cGcuhurc €quilibrium as well as cell yield, whicl $as<br />

high at higl€r yeost extract level. The yield varied from 0.26 to 0.48 g/9.<br />

Alhar e/ al. (1995) reporred thc specilic grcwln 6lc 0r) 0.180hr, s ofcell<br />

mN fmed ps t of substmre udliT.ed {Y*) 0.49 ed I of prcduci (prolein) fomed<br />

p$ 8 ofcell mas (Yed 0-59, during fenncnration ofbe€t plllp in fed barch culturc<br />

sysrem, first witlf ca"dlda ,rtli' t']Jen wln B.Jlaw.<br />

shojaoradali and Chaali (1996) hol.led twenty colonies of Dethylotophic<br />

b.cEia fioo soil sanples of oil lield dq ed wte yaler ol oil disrilldies for<br />

singl. ceU pmtein ploduction. The conlinuous culrre t@hnique und.r chemctat<br />

qd Bed 10 optimi?e the growrh conditions ofbacrerial culturc CA 16,1. Opimll<br />

param€res such as pH (6.8), l€nperalur€ (3?'C), aemrioD rare (lvol/vollr),<br />

asiralion speed (a0orpm) and dilution rale (0.15h') werc mainrained. The<br />

manmum biomass yield coeflicienl (Y$) oblain€d uder optinizcd condilions was<br />

0.4lgg'-<br />

Vevinit ?r al. (1996) 6ed barch dd conlinuolr cultivarions to invesdgsr.<br />

the single cell prcGin (SCP) prcdn rion by CepJel^potiW ei.hhorni@ 152 in d<br />

air lin rcactor. fie culture medium consisl€d of (sava ss a sole ca$on source,<br />

(Nr!)rSOa 65 a nilroso souc md KHlPOr !,3 a buffcring ag.nt. The pH of rh.<br />

medim w4 adjulted to 3,E. ln batch f.m.niadon l% c,gva &v.1he hiSh.sr<br />

yi.ld of 0.4. The optinum coodition fo. ontinuou fm.ntaion wls I % 6s&va in<br />

feed m€dilrn ar a dihtion 6G of0.4hi.<br />


The cheDical analysis givcs us only infomarion abour rhe presence of<br />

nulrients but it does not lell us about rheh digesiibiliry ud .vailabitiry for thc<br />

biological system. rtis @ only bc jld8ed tlnousb biological rriah. Sisniticanr<br />

available litcElw on the biologiql cvllution of products ohqined s a rcsutr of<br />

femmt lion har been.wiqed wi$ special refeftn@ ro fed conslnltion, wcighr

sdn. prcrcin digcstibilily, biologi€l vatue oer prorei! utiliario4 f..d efilci.nc1<br />

Erio and prclein efliciency ratio.<br />

Gitl.reral. (1958) rcplaed ftc fish malwnh Toruta yest .l 25, 50, 75 and<br />

100 perccnt lqeh in rhe basal dier of lats. They concluded $at 25% subslitulion<br />

did rot cffect the grcw1h but subsritDiion of50, Z5 md I00% decrea.d the groMh<br />

rate by I 8, 29 aqd 4E peunt respsliv.ty .s conpsed to contrcl. Thc p€llaing of<br />

Torula yeasl improved ib perfomance and 50% r.placmenr tevel was comparable<br />

with that of control. But subsritution ar ?5 or 100% of rh. fish m$t rcsutr€d in !<br />

reduced Srosth by I ? md 35% r€spectively.<br />

Bo.k .t al. (1968) d.l@ined rh. nuritiv. vshe ofscp prep@d ftom thrc.<br />

diff.renr year stmins yiL, C.tdida ttilx, Candi.t ttoDi.alb and Condida<br />

Iipo,tica in a ftr fea ing nial. C.ttilit ai C.lropicatis werc rich in lysine $at is<br />

nore tlan 6.5% oftotal prcbin and in .ll l:as the S-mino acids wft limiring thar<br />

is less thon 2% of the prcl€in. Tl€y obseNed lhat biotogicat value of Ct,rotr.ca is<br />

bclow 50 but the addirion of melhioninc inro tyo sept€s of C.tropicatis incrcas.d<br />

biological value from 55 to fron 8910 93.<br />

Breesani (1968) obsen€d the prorein digesribitiry, proreiD efliciency l.rio<br />

and biologisl vafuc of the SCP prcp r.d ft@ Candida dittu s 88%, r .4 and 48yo<br />

resp@liv€ly. Tho ndhionine suppl€mctrralion of the sct, at 0.5% level was<br />

obswed to improve rhe valo.s ro 9070,2.1 ud EE %, respecrivety.<br />

Calloway and Kumar (1969) hsesled the cells ot Hrdroeehonon8<br />

4!r.oprd fron senimtinuous autrophic cdtu !. Th. ells conraincd |3% nitroS.:n<br />

on dry wciShr basis. Th. biotogi@t vatue $6! found to be iTvo borh for cc ut.r<br />

protein ard @ein whefeas diSestibility wd 93% and 99% ofcellutar pror€in and<br />

cdein prolctn, repcctively. Tle amino acid @mposirion ofrhe badc.ia as in rhe<br />

dse ofcas€in indicaled methionine a! dc fiBl limiting anino acid.

45<br />

Dods ed Kuns (f969) had5ted th. eel]]s of Hr&ognohon8 eutopla<br />

from semi continuous auircphic culrurc and yashed f@ ofsrbsrrate. The ccls w€re<br />

tunlyed fo. ch.mical @nposition ed nuLilionat vstue. Tho @lh wcrc obs€rv.d to<br />

onlain l37o nillogen on dry sotids basis. Thc biotogicat valuc del€min€d tttrough<br />

rar f€edin8 was 77o/o \]ll,ifofllttf for casein md bact.rial prepamtiotrs. Cas.in<br />

nitrogen was 99% dig*tibte, \rhile borh whole boilcd and sonicalty ruprurcd<br />

baclc.ial cclls had 93% digcstibiliry. The nel prclcin uritiarion of bacrerial Drclein<br />

w.r 72% !s cep.red to ?6% of c4ein. The Miro &id compGidoa delted (h.r<br />

sulfer cortaining smino acid ws thc fisrlimiring.<br />

Han et at. (\971) cvaluarcd the sirgle ce protein prodrc.d through<br />

femenbtor of ellutosic aubsrite wi$ C./idoho@ dd ,lbarigw faecalis.<br />

The c€lluld m6s isotated had *solial dnim eid, qc€pr sutphd conraining<br />

dino acid (methiorin€) th. qusnliry ofwhich was towd lJ)an nandrd DroreiD of<br />

milk ed e88, bul wa! at par with thar of FAo referencc prcrein. The w€igh1 8ain,<br />

nel pforein urili?rtion and pror.in digcrribihy of lh€ g.oups fed diers conraininc<br />

micrcbial prorein were markedty tow€r $an 6e co,npa.abte latues ro rtre eroup tcd<br />

r l0% casein protein dier. How€ver the m€thionine supptemenl.tion of micrcbial<br />

prcleitr mhmced irs ncr p.olcin utilization. There ws a nnear relarionship berw€co<br />

fte dieraly oicrobiat t.rct .nd the facc.t nirroilen coni.nr of rh. r.st hrs. Ttey<br />

suSSested thar rhe high fa@t trir.osen was prcbabty d@ lo tne Esisrance of rhe cetl<br />

*all of lricoolgdisms to dig€stion. Howeve. fie cett tysis prior lo t.din&<br />

improved thc eflici.ncy ofprorein untizarion.<br />

Kihlb€rg (1972) Bcd 30% dd 40% of y4t 6 the sot. source of nnrosd<br />

in Oc 6t di€t ed rcporled that . f.cding pdiod dceeding one yee dcvctoD€d scv..<br />

livef l€siors. The lonS lerm feeding foi sev€rat gcnenrions caused stos Srowth,<br />

which was due io deficiency ofslltfer conraining amino acids. ln anorher srudy a

slignlly lower cgg prcducrion md fenilty ws noled for tay.6 fcd 20% y@t<br />

Shacklady and Carlhet (r9?2) suppl.mcncd rh. y6( prct.in wnh 0j%<br />

derbionine end ien tsled that in ra!s. Th.y reporred rhe di8etibility and<br />

biolosical vslue s 96% and 9l yo, rcsp€ctively.<br />

Yan z et dl. (t972) der€rmin€d rh. chcmical composirion a|ld biotogicat<br />

qu.lily oftwo sanples ofyeasb of C'.!r'lrs prol€in viz., St and 52. Tte 52 was heat<br />

lrcaled and slored ar room temp€rature tor ore year and then analyad and lhc olher<br />

*d analyzed as such. fhe biologicalquati(y of.p.otein was medured by lrEtt in<br />

2l-dats old nrs. They reponed (har rhe Sl had pER value ofl.8o, where u of52,<br />

l.l5 as comparcd io cdein cortrcl, whjch h6d pER vatue of 2.54. I.hey ako<br />

obscrved thal nethionine supptementation of Sr @ 0.30lo irrproved ils pER vatlle<br />

Bello e, al. (1923) studi.d |he pror.in qlarity of biomds ot caadidd ,tith<br />

SrosD on waie tiquo. trcm olivc pro.$sing, When y€.!1ws! 8iv€n to.atr ,s 26.4<br />

or 31.7% of the dier 6 solc prorein source supplying 8.0 ,nd l0.6yo prorejn. it did<br />

nor supporl Srowrlt. Ttey gave a dicl wiLh 31.7% prolein 10 hypo proreinaenic nrs,<br />

il could not prcducc a no.mat reave.y whcn compued to orc bascd on cascin. A<br />

.lr€r conraining 62_2% yc6l provoked signs ofsrrss md dqlh.<br />

cmwfo.d ed Etizbc$ (t973) pmdrccd microbist biomsss prorein d.ou8h<br />

fenrcrration of pulp fines wi t1 Themonospon f6.a. the biomsjs so obrqined had<br />

30% lrorein comprising alt rhc mino &ids. The bionN ws red io baby chicks<br />

and dey showed simitar g.otr'ln as conpred to lhe conrcr grorp.<br />

Woodham ard Deans (1973).vatu.r.d rhe o,omrss produced throuSh<br />

fennertatio! of I p.@cnr betey with Asperyittus orrz@. Ttey epo(cd lhar th€<br />

boma$ pror€in had alr ftc amino acids .xca1 sulphq conurnmS amino aci&,

Ljpiosky and Litchfield (1974) reponed that tsyo addition of SCp in diet of<br />

chickens show.d cquivale f.cd @rvcnion efliciency to tiore obhined with<br />

conlrcl gNp. Hoeever in pctlcrcd mdons fecding dtov. rhis tcv.t 6rtr€d in<br />

excesive accumolation offa@6 on flmr scrccns in batlery b.ood.B.<br />

Reade and cregoiy (t9?5) ferme ed cassava non as€prica y wirh<br />

,4speryiUus luhigat6 and prcduced dried mass..Whetr the biomas was aalyzed<br />

tb. its mino acid profile, it wss fourd deficie h merhionin€. Tlc r.r fedinS t ial<br />

indicaled tial supplernotation of biomssr wirh m€thionine lesulred in compahbte<br />

nel prolein atio and feed efliciency vatuc wifi 6ein dier ehen fie pdein valne of<br />

biorDrs conlainitr8 diet wa! c.lculared on mino acid profil..<br />

Smilh e/ dl. (1975) dere.mined th. feeding valu. of six direrent tunsal<br />

biomass obhin.d after fermentation of dillerent substates. ficy observed sna<br />

diiIererces in lh€ contents of essenrial amino acids berween diff*nr or8disrns<br />

uder sludy. ]I€ rals fe€ding rrial Save ner p.orein utilizarion vahes dging<br />

berweeD 34 ro ,g p€I@1 dd true dig€sribitirig ftom 69 ro Ej pcrc. F@ding r.ial<br />

also .qqlcd S-mino acid s the fiBr limiting mino acid dd turrher<br />

supplemcnlation with methionine showed marked inc.esse in ncl prot.in utitizion.<br />

TeEa (1976) delemined 6€ nuldlionat vatue ofrhree dicrs all$ a rat feeding<br />

lrjal. fte fced effciency values obtained by feeding ca3ein, biomass and biomas<br />

plus whey prct€in, wcrc 0.32t4, 0.2086 and 0.254t and prorcin clficiencv ratio a<br />

3.3309,2.4403 ard2.6?49,Bpecrively.<br />

C^yabyab .t at. (1977) obtained ycasr bionass ane, fem€nration of acid<br />

hydrolyzed dce st6w vitl Cahdida hopicatis. me biomass had 5t.0 Dercent<br />

prolein. The amino acid composirion ot the biolrrN was coDpaiabt€ with thal of<br />

FAO refennce piotein. Comp.mrivc srudies showed Crolicatu had gMtd lysine<br />

conrents rhn c.tuilis v3 rher@ohitia.

48<br />

Fuslo and Kallqova (1977) obtain.d l.2E-1.59 dry biomds aner<br />

fmenlalior of sawdusr with Mlcor stetiliffi 6d Gibb.tella ftjikwoi. The<br />

biomass conraincd 5.4 dd 7.0 perccnt mcihionine ed cyslcinq repslively.<br />

Disetibility t i.l of$e biom.ss r.vcalcd that E0-90 pd@t of th. totll protein wa<br />

Moo-Youn8 "r al. (1977) produccd single c.ll p.olcin (SCP) from lhc<br />

tennentation of Solka{oc .rd pa ally delisnified s.wdust with Crhaerouiuu<br />

celtulolytiM. rt]€y fowd .ompaEble arnino .cid composil'on ot lhe biodals witl<br />

lhos. ofthe FAO rcf.H.e prot€in, alfilfa snd sya nenl. Thc feeding tials on.ds<br />

showed no adveBe effecrs oflhe SCP prcduc€d.<br />

Singh .r dr. ( l9?8) femetrted spent gain wi$ Mt|othe.iuh eeftucatia ed<br />

prcduced 24.7 perc€nt myc€lial protein. Tl€ fermentation caus€d 8.8 fold increase<br />

in the substrate prclein. The amino acid profile rwealcd lhc nrcsence of.ll the<br />

csential arnim acids except S{ntainin8 mino acids-<br />

Roshkova (19?9) detminerl lhc crude pmlein ontcnls dd biolosicil wllc<br />

of two sr.ai$ of y!6t Ca'.tAa 2672 and 2671M cullival.d and hwsted f.om<br />

acerate and methdol nedim respecrively. They rcpon d 5l.9.nd 48.7 percent<br />

crude prc€ins and 68.4 and 69.12 percenl biologicalvalue, respectiv€ly.<br />

El-Ashwah er dl. (1980) 8rd diffeFnt fiugll cultures on m€dia bsed on<br />

molasses, swect potalo€s dd com slcep. The my@lial protcin rhus obtain.d<br />

differd ma*cdly in composilion. tloeever, tle maximun funSal biomass obtained<br />

(24.21 g^) had 34.3E p€rceni p.orcin. Tle 0mino acid patt€m show€d hisler valu€s<br />

of lysine, histidin€, dginine, tryptophan. methionine, phcnylalanine and ryrosin€<br />

thrn in cosein. wlE.eas leucine. isoleucine and valine wcrc lowd than casein. The<br />

threonine wd found 10 be delicienl in all cultwes.<br />

Hitchrd ed tstheBood (1980) @ver€d ellul* bioma*q fmm<br />

f@dlalio. m.diom of ellulo3e f.mcntcd wirh @llule dcEDrcssent mutanr

srain of Cellulonore specie!. They rcported rh.r bioos had crudc prorein v!tu.<br />

or 75% a.d had good anino acid prcfir€ boing .ich in tysine contenrs i.e., 6.5%.<br />

They fed methionine supplcmerbd biomals lo wentitl8 rars ed obsened 50.4%<br />

NPU value as compded ro cdein dier (NpU, 58.1%). Th. wejght 8ain on bolh rhe<br />

dicts \os almos( snme.<br />

Kellqnr./ al (198t) proess€d rh. SCp by certdfuSa on or by addition of<br />

polyacrtlmide polymef bcfore beinS pul thfough a b.l1 process and dri€d eith<br />

sotric dchydnre!. They obwed rhlr rhe scp rs high in merhionine miro acid<br />

than collonseed meal (CSM) bul had a sibitar lysine levet. The peFin digstibiliry<br />

of the prctein so prcpeed w6 found ro be 16.2 to 36.E yo_ Th. digesnbitiry y6<br />

repon€d to increase upro 6.1 to I1.3 percenr whcn SCp woe incubated in buflered<br />

rumen liquor for 24 hous.<br />

Muindi and Hdss€r (1981-a) studied $e nurririve value of cassava r@r<br />

meal (CRM) endched by cultivalion wilh the fungu, t /tclo/e,n a harziahln.They<br />

observ.d ME value of erriched CRM as 9.t MJ kg_l dry maue. and crude prc|ein,<br />

37.6% of which 30% was NpN. The bioma!., amino acid profile rev€aled deficiency<br />

of ,rcthionin.. The m@ appddr digestibiliry lftflicisl of rh. c.p ws 66%<br />

whercas thal ofA.A w.s El%.<br />

Zafat er at. (198t) evatuared ile fsg.t biomrss obtdned ihrcush<br />

femenrarion of ri@ sriaw wirh ptetotw sajdcaju nd t.poded rhar rhe crudc fibrc<br />

and cellulose decreded from 32.6 ed45_0 ro 6.3.rd 17.8 p€@nl respecrivcly ed<br />

in-vivo djgasribility ofthc biom.ss incre€sed by j4.l pe.cenr.<br />

Cudoso and Nicoli (1982) ferm€nred \in{flse \|tth phaaeroch@te<br />

chlrospotiw and obtztnd ttq bionsss havinS pER and pD valucs .s 1.9410.20<br />

and 64.2612.08 coDp&ed to 2.46i0.26and 90.0 812.29 r€specrively torcasein.<br />

hShn ed ScU (1982) deiannin.d lhc limirimg anino .cid of y61 singte<br />

c.ll protein. Thcy obsed€d that yoast prorein wls limiring in m.lhionine, a€inine

50<br />

.nd leucine as fi6t, second and thnd limiting Mino acids, r.sp€clively compsred<br />

wirl NRC valucs. The soya prolein dict sened s onlrol 6nd th€ othe. YSCP as<br />

basal. Seven addnional diels we.e prcped wirh 0.55,0.34 strd 0.3?% methionine,<br />

esinine dd leucine, Fp€cliv€ly alonc sd in all pNibl. combinstions. Tlcy<br />

rerort€d simild fced inrake, weigbt gain and feed conv.rsion eoiciscy d<br />

compded {i1h di.t conraining YSCP in broiler chicks qhcn compared wilh soya<br />

prolein di€r whcn f€d in equiliz€d form. They conclDded that n€rhionine was<br />

limilinS mino acid ir yeast prolein and arginift did not give rcsponse in the<br />

absence of fi61 limiting eino acid.<br />

Gu@l od Vogr (1982) cull!rcd !.tst Sa..h@ontc.t .eniria. in nulti.rr<br />

solution ofwh.y. The biomass obLir.d had crude protein of 46.40/r, ctude fat7 _6o<br />

and phosphorus 0.99%. The biomass $as fcd 1o day old brcil€r ohicks upto 6 we€kj<br />

ot a8e by rcplacing the soybean oilmellal0, 5, 10, 15. 20 aId 2570. They fosd<br />

rhar upto 25% y€lst had no dotrimenlal cllecb on weishl gain and iL€d @nve6iot<br />

Lee and Yan8 (1982) obseN.d non sisnilicrnt diff.rcnc€ in weight gain,<br />

feed convc|sion elnci€ncy ed nulrient compcition of carcajs of broiler chicks<br />

when they weE f€d @lions havinS soybean m€al rcplaced wirh yeast prclein<br />

obtain€d ftrcug) femenlalio! of mcthanol ^r 20 nd 40oh levels in the basal<br />

ralions. Howcver the crude prorcin in musclcs was signific$rly gr€arer ;tr rhc<br />

@trt ol (24.48%) tlan 40% y6t in diet (23.58%).<br />

Rab€cha €r al. (1982) produced fungal biomass havinS 26% prote'n aner<br />

fennenfalion of glucose soltrrion w;ti Asp.rgi a siget.The protein was found ro<br />

be deficient in sulpher conlaining amino scids as well as lysine, isoleuc€in,<br />

ph€nylala nc dd vrlin. and lfiat it5 protcin efficiency Erio wat found ro bc 46<br />

pcrcent of that of6cin.

5l<br />

Enriquez and Rodriquez (1983) conduccd a biologi@t lrial on rals ro loow<br />

llN prorci,r qualiry ot blcreial prorcin. Thc digstibjliry and biological value of the<br />

baoterial biomAs wos ibund lo be 90 and 62dl0 r€spectivety, *hich h good index of<br />

protein qDalityardirs utilizarion. T16 NpU vatue Ms reporEd !o be 56%.<br />

fou ora e/ dl (1983) cotrdoctcd a fecdiDg rrial wilh ycasr mass fcd to<br />

broiler chicks ar staner age using rwo t€v€h viz., l0% aDd 20%..l.te r€sutrs<br />

reveal€d non significanr direrencc in weighl gain and feed consump$on by chicks<br />

fed l0% yeast mass when comparcd wirh thc 20% suppremenred grou!, 1504, I 539<br />

g/bird ard 3499,3501 g/bi.d r€spectively. Th€y obswed thar 20% Gpt.cemcnr<br />

si8nifi cantly educ€d FCE,<br />

soros dd come (198t) f€d fungat pror.ir diel ro 6r! for r p€.iod of 28<br />

drys. The 6rs lhow.d p@. w.ighr gain s coDprca rc cs.,n .@1rct di.r,<br />

consurned tess feed atrd gained lcss weigh. p€r unir of feed consumed. Th.y<br />

obsedcd lhar fic nefrionine supptemenrarion improved rhe qually of prorein, and<br />

Bls gained sinilar ycighl ro thar ofcas.in diet.<br />

Leeson dr al. (1984) produced sinSte @ proteir ttrougi ferncnrado, of<br />

Dair, sbver and putp sludge wl|lt Chaetohirn cellutot ti.ra. Tiey reponed oon<br />

signilicanl difference in ften chemicjt composilion exceF proten cpntents which<br />

were higher in case of pulp sludSe SCp. Tie comparison of net proFn uriliziion<br />

value of maize srover fungat bionds prol€in procesed by two wsls, ov.n d.ied<br />

md lj€eze dri€d wi r rhai of soybco mcal (4E% Cp) wa rdund b b. 25.0% and<br />

33. 19i, 60.3% and 61.3% respectivcty.<br />

Prokop ?r 4l (1984) yi€tded 3?-56 pcrcenr true pror€,n ot t|,e biomoss by<br />

conli.Dous fcrm€nbtion ofinerhanot yith a.robic ihemophilic nell.oot uilizirS<br />

bacl€jial cuhure (NBR). ft€ nur Lional €vatuarion of the produ.l proved irs<br />

sul,e o ty over both casein and soybean with rcspecl ro ner prote,n tiliation and

52<br />

pror€ir efliciency mrio. Thc biom8 was rich in sllph€r @ntaining amino acids.<br />

which w€r. abov. FAO stddsr*,<br />

Su.dhiiska €r 4t (t984) fcd nix.d feds wirh o. wirhoui blcleriat prcr.in<br />

(cultrtred on mcthanol) 4. E and 12% reptacing soybean oil meat ro day otd broit.r<br />

clickcns lill J6 doys. h w.s found thal mean final w€ighi *6 l9lj, t9t2, 1745 and<br />

17218 resperivcty ed t.d iltake 2.39,2.42,2.57 ud 2.60 l(8/kg f.in<br />

Ba(yuzhevskil e/ d/. (1985) obtained biomass after fenentatioD oflpirit and<br />

liquor indusrry by-products with s.lectcd srains of microo.ganisms. Th. biomN<br />

had 50 to 7trlo crude prctcin and was low in me$ionine. In a fesding l.iat whcn<br />

100% rcllacemcnl of feed yeasl yith biomass protein wss Irade, tEre wa! found<br />

ro difference in weiSht gain belween cortol ed experimental eroups of p€kin<br />

du.ks, white leghom hens and tukey hens.<br />

Petukhova er ?i. (t985) in firsr dpedmena rcptaced mep.in (a midobiat<br />

prot€in) ir dier Sivq 1o tcns 57 ro 390 days ar lone o. 10, 20, 25 dd 30% of<br />

normalprotein requiremenr Respective avemge daily feed intake was 104.3. 108.4,<br />

I I0.3, 109.9 dd I08.8g. In th€ s€cond exp€dment replacement pu €15 from 70 lo<br />

310 days old were givcn a diet wirh meprin added ro rcFace none or 5, 10, 15, 20<br />

and 25% of the protcin. Avcragc daity int tc of f€sd wss 91.J, 9t.5, 83.6, 85.1,<br />

88.8 and 98.88, reslecrively. The bd resulrs werc obta,ned wnh mcprin al l0 of<br />

200 .<br />

Richrd er aa (19E5) f€d shndard feed mixrurc to qSed whir. lcg hom tayer<br />

as aloio (control) o. ar lhe cxpeD$ ofsoybenn oil mcat, fish mcal ed sutfire liquor<br />

y€ai wnh 5, 7.5 o. t5% femosin yc61. tn 8€neration 2 snd 3 the f€n6iD<br />

'nixlurcs wcre supptem€nted with Dl-mcrhionine. Wirh femosin rl l5ol0 level, fecd<br />

inrakc ad fed .ffc cncy ofnost layirg p€rfomancc exclu.ting .gg guatity and

5l<br />

body weight gain werc rcduced ro smc exl.nl, Tley @nclud.d lhat lhe lolerance of<br />

thc biomN wd @nsid@d 8ood, provid.d baeic nutie .equireBents werc m.t-<br />

Halda$/l-Valte. ?r zl (19E6) includ.d singl. @U protein havi.e 69% crudc<br />

prcrcin i! Ihe dicts of brcileB at 5yo l.vel- They obsdved d in€r€e in thc bodt<br />

wcieltt al Oo €nd of 42 dlys @mpared *iO thlt of brcilcF siven diets conbining<br />

nsh meal dd helt m@l (1481 Vs 1340d. FCR wN inprcved wirh mioobial<br />

prorein (2. I Vs 2.26).<br />

Lyurskanov and Sokolov (1986) comparcd the biomass produced $rough<br />

rwo direrenl yeasl st aiN viz., Condido ttopicalis and Cardida r.o(i grown on<br />

wood hyd.olyaie ed sDgd cane viDas€ m€dia respectively- They found thar th€<br />

medium did nol caus€ significel change in crude, true ed diSeslible prolein, lhe<br />

values of which were 50-2-61-30/0, 43.1-44.80/o ar'd 40-5-41.770, rcspecrively. Thc<br />

biological value ofboth slrains was hid r,'8irg 69.4-71.1 perctnt.<br />

Viklorov et zl (19E7) inv.stiS .d d. p.orein quality ofnep.in (midobial<br />

prcducr) rhroud a r.eding tri.l in which m.prin wB rcptacd wirh fish met in rhc<br />

ralion of brcilq chicls at 0, 25, 50, 75 lrd 100 o/o l.vels. It wa found rhar thc<br />

.ve68e daily weidt Sain w.s high in sll thc Broups f.d rnepritr. Ir was cdctuded<br />

llEr ire tneprin had no advcBe erects on mctabolism ud hetlh ofchicks.<br />

clavez e/ ar (1988-l) produced rwo kitrd or fungal biomass protein, one<br />

irom glucose slbsrrate (lW) and othcr f.om molasses substrale (2w) as the main<br />

carbon sources. 'fte bioloSical trial conducted on wsnling rats rev@ted rhar lhe<br />

yeasl prolein had highest PER but signi,icantly lower lhan calein @nlrol d'er, ils<br />

value was sigificurly grealer thsn lW wi(h simil& pmrein inrake. Torul. yeasr<br />

showed a signilicotly hiSher PER value lha, lW, althougb prorein inLke wa3<br />

low€r. The NPR EIus beinS gr.arly influlnced by inrate lev.ts, prcvcd to b.<br />

nuch lss Etul m6ue of !rcr€in qu.lity. Thc lW md 2W di.L rere infqic to<br />

rh€ Torul. y6t od tftweas y8t di.ls in dry m.rrd diAqribitily, Diseribitiry of

54<br />

crude protein was high€st for the ca!€in die! avernainS cto6e ro 9l% for 20d and<br />

40\ week meaurcmenrs, followed by fo'uta y6t of 82%. The lW aveag.<br />

digestibility of?E.7% wa simite to &.r of brc*cr's y6r (?7.1%) ed $Derior ro<br />

rhat of 2w ed dried mushroom diets.<br />

chsva,r at (l988ll) prcrcd rhe micrcbiat bim4 por.itr (MBp) lsing<br />

rtneus ChaetoniM ce ulolt idu dd d.i.d in olcn st 6O.C (oD) or frc€z dri.d<br />

ar -25oC (FD). P!.ified dicis cltcutarcd ro enoin l0% crud! prclcin s6 fed io<br />

w@ling mts for two week. A clnrrol diet conraininS cascin as rle onty prcrcin<br />

Bource and other having isolal€d soyb€a, prcrein (tsp) * $€ sole sourcc ofp.otein<br />

vere also prcprEd. ln two o$q dier! on€ hatfof rhc crudc pblei! ws provid.d by<br />

IsP md odEr half by MBP-OD or MBP,FD. Thc diets conlaining OD mpt€s<br />

yielded poor growth, feed corsumplion and feed uritiation efnciocy than $e diels<br />

conlaining lSP or ISP plus FD smptes. Alt tltr@ ofrfiesc dicts showed sig ficanr<br />

i6ponse to sutptementation wilh 0.4% melhiori.€ dd slight bur non sisnilicanr<br />

irhpmvm.nl wifr funher 0.t50lc Ltysine. Thc doubte supplmenr.d MBp dicrs,<br />

howev€r showed a gMter weidt gain lhm rhar of the sinitarly suppl€menred ISp<br />

or c.$in conlrol di€r. The r!l! eeiving MBp bsal die( ,howed dte low6r f..d<br />

cotrmption wh.rca with Mim aqid suppl.m.nradon rh.y showcd hisn$t<br />

consunption. Relarively !oo. fed/gah sno of rhe rars tcd MBP_OD alone or<br />

$ppl.mencd indicdcd low prorei. uritiation emciency than conirot or tullv<br />

supplem.nted MBP-FD 8roup.<br />

Ch^yez et al. (l988lrr) ltudied fte nurririve vatue of Ch@tmiuh<br />

Micrcbial bionass proGitr (l,lBp) obrained ai.r srcwio8 on slucose (lw) or<br />

molases (2W) in combination wirh isolated soybean prcrein (rsp) in lhe diets of<br />

chicls. SiSnificad dill@nc6 w.E rcflered in th. body wciShr gain of fic chicts.<br />

Fecd emciency da1! $ve non sisnificant difte!€nces. Thc contrct ISp di€r ws<br />

bercr than the b.ewe. s yejlr diet bul rhe besr f@d cmciency was obsened with ltre

55<br />

co'nnercial diet. Feed consumprion of 3eni puified diet was much lower than thal<br />

of lhe comrercial chick srarrer Thc MBp septes in conbinar'on with ISp<br />

appeai€d ro have good acccprabiliry and consurnprion by $. chick. Consunpfo,<br />

of rh€ ISP diel incfeased wi$ l})€ addirion of fuigat MBp. The values ofapparent<br />

proteh digestibility ofisolared eyb€ln probin (tsp), tsp pts MBp and lw' lsp<br />

pl6 MBP dd 2w ad ISP plv Tottlt y.s\ w.rc 6|yo, 59yc, 6t /o ant 56%,<br />

Chrlal (1969) culriv.ted P/.wottq tajq-@jl in sfi ncr8cd condirion on<br />

J./o (w/v) of coh slovd in Mandels atrd Wcb.r m.dium wirhour lry orher grcwll<br />

iactoa addql and produced hyc.tiat bioma$ @ntainine 40-490/0 crude prorcin.<br />

The mino acid prcfile ofrhe prorein wss as good as edible funSus exceDl rhat ir<br />

was deficienr in sulphcr cont ining amiro acids. Th. prctinioary feding rri.k on<br />

rals indicated thal aboul 500/0 ofprctein in $e di€r can b€ r€Dlac€d witb p.raDr_<br />

caJ! biomass wiIlloul oy delerqiols eff.cl'.<br />

Maxte and Hamld (t994) fed bro'ter chick a modemre {22%l o. a hitl<br />

prctein (300/0) well balanccd diet conraining yesr ,taccl@roarrcs ..tutuiae (20/r)<br />

artd soya protein isolate (Soxzii) or a pu.ified anino acid mixrurc. .lte viramin-<br />

86 statu of thc chicks ea! rss€ssed and ir w.s foud rhal the pr.scnce ofy.asr did<br />

nol augment metabolic r.quirem€nts for pyridoxinc. Th. removal of yeasr frcm ih.<br />

dicl provoked sever sympronstic d€ficicncy. It qe found rhal a low level of0.6mg<br />

viranir BrtS ofdier wrs adequare ro mai dn normat srowlh and ro aaoid ncusl<br />

symproms. The nomal r€quireme for pyridoxinc hr! been r€poned ro be 3 m8&g<br />

Arhar €/ aa (1995) fed rhe biomds ro day old broilcr chicks prcpared<br />

thrcugh f€rm€nration of bler pulp in fed barch cullure sysren first wnh Cadrira<br />

utilis rhenwirh Brqibetetunlav"nl. Tle biomals was f€d for a period of I 0 days<br />

by rcplacinS wirh lsh mcat in th. bas.t mrion al0, 25, 50, 25 and 100% lcv.h.

56<br />

They concluded $at 25% replacenenr grve bst results. They tound significet<br />

dirercnce in w€i8hr gaio and f@d .onsumprion berwc.n conrml and rhat of<br />

rcpl4.'nst wilh micmbial bio'nols prcrein (Mttp), rhe btcr showcd lower vatu6.<br />

A gmdual deprc$ion in feed convedion ralio (FCR) u0, obseNed by incrcasidg<br />

ieplacemol level of fishmql wilh rhe biomass. Thcy rcported the Drorein<br />

(iigcslibihy s 74.1%. Th. biolo8idl vsluc (Bv) *6 50.2% at 25% subsliturion<br />

with nsh meal. The ne1 p.ot.in utilizarion (NpU) vatue obrained al 25%<br />

r€placemenl w6 39.35% ss comparcd ro rhrr of fish m€d which was 40.74%.<br />

Simil.rly Inc value of prcrcin crtrcia.y 6rio (pER) i125% rcptllmert was bet<br />

ofall h&ving value of2.lE3 s compded ro @nrrol vatue of2.3jJ. Thc !ni!o lcid<br />

prolile reve.l€d koleucinc as lh. firsr timiting amino acid.<br />

Kdleczn! et ot. (1996) cvaluared prorein pEparrtions of dilTcml kinds<br />

wirh felevance to m€al processins. The hydrophilic_lipophitic batarce (HLB)<br />

numb€r PA used as c.irc.ion. pamfiio oit(HLB=I1.0) and soybean ojl (HLB=|5.0)<br />

1vfrc sclecred ro detemine rhe HLB vatues of non m€at proteiB (btood Dlasma.<br />

'nilk proteins, ptanr proleirs, bacteriat biomsss)_ Emuts'on stabitity curves a! a<br />

function of tlLB indi€red $.t burlennitk prorein and bacre.i.l bioma$ prorein<br />

were lhe per.sr cmulsili.rs. Th. reminiry prol.in had Elrriv.ty tligh mutsion<br />

stsbility (>80% emulsion phsse)<br />

Vulchevdal. (1996) obs.Ned thst thc ca!.in_s singte celtprorein corraired<br />

75.7y1 Votein (57.4oA Wpsin digcalibt€). Th. prcrcin cdrtined 6.56./, Irsi\., 2.6%<br />

methionine, 3.51% m.thioninc+cystine, lAyo ryptophu dd 6.9y0 vatin€. clrrin<br />

conlaincd all .ssedial ma$o ard micrc eteocnrs. Tle enc.S/ conrdt or the fed<br />

va 55 14 Kc.L/ke.

Chapter - 3<br />

5l<br />


'IIre rcs@ch was oricnted lowdds rhe bi@nv€rsion of dce<br />

polishings inlo piorcin biomss rtrough ils fermenbton wilh rwo micr@rSanhms<br />

i..-, ^ ttt9i (Ara.haiot6 speci.r) ad s ba.ren^ (BrceibactetiuM jtat6). Th.<br />

details of prccmment of subslrate and thc lwo femcntariv. microorsrninB,<br />

detauinS of ll€ substrare, adapralion snd cultivarion of thc fernenlalive orSanisms<br />

on thc gmMh medium, 8roMt conditions oprimization of both organisms for<br />

mdimum yield of biomars prc&in, grcyth kircncs of bofr orgsnisms, tar8e sslc<br />

production of biomass, biologicat elatuation and chemicat eatylis of rhe biomss<br />

and statisdcal merhods uscd for anatysh ofdata havc been discussed hercsepamlely<br />

m a sysr.naUc rnoner.<br />

l.Substrate<br />

l l Procurement<br />

,,1-t\ )<br />

V o,r<br />

inh<br />

Tle fresh third step fine ac6 polishinSs was pro.urcd<br />

niot, Distrid &ang and ya used<br />

ol ah oven a170oC lemperalure.<br />

1.2 Deffating<br />

as subshle, Ir *6 dricd ro a<br />

Five hundred gmms .ice potishins was laten i, one lilrc ertenneyer<br />

{lask and one litrE perrol (super) wN added ro ii. tle flark was stoppered with a<br />

cork and rhe conieDrs were srhr€d for 15 minures on o.biral shale.. lt was then<br />

allowed to sraod for 5 minures. Tle slpcmat nr p.lrol us poured ofand prcs.ned<br />

for rcuse. The residue w6 washcd rwice *ilh p€hol. Thc defalbd rice polishings<br />

was tansfened to sn oper iron tray (15..x 8..x l_5..) lined with paper and ws<br />

d.ied to a consler weight in an oven ar 70oC. The d€fatred @ polishings so<br />

obtain.d eas plac.d in sealed poblhen bags for fidher e.

l-3 Chemical Composition<br />

58<br />

fte dried detaned ri@ potishinss was flagzd for crude ,rclein,<br />

ether extracl, crudc libre, sI ed nitog.n free.xracL lblowing AOAC (tgBO)<br />

nethods. True protein corlent was esrimared by rh. m€lhod of MuDro and Fleck<br />

(1966). Aoino acid prcfile ws esrimared by rhe merhod of Moore ard Srein<br />

(1954). Crlcium ard phosphorus conlenrs w.re ako cnimared (Anonymous, t954).<br />

-llle cebon conrenl3 ofrhe ri@ polishings ed rhar of oth.r subsr,rnces uscd d!in8<br />

lh. cxpe.imen were Brinared by colorimetiic m.fiods dBcribc by (clnhms.<br />

I 948). The compocition of 0rc suhc|mcs is gircn itr Appendix L<br />

2.Organisms<br />

The certified pur€ cuttuH of fe.mmbrive<br />

tpe.i.r .ad Brcvibocteriu lI@M rerc obr.in.d ftum<br />

Palholo$/, Univ.Eiry of AgricultuE Fabatsb.d. ,.d<br />

Culture Collecrion of Micrcorganisms, Instiille or<br />

Univ€rsity of Tokyo, Japan, respecrively.<br />

orgsnisms,,,{'daruiors<br />

|ne d.pattnenr of PIor<br />

Jap.n@ Fcdcralion of<br />

Appli€d Microbiolory,<br />

'l he cultues w€re majnrained on Czap€k,s a8ar stan6 (Beneke, I 95j)<br />

flnd Modified Nude Asar (NCIMB, 1990). The coDtosrtron or,utienl ,sar<br />

medrum and<br />

'uodifi€d agarsta m€dium h shown itr Tables l.<br />

NaCl<br />

DefaGd .ice polishinSs _ 50<br />

._ 1.t25<br />

M8SO..?HrO : l?:<br />

KH,PO4<br />

Aaar ,n '<br />

5<br />

5<br />

,14.0 tot Atdch iorzs v andat1.ofo,;t1;;;"'""' r"'r h trr'dim *a adrBLcd

3. Preparation of in oc|uhm for Arachniotus sn.<br />

3.1 lnoculum<br />

59<br />

In@uluD w6 pEp&e

60<br />

gram ofdn€d biomass was tat€n for estinatior ofru€ prot€in by rcating wilh 30<br />

ml of5% Trichloroaceric acid (TCA) in warer bati ar 90'C rempemrure.<br />

4. Optimization of Fermentation Conditiotrs for<br />

Arschniotus sp.<br />

4.1 Elfect ofType of Rice polishings.<br />

h lhis expcrimenr codpsrison was madc b.rwed undefafi.d rice<br />

polishings and defatled .i@ polishings for ihe producrion of biomals protejn.<br />

Triplicate flasks of€ach type of rice polishings containing 50 mt grcMi medium<br />

were prcpared md incubarcd for 3 days udcr prcdctemined conditioN viz., .ice<br />

polishius 5.00lo, urca 0.3125yo, Caclr 0.0025%. MgSO..THrO 0.0025%, KHrpO.<br />

0.2%. pll4.0 add l€npe.ature lo"C (Mahnood, 1990). The biomass so preparcd<br />

was dried and esrimared for rrue lrolein. nle amount aod B?e of subsrnte used in<br />

Ois qperiment w8 adopted in thc suts.quenr exp€rimenls.<br />

4.2 Effect ofAcid Treatment ofsubstrate<br />

An experiment wa! @nducled usiDg defalM rice polishinSs and fte<br />

ellect ofrrcarme of sqbsrnre wirh 5% Hrsoa @ I mlrg wrs srldied. on the basis<br />

ol reull of rhis cxperimcn! r.€rcd subsrmre w6 used ,n tnc subs.qu.rr<br />

4,3 Addition of Different Levels of Morasses at 4E hours of<br />

F€rmentation.<br />

The effecr of addition of motasses at 48,i hour of Srowth ol<br />

Atachhiot6 tp. was studi€d in this cxperim€ni For lhis purpose 5 leveh of<br />

molassd werc resred viz., l, 2, 3, 4, and 5 p€rc€nl tor lne maxrmuD producrion of<br />

b,omss protein and hawestcd after 72 hous of fcmenration. The opii,rum tcvel of<br />

molass€s was used in rhe subsequ. experin€nts.

4.4 Setting CarboD to Nit.ogen Ratio<br />

An€. dcrenninalior ofop num lev.lof molscs !o b. added ar 4E(<br />

hours of ferne.rarion, anorher €xp.lim.nr was conducled for dcrerninin8 the<br />

opliDnn carbon to niroSen iatio to decide how mLlch nilrogcn is to be added along<br />

with the addjtior of motarses. For fis purpose five differenl C ratios viz.,27:1,<br />

20:1, 15:1, l0:l and 5jl werc tcst€d for addiiion to rhc Brofin nedium al48 ho!6.<br />

The opdminm cs6on lo nitroSe! rario obffed in rhrs expdimenl was used in<br />

subsequenr €xperiments fo. ,naximum producrion of b,omass prcrem.<br />

4.5 Setting time for Addition of Molasses<br />

FollowinA $e optimu,h l.vel of molsses ro b. add.d ard .ftd s€ninc<br />

C/N 6rio, uorh.r cxpcrimcnr war @nducred lo deide rhe rime ot incubarion ;<br />

vhich this con€nkarioo of motrscs wd to b. add€d. For this purpose rhrcc fim6<br />

ofincubation were setecred viz.,48,60. and 72 houB. Alt the fl.sks were harlscd<br />

alter 96 houls of f.rn.nhrion. Ttlc olrimum incubal<br />

experim€'r fo, addition of mo'",,* -", r"r"-"r," Jil::,":ffil:* -"<br />

4.6 Addition of Corn Steep Liquor (CSL) at 4g Hours<br />

An qpenmed was conducred ro rest thc tevel of CSL to be added in<br />

the femenblion medium ar 48 hou6 of incubation for moxmum yjetd of biojrsss<br />

proreir. Fu this purpce six lev€ls ofcom saeep tiquo. werc resred viz_, 0.5. t.0,<br />

1.5, 2,0, 2.5 and 3.0 perceni anq selting CN ratjo $ del.min€d pr€viouly. t}le<br />

optunum levet obs€ned durin8 this q\perimcnr was used in $bs€quenr<br />

4.7 Setting Time for Addition ofCSL<br />

Ir wd required to determin€ fie opdmun rime for supptementation of<br />

ophnized lwel of CSL. for riis purpose lh@ rin.s of hcrlbation wcre rcsrcd viz.,<br />

4E. 60 ed 72 hou6. The ft€sk ofalt rlE tine fE.iods we.c narvesrcd at 96 houB of

62<br />

fennsralion. Th. optimum lime for CSL suppl.menration obscded dudng this<br />

experimenl was followed in rhc subsequent €xpqimdts.<br />

4.8 Harvesting Time<br />

Under optinjad condilions for fi6t phssc of fcrmenrarion, final<br />

exp€irmenl was conduct€d to find out the oprimum harvestinS time for maximum<br />

yield of biomals protein. For $ir p rposc $e fcrmcntsrion tr?s r.rminared sr tlree<br />

di|fcrcrt time periods viz., 12,84 an 96 hours. T1€ oprimu,n hanesting timc<br />

observed during this experimenr wa! tollowed in the subsequenr experim€nb for<br />

obraining rhe highsl yield ofproEin.<br />

5. Preparation of Inocrtllum Ior B.Jlavum<br />

5.1 Inoculurn<br />

Fo. second phasc of fcmenlation, the oryrnisn Brevibacteriun<br />

lavM was used. The inoculun ofs.,/la,M wls prepnred from the pure culrurc of<br />

rhis orsanisn mised on agar slantj mcdium. Cc[s of E.jtovun vqe oanstercd<br />

aseptically from agar slants to rlree auloclaved 250ml erlenmeyer flasks each<br />

containing 50ml of iroculum medium. Tl|e composilion of f,e mcdium is shown in<br />

Table 3. Thc pH ofmedium prior to steritialion ws adjusred ar 7.0{1.2 wilh tN<br />

NaOH. Flasks wse $o incubared on oftiral shak* running at a rale of 100_120<br />

rpm to. 48 lou.s at J7.C.<br />

Tabfe J. Composixon of inocutun n ditm fot Brcvbackriw narw<br />

t0<br />

5<br />

NaCI<br />

5<br />

l0<br />

Dc'ilkd wa'.. addcd ro nEke ;;tu;;u!61 ljtt.. pH of the nediun m

I'hrr L Sl,oni'r I lr'csll culfo.c shnt of,l ntuthtuiotus :

l'lrr(:. !!lorr ins lrc\h !tr1(urc shDt

65<br />

Alter 48 houls it€ nrmb€r ofcclls ofrlav@ werc counGd,n rhe inoculum<br />

mcdium following Brced.s Smear Method (Collin d 4/., l9E9). .Ih. iollowing sreps<br />

]vcrc rollorved.<br />

l) Loop of 4 didmeter (one toopfull=0.0tmt)<br />

'tun<br />

w6 prepared and dipped in<br />

2) Tte loop fu culrure waj sp€ad on mioos@pjc alide in a.e of tcm by first<br />

nrakinS rht d€s on nide rhm metinS it *irh mdker<br />

3) Slide wd air dried (n.n fixcd on flame.<br />

4) Staining was ptrfomed using Cnam.s st in, $e lta,mng ruft of which was as<br />

a) Crysralviolet 3 minul€s<br />

b) C.ah.s iodine 3 minur€s<br />

c) Acid alcohal washing<br />

d) Saf.ainine 5_r0 seconds<br />

5) The sljde so lrepeed w6 examined under l00X oil te!s.<br />

6) The microbial counr was pe.formed in five microscoprc lietds, to catculale rh€<br />

average mic.obiat count per field.<br />

?) Calcularions werc done as follows<br />

whe.e,<br />

Tobtnumber oforgeisnll,/mt - Ave.ae. No. ofo.aaaisms r M.f x pilurion<br />

o-ol<br />

M f= Micccopic fador^o or micrcscopic fi.los per cn.. which w.s<br />

bY<br />

1,,{.F "tt- '<br />

A =l0ru (mearx Icrn? ale, is equal to l0rmicrons)<br />

a = AEa, which is carculared by t',

t = 2217 and r = Radius of micG@pic ti.td which is mcasrrcd with<br />

the help of micronelg. ln one midomerer one dilision is eq@l ro t0<br />

'nic.ons(p).<br />

r= lEo !r /2 = 90<br />

As rhcE w€rc l8 d'vhion3so it becahc 180 p.<br />

So arca of micrcsmpic fietd came oul b be.<br />

^=<br />

22n a9O1<br />

Tle trmber of elh of Aldla per mt we.e mintdned at 4xt0t by<br />

dilutin8 the inoculum wi$ srerilized dislilled water 10 ger a honogenous suspension<br />

of thc o.g&ism. The inocutm thus prepe€d ws lsed in the grcwlh mediun @<br />

5my50ml lo invcsligale various conditions dudng second phare of femeDlaton.<br />

5.2 Culture Cultivation<br />

Th. r.covcrcd tungal biomds du.ing fiBl phas. of f.Dcnration was<br />

usr !s grcwih Dedium duing rhe s@nd pndc of fcmenlation. A rcqui.ed<br />

number of llasks were prepded accordihg ro the condition undd ltudy and 6eir pH<br />

*as ad.iusrcd ar 7.0 wnh lN NaOH aseplica y. Tt€se flask were ften inocutared<br />

$ill 5ml of inoculum wirh Oe hetp of stcriti&d ptperre. lh. n6ks eer. rhen<br />

incubated foi 72 holrs on o.biral shakcr workirg ar I 00,120 rpm ar 3 ?.C.<br />

5.3 Harvesting<br />

Trilli€re flsks of €ch treonen! werc heested by 5 minurcs<br />

sle.inirS. fte bionss ftw recovered ws dried in chiDa dish.s sepaErely attd<br />

putting then in oven at ?ooc remperarure for 24 houE. The died biomas was<br />

grcund md malyzcd for uuc prorcin.<br />

6. Optimization<br />

B.Jlavum.<br />

Expedmenb werc condu.red for opdmizing<br />

naxinln producrion of bion)N prolein<br />

of Fermentatiol Conditions for<br />

Following conditions werc optimied.

6,1 Autoclaved Vs UnNutoclaved First Step Fermentation<br />

61<br />

Ar expquneni w6 conducled ro decide whelhq first and second<br />

organisms should be growD in synerSism or one aner $e olher_ For this pufpose six<br />

flasks haNeued aner fi6l phase of fcmemadon eere divided in lwo groups. Out of<br />

these, ttuee flatls wcre adjusled for their pH ar 7.0 rnd then aur@lavcd whe.eas rhc<br />

.emainin8 were adjusred ar pH 7_0 wirh srsitized tN NaoH d.plicalty wilhour<br />

autocraving. AII the fldks werc inoculated wirh inoculum ot B.FlMn asepti.a|y<br />

and $en incubated ^t tl"C tot 12 hours. Atter 72 hours all rhe flasks were<br />

hanesled md lhcir tiue prot€in contenb w.re d€brmined. Tte opdnum condnion<br />

so achieved ws followed in subsequmt expcrimenls.<br />

6.2 Addition of Different Levels of Molasses at 48rh Hour of<br />

F et mentation vriah B.llavum<br />

for improvjng lhe prcduction of bionss prclei! during s€cond phase<br />

of fennenhdon. ir ws deided to supplenenr lhc 8rcw|n medium wilh notas€s.<br />

For Ois purpo*, sir levck ofmolases were 1sr€d viz, l. 2. 3,4, 5, and 6 D.rccnr<br />

and add.d at 48'r hour of g.owth of B.Jtdwn and hanesr€d aner 72 houu of<br />

rermentatjon. The tevet of mola$es giving maximum prolein was used in the<br />

subsequenl expedmenb.<br />

6,3 Addition.of Different Levels of clucose at Different<br />

Time Periods<br />

For rhis expsjment rwo lerels ofglucce ,2., Z ed 4 p€rcenl veE<br />

rested. Tlse tevets werc resred fo. rhree rime periods vz., 0, 24 ed 48 ho!6 of<br />

incub.[on. The oprimum l.vel of ootarss and rime or ternentdtion giving<br />

maxnnum producrion of bion.ss p.olein was us.d in subsequerl experihenrs.<br />

6.4 Comparison ofGlucose and Gurrh<br />

To d@ide if gurh @n rcplacc gtucose ar s,mitd<br />

w.s conducred in whicn gtucose sid gurh w.rc supplemenrcd

6E<br />

nEdium ir sepamte flsk at 24 hou! of s@nd phsse of f.menrarion. On the basis<br />

of higher biomass protein producrion .iiher of th. rwo w.s usd in rhe subcqnenr<br />

6,5 Yeast Sludge Supplemertation<br />

To srudy the €ff@t of strpplemcnt.tion of y.ast studge on rhe<br />

cnri.hhcnr df fcnnenlation 'nedilm for .nhancement oferowrh of BJIarun.lning<br />

secotrd phAc of femen(ation, the arr@taved yosr srtd9 of Sac.huonyces<br />

ceNtrr?e was added to th€ medim al0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0,4.0, 6.0, 8.0 ad l0 percenl<br />

levcls. The supplemenrarion was done !t 0 nou$ of s@d phase of fem|cnlation.<br />

Th. optidun level so achieved wa 6ed unde. the prcviously opridized<br />

coDdilioB.<br />

6.6 Harvesting Time for 2nd Phase<br />

To lchiev€ lhe mosl suirable hawesting lime for maximum yield of<br />

biomas lrotci4 direren( hs€sring rim€s w€.. r€sred during seond phe of<br />

tbnnenlarion. Tte hadesling of biom.s wEs done sr 24, 4s ed ?2 houB of<br />

feanenta on. lle he€lting tibe Siving oplhruD biomss prorei, for sccond<br />

phe of fennentation *as foltowed during sqlc up fermmralion.<br />

7, Growth Kinetics<br />

crca1h are of Atdchniotu sp. afi Brdibacterim JI@M, lt td of<br />

products and sp€cific subshle uptake 6G dDring borh phas€s of f€mcnlar'on werc<br />

olculated using the following fonnulas.<br />

F = _l_ x<br />

Yp/s =<br />

Yp/x -<br />

hr n:<br />

x,- x,<br />

S:-Sr<br />

Pl-Pl<br />

Sr_Sr<br />

lo& XL<br />


69<br />

X:-Xr<br />

gP = Fx YPlx<br />

q, = p xYx/s, whcre,<br />

& = Final Producl<br />

Xr = InilialProduct<br />

la& = lng naltrnl<br />

P = SPecilic growth rate<br />

Y'i" = Gm3 ol microbial ccll produc.d/g sublrate utilized<br />

Ypis = cItm of pmduct flm€dg of subslrat€ ulilizcd<br />

Yp* = Gram! ofproducr rormed/s of c€ll forn€d<br />

Qp<br />

qs<br />

S) - s' =<br />

X: - Xr =<br />

P: - Pr =<br />

SPecific product quotienl i e I<br />

Specific subsrrare uptake rate<br />

Diflcrctre in sub$rakJh'<br />

Difleren(e;n c.llprcducliotr/h '<br />

Diffcrence in Product/h '<br />

br - br = Difl.r€nce in Time<br />

producug @ll/h<br />

as = volumekic rale ofsubstmle utilization Gnrh)<br />

a, = volum.rric iat€orcellma formation (tt4r)<br />

a"<br />

Vol@.tric mle ofproduc. fomrtion (8/Uh)<br />

8. Large Scale Production ofBiomass<br />

Large sol. femcntalion wd (sied out in Iwe litr. @Pacit) glass<br />

fementer. Th. go$'th medium eas prcparcd in fernent r, it wd then autoclaved al<br />

l2l"C for 45 ninutes. Anq auto.lavinS $e pH of the mediun was adiusted al4 0<br />

with lhc help of lN H1SO. added drcp wise silh the help of peruslaltic pumP Thc<br />

leDperalur€ of $e fef,ncnler wr! adjuslcd al 306C, by circulatinS water in the oucr<br />

jacket of the fmenter lftei ehich the 8ro*1h medim sas indulaled *ith frcsh<br />

inocn'r,m of lreluiota tp..s.plically @ 5%. Tle femente. rls tun at 300 rpm<br />

speed !lo!s with contituou supply of frcsh filtd€d air. Tte pH of the mcdium was<br />

checked md adjusted at 4.0. After 56 hours of fcrm€nlation lhe f€rmenler was onc.<br />

again auloclav.d at 12 I 'C for 45 ninulcs dd before 3tad of autoclave y6( sludSe<br />

was add€d 1o the nedium @ l%. Ancl autoclaving tl|c PH of lh€ mcdium was

70<br />

adjrKed at 7.0 wirh lN NaoH md temperaturc of thc fermenrer ws adjuned at 3?<br />

'C. l lre fermenter was then in@ulal€d with fresh jnocnlu it of B.Iavuh @ 5% ot<br />

the gorv(h medium. Again fernenrer \yas run at sp€ed of 100 lpm atong *ith<br />

contntuous supply of fresh nltqed ah. The pll of lhe mcdiun wN checked and<br />

adjstcd al ?.0. tq 24lou6 offtc addition ofsecond inocullm o. E0 hou6 of<br />

toral lbrmedtation pe.iod the biomds was rccovercd aner 15 minlles stcamirg.-the<br />

biomGs wa then dried in llal tra)s in lbrced air oven at65oC.<br />

Following eoc pbclice th€ f@.rls was run five rimes sd rh€<br />

biomass rccovered wa dried and g.ound. It was aratyzed for crud. protein, crude<br />

fibre, erher extracr, .sh md NFE following AOAC (1990) DiomN was<br />

'nethods.<br />

aho analyzed rof lrue protein (Munro and Fteck, 1966), amino acid profil€ (Moore<br />

and SGi\ 1954), Calciu'n sd Phosphorus (Anony'nous, 1954) dd RNA conrenls<br />

(Muro.nd Fleck. 1966).ltese ealysis ee shown in Appendixlr ort llr.<br />

9. Biological Evaluation<br />

Fo! biological cvahadon rhe biomass wd fcd ro 7-days old broil€r<br />

chicks for a period of 9 days. The triat ws @lducted.t Raja Mrham,nad Alcarr<br />

AniDal Nur.iton Rcs@h Cenre., Univ€Firy of^sricultur.. Fais,labad. Eighrccn<br />

sepdalc pens werc construclcd and birds we.€ placed on {ire net fo. rhe collecrion<br />

olrhen droppings on rhe plaslic sheets plac€d on $e fl@r. h this tial fish meat of<br />

the b.sal €tiotr was replaccd with thc biomass at 0,25,50, ?5 and t00 percenl<br />

lelels oD protein equiv.lenl basis.<br />

9.1 Experimental Rations<br />

Six cxperimenlal ralions viz., A, B. C, D, E and F wcrc prepared.<br />

Ration l: was prolcin free lo derermin€ endogenous |lilrcgo loss6. Ration A had no<br />

bioDass ond sewed as conrrol.In ralions, B. C, D and E the quarlityoffish mealot<br />

conrrol was replaccd yith biomss prorein on prorein equiv.tcnr bajs a.d rhese<br />

conlaincd 2.5, 5.0. ?-5 @d 10.0 percent bioh.ss, r.specrively, nE nnrient t€vels in

1l<br />

rll $. rariom werc.djuied accordinS to NRC (1984) nandards. lhc choNical<br />

conrposiritr ol rhe experimenrat rarions is shown in Tabte 4. t.hc ch€nical<br />

.otr'psilh' ofingrdicnk used irr Dtions is Sivcn in rucndixrv.<br />

'l.blc 4. Conioosilion olrhc expernnurl{t rariops<br />

oit<br />

ME Kc /ts<br />

'<br />

54.74<br />

18.80<br />

7,00<br />

5.00<br />

3.00<br />

t00<br />

0.41<br />

,i<br />

0.25<br />

0_25<br />

24,54<br />

3211<br />

1.54<br />

0.95<br />

0.58<br />

|.228<br />

0_547<br />

0.t 8l<br />

0.10<br />

B<br />

(25%<br />

50.09<br />

20.98<br />

7.00<br />

6.00<br />

2.50<br />

0.92<br />

5.25<br />

0.64<br />

010<br />

0.25<br />

":'<br />

24.51<br />

3219<br />

3.77<br />

0.87<br />

0.57<br />

t.219<br />

0.542<br />

0.187<br />

0.1t7<br />

c<br />

6e/,<br />

5l.ll<br />

1J.17<br />

8.00<br />

.00<br />

500<br />

0.96<br />

4.15<br />

0.91<br />

0.ll<br />

0.2t<br />

0.04<br />

o:n<br />

24.60<br />

1242<br />

t.92<br />

0.82<br />

0.57<br />

0.t43<br />

0.186<br />

o.J29<br />

CoDtposilion ofPremi; isshown in Appetrdix V.<br />

9.2 ExDerimental Birds<br />

D<br />

05rA<br />

49,t7<br />

15.50<br />

8.00<br />

'I 50<br />

0.91<br />

4.82<br />

Ll6<br />

0.15<br />

0.25<br />

0.05<br />

o:'<br />

24.51<br />

120 |<br />

0 ti6<br />

0.55<br />

| 215<br />

0.518<br />

0.180<br />

0.125<br />

E<br />

(twr<br />

46.96<br />

17.20<br />

8,00<br />

t0.00<br />

087<br />

l.l8<br />

0.40<br />

0.25<br />

0_06<br />

o.:r<br />

24.54<br />

320t<br />

4.15<br />

0.51<br />

|.224<br />

o.5J2<br />

0.tE3<br />

0.116<br />

1.50<br />

100<br />

300<br />

L00<br />

80.01<br />

I L00<br />

3.91<br />

J202<br />

I l(i<br />

o:,<br />

0.131<br />

0.2E2<br />

sevenly day-old brciler clicks werc procnred lroD markel. Atlerone<br />

$cck llty-lbur bnds were sel€cted otr wcighr uniformity basir. These birds w€re

72<br />

'l h€se birds were dividcd into €ightcen €:(pe.imenbl units conlaining hree birds in<br />

cach unil. Each exp€rioen(sl nnir ws kepl in sepuarc p€n_ Th* bnds Ner€<br />

rihdomly nlloled ro six expcriDent.l ralions in such a way rhar there were lhree<br />

cxperimental mir! on @ch mrion_ 'llte Erions were offe,€d to the birds ad libirum<br />

tor nine days. Iresh warer was svaitabte lo the birds all the rime. Weigh ot each<br />

bird was @rded prior to rhe exp.rimenr ed rherean€r a! the ed of rhe<br />

9.3 Manaeement<br />

The day-old chicks were reded under br@der for one Ne€k and<br />

drirs lris period lhey wcrc v!@inaGd agaiBr Newcdrt. diseasc. red and warer<br />

wrs suppli€d ad libilum. Feed and wat€r was supplied sepanlely in each pen and<br />

elcctric bulbs wefe fired in p€ns for mainraininS rhe lempe.ature. The droppinSs of<br />

lhe chicks were collecled on ptstic shets ak ady spr€ad on floor<br />

'n<br />

each pen.<br />

DrcppiDgs or dch pen qere *eiSbed daily, mixed woll ed r o% of qch was placed<br />

in bcakers having Ilrsoa.<br />

9.4 Data Collection<br />

Following data were recoded during the expeiment.<br />

'lhc trilrcg.n conrenti of eacl ralion w6 estimared 6.ough Kjctdahl s<br />

Weight of chicls in @ch expe.imenlal unir w6 re@rd€d a( the srart of<br />

qperinenl ard thereanq daily.<br />

Wcighl of drick in cach cxpc.jftnral unit was rccordcd at Lhe end of<br />

Feed oflered to each unit al srort<br />

Feed rcfiscd by ech unit al rhe e|ld<br />

Total weiShr of droppings voided by each uri1.

1J<br />

opetrirr8 rheir abdomisal cavilies. Afler dryinS birds werc wcighed and grornd and<br />

ll'e,r their body nirrogcn was esrimarcd by Kield.ht.s crhod. fhc d,opping<br />

collccrcd nr berke6 \!.rc wcighed. lhorolghly nrixed {nd irs niriogcn con(cnrs $.crc<br />

9.5 Parameteis<br />

'lhe fotlowing pahmelers w€le wo.ked out usin8 rhe fofinut.e of<br />

PelleleaDd YouDS ( 1980)<br />

a) IeedcotrveEion RaddFCR) = red consrncd / Cain in eeislrr<br />

bl Net l,rclein utilialion (Npu) = u_(Bk,lk)/t x t00. whqe<br />

B = .rod body nitrogen on rsr dict<br />

r.ik = .tolltbody nirrcgcn on l,n,tcir ftccdicl<br />

| = Intakeofnihsen on rest dier<br />

tk = lDrake ot nirrcgcn on prol.in tree dicr<br />

c) ltociD Bliciency Rado(pER) - Cain in wer8hr / r,rol.in imale<br />

10. Statistical Analysis<br />

]-he experimcnbt dara weE subjccred 1o shrisrjcat analysis usins<br />

CoDplcrcly Rando'nized Desien_ Fo. rhis puQose the mean varucs ot the each<br />

h.nn.nt rcplicate werc c.tcut.red. Ttresc repticalc rcrns wcrc lhcn !.cd for<br />

staristicdl analysh o. (r conrpurer rd anatysis ofrrnnncc r{orcs \verc ltup rcd<br />

for each experimenl. [inally the healmenl means \verc compared r,! t)uncan.s<br />

Mrlliple Range test(Sreetand lbdje, |980).

Chapter-4<br />


The nudy wa unde&kcn to enrich rhc Drorein conrents of rice<br />

polishirSs $rcugh lbmentaion in a inutri cutrure system tid wnh cellulolyric<br />

frngi. Arachniotw rp..ier md rhen wi$ Iysine synrhsizing bacteria.<br />

Rrevibacteri@ l@u. Thc prctein biorEss so produced ws thcn evatu.r.d<br />

throuSh chick feeding rial and throuSh chemicat dalysh. For rhi! pDrpose the<br />

research w$ conducred in thre phas€s. Tte rcsutts obbjned during rh* $le<br />

phases have ben described herc sepamtely. Fof rlis purpose rhe chaprer ..Resuhs<br />

and discussion" has been divided inro lhK subohapteB for elaborsring the resutts<br />

ofeach mder separate headinss, which arc as follows.<br />

A. To optinize rhe grorvrb .ondiiiors for,4tbhrtot6 spe.ies $rng nce<br />

polillirys rs slb6rr.le for th. prodrcliotr of bion.ss p.oa.ii.<br />

B, To oprimi* rh€ giowlh condiriotrs fo. Ar.riracr., iah ltarun usial tttst<br />

pb.s. prcdu..d bioD.$ rs subsrnte.<br />

c.<br />

Nutriliolal.evdmlion of biomo$ lhrooSb rmlno rcid compd ion rtrd<br />

For each sutchapter lhe objecliver, resutb and discussior and<br />

overview h.s be€n given sepamtely.

'15<br />


FOR Arachniotus Species USING RICE<br />



Thc grcwrh cond'tions were optinjzed tot ,ittuhniotus species virn<br />

rhc ra.8et io prcdue more biomN prct€in ke€pir8 in yiew $e fo owing<br />

Objectives:<br />

i)<br />

:vlE$s d.farkn de polishinss @ b. used .s subsrrsre ror proErn<br />

orom6syrcld,<br />

ii) Wlether prctr$tm€nt of the sLlbsr-dre wi$ acid is nccessary to yictd<br />

morc biomass p.orein.<br />

iit To see if lhe adding of molasses ed com steep liquor al differcnt<br />

levets and dme inrrats ro rfi" fen"*,!d- mcdi; j* n";;i;;<br />

improving rhe prcrein biomas yictd.<br />

ir) lplErher rhere-was a ne€d ro chan8e rh€ carDon ro n,trogen ralro wirh<br />

u. aqoruonot molassev@m sl€€p tiquorro fermenkrion m€drun.<br />

vr io,estabt|sh rh€ oprirnun haNesrin8 rime tor rhe mdimun<br />

prooucuon ot bromas Drcteir.<br />

Results and Discussion:<br />

The Hutrs obLNined on optimized fementation condirions arc<br />

discused in $e lishr of available tit{arue s !rdq. lhe aveBSe vatua for rrue<br />

p.ot.in p.oduction as affecred by dillemt femmt.tion condiliotrs sE shown in<br />

Tlble5.<br />

l. f,Ifect ofType ofRice polishings<br />

Rice pothhings conbins 12-13% oil ard is uualy dcfalted b avoid<br />

rancidity lrd its spoitage duinS stohge. Thc oit has a good ma.kct vatu€ md rfic<br />

extraction rnales the product a cheap one. An all€nDL wd made to use rice<br />

polishings !s a substrare for rhc femenring orgeisns |o oDra,n morc prcrcin yietd.<br />

To deide wiether defallcd rice polkhines could be uscd ro oblain highe. yietd, 6w

76<br />

dod dcfafied dce polishings wde compred.s flrbst ar4 for femanbrjon by<br />

Ar@hniots tp.cies- Tfu tv prctei! contors of ric. DotishirSs rft.r f.moralion<br />

nay be seen i! Table 5. Tl. analysis of variance ofrhe dala h shown in Apperdix<br />

vl. ltre .ornparison revealed non signiticdr diffem@ b€twM ihe biomass<br />

proteins oftwo tnes ofrice polishings.<br />

Th. result! were encouraging. Cheap d€falted fice polishings reptac€d<br />

ccily undeflned .ie polishings. A @mp@bte rue prclcin yietd of biomss with<br />

dcfatted and undefauetd ric. polishings (17.20 vs t?.33%) was obtained. Direrenl<br />

wo*ers have slso used defaned potishinSs a! subsrrare and obrained biomass<br />

prot€in yiefds of Z2.l3oh \|ith Andida ulilit (Kini, l9E9), 24.80% with<br />

Trichodema hdziaaM (Khe, 1990) ed tj.33o/o with ,lrrchaiotu, ,pe.i.s<br />

(Molr'nood er 41., t990). The biohoss prcrein yi.ld by fem.nriry d€fa(ed ricc<br />

polishings by Artuhniotts speciq is in confimity wifi rh. prcvioB work. Ir was<br />

lhe.eforc decided to use def.tr€d ricepolishings in furtncr cxpea,nen6.<br />

2. Effect ofAcid Trcatmena ofSubstrate<br />

Th€ subslral€ should have maximum f€ffen1a1ion in rte D€diun. Fo.<br />

this purpose lhe substnte ar€ trsred in diffmnr ways, viz. physicrt or chemicll.<br />

Physical treahenrs degrade rhe subsral. at ce utar level while chenicat rrearn€nG<br />

help in deending fte chemical bonds. Exkemes ot pH play majo. role in this<br />

Espccr. The d.faned rie polishings wss lr@ted wirh 5% HrSOl in a 6rio of t:l<br />

(Vv, subsrale : HrSO4 ) and auroctav€d .l l2loc for 30 minules. The lrealed s<br />

w.ff .s untreaLd substratcs were ferm€oted with Arehiiot6 specif \nd.r<br />

previously optimired condirions. Th. dara on uuc proteiD conrent ot hrrysrcd<br />

bionus, (Table 5)was subj€cted ro stalkrical snalFis (Appendix VII). t.he analysis<br />

of varianc€ of thc data ftvcded Don significanr diff.i€nc€ in biomN prorein yi.ld<br />

oI the acid lrearcd substrale as compared wirh unrr.ared.

ablc 5. Mo t SE lde p.or€in production s affect€d by u stng Atu h,iotu sp.<br />

UMcfan.d ri€ Dolishinss 5t.t5<br />

t7.tl<br />

ltiircilo|s!b!|d|.<br />

2<br />

11<br />

56,75<br />

57_0J<br />

s5,t96<br />

t6.870<br />

r4 o87ro.,2rd 23.E81<br />

l3.9tl<br />

1.125<br />

25:- r.58<br />

20: I<br />

t.08<br />

t2,76<br />

, rE or rcotrpn or por.s.r (HB)<br />

uYss d eonbn or (sL (y,<br />

5r 31,19<br />

17.197i0.s1. I 57.31<br />

53.19<br />

I5 tt_t8710:t" 13.95<br />

2.0<br />

l7.21<br />

2.5<br />

3.0<br />

24.70<br />

,0'o0<br />

---l.r-r 56.72<br />

53.00<br />

17.05 5599<br />

72 r 7.09 i 56.16<br />

- -<br />

t?Jt- --r 54.t7<br />

17.22<br />

t1.21 J8.00<br />

sDp.Bci,p! otr @inr h . .otum *hhtn .mh ondiG;;;w sisntf6a(p

7E<br />

Results iodicared rhai rh. lcid k ated subsL.t did nor yietd beter<br />

tue pro(eitr llan uDtroated ri@ polishings in the tinally hawesred biomas.<br />

Sulphuric acid lreatment solublizes hemicclluloscwirbolt in(.rsins irs micrcbial<br />

digestibility (H!n and Calliha[ l9?4). Moo Young e, a/. (t97?) obsded pa.lill<br />

delignifi@tion ofew dust wirh lakali, pa setic Ecid or H1SO. and s. reulr ih@<br />

was morc @llullac producli@ by Ttbhoderw yitide. C.celtutolttiM ti.td.,l<br />

highe. single c€ll protein, indic.tirS the prefe.enc. of microoreanism for<br />

substrares. Acid hydrolysis of $€ substnte somelimes results in the production of<br />

toxic faclors such as furfuBl, hydroxy ncthyl finfinal, rhc prccursoE md ph€notic<br />

compouds {hich supprcrs the microbial acrivity. The inhibirory eff@r of srch<br />

compounds could be minimiad by growing the fungi in a mcdium mainrained at<br />

pH around 6.0 or 7.0 (Chalal, 1984 and Chahal er al. 1989). Low pH (4.0) oflh€<br />

medium maintained in th. prgent study could be alributed ro poor biomals yi€ld as<br />

cotnpded to pr.viou studies. Ricch. .r dl. (t966) rcporr.d y.a$ biomass<br />

conrlirirg 36% prcrcin on l% rcid or hot hydrclyzed porlrG subskarc f@ent.d<br />

wilh c'lrltr. simildly Qui€zy er al. (t979) dporr.d hi8h.r singl€ e[ protcio<br />

production fiom fermerlatio! ofacid k..ted g.oud pear with Crrilir. In borh ih€<br />

above ref€red sludies rhe pH was mainllined al 6.0 or abov. which mighl hsd<br />

am€lionted the ellcr of loxic prcducrs from acid Lertmenr. Vollova ?r ul (t979)<br />

oblained 6low as 8-9 o/o prolein biomass yieb aner feme arion ofacid lMl.d<br />

subslrate wirh a y6t Cardtd, ttopicali. ar low (4.6) pH. T his vuialion could b.<br />

due to low pH snd lhe type ofy€ast used. Pre lrealm€nts of subsrrale can also havc<br />

a signiiicanl effect on th€ hemicullolose acc€ssibility to enzymic atlck. cupta and<br />

Datta (199?) achiev€d b€tte. Esulrs rhrouSh prei@tmenr of blsssc with 2% (Vv)<br />

calciun hydroxid.. SinG no improvem.nt i! prolein yield w6 nored wifi acid<br />

prctrc.t rot of ricc polishings, this t(c.rmcnr ws trot u.d i. funh.r GxDerimenrs.

3. DetermiDation of Optimum L€yel of Mohsses at 48 Hours<br />

To .nhan@ rhe growlh of fcrnentltivc orSanism, du ng rhe ta8<br />

phase of fementltion, molasses wrs add€d a! surce oflolubt€ sugars. lt is a che.p<br />

source of rcadily availsble €ner$, and ws supplem. al 48rr hour of tie srowrh of<br />

Atachniotu sp.ciet. Five differe levcls of mdtNs wer. lesr€4 alons wirh a<br />

conlrol (without mola$es). Table 5 shows thc averag. true prorein vatues oblained<br />

fiom biomats al v&ious lev€ls of motrss€s. Thc entysis of vdisnc. of rhc dal!<br />

(Appendix vlll) revslcd a signifi(jnt (p

EO<br />

lhe biomN containing bighgl Frcenage ofsingt€ elt prorein hs been obt ined<br />

alier fmenting com staw hydrolyale (Abo-Ahmad, t993) snd suge @e juie<br />

(H€rca .r dt 1995) yith liLlle prcportio. ottnotajsa added ro rhe Dedium.<br />

Dovhych (1975) obtained E to I l% incr€se in biomals yietd du€ ro<br />

addilion of moldss !o gro\4,th nedium but ir sss ar small doses of 0.0 I to 0.05%.<br />

An increse in the rrue protejn vslue ofbiomNs from j.4r4ro t5.t7% (Bajva d<br />

al. l99l) dd fro,n 5.9 mrml 10 7.78 mg/ml has be. repon.d in conpeison ro<br />

$ar or the subsr.al€ (A{iar er at 1995). Maximum yields q.rc obrai.cd ar I ro<br />

1.5% levels of molasses. Thes. differ€nc.s werc duc ro the variation in rime of<br />

supplemenradon compd€d ro rhe pres.nt sludy. ln tie above r.fercd studi.s rhc<br />

supplemenration wa! done und.r oprimum conditos.<br />

4. Effect of Dilferent Carbon to Nitrogen Ratios<br />

tn th€ previou r.ial lhe suppty of nitrogen $zs nol €noogh<br />

cor$sponding to incrcdiDg t€veh of nolasses. 11 was fiercfore decided lo scr<br />

ca6on lo nfuogen dio fo. minimat level of molasses in order to enhdce the<br />

biomas p.otcin yield. For lhis purpos€ four wbon ro nuogen mrrcs were lcsred.<br />

Ttc conrrcl without .xrmd .ddilion of nitrogcn had jnh.Ml cebon lo nitroscn<br />

ntio of25:1. Because I pcrc.nt notss.s eos supplenedcd |o lhe 8rcwrh medim<br />

al48$ hoors, sterilized ue was added atong wi0r rhe molasses for mainraining rhc<br />

Equircd @bon to Dibogen dio. Thc avemgc r.uc prcrein v.lu6 for @ch CrN dc<br />

show! in T.ble 5. Thc drts on biomas prct.in yietd wcrc subjer.d ro $aiistiel<br />

analysis (Appadix IX). The rerults reloted significrnt (p

EI<br />

I1*as obs€Ned tat !t l% levcl of molasss, biomess prorein yield<br />

increaed from 16.037010 17.E60lo aft€r setting carbon to ritrogen ralio. However<br />

lhis yield wd not sigiificandy higher than thal of contfol, t7.5% (wilhout<br />

'nol8cs). This ag.in indicated rhat rhe subsrnre (rie polishirgs) @nlained<br />

suflicient soluble c€rbohyd6t6 and pmbably suppleme ing $. growth medium<br />

wilh nolasea, is no( nccded. An incrss€ in prclcin contenr of yeest from 2E.l ro<br />

51.0% wa5 rcporled by Osman and Voino (1976) when the sugar level was kepr<br />

constant and CrN ratio decr$sed frcm 17 to 8. Howev€r, lie bionass prorein yi€td<br />

likqis. dropped frcm 18 to 12 glilrc. Cebon !o nitrog€n ario of tort ws found<br />

10 b€ the optmum for diffcrent ki.ds of subsrare undq differcnl fcrmentation<br />

coditions (ldnmenl ?r al., I9?8-a fld Abduttah e, dl 1985)_ the vsriations in<br />

oprimum ca$on to nirrogen ratios could be due b $e kind of subsr.ares fern€nled<br />

(Kiani .r a/. 1989 md B6hir. 1990) s the subsrare wa! defarled dce polishjngs in<br />

fi61case and whcat bran in second casc. Thc oprimum carbon to nikoSen mrio was<br />

Iotnd to be 12.5:l wirh Can lad dilir.<br />

Lower crrbon ro nitroscn mri6 12.1, 4.46tt, 7:l and 5:t) werc<br />

feporrcd lor opimum biomoss protein production (She arr, t9j5 i Crmat et al.,<br />

1985 i Alram, 1992 sd Malmood-ut,Hassd, 1992) whcr€js Hajhmj (1987),<br />

Hashmi .r d/. (t989), {jhanem et at. (1991) and Athar €/ a/. (t995) reDon€d<br />

.cspectively higficr C:N dios of tJ:1, 25:1, 2j:l ed l5rl for oDrimum biomass<br />

protein yield. Thc va.idions in rll€s Etios e.E due 0o eirhcr dilTcr€ncc in kind of<br />

inicerganism used fo. fenhenraftn or diffcMc. in kind of substtarc femdted.<br />

These lindings suppon $e fact that diffcr€nr kinds of microorganisms hav.<br />

direrent requireDents fo. niliogcn for dsiDitaling €$on for prorein synthesh.<br />

Howev.r rcpod! cisls whcrc different C:N ratio (15:l) for the 3ame or8&nism nd<br />

$ne subscale (Mrl'm@d d al, 1990),nd @bon 10 nirrogo mrio of25:t fo.<br />

s4ne o€oism bur fo. differe subsrlle (Bajwa €l dr, 199 | ) werc obseded.

82<br />

5, Determination of Optimum Time for Addition of lyo<br />

Molasses<br />

Atlcr delerminirg rh€ optimal levet of oolases for maximum<br />

bronrds produclion, a rial w6 conducr€d io d€r€rmine rhe time for addilion of<br />

Dolasq to Ure termenlation medium, For this purpose ooe pefent motasses eas<br />

added lo lie m.dium a1 486, 60'h md 72d hours oI fennentlrion. A conrot wiliour<br />

supplemcntalaon of molasses wd rsed for compsrison. t.h€ fcrnenrarion was<br />

teminared an.r 96 houls. The avenge biomds prorein vatus obrained ee shoM<br />

in Table 5. The data w.rc subject.d to slarkricat datysh. The anat).sk ofvadance<br />

of rhc dard hd be.r shown in Appodix X. t1c rcsuls revcaled significsnt<br />


83<br />

periods during fmenlatioo fo! prorein yietd. Such addition rhercfore was not<br />

adopied in tu(her €xperimetrts.<br />

6. Deferminalion of Optimum level of Corn Stcep Liquor<br />

(CSL| at 48 Hours<br />

Coh sr.ep liquor (csl) is a w6r. !rcducr or com sb&h indNlry ed<br />

ir.railabh in obundsnr qtrexry ar ch.ap @re. Beides it,, rich in viramms,<br />

rnDerdls and rilrogcn. An .ficry)r ws m.de to supple,rent rh. fermcniatio,<br />

Dedfun to deterftirc lhe opftnum levet for hjSher biomass prcreitr yietd. The<br />

suppreDEDlalton ofstcritizd csl ws done an.r &ljLrslinS ca6on lo nirrcSeo hrio<br />

at l0:l and Oe harvcsiinS ws donc ar 72 hou6..I.tE avenge true prorein vdws<br />

obtaincd as elTecied by supplenentalion of diffsent lerek ofCSL arc pr*enred in<br />

Table 5. The dsta werc subjected to st lhtical afttysts and rhe anatysis of veiarce<br />

ol rhe data has been shown in App.ndix XL Thc Esrrrs .cvealed significant<br />

differcnces in rruc p.or€in valu.s ofthc biomass amorg diIarc l€veh ofCSL. A<br />

gadual decrcasing rend i, biomass protein yietd was oDsefred by incieasing rhe<br />

levcl ofCSL. Tl€ prorein valuc obtained from conror wd comparabte wjth rhar<br />

oblained when 0.5% CSL was supplemente4 the difference betwen thc two bcing<br />

nolsiSnificant. TIe pdein vatue signific€ntty drcpp.d beyond rhis levet dl 1.0%<br />

CSL. The reujrs indicarcd thar CSL supptenmi€d ro ft€ ferDenrarion medium at<br />

0.5% l€vel wa3 good for its uritialion for b€rer bjomass yretd. However. the exacl<br />

ln€ for;tr supplemenhtion was requh€d to b€ del.rmined.<br />

Berause CSL conhins . numb.r of mincsrs, the quanriry of any of<br />

lhe mineral, lniehr had bsome hiSh by incre4ing ib levet. fth probabty had<br />

seprcscd grcwrh of th€ fenenr6rive organi$n and ulrimalety rh. biomass proiein<br />

yield was lowered d highef tevet. However, its supptementadon at lower l.vel<br />

proved 8ood. Yogo e/ al (1976) and Suaki er al (1977), aho .eported b.!er<br />

resulrs of towq l.vel (o.tyd) of suppl.menrafon. CSL n4 becn shown as good<br />

source of nitogen for supptem€nblion ro thc femc arion mcdium (Care and

84<br />

Ne€lakantan, 1982 dd El-Masry.r al. 198?). Mrlmood-ul-hasw, (t992) and<br />

rh.r ., d/., (1995) while oprinizin8 rhc 8r@th condnions or orSoisds found<br />

tusp.crively, 1.2% od 0,75% of co step liquor 6 opthu for gcrrina<br />

maximum yield of biomals and bionass protein. Tl€s€ veiarions mighr b€ du. ro<br />

lhc veiation in typ€ of femenbtive orgrnkn, which mighr had diff@t toleMc.<br />

for lhe minerals in lho gowth mediutn. CSL has also b€en used rs temcnrarivc<br />

medium yielding snlficient mounr ofprotein (Foda er a4 1973 ; Shetlar! 1975 and<br />

Smith €t al. 1975).<br />

7. Determination of Optimum Time for Addition of0.5%<br />

Corn Steep Liquor<br />

A posilive effec! of supplcmentinS CSL to rhe fermenration medium<br />

was noliced in the previous expcdncnt and 0.5% lev.l of CSL was found as<br />

oprinum. In the presenr experiment oprimum time for rhe addilion of 0.5y0 CSL<br />

*s d.r.mined. The b'ontlls wa hd.srcd at 96 hom of f€menhrion. Th€<br />

averaSe lrue protein valus of biomas, obtain.d d a 6ull of.ddirion of CSL ar<br />

diffennt tine irtcflals arc prcs.nt d in Tablc 5. Thc srarisricat mtysis of rh. d{a<br />

were pdlomed atrd rhe mal)ris of variecc of dara is shoM in Appendix X . The<br />

results revenled non siSnilicanl difcrcnccs in biomds protein yield anong<br />

differcnt tin€ interyals i.e., 48, 60, and 72 ho!6 of f€mentaiion. The oprimum<br />

rim€ fo. the addition of 0j% CSL ro th€ f€m€ntarion nedium was. theretore.<br />

considered as 4E houB.<br />

Minor effect was obseryei by supplementing 0.5% com sreep liquor ar 48 hours bur<br />

$e yield dropped at 60 and 72 hours, ahloud riis change was non significanr.<br />

Almosl simild lrend was obsdcd in cile of molsses supptem€ntarion, lhat an<br />

@ly supplemenlalion suppo.!.d $c growlh whilc er(l| lare supplm€norion ir<br />

Emained uutilized, rh. diff.rcnc€ bcint thrt rhc supplmdtltim of molarscs<br />

bcyond 4sd hou dDpped prct in yietd siSrili@rty white rh. drcp h prot€in yi€ld<br />

wirh CSL wd non signili@r.Ahar .r al. ( 1995) fm.nred b€er putp with a y€asr

E5<br />

Phac lI1. Showib rotrrv lhrker phced h ov€tr<br />

llqqulqm medi[m

86<br />

Plrte lV. Showing lrborrtorv scde fermctrtcr (crprciav 5 Lit) in<br />


87<br />

candido utilis and ewn dqty linc (l6ho!6) 3 opti'num for supplc'ncnt rion<br />

ol0 75%oo(r st co liduor.<br />

8. Determination of Optimum Harvesting Time<br />

In rhe prese cxpsiment an attempt w8s mlde to ass lhc ol,rimum<br />

h vcstirg li,ne. Tlrc alcrutc lruc protcio values oflhe bioma$ harvcslcd al three<br />

dii&.€nl ttu€ periods i.e., 72, 84 and 96 hou6 are pr.s.nted in Tabl€ 5. I1t data<br />

werc stalistically anallz€d and the an.lysis of vari.nc€ of the data h$ be€n shown<br />

in Appendix XIII. The rcsulls rcvaled non siSnificanl diffd€nce in thc mean rrue<br />

protein values of lhe biomss harvested .l diflerenl line pe ods The hiehesl<br />

biomass prctein yield was obsened al 72 houB. Tlh lime period w.s thecfore<br />

considercd &s the optimlm fo. tungal8rc*1h.<br />

Similarly hwesdtrg ti'rc fo. mdimun biomas prct.in yi€ld hs<br />

been reporred fo. olher sp€li€s of'€ast and tunei (Foda.r al., l9?3 ; Reade and<br />

crcsory, t9?5 ! PciteBen, l9?5 ; volfova er 4l, l9?9 i Gar8 ed N€elaletan,<br />

l9E2 i Sandhu ud Waraich, 1983 and Abdullah €/ al, 1985). UsinS ,{/oc}'ior"r<br />

v..ier as f€rmentative organism Mahmood et al (1990) also repod€d 72 hours a5<br />

rhe op(imum harvesling lime. The period of f€rmentation vades with r€spect to kind<br />

of org.nism, numbs of organisns, kind of substratc and fmentatiot conditions.<br />

Le e/ al (19?9) obtaincd maximum c€ll mss yield nner 48 hours ot fementation<br />

using Crlllonotras (c€llulosic bacteria), whereas YoSo er,/. (1976) and Alb€no<br />

sd D Soua (19E0) obraincd mdimum biomss yi.ld throu8h fm.trlaion u5in8<br />

rwo dillcEnt y6t specis. As re8.rds ih. kind ofslbstrtt HM.t al. (1997)wh.n<br />

fement.d poullry fa€6 wilh . ye$t obtsined m.ximum @ll growth sRer 36<br />

houB. Rcade md Gresory (1975) forhd 20 hou6 a! n.ximum linc for conv.Fion<br />

of cassava Mls (a starchy lropical rcot crop) into sinSle ell protcin. The<br />

synsgis$c etl€ct belween two organisms promote thc Ere of femcntalion ad<br />

hence rcduce lim€ of maximun yield. Fuska dd Kallarova (1977) obsencd 52

EE<br />

hom of f.rn ntitioi c 'n dmun for utiliz.lion of lrw d||d lry|}otyzd. usine<br />

mbed cultulc of lrEor rr.rt 16 ud Ctbb.r.lla rdhrl'ttc !{dirnm hrv.6rine<br />

lim. havc b..n r€pqbd for.tt|tDl ed dryL..ll Eo!.ln produ.ltd !! 95 ho6<br />

(sddhu md Jo!N, t 99?), lougb , 60r! !.llul$ic dc. !n.w .! 120 ho!$ (rhlhrni,<br />

l9E7), ric. ltraw a! 144 hours (Bajwa., at, l99l) lDd rtc. hurk.! 192 ho|ll!<br />

(Dahot ,r al,. 1997).

89<br />

Plat€ V. Showins fermcntalion !t its peek

Pl3te Vl Erpe mental pens showihs se arrte rrranqements of<br />

feedinp. weterine and droooin s collectiotr for e.ch<br />

experimental unit<br />


L<br />

2.<br />

l.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

9l<br />

Overview for A- art ofCha<br />

'fte defancd rice polishings gave comparabte prorein yield wili undefar€d.<br />

Ior oprimizing filnler femctrr4ion conditio$ defalred ricc polishinSs was<br />

Tle pretreahenr of substrate wirh acid did nor cause significanl<br />

imp.ovemcnr in prot€in yield, so h wd not uscd ir tunh.r rrials.<br />

The addilion ofmola3s.s at lyo lev.l ar 48d hour of fmenhion did nol<br />

Sive any signiticanl ifrprovement in protein yietd sd ws nolsupptemenGd<br />

ro the glowrh medium du.ing n.xt rriats.<br />

The addilion of com steep ljquof (CSL) ar 0.5% l€vel at 48,i hou of<br />

fementation also did not give significa improvemenr in prot€in yield.<br />

Howeler, the improvemenr in this case was bet|er as 6mpe@ ro mojsses<br />

supplem€nhtion- It wa! fierefore adopred during $e nexl datr.<br />

Carbon to nit oSen mrio of l0 : I gave significrnt impruvm.n ,n pole tr<br />

yield and was adopted durin8 rhc next tdals.<br />

Delaying of hNeslirs ft)e above 72 holrs did not give sjgnitior<br />

imprcvem.nt in prolein yield. The hadering rime of 72 hou6 was thercforc<br />

odoprcd becaus€ funhcr delay was unc@nomical.

92<br />


FOR Brevibacterium lavzz USING FIRST<br />



The biomass prQared thrcu8h femenlation of rice pothhinSs *ilh<br />

Arachniotu species udet $eviously oprimized condirions was funh.r femenred<br />

wih A./zy@ with th. t.lset ro achicvc improyed pror.in yietd p.diculdly irs<br />

enriclmlct with lyside.<br />

Objectives:<br />

i) \llh.thct R$@M q g.ow in presence of,tfa.rziona spe.r.r or not for<br />

funis prciein.trrichmdt.<br />

ii) To se€ if the addilion of molass€s, glucN or 8un, com sl.cp liquor and<br />

yeast sludge a1 diflercnl levels and tine intervals ro rhe fermenrarion<br />

medium de ne.€ssary for improving rte protein biomN yield.<br />

iii) To eslablish the oplimum harystinS time for mdimum producrion of<br />

bionrass lrctein.<br />

Results and Discussion:<br />

The results obtained regarding the optimiafon of conditions for<br />

fef,ncnraiion ee discusred c under. Thc biomss prorein coorsls obkined lndd<br />

difiererl conditions acsbown iD Tablc6.<br />

l. Btevlbqclerium ldtaft Culture Cultivrtion<br />

Rteyibrctetiu IM is known d a tysin. synrhsizing bacraia dd<br />

was cultivated on lh€ prc-fennenred m.dium aner adjuring i.s pH ar 7.0. Thc<br />

fennenlation was cani€d ou1 fo.72 houls. Inirially the f€fln€ntarion was canied out<br />

lo see if fie lwo organbm! can grow in syne€isn. 11'€ biomass thus obrained war<br />

hades(.d and analyz€d for ils truc protein clnrenrs (Table 6). Th€ data wer€<br />

subjected to slatistiel analysk ed the analysis ofvadance ofthc dara is shoM in<br />

Appendix XIV. Significant differenc€ (P

t]<br />

biomass harvested unde. two conditions was obseded. Under unauteldvcd<br />

coMiriotr r incrcsc in nrolcin *.s 52.28% ov€r the inri.l vatue, but oulmlavins<br />

read 1o an increase of 7026% in prolein bionN yi€ld. This indicated the<br />

nnpoftnce ofaul@laving the nedium dudng co-culturc form€nrarion.<br />

Tl'e rcsulls showed $at th. b.cteria (r.,/rzw) @ nor prcbably<br />

grcv in symbiosis with the fuga (Arcch"iotw tpecia) s rh@ w.s p@. product<br />

yicld. Tle po$ible realon for poor yield could be due ro the prcscncc of<br />

mycoroxins produc€d by th€ fiu8ttt. Mohnood et al. (t990) discuss.d an inhibired<br />

gtoitrh of B.fM and assisn€d it to toxins. Tle rsults tudd showcd tiar<br />

autoclaving prcbably detoxified thc toxic irhibnory facloE produc.d by rhe furgi<br />

(.4tuchniotrs speci6). The findines oiAthar e, al. (1995) and Saima 0996) also<br />

support the fact l]],at B.ll@M .an not grcw in symbiosis willj yelst of tungi.<br />

lDprcvcd prcduct yield have.lso becn achiaed thrcugh symbiolic fermenktion of<br />

dillsot srrais of bactdia (go. l97l i Han, 1975 dd Rod.iqu€z aId Calledo.<br />

1993). Some wdke6 have rcloncd d improvcmcnt in the yicld rhrough symbioric<br />

f€rmentation by ccculture cullivalion ofy.asr 0nd tuogi (Vazquez et at., t993 i lin<br />

.r al, 1994 and lkegami md Yarhiio, 1997). Usins two shins of fungi ed rwo<br />

slrsins of y€ast in symbiosis, Fuska and Kallafova (1977), and Buaquio ?r a/.<br />

(1981) got nnproved prodDcl yi€ld lhrough fermentaiion. The possible reason Iit<br />

symbiosis among two kinds of fun8i of ye{st and between two kinds oi fungi and<br />

yeast is rhal they do not produce []c bxic compou& hmful fo. th. olhcr or one<br />

deioxify the loxic ompomds pmduced by thc oth..<br />

2. Effect ofAddition of Dilferent kvels ofMolasses.<br />

For enhmeme of growth of A./ar!r ad tunhq enrichm€nl of protcin,<br />

lhe srcwth medinm was supplcmcnt€d with various levels of molasses ancr 48<br />

hours of fermenlalion. Five levels of molasscs were tesl€d along with a conlrol<br />

(withoul mobsses). The avemge lru€ prolein values obtained in the bionass,

Table 6. MerD t SE Luc protei,r producrion a! atf@red by diller€nr femcn(ation<br />

Ewibackrirn JlMn culrw clttwrion on<br />

UMUI*lav.d ,4facr,r',rr sp cuhur€ l7lolo.35b t8.28<br />

Auroclav.d A@hniotu sp. .ultue 18,6110.11' 70.26<br />

L€v.ls ofaddirion of nolM l%J<br />

l8.Jl7!0.4d 67.58<br />

17.281r0.2f 5E.12<br />

t0.42010.55' 4.66<br />

-12.25<br />

8.750r0,00' -t9.94<br />

7.9E310..]61 -2696<br />

Compdden of 20,6 clu@sr nd 2% cuEn<br />

Ctucoe tE.u' 1l_3t<br />

16,18?' 48.09<br />

!.=r-Ir4&+#!"!tu<br />

70.35<br />

0.5 ?8 16<br />

1.0 t9.63t0.2{ 79.89<br />

L5 t6.223!0.2J" 48.4)<br />

2.0 1t.81010..t6d 44.41<br />

4.0 t5.467tO,l{ 41.51<br />

lr.l0l10.rl 19.88<br />

8.0 ll.0l010,l6r t9.21<br />

t0.0 lt 02lio.l6r 0.85<br />

24 19.86 81.52<br />

72<br />

sup.EcriDrr d.norc aisnifi 6nr dnr@-m:ali<br />

t9.7E<br />

19.84<br />

40.91<br />


95<br />

haN*ted aner 72 houB of ferm€ntlrion for ditfercnt lcvels of nota$$ are shown<br />

in l-able 6. Tle dara wde malyzd sbtisricauy Md rhe analysh of variMce h6<br />

becD slown in Appendix Xv_-the.esulrs show.d sigrifiant (p

96<br />

Sine molasses supplemcnrariotr to rfie Srowrh nedium of A.r4@2,<br />

showed depressanl effecr duc po$ibty ro high minerol contenrs, the €ffect of<br />

dificrcnt l€v.ls of purc glucos. supplcmentarion to the growlh medium was<br />

detonnined on microbial bionass prorein yield. Two t€v€ts ofSllcose wer€ lested<br />

al lwo different time inedals of rhe growfi of A.,{ara along with control. Th.<br />

biomass w6 hapested ar 72 hous. Tabte 7 shoss the averase true protein values<br />

or lhe biomds obrained al diflqe levels of glucosc added ar differe time<br />

periods. fte analysis ofvariance ofrhe dala is shown in Appendix XVl. The r€suth<br />

revealed siSnificant (P

O.,4dvrm in srnerghn wirh the yeasr,<br />

table ?. Mean protein yi€lds ar dillerent<br />

(HB)<br />

0<br />

24<br />

48<br />

pt*r ipr ;n corunnr ma rc*s acrcc i6iiiii?iftE-D.5il<br />

ct<br />

0 2<br />

which might have improved fte gtucos€<br />

lelels of8lucos€ ar difl€rent time periods.<br />

18.56 13.597 ltls3<br />

18.56 18.727 t2.go3<br />

1E.56 16.073 t0.367<br />

--t &i6"--C-- r l.IiF-<br />

4. Comparison between 29lo Glucose and 2yo Gurrh<br />

cunh is a tocal lweerene. prepff€d frotr, lugar caneJu,cc ar rhe fsrm<br />

level.Ir conrsins Bood quurity ofsuea ud is avaitable at cheap rales. A trial was<br />

planned ro subsiirute Z% costty glucose wi$ 2% cheap.r hydrolyzrd gurh. Tabte 6<br />

shows the avdage true prot€in values of ttc bionss obtahed s eflccrcd bv<br />

supplemcnrarion or2qo etucosc and 29, cunh. nre tmtysis orvaimce tanmnOix<br />

XvlI) of $e dat! rev.den si8nific{t (p

98<br />

molas€s inchding unfernented sueas, .nd mircral siducs 6f s!lr5 add.d during<br />

rh€ @u6e of f.mdtltion sd somc of dr virsmins. K@ping in vi.w $c<br />

impodance of y6t extract s s conmon ingrediert of differeni gro*1h mcdia for<br />

.nhancing lhe grcwth ot dir@dr org&isms! it wB deidcd 10 use y41 rludge as .<br />

supprcDrnr to rhe g.owth 'nedin6 ot B.Iow. The avqage rtue pdein vatu€s of<br />

rl'c bioNass hlrvcscd s i hcnced by supplcnpnrarion ofdillcrcnt lcvcts ofye.sl<br />

sludge ar€ lresenled in l able 6, and Ihe ltatistical ealysis of Lhe dara is Drcsentcd<br />

in Appendir XVIU. The rcsults..vealed signifi@1 diffcrcnc€s among truc proi.it<br />

values ofthe biomas obtained as a eult of supplmentllion ofdirercnt levels of<br />

yc.sl sludgc. ll ws obscned tlut rhc supplemcntador ol yed( sludSe lplo L0%<br />

Ievel rcsulkd nt muitnum incr€3le in bioma$ pfot€in yield. Tlis incr€ale was<br />

sigoincan y hi8her at 0.50lo and 1.0% lev.ls d comparcd with the contrcl and orher<br />

lcvels, wher€ as non significint diffss@ re fosd b.lw6 truc protcin !?lu€s<br />

obtained at 0.5 and Lo%o levels.<br />

Ycasl cell mals or y4t €xlract has ben .€poned to enhance the<br />

nulriliv€ value of lhe growth medium (Yogo e, a/., 1976 i El-Sabaeny and Hdsan,<br />

1996 md t{ .r a/.. 1997). In all rh€se c!s6 ll|c }61<br />

extract was supplem€nted ro<br />

the medium within rhe rang€ of0.l to 1.0 %. Simild findinss werc observed in the<br />

present study wilh sludge, which contained sufficicnt Inin€lal conl€nts slong with<br />

the y€ast bionass. A neSalive eff€cl was observ€d when sludge was used above I 0/o<br />

in presenr study. This @uld b€ duc lo thc pso@ of high minqal conrcnis in rhc<br />

sludee. Addilion of yoa3t sludgc at 1.0% level gave the maximum biomass proGin<br />

yield and wa! $crefore adopted.<br />

6. Determination of Ilirv€sting Time for 8.jfI4r4m<br />

For se.ting maximum dd €conomical yield of biomass prctein $€<br />

femotllion was cuied od follosing all the dclennined groMh conditioG on<br />

fonnulated medium. The fermentation was l€rminated at $ree titne Deriods. Th.

99<br />

averae. true protein valu4 of the biomas hsd.sled at thesc rime periods de<br />

Fsenr.d in Tablc 6. The odysis of aridcc of &ra (App.ndix XIX) rcvated<br />

non siSrili@l diffcr€nce bctwa rhe tue prolein values of biomass han€sred ar<br />

24. 48 and 72 houls. This indicalcd rhat mdimum fernentarion r@k plac. llpro 24<br />

houF rlg which il rehained in statidary phe till 72 hou6.<br />

Tle incubalion period oflhc o.ganism deDcnds on i1s kiid. Bacl€ria<br />

ulually rqke short p..iod for mnplelior of rheh fem. ltion_ The incubaliot<br />

period fou d ollimum for fermentdion of ala",l (bacreria) in pEseni study was<br />

24 hours. Molina rl a/. (1984) and Elsabaeny and H6se (1996) also reponed 24<br />

hom incubation p.riod d th. m.ximum for producrion of fcrmeotlrion producrs<br />

for diffcrenl shains of bacleri! in the shak€ @ndition. Using same organism as in<br />

case ofMolina.r di. (1984), Enriqu€z and Rodriqucz (1983) however, obsd€d 48<br />

hoG Lmentation as optimum fd maximllln yield of bactc.ial biona$ of atkati<br />

l.eated bag6s. with C.//!/ohonar lP, This vaiation .d be aitibutcd to rhc kind<br />

of $bsll:te ferm.nted. The rBulls iodicaled 24 hours itrcubario pdiod d rh.<br />

optinum and was lhercfore us.d in funh€r studies.

t00<br />

Plate VII Showinp rrrsnaenent msde in the pens for<br />

droppids collection below the net

0l<br />

Growth Kinetics<br />

For l}te explan.liotr of trend of g.oMh and cfficiency of subsrrare<br />

ulilialion for the synti€sis of pmlcin by borh thc organisDs, the crc{1h Kinetics<br />

was worked out. Vdjo$s pa.an€tcs w.rc catcularcd for both Aractuiots ipecies<br />

^nd Btivebacteriutu favun, sepaatety. Th€ vatues for Crowlh Kineiics are<br />

presenled in Table E. The rfend ofgrowlh durir8 borh the phases of femenrarion is<br />

tresen&d in Fig-l ed rh. hends ol subsiral€ urilialion, clll mss fomation ed<br />

product (T.P) fomarion arc presented in lig,2.<br />

The Srars of product formarion p€r gram of substrate utitized fo.<br />

Iilrgi is usually repoaed as 0.5 + 0.05 (Ri€che.r at. t966., peireBen. 1975.,<br />

lAwtod et al. t979 al.d Arhar et at. t99j). A $imitar vatue was obtained in lhe<br />

pGent study. Yo8o .r dl (1976) however, showed dir€rent varue b€cause of rhe<br />

E6on that rhe substtnre rhey w.d corraircd t€ss q@rily of cdbon requicd for<br />

Sp@ific 8rcr'lh 6rc (!) obrlined for )trrchniots spcci* (0.035 h-1.)<br />

h rhe p.$cnt srody us in line wift rhe nndings of pmoenr., at. (197E_a) qho<br />

Eported ! as 0.0l2ohr duing slurry srlr€ femcnlation. The specific ercsdr mre<br />

for any fementation p.ocess depcnds lpon $e kind of substrat€ femenred. This<br />

varue is reponed b be hiS}d (Suaki .,,l t97?) in cas. of easity fem€nrabte<br />

subsrmie Gt@'8ht chaiD hydrc.5rbont. Thc sp€cific growth n1e also depends upon<br />

the state of fermentation. Pammcnt er.r1. (1978) r€porred lower values for p (0.01h.<br />

I and 0.0092h') because $ey us€d sotid stale of flenerralion. Tle findinss of<br />

Alhar et al (1995) ,re not in line wilh $e pr€s€nl srudy although they used shske<br />

process of fmentation.<br />

The rate of prcducr fomation (yrJ for bacr..ia is cpo.red 10 be<br />

hisher (0.60 + 0.05). This val!€ for pr$cnt sludy wa! 0.614 ggr. which is close ro<br />

the value reporled by Atha., al (1995). Thc prcdrcr (T.p) c@flidor (y*)

t02<br />

obseoed durios ile present work (0.432 gg') is also in line wirh rhe r$ult! of<br />

Vanvinit .r at ( 1996) who rcpod€d ypt vetuc as 0.4g&r.<br />

'l-abl.<br />

E. Vldous Crcwrh Kinclics psnmcte.s of fenft {ive orSanishs<br />

Kind ofMic@llmism<br />

a<br />

a,<br />

a,<br />

0.5<br />

0.25<br />

0.5<br />

0.0175 gproducug ell/h 0.0098 g producrg etuh<br />

0.07 g c.lug subottltdh<br />

0.275 guh<br />

0.t175 glltl<br />

0.0681g,{Jh<br />

0.614<br />

0.432<br />

0.7033<br />

0.4228 g.ell/A<br />

0.115 SlLlh<br />

0.1l5 gilrth<br />

0.08 Snth

I<br />

;<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

-1<br />

t0.]<br />

fls-1: Tmd or corrh Dudn! Borh ph-n .t<br />

Fmmn on<br />

Fis-2: Shdhc t $d ot sut k . uthnbn,c.I mu.<br />

fiqn.lon .nd pFdsl (T.p) rom.lon<br />

50 100 150<br />

+Sub gI<br />

+Ce .M g/<br />

T.P gn

l<br />

2.<br />

3,<br />

Overview for B-oart ofChapter-4<br />

'I}te se@d orseism (r.,fzv@) imprcvcd tte protein conr@ls ot lh€ biomss<br />

significmtfy when it wd grcwo in absen@ ot Arutniot8 spe.ies_ tn rtg<br />

subsequent tials the inoculation of rhe sccond qguim in rhe fe@ellation<br />

m€dimwd done an.. autoclaving.<br />

Supplemenlation of growlh D.dium with motarss reduced lhe protein conlenrs<br />

or the bioI]rN at all $. leveh, mohsses ws the.etore nor used dudng n€xl<br />

lriah. OD the otler hand rhe glucos€ supplemented ro th€ groMh medium<br />

significblly €nhmced $e protein conrenrs, whereas gunh depressed il. So 2%<br />

glucosesupplemented at24'"hourof $e grcwfr ofBl@u,ws aoopreo.<br />

The y6t sludge supplcmerted !t l0lo levct sigrifi@nrly impioved rhe proGin<br />

conlents ofthe biorn !s, so it \ra adopted.<br />

The delayinS of fednentatiotr lbove 24 hou6 did nol imprcve (he prctein<br />

@ntenlJ, e it '6 adopled d msximum rime for fmolari on of B.fow.

105<br />




'the qualily of aay fememcd prcduct is c$aycd by rwo merhods. one<br />

is chemielanalysis dd olhcr is biologial elalualion in oy biotogiclsynem. t.he<br />

chetrial mlysis leth orty aboul rhe pisence of nulrienls ad oth€r non<br />

rurrirional factos present in the product but ir does nol rell about drc actual<br />

utilization of nutricn$ and effet of anlinulritioDal factors preserl in rhe producr_<br />

Tlte bio,nass pretar€d lhrough ${o nep f€menlalion during pres€nt sludy was<br />

evaluated wilh rhe following objecrives.<br />

Objectives:<br />

t.<br />

2.<br />

'lb asess lhe chemicat scorc and essentat odno acid index of rhe produced<br />

To ds€s,rhe prcLeh qutrry oi rhr biomass rhrough a brotogr{al rriat In<br />

:lii,1 .*"q rcadm8- rhcr w.isl| cain, f.cd consumprion, fced<br />

converson ratro, protrin emc€ncy ratrodd nerprol€rn DlrtialioD.<br />

Results and Discussion:<br />

The resulrs obrained reg&ding (he n .itionat cvaluarion of<br />

biomN ee discussed as undei The &rino acid prcfite atrd anino acid indq<br />

shown in l able 9 and biological €vatuarion of the bioos is showtr i, Table I0.<br />

l. Amino Acid Composition<br />

Tle amino acid composirion of ric! poljshinss and har of biomas-A<br />

obrained thougl ferinenrarion of rice polishings wifr the froaus (ArochniotE<br />

rp?.ier) dd biomssA obbined through femenraiion of bjomds.A with the<br />

bactei^(Ilreeibacteriwfovr,r) is show, in Tabte 9.<br />

There was a resonable incrcase in amino acid contents of rice<br />

polishings aner femenr.fion wirh fung$ and bacreria. A pan,cular increase w6

t06<br />

seen lb| lysinc, lir€onine, arginine,leucine, valin€. phenylalanine, slycinc, alalinc,<br />

alpallic acid and Sluiamic acid, at firsr ncp of fenrentation white an incredc was<br />

scen tor lysinc, leucirc. valino, pheaylaleine, atanire, dparlic acid and gluramic<br />

acid ul seco.d step of fement rion. tnoease in tysin€ @nlenrs was of panicular<br />

interest because higb lysine biorrms w6 inrended tor replacine fish m@tin poutlry<br />

rations. In ricc polishiDgs the tysine increded from inherenr 0.68 ro l.j8 ttre<br />

ircrease being more fts doubte the qudrity in lhe finafiy had.sled biomass.<br />

llotlever. the lysine content of fisb meat war 3.30g/l6gN b€ing 2.5 rime! mofe<br />

lhan the biomas. Arhar ?r a/. (1995) obtained 129% lysine in yeast bioous snd ir<br />

was r.oE% in finally haw.sted biomass with BrcvibKteriunl,t vrn al second slep.<br />

'llie direrence my b. audbuted ro b€ller adapbion of B/e vibdctetid lldun on<br />

b€er pulp subsrnte a! comparcd ro ricc polishings used in oursrudy. Tte 1o|atmino<br />

acid contenk as percentage oflolat prolein for biomss,A and bron6$B were 7l<br />

to 74 percenr, respectiv.ty. .mis h a gmd indication of rh€ bjomas protcjn qualiry<br />

as rhese had low NPN conrenrs.<br />

To dcremine tte qualiry of biomass prcr.m ne contenB of ils<br />

essentiat amino acids weE compa€d with lhal of Egg p.otcin and FAO Reference<br />

ProLciD. I|E chemi@t scorc wcre also calcuhted for Dromass_A and biomass-B.<br />

Esseorial anino acid indices (EMI) of bionass_A dd biomass-B we.e atso<br />

Otr rte basis of chemical scorer, ir was observed $ar melhionine wa!<br />

lhe fi.$ limiti.g mino acid bolh for biomass_A and biomass_B. fiis is one ofrhe<br />

soeral lirniador of most of rle fernenred biohass p.oreiB rhar $ey arc {teficie<br />

in sulpher cotrrdninS amino acids parriculely mcrhionirc (Ca oway amt Kudur,<br />

1969iH et.t.,197) i Sinsh., ar, l97B ad Deghir and Sell. l9S2). However<br />

Alhd dr a!. (1995) repofted tsolcucine s fte f6r tih(ng .mDo acid in bioDass<br />

prolein. The data on chemial scorc turtier show€d lsoleucine s rhe secodd

lnniring diDo acid es wa rcported by Et-Ashwah e, at ( 1980) snd Rabccha e/ at<br />

(1982). Lysinews thc third liniritrg anino acid borh for bioh.ss-A bd biom.ss_B<br />

(Ilabecha e, at t9E2).<br />

11 may be seen that the quali9 of p.orein funher<br />

secood phdc of f.mcnbtior wirh ep€cr ro @nGms of csorial<br />

is indicaled by the higher vatue ofEAA| ofbiom6s$8.<br />

Tablc 9. Amino acid compGirion (c/t6cNJ and Chm,@l Score.<br />

lishinss, bioma$ A and bi<br />

0,31<br />

0.13<br />

0.68<br />

0.5?<br />

0.42<br />

0.45<br />

1.08<br />

r.06<br />

-24.291<br />

+t2.t4<br />

B<br />

0.45<br />

0.40<br />

l,l8<br />

|.20<br />

-4t_J1t<br />

+2t.14<br />

1.0?<br />

LU<br />

0.16<br />

0_39<br />

0.61<br />

0,80<br />

0.67<br />

1.59<br />

1.30<br />

t.l5<br />

0.60<br />

l.l.l<br />

t.33<br />

Ll5<br />

+ t0.62<br />

5.24<br />

+19.64<br />

1.54<br />

L:!<br />

1,50<br />

q$<br />

t.24<br />

L1!<br />

+16.E7<br />

+t _42<br />

+25.71<br />

|.t1<br />

0.1t I.l4 t.2l<br />

0.89 1.56<br />

!12<br />

r.l5 2.25<br />

2.49<br />

t.9l L19 J.46<br />

0.51 0.97 -lt.4l: l.l0 -25,48.<br />

t).68 ,21.08 22.a3<br />

t2.95 29.78 30.97<br />

97.92 't0.19<br />

13.72<br />

rro<br />

-cr,..i.ar sc*: r*."o*cao--r,iiiiiii'r6iiirr,c -fiGiiiB<br />

l:1.:1f l-'j:^!tq Tq og'icurure oB;i'dion 0.5312 0 1468<br />

or d. u red Ndion;<br />

RequiEftnts. FAo Ndiomt Srdi.s. No. t6. p.j2r.<br />

s=SaondLimrtine, T=ThirdLinirins.<br />

lsMs o, hrno.cid, Gr 100 m ctrd.<br />

Lr!n. (.20).Th6tuG(2.E0). v.tincr4loiMdl,;;;Al6r,<br />

rsreu( in? I 1.20,, r.uc,n.!L!0Lt!4!rhE4iqLLE0t

2. Biological Evaluation<br />

108<br />

'lltc biorrass produced on pilol scatc was biolosicaty evaluared usina<br />

.lrichs.-lhc resutls obtairred durins rhc rriat are given herc under. Thc aveE8e<br />

values on vaious pamnerels used fo. biotogiql evalualion ofbiomas are gjven in<br />

ldble 10.<br />

2.1 Feed Consumption<br />

Tltc dara on reed consumption of fie bids on experimenral .ations<br />

$cre subjccted to statistical anatysh. l.tre analysh ofvariarc€ or.rhe dala is slo\u<br />

i Appcndix XX. Non{ignificanr dirTerences were obs€rved in feed consuDntion<br />

li) lhe chick led difcrent arions_ lecd consumplioD values ranged f.om 322<br />

-the cellular prctein (biomass) gave cooparabt€ feed consumption by<br />

lhe chicks as Nirh conrot, as the ditTerences in fecd consumprion vatues were non<br />

siSDificnl. Thk is an iodiqrion of good quatily of tte bjomds. Foundom s/ al<br />

(1983) olso found nor sisnilirant differcnce for feed consumprion by rhe chicks<br />

al$ough they rycre fed ye.sr biomass upro 20"/o in fte mr|on wnerc as in the pres€nl<br />

Nork rl'c bionrass was fcd to a maximun of tO% in ue ratron. Almosr simila.<br />

rcsults rvcrc obtained by petukhova ?r d/. (1985). Tr,ey rcptaced upro l0% protein<br />

olthe rario,r \vith lhe nricnlbiatproleii.<br />

2.2 Weight Cain<br />

lhc dala on rveiSht ganr (Tablc t0) of lhe birds fed diflerenr<br />

cNperiDental rarions were subjecred to sratislical anotysis ,nd the analysis ol<br />

v.flanceofllE d.r! is shown in Appendix XxI. AppaMlty lhe highd weight gain<br />

\vas aMincd bt the birds tedRation-E, in which fish mealwas coDptetety replaced<br />

try lhe biomas. lle Neight gains EnSed frcn 22E gEms ro 27t gms .nd rhe<br />

dill-ererces a,ron8 rations were non si8nificanl.

t09<br />

Similar ro fed consumpriotr the weidr gaio of $c chicks did nor<br />

direr significanrly due lo nlions. Thh is anorhe. indication of good qlality of<br />

nridobial biomass prepared during rhe erpedmcnt. Crawford and Eliab.th (t973)<br />

also could not fild ey significdt diffcrcnce berw..n wcjghi gain ofbaby chicks<br />

f.d biona$ proei! and corrrcl. This was prcbabty du. to rh. facr fi.r lh.<br />

dclicidcy of Lysine od Merhionin. wss met thrcugh soppl.n@lalion ofsynrhclic<br />

amino acids. Daghir and Sell (1982) alro foud non significant difer€nce in wcigll<br />

gain oI broiler chicks fed di€ls, cont.ining soya protein or yealt pror.in<br />

supllemsled wi{r deficienr amino acids. Similar rsults were rcpoded by Foundra<br />

d 4r (19E3), viktorcv "r al. (198?) and vulcrev e, aa (1996). However, poor<br />

weighl gair was shown by rhe expsim.rtat .nimats wirh $e inc6e in fie levels<br />

ol-micrcbial b'omass in the mrions (Citter er o/., 1958 ; cunz€l dd Vogr. 1982 ;<br />

Surdzltiiska ?r al., I 984 ; Cha,hal, 1989 and Alhd .l 41. 1995). This could b€ du€ to<br />

the deficied.y ofsonc €sntialmino acids i! rhe microbial biomN.<br />

2.3 Feed Conversiotr Rstio (FCR)<br />

The data on F€€d Conv.$ion Rado (FCR) wer€ subiecl.d to<br />

sl.lislicsl malysis ed the analysis of variance ws shown in Appendix xxtt. The<br />

r€sults showed significant (P

ll0<br />

quality offungal biomas wa5 rorally ameliorated by meerinS the dcficiency ofi|3<br />

cssenrial .mino acids. Sioilar findinSs wcE also rcpod€d by Daghir and Sell.<br />

(1982) dd Chavezer at. (t988lI).<br />

One fact is noticeabte in prcsenr work is rhar the trend of decrease in<br />

FCR of th€ qperi'nenr.t otions wd nor gndult by insqing thc bio@s t.vet in<br />

ihc ration *hich mighl b. due 10 sode.xpdmenbt crc.,<br />

2.4 Net Protein Utilization (NpU)<br />

Tte darr on Ner protein Ulitialion values for differe0t expedmenral<br />

ralions w€rq subjccled ro stathricdl anatysis and anatysis of variance k show, in<br />

Appendix XXll. Thc rcsulrs showed siSnitimr (p

2.5 Protein Elliciency Ratio (PER)<br />

l<br />

The dai. on PrcieiD Elficiocy Ratios (pER)of diff€Ml expe.i,nerlal<br />

ralioDs were subject€d to sr.risrical matysis ed the s.lysis ofvariance afthe dara<br />

c shown in Appendix XXIV. Tte rcsulrs show€d signiti@r (p

2<br />

lu m be said rhar rhe biomN p.epdrcd dudng rhe pnsenr srudy<br />

allhngh \ens not parlcl in quolily wnl fish m€al, hs vatue was quil€ saristacroiy<br />

\rl'cnaddcd h driols upro t2%.<br />

Tablc l0 Avemge vatue! ofreed Consumprion, weigh cnir. F€€d Conrerio,l<br />

Kotro. Net t.rolejn ulitizluon and prolein EIkie,rc' Ralo ot ltre<br />

experDenral mrrons,<br />

ltercnick(s)<br />

chick(s)<br />

&rio (fccdlsain)<br />

\4jo<br />

lMarion (%)<br />

(8ain /rrotein)<br />

B<br />

(25o/r<br />

n(hi *p.M"prs o"ftml;;;;;;;;6fi;ii,n-c*<br />

c<br />

(50yo<br />

D<br />

(75o/,<br />

E<br />

(to0%<br />

32t.66 403.22 361.77 180.00 194_22<br />

242_44 261,66 22E.77 27 t.t l<br />

l,J2r 1.58'<br />

63_42' 56.14! 49.61d 47.5I',<br />

-lE<br />

5t.12&<br />

3.37', 2.69' 2.91J

I tl<br />

l'hte Vlll Showi'rg cxperincnral ctrici{s ki €d rnd ooered for<br />

dryins in oven on 10" dry ofcxperim.nt

Overview for C- art ofCha<br />

L Thei€ wa m inclle in rhe qurndty ofdl lfic mino acids duinS lhe<br />

l14<br />

phase of fermenration. However the increase in lysine wm nore<br />

compmd lo olher .mino scids during second phsc.<br />

l Methioaine, lsol€ucine and Lysine were found firsr, second 5nd rbird<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

limiting amino acids Br'ectively in fte rdulring biomass.<br />

The esential amino acid index of lJ)e resulling biomars wa! tbund 10 be<br />

0.5466<br />

Nor sisnilicdt dittd€nces jn fe€d consumption and weighl gain of $e<br />

chicks fed different expe.imentat |aliom were noriced.<br />

R rion A hrving fish meal only t|ad hiahest FcR_vatuc .s @mpaEd to atl<br />

Simildly the ner prolei! ulitialion (NpU) value of nlion_A having fish<br />

meal only ws siSnific&lty hiSher 6 @mpeed 10 all other ations.<br />

The sMe tr.nd was found for prclein cfficiency rario (pER) as fo. FC&<br />

and NPu-vslue. Here as.in rarion-A h.d highest pror.in eficicncy nlio al<br />

compred toall orhe.nrions.<br />


||5<br />


Rice polishings is a by-product of ricc industry ed is availabl€ in<br />

lbuDdant qu.ntity in Palhlan. Althoueh it is quit€ ich in encrgy bur its high fiber<br />

cuncDls limirs irs usc i! pooltry raions.It m bc lscd in poulrry drions at 5lo 8%<br />

level. lhe surplu quan y oftbis agriculLure byproducl is wasrcd.s tUet lbr brick<br />

nakjng. It wa so pldned lo upg8de its nulritional valuc $.oud fermentalion<br />

with ref.rcnce lo its prcl€in conrents and also d.gEde ils {ib€r conretrls to make ir<br />

more digeslible. The ain of the sludy under report w6 to use rice polishings as<br />

subslrate for the prodrclion of mic.obial biomass protein rh.ouSh fennentalion firsl<br />

wilh,4ruchhiot6 specie6 (ftngus) ed rhen wi$ Bfeviba.r"/ iun lawn (ba.tedaJ.<br />

Il was also envisiged $al lhe biomass eilt be evatuacd tmugh<br />

chemical ana!/s'! as well as $rough chick assay ro know lhe nurritionat porentiah.<br />

The pmtein yield was enhanc.d thiouSh stuEing rhc eff@l of defauins and acid<br />

reamenr of ii. subshte eitt. Arachriotw speci.s. Supplcmentation of growth<br />

Dedium wilh molass€s ud @m st6p liquor was also anenpted. Optimum carbon<br />

lo niliogen mtio and hdestinS rime wcre €srablished_ For funher enhanc.ment of<br />

prolein esp€cially with respect 10 lysine cont€nls, ll)e growlh condilions for<br />

B-JlavM ||rc opnn.irld. Eff@ts of supplemahlion of molass6, Btucosdgunh<br />

and y6t sludge werc delermined and rhe optimum hsesting tine for bacrerial<br />

tbmentadon was esiablhl.d. followinS all rhc oplimiz€d condiliom biomN was<br />

prcparcd at ldge scale. Th. bioh6 so prcpared was subjecred lo chmic.l analysis<br />

and biological trial broilerchick.<br />

'n<br />

Thc rcsrlb of rhe tnng.l fcmsralion shoeed |har def.(ing of ric.<br />

polishings Bavo compalable biomais prctein yield wi$ undefa$€d one and was<br />

adopred becaue ot behg cheap. Supple'nenralior of mdr$s lo lhe growth<br />

nedium duing fisr phe of fcmenralion result.d in depNd grofih above t%

level. The preiein yietd ai t% tevel of supptemohtion had .on sigrificanr<br />

difercncc wirh conlrot (wirhotri motasss). .Il,e besr carbotr to nitrcgen ralio<br />

esrablished was I I I 0. foflowin8 this .d(io when I % molasse wa! supplem€nled ro<br />

the 8rowrh mdlium ar direcnr rime inleNars,46,r hour supDtemcnhrion gave<br />

ldcir yicld having nor sianincatrl dircmccc wjrh €ontrol (wnhoul ,notasscr.<br />

llislEr lcvch stDecd siarificlDtly dcpesed prcGin bjooas yietd. Corn stcep<br />

lr{tuor ai 0j% levcl supptcmenhdotr b rhe grcu,th oedium at 48ft hour proved th€<br />

bcst ofatt th. tevels rcsred, howeve. irs addirion ar 60d or 72d hod6 did nor give<br />

funh.. inprovenor in biomrs yietd. Unde. lhe oprmEed condirions when<br />

IaFcsrinS lime wa derermined, ?2 hou6 of fcrmenhtion gave marimum pro&in<br />

Yield of l1 .3lo/r.<br />

An inocularion $i$ &.erl.ra. teriM ltMn wa, Eiy.n io th. stetitized<br />

nLdtua ot,lra.hhiot6 ,tEcier. Durin8 ba.lqiat fcmenrauon supplcmenrarion of<br />

molasss ro lhe medium dcprcssed the gro*ln ar alt the tevels .vm al t% t€vet.<br />

Stpplemcnta on of ghce a12% Ievel ro rhe grcwr medilm a124o ho!. g.v.<br />

besr resulrs as omparcd lo 4% tevct and ofter rime periods ofaddilion. tlow.v.r<br />

the diffemcs wefe non signifierl when compared wih rh. contot.<br />

Suppledenrarion of gwh lo fte mcdium at 2% Ievct dcpqsed ft.8roqh while<br />

yeasl sludge supptencDblion al l% lcvel improved rhe prcGin yjcld significan y<br />

(19.66370) s comped to @nkot (18.62%) md orhq levels. 1.he besl hNsting<br />

lime for femenbton witl A,{rvrn war found ro be 24 nouls.<br />

Tle specitic growrh 6le during fi|sr phsse was 0_0j5h_r whci@ for<br />

sccord pl6e it w$ 0.0t4h.r. C@n of ell bN produccd rE.8rm pr subnEte<br />

ulilizld wd 0_5 ed 0.6t4 fo. fi6r ed for second phase of fermcntarion<br />

respcclvery. Specitic substrate uprake mre was 0.07 g/&/h for frtst aN O.O22S S/gh<br />

for second phase of femenrarion_ The gran of producr (r.p) fomed pcr gram cetl

|7<br />

Dds lbdned was 0.5 ed 0.7013 for tirst ed s€cond phasc of fenn€nrarion<br />

The chemicar anarysis ot prolein biomrss show€d rhar during<br />

lc(ncntation sufli.icht iNrcas in.nrino acid contenG t@! ptae,-t.he tysinc<br />

coDrcnrs ilcru.s.d tior 0.68% jr {N subsL.utc ro t.08% trfic. lirsr phasc and lo<br />

l.lE% ali€r secod phEs€ of leme alion. Merhionine, tsotacucine and Llsinc<br />

weR lbund ro be fiE! second.nd $id li|niting anino acidr, resp€crivety in Umlty<br />

rc$vcred biom.ss when compared wirh rhe Egg prorein add FAO Refer€nce<br />

Dudng biotoSical iiat non sigrifiqnl diflerocs in fccd<br />

connnnption and weiSht giin among diffcr.nt expe.imenr.Nt dtions wde obseped.<br />

Significant differcnces werc found aDong FCR values, I .32 (.onkot) !s I .54, L5E,<br />

l.4J r'nd 1.45 fo. iarions , B, C, D and E respecrively. The nel prct€itr urilization<br />

v0luL oI ration B (56.14) ws significanrly poo. lhan mlion-A (63.42) but rh.<br />

diltfenc.s weE nor siSnifica amonS .alions C and E (49_6t md 5l_12).<br />

SiErificant difTereDc€s sec found amorgprcteh emciency raliosofa the nrions,<br />

r tktrlA laving thc lighcsr (3.3?). Ralions D, D, E and C lad pEtt 3.04,2.98, 2.93<br />

€nd 2.69, respecrively.

|lE<br />


Dudng th. p'!gt strdy rh€ following achievcmcnts werc nad..<br />

L The ricc polhhings was enriched with rcspet of irs protein contenrs. Tte fioalty<br />

prcparcd bioeas had 37% proleiD as compse ro rhe subst ale which had t2%<br />

2. Tlc lysine conient of .i@ polishings also inFoved frcm 0.59dlo (subsrrarc) to<br />

L38 % biomass 0uough two steps fermcntation.<br />

3. The aim !o uie by-products ofother industries i.e., com steep liquor and yeasl<br />

sludS€ duing lhe proccss of femmration was also lchiev€d.<br />

4. Tle prolein biomass proved good protcin supplene although some whar poor<br />

as compared to fish,r€al.<br />


l. h is rccotunended th8t l)sine conrenB of biomAs should funher bc incrded<br />

by us. of mutdlstmitrof Af etibaderimJl@u.<br />

2. Il is also recomnended liat the methionine deficiency in fedenred biomas,<br />

should ale be imprcved trouSh furthn lmcntation with mebionine<br />

3. l1 is suS8esl€d thar lh€ polenrial ofteast sludge a! an additive 1o lhe medium for<br />

the produclion of biom.ss protein and iE other us may be cxploited.<br />

4. The €{.nomic fssibility for @ycling ofa8ric$lbrc waste thrcush largc scale<br />

prcducliotr of bionass and its us€ in lhe broiler chioks (p€rformance rdal)<br />

should be allempled.

lt9<br />


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t!5<br />


Ar?6dir-r: c|*".|l .o@o.td..r oa t!. ,|t.tg u<br />

&8Dauioo<br />

&n..Erhc<br />

N.F.E<br />

Sodim<br />

CbloiE<br />

dui.t |[. F!... of<br />

IUc. Folnils Ccre.Gg Sdlhrcshd!.<br />

liql[(.sd<br />

10.0<br />

13.t2<br />

t0.q|<br />

9.0<br />

ll33<br />

t0.0<br />

56J5<br />

0.05<br />

44!<br />

0.02<br />

0.ll<br />

17.13<br />

5.0<br />

3.0<br />

t2.o<br />

830<br />

0.E<br />

oo<br />

al.0<br />

ot5<br />

1t3l<br />

50.0<br />

23r<br />

10.0<br />

c,.0<br />

t7n<br />

ol<br />

0.4<br />

73.0<br />

29.06<br />

t7.91<br />

t.(tr<br />

29.0<br />

4.U<br />

3.05<br />

t.075<br />

I,IE<br />


NuEicn<br />

crudc Fibr.<br />

EIbE;d<br />

N.F.E<br />

C.lolun<br />

XNACcht|'<br />

Sodi!!r<br />

Chhh.<br />

137<br />

12.00<br />

37.14<br />

2523<br />

10.00<br />

lt.dl<br />

2lt7<br />

0t0<br />

lt)9<br />

2JE<br />

0t47<br />


Ili!tidi!.<br />

m.tjrldoi!.<br />

Olt to<br />

l3t<br />

0I2<br />

oa5<br />

o.n<br />

lI|8<br />

t.6<br />

1.59<br />

09<br />

l.l0<br />

l-t5<br />

0.50<br />

l.tl<br />

lJ3<br />

t.l5<br />

t.t4<br />

1.56<br />

225<br />

!.t9<br />

Idl (vl6d,llt{r) 21.0E<br />

1.95<br />

0.45<br />

O,l0<br />

ot5<br />

138<br />

IA<br />

r.54<br />

l.l0<br />

l.9l<br />

150<br />

0J9<br />

t.u<br />

1.40<br />

r-t7<br />

t2l<br />

t.72<br />

249<br />

3.rt5<br />

nt3<br />

L1l<br />

Totd 23,t2 2523

oil<br />

!5.00<br />

":oo<br />

lz0o<br />

3300<br />

2200<br />

2500<br />

$m<br />

139<br />

2.46<br />

7,O3 0.20<br />

lt.9l 0,t5<br />

- 35,00<br />

0.25<br />

o.N<br />

0J0<br />

0.20<br />

,..,<br />

F..d Sbtr Cdn ocrid T|bt., FlbtEh.d b, Do.rl@l<br />

^grirurift, Prisbh.!<br />

F@d stoth, M.y t4, t990 (t!b!.lt,c.H,, t990)<br />

:<br />

2.@<br />

t,t5<br />

'lt<br />

0.t8<br />

0.65<br />

0.55<br />

1.78<br />

t,36<br />

":'<br />

0.02 005<br />

0.05 0.22<br />

0-3! I.3l<br />

'l' ol'

Biolrn<br />

CholiE Chlod.lc<br />

Zirc<br />

Burylared hydbxy lolue@<br />

t40<br />

ComDosition of vitrDir lld niBil<br />

t2,000,000 tu<br />

2,000,000 tu<br />

40,000 ng<br />

1,500 ma<br />

6,000 m8<br />

5,000 n8<br />

10,000 hg<br />

30,000 ng<br />

1,000 n8<br />

5,000 nS<br />

1,0{D ng<br />

60,000 n8<br />

30,000 nt<br />

1,000 b8<br />

3,000 ng<br />

35,000 m8<br />

125,000 rns

A!?.dir-vl ADlti. of n l@.fin turtla bftreofdqffiBof de<br />

loli*ilgoU6-FLh',L&<br />

sdBd D.sFof Edo( lL- F.t*. l|!h.<br />

ntidid t!..16 .it!t!. rFuu.<br />

Ine.d I 0.006 0M 0.0lt<br />

Brr!. .( 1359 O?lO<br />

. No dgi6.d<br />


t12<br />

4fqdir-vlt Ar.h6i. ofnd|F ofdar &dvbr i!6rrc ofdi !..tu ofdc.<br />

ffi<br />

lmit* ft.dod .qrr! ql!!<br />

I 0lt0t o.flI 0txlr.<br />

. 1.615 0.121<br />

. Nc.tr-6fd

. sbdfqd (Pd.ot)<br />

IrlS<br />

Ald)rir of v.ri.aa ofd.L &o$i!S .&d o{ddl&a ofdft..ot<br />

l4! or m|.!sr 00 btd|u orD!.io vt td.<br />

Hotr gL=-rcE-EC<br />

?3t76<br />

\n1<br />

11tr95<br />


t4<br />

AEadr{C rrbi.otwlo.oad.lb*|brLddUdpb d<br />

dlli|tlr...nd b ftrr.! rda<br />

8o@of D.g6of lrbof M.r!squ{! LV.Io. Pl!b.<br />

a..iabn n!.dom r[e<br />

Trffi :1 lo6.t{4 265t6 t'a3/4. orE}<br />

Etu l0 2:05 UA<br />

. sir'ifolt d (P4.ol)

t45<br />

AFadix-X: Ad'tndv'.ic.ofd-dwirrF!&dk dbir-Fdr,i.ld_<br />

_ __ @g| bl-ddidqof t%mtlsdt/ddd4.Ei.d!' '<br />

sdrc ot DryBof srnor--8ry!--Tfi;<br />

I sisalfc&t .r (P{.01)<br />

l5.l7t)<br />

l.l3a<br />

5tFr<br />


la6<br />

ApFdk-)c: Adylit of Eira of d- o t ! .&.r of v.doa bvd! of c6rD *.p<br />

LIc.@ld.d..e htEdrn+u -'_-sow.or<br />

D,.scaa .'nA---6;i;;---FEE<br />

. 8i6nor d (P

147<br />

Alp.ldix-Xll ADdrrir of!{drn . of&. &r! rtorbs .ft.. ofrlpC.a.!ri!8 0J%<br />

0.05<br />

ora<br />

00166<br />

0.1(5<br />


'<br />

No! Si!!if@t<br />

ta8<br />

Arlrdr dwiE of tb dd d ru F.dr ridd oftt bdns<br />

tfqi.d .r dlftEt tn<br />

D.4Fof Suof [r..!t4rnE lrr.rr<br />

ftdd<br />

2 001 o.Q5<br />

6<br />

o52<br />


App6dix-XIV: Aidyrk ofwidc. oflh. dsr. showin8 cfer of EuioMtving rh.<br />

- - goN|1hot_Ar@t-jota lxcE onkEorotliLlrqBot B.furw.<br />

rr.Ec or s@ot I'iatr{uE F,VdE preb<br />

. Sis,ifiturar C

Ito<br />

A{Fdr.Xv: Arbi ofwlc of ddn qi!r.&ca ofqddim ofdieGd<br />

lsvd! ofml.g d rU holn ofrh!<br />

D.tF.of Suof Mo.Sr! F.V.tr<br />

.5<br />

t2<br />

. sitlincd d (P{.or)<br />

3mJt5<br />

1.500<br />

6tf57<br />

ol25<br />

/19!rt8l. 0.0(x)

ADFft-XU: A!.Bd. ortrlF turhr.&.r ofddt of dm.t. bra& of<br />

-'='=,,=" SE9dftP9"-t9* =,.,<br />

So||Eof D{reot 8uoa r,rdiri- nEG<br />

o|e(o) 2<br />

HorB(H) 2<br />

OiE a<br />

Ellor 18<br />

.8itiif..!a-(FO.ol)<br />

lD.AB<br />

2053l<br />

t 2r3<br />

LE50<br />

t5l<br />

r0(949<br />

t0Jti6<br />

7gt<br />

ol03<br />

r@0.9065'<br />

9W.<br />

7tIr3l.<br />

0.0m<br />

0.000<br />


I52<br />

Ap@in-Xvtr: Ardrd. o€vdoa ofih. drr lhorrll8.&.a of2tt crd d tb<br />

&reof D.rrEd sDof Mo.C'i Fi-E<br />

Frllr<br />

. Sigrn .n d(P{.01)<br />

9577<br />

o27<br />

9.8n<br />

oI(n<br />


Apt odit-xvle Arttn of whE ofrbdr-oriry6dofyd ds.<br />

. 8i8!i6.dd(F4.0t)<br />

2z,:tt<br />

0r39<br />

153<br />

n.w<br />


154<br />

ApFodix.XX Andyi! ofEiec. of&ir rlDwbg il8ue4 ofLlv€dle de! od llle<br />

vr&tfub!&}tu't'tuu.<br />

So!rc.of D.gFof &nof lr,Lrqe! l. VdE<br />

ff!.d6or<br />

Tdtrat 2 0Ol o.qE 11625.<br />

E|lor 5 0.06 0.m8<br />

. Nm dgnfcd

I5J<br />

Ap'codtx.lo( A.d}n ofyrirE ofdd oo S.d.oarE0dd<br />

Dcs.c of Sleof Maisrc F. vde<br />

. Non Sirdnc.nt<br />

l0<br />

xyBrfi7<br />

zltw.67<br />

6'A1L7A<br />

zt?a.81<br />

lJt9. OIN13

. Ncsitdficd<br />

3t3n257<br />

t(,!,567<br />

156<br />

ua.8l<br />


t57<br />

Ar!.odir-)Ofil ofrrttt4. oftb ddr o! &.d odnd6 rdio<br />

thof Ma!!qa! l-V.lG<br />

1<br />

to<br />

. siiEcrlt .t C{.01)<br />

0355<br />

0.(xll<br />

0.61<br />

(Iu)<br />

t209.900. 0.0(I)

Etrtr<br />

. sig.itrqd- (p-ii)<br />

t2,;t919<br />

139.0t0<br />

t5t<br />

323230<br />


. 3i9i6cd1(P4.0t)<br />

z<br />

0.ml<br />

159<br />

0.631<br />


160<br />

Analytical Methods<br />

l. Proximate Antlysis<br />

AO C (1990) nethods.<br />

1.1 Moisture<br />

Th. prorimate nnalysis of subsrrate ud biomsss wa! done fo owins<br />

For noisture esrimalion sampts w.€ w.iShed .rd rhcn dricd<br />

oveD al ?0"C dll consbnl wcishr. Weisht of dried samptes ws rccoded and<br />

the direrencc in initial dd final weighl lhe moisrurc conrcnrs we.c esrrmared<br />

following fomula<br />

Moisturc'/o =<br />

1.2 Ether Extract (E.E)<br />

Inidal Wei !:Einal wei<br />

Inilial WeiShl<br />

!x 100<br />

A known weiShi of $e s.nple es d(en in fiimbl. ard then<br />

cxhcled wirh dierhyl elher in Soxnlefs appaBtus. Aft€r 5_6 exrmc ons the clh€r<br />

ext"ct wd tat.n in p€rri dishes rhen pul in oven for drying fi conjtant wei8ht ar<br />

?0"C t€mperanrr.. The p€rccnr .tft.r exrract ws calcutared by using following<br />

1.3 Crude Fibr€ (C.F)<br />

Eth.r Exkact o/o<br />

A klo*n quartiry ofdried and far tile sarnpl. wss rakell snd refluxed<br />

li6l *ith L25 per@n( sutfuric acid fo. half sn hour, &ercalt€r it was fijrecd md<br />

$orouslly warhed wili disritt€d wale. and rhcn rcnuxed again now wnh 1.25<br />

percot sodium hydroxid€ for hatfan hour. .nE suspcnsio, was fitrercd and Siven<br />

lhorcu8h washing wirb dki €d water. The r$idue was dncd in oven ar 70.C<br />

lenpedtu.e rill coNtant weight Tte weighr of dried r€sidue was rcco.ded and rhcn<br />

using<br />

Weilht of Etb Extracl X 100

I6l<br />

isnir.d in lhc numc tumac€ a( 550 oC. Thc wciShr of s5h wa! rcc4rdcd and from<br />

lh. difrcrenc€ in wcidt thc crudc fibrc pcrenrlg. ws @tcutd€d<br />

= Wci.ht ofR.sidu. - r .iqht oftuh X t00<br />

wcidtofseple<br />

1.4 Crude Protein (C.P)<br />

Thc crud. prorein was dcr.mind following Kjctdlht.s m€dnd. A<br />

lnow|l qu.entily of srinplc rrs digestcd wilh conclnltGd sun ric acid in rl,.<br />

pier€ncc ofdigestion mixrutr m aining KrSO{ CuSOa and F.SOi innrioof100:<br />

l0 : 5. The digcsrcd sampl. yes diht€d upro 250rnl votumc wirh disri cd *iter.<br />

Tcn ml of thh digc,sr.d s$pte plus l0 ml of 40% N.OH was transtdr€d b<br />

MicroKj.ldhat dislillalion applrrtus. Thc mi)(furc was distill.d wili srcEm and rhc<br />

disrilhlc wa! collccrcd in a conicrl flrsk (l00ml) having l0 ml of 2yo boric acid<br />

solution and mcrhyl nd indic{or. Thc conr.r s of r}e ll.sk lr€r. titrar.d aSainsr<br />

standafd N/10 HISO. ro lighr pir* color md poinr. The oirogcn and ,rorcin<br />

conlcors w.Ic catculdcd using lhe fo owins formula.<br />

1.5 tuh<br />

Nitrog€n % =<br />

Protcin pcrc.naaSe =<br />

vol. ofN/l0<br />

Vol. of digcsld sffnplc<br />

lrl(.n for disriuarioo<br />

% NitroSq X 6.25<br />

Wcielt ofsanplc<br />

X talen<br />

A rno$n quantity ofsrhptc was r.sten in cruciblc,nd rlcn igniGd on<br />

oxidizing flsm. of bumcr, till tro srnok. was Sivcn our rhcn ir wrs ignir.d in a<br />

Mumc tumac. at 600oC rcmpcErurc rill .ll rh. o.glnic mrng wa! oxidiz.d. Thc<br />

weight ofash w8s rccordd and rh.n ash per@nl.a8c w!! cltcutarcd uling fotto\|linS

1.6 Nitrogen Fr€c Extr.ct (NFE)<br />

162<br />

ueigllelAL X 100<br />

NFE wa olculatd by ditT.Ene usins $c followirg fomulr<br />

NFEo?6 r 100-(voC.P+o?6E.E+96c.F+o/6Ash)<br />

2. SolubleCarbohydrates<br />

The solublc erbohydrat€s io lhc biolt'ris filtra(c $.!5 estinrr.d by d|c<br />

m€thod of Dubois er al (1955).'ne @nseurivc votllmcs of0.l p€rccnr gtucos.<br />

solution w.E trlt|sferrcd ro rhrc. rcat rub6 (I!btc-l l), wh@!s rhc 4rh rcsr rubc<br />

e.v!d a bldk. All rh. rdr tubc qs trclr.d with lmt @h of 0.25N H2SO. plB<br />

lml of 80% aquous phenol. Finally 5ml c-onccntrared H2SO. yas rdd.d ro .lch Gsr<br />

tubc and mix€d. 'nlc ab6orb6rcc of orangc y.llow colour devclopcd, was mcjsurd<br />

on spc.lropfioaom€lcr at 490 nm. A gnph wss conslrucr.d by ploning rhe<br />

rbsobanc! lgainir conc€ntalion of gtuc{sc, Fig-j.<br />

TrblFl l: Estimnior ofSolubl. Cartlotvdtlre<br />

0. l',t Gluco6.<br />

0.25%H,SO.<br />

0.E5%Phcnol<br />

Distill€d V.tcr<br />

conc. H?SO.<br />

0.1<br />

t.0<br />

t.0<br />

0.9<br />

5.0<br />

Dilutions (mL)<br />

3 4(Bla )<br />

o.z<br />

t.0<br />

I.0<br />

0.6<br />

5.0<br />

Onc nL cich ofbiona$ fitrllrc (€st nlltcrial) wrs diturcd ro t00 mL<br />

usinS dislillcd wrt€r Ocn L0 mI ofthe ditu. dnwn was ttercd wirh rhc r.o8.nrs<br />

.s u!€d in thc clse of sbndlrd cud.. Thcn f.om tlc aranddd curv. rt. ab6o6cncc<br />

of thc r.action mixrurc wa! r6d .nd cx&.polar.d fo. warcr sotubtc clrbohy.tBr.s.<br />

0.3<br />

1.0<br />

t.0<br />

0.7<br />

5.0<br />

t.0<br />

1.0<br />

t.0<br />


3, Eslidlr|iotr ofcrrbotr<br />

l6!<br />

'nc flto co6 ns! .titn t d by colqin ric n rtod d..c.ibcd<br />

R (h@. (lgaE). o.tn sE of d.6rd, drt d od gqod (40 m.rt) ric.<br />

poftbils! w.t rat d wtr 8dl of .'c..ljd ruttuic rcld (969i p,r!) |!d 5nL<br />

of 2N K,Ci:O, h ! lm rL b.&.r, A b|er wl! Fw,t ir tb lmc yry. Atl<br />

&. r|lDpls w.rc tld h 0! ov.a fo. G .bd r hrlf off,oor .. I l(rc Il. ,upL.<br />

w!.! coolcd nd dild.d !o ii06t ,i6 irdiflld r,a.r. Ih. or6c.l dolig w!|<br />

Ir .lulld od lpcctophotmdd st 590 on rtc. drutioS z€rc .ltu(tac. *i6<br />

bh.l" Thc d.ab.occ \r|' th.a ctu Ild et6lb tubd fivc FEIttd fdm<br />

gluco!., Fig.l.

154<br />

Ff3: St.||iLrd Cu .ftrEffii of<br />

Sof$b C.ftolqtrh..<br />

I o.e<br />

t-<br />

EEo.z<br />

E$ o.'<br />

I or5<br />

! E ot<br />

f fi o.os<br />

!<br />

0 0.'l 0,2 0.3 0.,t 0.5<br />

coft.|' dc! of O|Uooa (mg)<br />

Flg{: SfrndrdcurcJ 1<br />

E|{m.lbn of Cartorl<br />

0510 15<br />

Co.|of|ffio.r otof.a (|rtl

165<br />

4. Estimation ofTrue Protein (T.P)<br />

'l-he ruc protein $G €srimlred brough (Munrc and flcck, t966)<br />

mclhod. One gm of dri€d and finely groDrd sampte war treared with jomt of 5%<br />

T.ichloroac€tic acid (TCA), mixed welt and lhen hqted h eare. ba$ at 90.C for<br />

20 minutq. Smple was shaken occasionally during healing. Alter heal tr€ar,renr<br />

the mixtre was filrercd rhnu8h filr* paper and Siven 3_4 wdhio8s with disriled<br />

water. The reidue along -ith filter papq ws dig$red in coicenlr.ied H:SO4 along<br />

wilh digestiod mixrur€ ofKrSO., CUSO..5H1O al|d FeSOa in rhc rario of 100 : l0 :<br />

5 (Hiller sr 4/. 1948). A bldk ws atso run. AS.r dig.stion n was dilurcd nDlo<br />

250m1 volumc $ith dislilled water. Ten mj of diSesred ssmple plus l0mt of40%<br />

NaOH @ raken in rcceivs o I micr oKj€ldalt.s disnltarion appdatus. The mixrurc<br />

was ($'ned and the disrillat. wa, collected in a b&k€r (100 ml) having lomt 2%<br />

boric acid solution along wilb methyt red s indicalor. The conl€nrs of6. flask<br />

were tirated against slsnded N/10 HrSOr tilt lighr pink color end Doinr. The rrue<br />

proten {"s etimated using lbc fomrla,<br />

vol. ofN/10<br />

T.P % = x 0.0014 x<br />

vol. ofdisesred sample<br />

tlken for dhtillddon X sample<br />

The rqulranr fiace ws Bultipli.d wilh 6.2j fo. conv.rrirS rhe<br />

nilrogen inio protein. The sme above procedur. was ako fo ow€d for th. bl@k<br />

dd iis @ding wa subhcled frcm rh. smplc @ding for rhe qtim.rion of % rrue<br />

5. Amino Acid Analysis<br />

The amino acid contenis of the bionass was d€r€rmined by lhe<br />

merhod of Moo.e and Srein (1954) usi,8 auroneric amino acid analyzer. .nte<br />

sample containing l.5t0.l mg of protein w$ w.igh€d inlo l6xl50 mm pyrex resl<br />

tube md 0.5m1of Mg.nt gBdc con@nkared HCt *rs added follow.d by 0.5mt of

distill.d wlter. Tle conlcnts wc frozen with dry ice dd tet tube w6 evacuated<br />

with ihe helt ofa slclion punp. Thc tube wd Bealed with pin poinl oxy8en suigas<br />

flame and placed in uprigil posilion in an ovcn reeulaled ar I looc for 22 houc.<br />

'fhe hydrolyate so folred ws evapoEred unde. vaculn 10 d.ynes ro reDove<br />

Ilcl. TIE d.ied nln of hydrolrate was susF ded witb 2rnl buifer (rrH 2.2). Tle<br />

solublc maicrial was ccnhiluged to get rid of visiblc sedihen$ sd samplc wd<br />

loaded on ion exchdS€ column of aubmatic miro acid analy&r for g€ring<br />

compl.le profile of mino acids lr€sent ir the smple. Standard solulion of rhino<br />

acids qaalsorun in lhe aminoacid analyzer under simila. conditions.<br />

6, Ribos€ Nucleic Acid (RNA) Estimation<br />

Tlt€ co.centralion of RNA5 in th€ fermenr€d biomass was €stim.led<br />

by rh€ method ofCerioui(1955) as Dodifi€d by Munro and Fleck (1966). For fiis<br />

purpose a stand{d cupe Nas conlrrucred by rakin8 different votumes ofsranddd<br />

dbose solution (0.01% in concentrared HCt) in six rest tubes. whereas the 7th lube<br />

ser.d as blank (Table- l2). '[re direrenr dbose corccntarions as well as th. blank<br />

werc lrealed *ith lhe rcagenls as illustmcd in rhe rabtc.<br />

TIle test rubes shaken rhorouShty were immersed nr boiling watef bath<br />

for 40 minutes and tlen cool€d undef tap water. Tte cotou| was rhen exracled {i1h<br />

5mL anyl alcohal by mixing md c€nlifu8ing ar 4000 rpm for five minutes. Tle<br />

extracted blue colour€d solution was @nlrituged again ed iB optiql densily was<br />

Md on spectrophoromeler ar 675 nn againsl rhe blank. The stmdard cune so<br />

prepared is presenr€d in Fi8,5.<br />

finely ground and seiv€d lhroud 40 mesh sMpl€ of fermenred<br />

biomais (0.1 g) was exkacred rwic€ with chillcd absolure alcrhol (5ml each iime)<br />

lhen centrifuged for five minules al 4000 rpm. The residue was once exracred wilh<br />

chilled l0 percent Ticholoro-ac.ric acid (TCA) by cenkifugation and rhe<br />

supemalrnl wd discard€d. l.lle r€sidue was rhen fina y treal€d with 5 peoent TCA

t67<br />

(5 mL) m'C for 15 ninurq and caLifuged. Supem.rarl (0.05 mL) w keed<br />

in th€ smc mamd s d$ib.d for sr.rndad @re fo. rhe $rim.tion of ribos..<br />

RNA concnts of tlE sdpl. {.s qtcutrt d by Ntriplyin8 rib$. concoralion<br />

witb 3.77 (C..iotti,1955).<br />

Table-l2: Calibratioo ofst ndard cud. for RibGe eslination<br />

T$l Tub. Volumcs (mL)<br />

|23456.<br />

Sr,ndard 0.01% 0.r 0.t 0J O4 -j--- 0j ,<br />

Ribs€ Solurion<br />

conc.HCl<br />

(sp.sr. I.l9)<br />

2.4 2.3 2.2 2.t 2.0 Lg 2.'<br />

OrcimlR.ag.nt. 2.5 2.5 2,5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5<br />

2oo Ds or oEin.t Bdis@i.<br />

g'enhr.d,H€t Gp4r. t.t9) E !dd.d !o il ed tn. rotuo. eB m.d. upro loo;i *i.n

6E<br />

7. Estim.tion ofCalcium and Phosphorus<br />

These estimations were nad€ followinS the Anonymous (1954)<br />

herhods. 0.58 of smples wde wct disest.d in l00ml- conic.l oasks. To esch flask<br />

w.s add.d l0 mL conc.nrracd Nnri. Acid. SmDte w.rc het€d n tow<br />

lc,rp.ralnrc @1il solid !{licls had nedly di!!pp.{.d. Then 5hL of p.rchloric<br />

Acid (72%) ws add.n in esch fl.sk. It {6 fiNt hsred g.nrty rhd aigorouly mril<br />

2-l ml clear solution was obtljned. Th. di8.sred samptes sere transfen€d ro<br />

l00ml volM.lric fllsk! and volumes werc madc uplo mark using disrilled war..<br />

7.1 &timrtion of Cslcium<br />

Five nillilirer digesred sotution was taken in china dish. To it 20mL<br />

of dktilled water was addci alone wi0r l0 drops of 4N NaOH and 50 m8<br />

moniun puryu.alc (0.5g ammoniuo puQrnrc plB l00g K6O.). h ws rirated<br />

lsainst0.0lN Erhyl€n.-Diamine-Tera Ac.rare (EDTA) solulion 10 prptecolorend<br />

poinl. P.l@ll8e of calciM (Ca") in rhc sapl. wd @lcut0red frcm the volume<br />

of 0.0 IN EDTA ued asainsl 5 t L of solulion. From the volum.s ot th€ soturions<br />

used, nodaliry of th. sample soltrion wirh rcspecr to Ca| wa catculat..t ed<br />

therefrom % age ofca-' in th. sdpl€ was calculated.<br />

7.2 Estim6lion of Phosphorus<br />

For phosphods estimation fi61 of all srock solulion ws pr.parcd<br />

sing 0-3519 dried Mono Pot.ssium Phosphab. Ir ws dissolved in 200mL of<br />

dislilled wacr atrd resfmed quanribnvcly to a l000ml volumelric fl6k. l0 mL<br />

of loN HrSO. was added Dd volumc wa! madc upto rhc mdk wirh dhrilled water<br />

and mix€d. The solution contaircd 0.4m9 phosphoru per 5mL. A stand{d cuwe<br />

va prcped uiing diffffit dilurions (0.25 tol.sml)- To cach dilurion lml<br />

AmbDium Molyb&te, 0,5u!L Amino N.lhthol Sdphonic Acid soturios werc

169<br />

added and lhe volurnes werc mad€ upro lomL with distill.d w.rer (Tabl.-33).<br />

Opricaldensily ofthese solulionswea Deasured at 700nm on speckophotometer.<br />

Tle tesr tubes werc shaken thoroughly and allow€d lo sland for 5<br />

minutes. Optical density was lhen m€asured on spe€lrohpotometer al ?00nm<br />

wavelengih aner sefling zdo .bsorbaDc€ with blank.<br />

Table l 3: &!!83!!e!_etlbe!phea!<br />

Tsr Tubcs Volum€s (mL)<br />

t234561<br />

0.15 % KHTPO. 0_25 0.50 0.7s r.00 r.25 l_50<br />

Amnonium Molybdal€r 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00<br />

12.s%)<br />

Aminonephthol 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50<br />

Distiued Water 8.25 8-00 7.75 ?.50 7.25 7.00 8.50<br />

r Dksol\rd 25cin 200 tr,Ldisrilled warq in lL vollmelric fl.sk, plaoed,l00mL loN H,SO.,<br />

,dd.d ro molyfi.t elution.nd dilur.d ro |L silh dhtill.d s.t.r<br />

.r l,ls.d l9tnn of 15% sodiun bisulphit€ solution in a slass sloppecd cylindq !dd.

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