NAGATA, TOSHI. The microflagellate-picoplankton food ... - ASLO

NAGATA, TOSHI. The microflagellate-picoplankton food ... - ASLO NAGATA, TOSHI. The microflagellate-picoplankton food ... - ASLO


Limnol. Oceanogr., 33(4, part l), 1988, 504-517 Q 1988, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. The microflagellate-picoplankton food linkage in the water column of Lake Biwa Toshi Nagata Otsu Hydrobiological Station, Kyoto University, Shimosakamoto, Otsu, 520-01 Japan Abstract Seasonal variations of abundance and biomass of heterotrophic microflagellates (HMF), bacteria, and unicellular chroococcoid cyanobacteria (UCB) at a pelagic site (water depth, -72 m) in the north basin of Lake Biwa were measured during May to November 1984. The cell densities of HMF, bacteria, and UCB were 102-1 03, lo”, and 102-lo5 cells ml- I, and the biomass estimates were < 1-7, 1 O-70, and < l-20 pg C liter - I. Active phagocytosis of UCB by HMF was indicated from microscopic observation of HMF food vacuoles; when UCB density was high, up to 52% of HMF cells contained one or more UCB cells. Incubation of size-fractionated epilimnetic waters indicated that bacterial net production rates (5-25 pg C liter-’ d-m’) were usually almost equal to rates of consumption of bacteria by HMF populations. Estimates of gross growth efficiencies of HMF fed on natural picoplankton were 1 l-53% in terms of carbon. HMF may be a significant link transferring picoplankton energy to macrozooplankters which cannot collect picoplankton. Lack of information on the fate of HMF makes it difficult, however, to directly address the “sink vs. link” argument about the microbial loop in Lake Biwa. It has been hypothesized that heterotro- phic microflagellates (HMF) are major con- sumers of planktonic bacteria (Fenchel 1982~; Sieburth and Davis 1982; Wright and Coffin 1984; Glide 1986) and picophy- toplankton (Johnson et al. 1982) in lakes and seas. Since picoplankton can be signif- icant components of biomass and produc- tion (Fuhrman and Azam 1982; Larsson and Hagstrom 1982; Stockner and Antia 1986), HMF may play important functional roles in the cycling of matter in these environ- ments. Two opposing hypotheses exist con- cerning these roles (Sherr and Sherr 1984; Porter et al. 1985). Some investigators have stressed that zooplankters, for which pico- planktonic particles are too small to collect, but which can collect HMF, indirectly USC picoplankton resources via the HMF-pi- coplankton food chain. Others believe that --- Acknowkdgments Contribution 3 18 from Otsu Hydrobiological Sta- tion, Kyoto University (foreign language series). This work was partly supported by a grant for Scientific Research (6 1790227) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. I thank Y. Tezuka for advice and encouragement throughout this study. Thanks are also due to other researchers of Otsu Hydrobiological Station for dis- cussions, to A. Kawabata and T. Ueda for assistance in water sampling, and to I). Scavia, L. Carlough, and T. Fenchcl for suggestions on the manuscript. through the ingestion and digestion of pi- coplankton by HMF, substantial amounts of the organic carbon, nitrogen, and phos- phorus contained in picoplankton are re- leased to the environment as regenerated minerals. Most of the data supporting these ideas have been obtained from experiments with cultured HMF strains. Little quanti- tative information is available about bio- mass, grazing rate, and production rate of HMF and their prey in natural environ- ments (Fenchel 1982~; Sherr et al. 1984). My objective here was to examine the seasonal and vertical variations of the cell abundance and biomass of HMF, bacteria, and unicellular chroococcoid cyanobacteria (UCB) in a water column of the north basin of Lake Biwa, Japan. Grazing rates of the HMF on UCB were estimated from direct counts of UCB in food vacuoles of HMF and retention times reported in the litera- ture. Grazing of bacteria by HMF was as- sessed by bottle incubation experiments with size-fractionated lake waters. Study site Lake Biwa is near 35’N, 136”E. Its major water basin is the north one, of which sur- face area is 6 18 km2 and mean water depth is 46.5 m. Recent trophic state (mesotro- phic: Tezuka 1984), bacterial level (Nagata 1984, 1986a, 1987), and picophytoplank- 504

Limnol. Oceanogr., 33(4, part l), 1988, 504-517<br />

Q 1988, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>microflagellate</strong>-<strong>picoplankton</strong> <strong>food</strong> linkage in the<br />

water column of Lake Biwa<br />

Toshi Nagata<br />

Otsu Hydrobiological Station, Kyoto University, Shimosakamoto,<br />

Otsu, 520-01 Japan<br />

Abstract<br />

Seasonal variations of abundance and biomass of heterotrophic <strong>microflagellate</strong>s (HMF), bacteria,<br />

and unicellular chroococcoid cyanobacteria (UCB) at a pelagic site (water depth, -72 m) in the<br />

north basin of Lake Biwa were measured during May to November 1984. <strong>The</strong> cell densities of<br />

HMF, bacteria, and UCB were 102-1 03, lo”, and 102-lo5 cells ml- I, and the biomass estimates<br />

were < 1-7, 1 O-70, and < l-20 pg C liter - I. Active phagocytosis of UCB by HMF was indicated<br />

from microscopic observation of HMF <strong>food</strong> vacuoles; when UCB density was high, up to 52% of<br />

HMF cells contained one or more UCB cells. Incubation of size-fractionated epilimnetic waters<br />

indicated that bacterial net production rates (5-25 pg C liter-’ d-m’) were usually almost equal to<br />

rates of consumption of bacteria by HMF populations. Estimates of gross growth efficiencies of<br />

HMF fed on natural <strong>picoplankton</strong> were 1 l-53% in terms of carbon. HMF may be a significant<br />

link transferring <strong>picoplankton</strong> energy to macrozooplankters which cannot collect <strong>picoplankton</strong>.<br />

Lack of information on the fate of HMF makes it difficult, however, to directly address the “sink<br />

vs. link” argument about the microbial loop in Lake Biwa.<br />

It has been hypothesized that heterotro-<br />

phic <strong>microflagellate</strong>s (HMF) are major con-<br />

sumers of planktonic bacteria (Fenchel<br />

1982~; Sieburth and Davis 1982; Wright<br />

and Coffin 1984; Glide 1986) and picophy-<br />

toplankton (Johnson et al. 1982) in lakes<br />

and seas. Since <strong>picoplankton</strong> can be signif-<br />

icant components of biomass and produc-<br />

tion (Fuhrman and Azam 1982; Larsson and<br />

Hagstrom 1982; Stockner and Antia 1986),<br />

HMF may play important functional roles<br />

in the cycling of matter in these environ-<br />

ments. Two opposing hypotheses exist con-<br />

cerning these roles (Sherr and Sherr 1984;<br />

Porter et al. 1985). Some investigators have<br />

stressed that zooplankters, for which pico-<br />

planktonic particles are too small to collect,<br />

but which can collect HMF, indirectly USC<br />

<strong>picoplankton</strong> resources via the HMF-pi-<br />

coplankton <strong>food</strong> chain. Others believe that<br />

---<br />

Acknowkdgments<br />

Contribution 3 18 from Otsu Hydrobiological Sta-<br />

tion, Kyoto University (foreign language series). This<br />

work was partly supported by a grant for Scientific<br />

Research (6 1790227) from the Ministry of Education,<br />

Science and Culture of Japan.<br />

I thank Y. Tezuka for advice and encouragement<br />

throughout this study. Thanks are also due to other<br />

researchers of Otsu Hydrobiological Station for dis-<br />

cussions, to A. Kawabata and T. Ueda for assistance<br />

in water sampling, and to I). Scavia, L. Carlough, and<br />

T. Fenchcl for suggestions on the manuscript.<br />

through the ingestion and digestion of pi-<br />

coplankton by HMF, substantial amounts<br />

of the organic carbon, nitrogen, and phos-<br />

phorus contained in <strong>picoplankton</strong> are re-<br />

leased to the environment as regenerated<br />

minerals. Most of the data supporting these<br />

ideas have been obtained from experiments<br />

with cultured HMF strains. Little quanti-<br />

tative information is available about bio-<br />

mass, grazing rate, and production rate of<br />

HMF and their prey in natural environ-<br />

ments (Fenchel 1982~; Sherr et al. 1984).<br />

My objective here was to examine the<br />

seasonal and vertical variations of the cell<br />

abundance and biomass of HMF, bacteria,<br />

and unicellular chroococcoid cyanobacteria<br />

(UCB) in a water column of the north basin<br />

of Lake Biwa, Japan. Grazing rates of the<br />

HMF on UCB were estimated from direct<br />

counts of UCB in <strong>food</strong> vacuoles of HMF<br />

and retention times reported in the litera-<br />

ture. Grazing of bacteria by HMF was as-<br />

sessed by bottle incubation experiments with<br />

size-fractionated lake waters.<br />

Study site<br />

Lake Biwa is near 35’N, 136”E. Its major<br />

water basin is the north one, of which sur-<br />

face area is 6 18 km2 and mean water depth<br />

is 46.5 m. Recent trophic state (mesotro-<br />

phic: Tezuka 1984), bacterial level (Nagata<br />

1984, 1986a, 1987), and picophytoplank-<br />


tonic composition and biomass (Nagata<br />

19863) at the same site have been described.<br />

UCB are the predominant picophytoplank-<br />

ton in the study site, and the <strong>picoplankton</strong><br />

contributes 45% of the total Chl a in late<br />

summer (Nagata 1986b).<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Sample collection in the field and enu-<br />

meration of plankton -<strong>The</strong> sampling site<br />

(water depth, -72 m) was in a pelagic area<br />

of the north basin of the lake. Water samples<br />

were collected with a 3-liter Van Dorn water<br />

sampler. On board, 50 or 100 ml of the<br />

sample from each depth was fixed with 2%<br />

Formalin (final concn) for enumeration of<br />

bacteria and UCB, and another 100 ml of<br />

the sample from each depth was fixed with<br />

glutaraldehyde (electron microscopic grade,<br />

final 1%) for counting HMF. Samples were<br />

kept cool (-4°C) in the dark until they were<br />

processed (within 2 weeks).<br />

Bacteria were counted by the acridine or-<br />

ange (AO) direct count method (Hobbie et<br />

al. 1977) with slight modifications; l-2 ml<br />

of the sample was mixed with 8-10 ml of<br />

particle-free deionized water (PFDW), and<br />

this diluted sample was filtered through a<br />

0.2-pm pore-size Nuclepore filter (stained<br />

with Sudan black B; diam, 24 mm). Im-<br />

mediately after filtration, 0.0 1% AO was<br />

added until it covered the whole filter sur-<br />

face. After 3 min, the AO was drawn<br />

through. About 2 ml of PFDW was filtered<br />

to remove excess dye. <strong>The</strong>reafter, the wet<br />

filter was placed on a clear slide glass and<br />

mounted in low-fluorescence immersion oil.<br />

For counting UCB, slides were made with<br />

the same procedure but without AO stain.<br />

Microscope specimens for HMF were made<br />

with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)<br />

(Sherr and Sherr 1983). A lo-50-ml aliquot<br />

of the sample was filtered through a l-pm<br />

pore-size Nuclepore filter (stained with Su-<br />

dan black B). <strong>The</strong>n FITC (O.Ol%, dissolved<br />

in 0.067 M phosphate buffer of pH 7.2) was<br />

added, and the sample was stained for 1<br />

min. After rinsing the filter with buffer, it<br />

was mounted on a glass slide. For each sam-<br />

ple, duplicate filters were used for bacteria<br />

and HMF and one filter was used for UCB.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ranges of the duplicate counts were usu-<br />

ally < 15% of the mean values.<br />

Microbial <strong>food</strong> chain 505<br />

All the filters were observed in a darkened<br />

room under a Nikon epifluorescence micro-<br />

scope (1,250 X) equipped with a standard<br />

B-excitation system (50-W halogen lamp,<br />

IF 4 lo-485 excitation filter, DM 505 di-<br />

chroic mirror, and 5 15 W barrier filter). Bac-<br />

teria framed within an eyepiece grid (40 X<br />

40 pm) were counted in each of lo-20 ran-<br />

dom fields per filter for a total of 200-400<br />

cells. <strong>The</strong> number of attached cells was<br />

counted for each sample. Due to high vari-<br />

ability, however, it was impossible to reli-<br />

ably estimate attached cell densities. For<br />

each sample, 20 randomly selected cells were<br />

sized with an ocular micrometer, and the<br />

cell volume was calculated by assuming the<br />

shape of bacteria to be spherical or cylin-<br />

drical with hemispherical ends. <strong>The</strong> volume<br />

of cells so small that they could be recog-<br />

nized only as dots were assumed to be 0.02<br />

pm3. Preliminary examinations showed that<br />

the biovolume estimates (50 cells measured<br />

for each sample) with an ocular micrometer<br />

agree well with those from photographic en-<br />

largements; the ratio (mean cell volume by<br />

a micrometer) : (mean cell volume by pho-<br />

tographs) was 0.8-l .5 (mean 1.2, SD = 0.24,<br />

n = 5). Discrimination of bacteria and UCB<br />

was usually possible in AO samples, be-<br />

cause UCB fluoresced bright orange and<br />

most bacteria fluoresced green. Moreover,<br />

UCB in Lake Biwa were larger and more<br />

swollen than bacteria (Nagata 1986a, b).<br />

Counting UCB was done in the same man-<br />

ner as bacteria; I counted a total of 60-200<br />

cells per sample. I judged orange-fluorescing<br />

unicellular rods and cocci as UCB (Nagata<br />

19863).<br />

For counting HMF, an 80- x 80-pm eye-<br />

piece grid was used. I counted 100 frames<br />

per filter and > 100 cells per sample. I judged<br />

green-fluorescing, flagellated cells to be<br />

HMF. <strong>The</strong>y were discernible from red- or<br />

orange-autofluorescing, pigmented cells<br />

(Nagata 1986b). Sizing of HMF with an ocu-<br />

lar micrometer was done for - 100 cells<br />

randomly selected for each sample. Cell vol-<br />

ume was calculated assuming the shape of<br />

HMF to be spherical or ellipsoidal. <strong>The</strong><br />

number of HMF cells that contained at least<br />

one UCB cell in <strong>food</strong> vacuoles was noted,<br />

and the frequency of HMF containing UCB<br />

was estimated for each sample. Since some

506 Nagata<br />

UCB cells were retained on the 1 -pm pore-<br />

size filter, if an HMF cell landed on top of<br />

a UCB, the HMF might be judged as con-<br />

taining the UCB. Although this background<br />

could not be decided rigorously for each of<br />

my samples because the retention efficiency<br />

of UCB on the l-pm pore-size filter was not<br />

determined for each sample, a rough esti-<br />

mate showed that the background percent-<br />

age was 6, 12, and 18% for the UCB density<br />

of 1, 2, and 3 x 1 O5 cells ml-l. I did not<br />

observe “aggregation” of UCB around<br />

HMF.<br />

<strong>The</strong> biomass of bacteria, UCB, and HMF<br />

was estimated by multiplying the cell vol-<br />

ume by carbon-to-volume conversion fac-<br />

tors ( 106 fg C pm-3 for bacteria and UCB:<br />

Nagata 1986a; 7 1 fg C pm-3 for HMF: Fen-<br />

chel and Finlay 1983).<br />

Bottle incubation experiments-Water<br />

samples were collected at the site of the field<br />

study during warm months in 1984 and<br />

1985. Samples collected at a depth of 5 or<br />

10 m (epilimnion) with a 3-liter capacity<br />

Van Dorn water sampler were immediately<br />

treated on board with sterile apparatus and<br />

filters as follows. <strong>The</strong> samples were gravity<br />

filtered through a 25-pm mesh-size screen,<br />

and a portion of this filtrate was further fil-<br />

tered through 1 -pm pore-size Nuclepore fil-<br />

ters with gravity or gentle negative pressure<br />

(< 100 mm of Hg). To reduce clogging, I<br />

filtered no more than 200-300 ml of sample<br />

through one filter (47-mm diam). About 800<br />

ml of each filtrate (25-pm prefiltered water<br />

or 1 -pm prefiltered water) was poured into<br />

a l-liter capacity glass bottle with a glass<br />

plug (previously acid washed and combust-<br />

ed at 450°C for 2 h), and the bottle was then<br />

incubated at in situ water temperature<br />

(+2”C) in the dark. From each bottle, sub-<br />

samples (30-50 ml) were withdrawn with a<br />

sterile pipette or decanted at intervals of 2-<br />

8 h for 24-30 h. Subsamples were fixed with<br />

1% glutaraldehyde, and cell density and bio-<br />

mass of bacteria and HMF were measured<br />

as described above. From 30 to 40 cells of<br />

bacteria and about 100 cells of HMF were<br />

sized for each subsample. For each subsam-<br />

ple, frequency of dividing cells (FDC) of<br />

bacteria was measured according to Hag-<br />

strijm et al. (1979).<br />

<strong>The</strong> time-course change of bacterial den-<br />

sity in bottled water was analyzed, assuming<br />

that bacterial growth in the 1 -pm prefiltered<br />

sample was exponential and the fraction of<br />

bacteria eliminated per unit of time in the<br />

bottle with grazers is constant [dnldt = rn,<br />

dN/dt = (r - g)N, where dn/dt and dN/dt<br />

are the changing rates (cells liter- * h-l) of<br />

bacterial density in the l-pm prefiltered<br />

sample (n, cells liter- I) and the 25-pm pre-<br />

filtered sample (N, cells liter- I), respective-<br />

ly, and r and g the instantaneous rates of<br />

growth and grazing (h-l)]. <strong>The</strong> significance<br />

of the effect of differential filtration on bac-<br />

terial dynamics was tested statistically by<br />

comparing the slopes of the regression equa-<br />

tions with Student’s t-test [the regression of<br />

log(bacteria1 density) vs. time was used].<br />

Production. rate, P(cells liter-l d- l), and<br />

grazing rate, G(cells liter-’ d-l), were cal-<br />

culated as follows:<br />

and<br />

P = fNJexp(24 X r’) - l]<br />

GE’-rt<br />

-N,[exp(24 X r’) - l]<br />

r’<br />

where r is the slope of the 1 -pm prefiltered<br />

sample, r’ the slope of the 25-pm prefiltered<br />

sample, and No the ccl1 number at time zero<br />

in the 25-pm prefiltered sample.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most basic assumptions of the model<br />

are that growth rates of bacteria in lake water<br />

and in the l- and 25-pm prefiltered water<br />

are equal and that grazing occurs only in the<br />

25-pm prefiltered water. <strong>The</strong>se assumptions<br />

will be influenced by accumulation of sub-<br />

strate on the bottle surface and the enhance-<br />

ment of bacterial activity associated with<br />

the surface (Ferguson et al. 1984) enrich-<br />

ment of dissolved organic matter through<br />

filtration (Ferguson et al. 1984; Fuhrman<br />

and Bell 1985) elimination of particulate<br />

organic matter (Glide 1986), and passage of<br />

grazers through a l-pm filter (Cynar et al.<br />

1985). To assess changes of the physiolog-<br />

ical state of bacteria in bottled waters during<br />

the incubation periods, I determined the<br />

time-course changes of FDC and bacterial<br />

mean cell volume. A significant increase in<br />

FDC during the incubation was occasion-<br />

ally found in both the l-pm and the 25-pm

prefiltered water. In most cases (12 of 16),<br />

however, no significant change of FDC was<br />

detected (P > 0.05; two-tailed t-test with<br />

arcsine-transformed FDC values). I found<br />

no systematic difference in FDC between<br />

the 25-pm and the l-pm prcfiltered water.<br />

As to mean cell volume, the regression anal-<br />

yses did not show any significant changes<br />

during the incubation period (P > 0.05, two-<br />

tailed t-test with log-transformed cell vol-<br />

ume). <strong>The</strong>refore I assumed that bottle and<br />

filtration effects were minimal. I also count-<br />

ed HMF passing through the l-pm pore-<br />

size filter and found that ~5% of HMF<br />

passed.<br />

Growth parameters of HMF were ob-<br />

tained from the regression of log(HMF<br />

number) vs. time and log(mean cell volume)<br />

vs. time.<br />

Determination of chlorophyll a concentra-<br />

tion -Chl a concentration was measured by<br />

the fluorometric method (Strickland and<br />

Parsons 1972). Volumes of 20-100 ml of<br />

water were filtered through Whatman GF/ C<br />

filters for the field study or through mem-<br />

brane filters (0.2-pm pore size) for the in-<br />

cubation experiments. I used finer meshed<br />

filters for the incubation experiments in or-<br />

der to efficiently recover the Chl a in the<br />

1 -pm prefiltered samples. Chl a was extract-<br />

ed with 90% acetone and then measured<br />

with a spectrofluorometer calibrated with<br />

pure Chl a.<br />

Results<br />

Seasonal variation-Water temperature<br />

of the surface layer increased from 15” (May)<br />

to 3 1°C (20 August) and then decreased to<br />

14” (November) (Fig. 1). Marked stratifi-<br />

cation was established between June and<br />

September with a thermocline between 10<br />

and 20 m. Partial mixing began in October.<br />

Hypolimnetic water temperature was 6”-7°C<br />

during the study period. Chl a concentration<br />

in the upper layer (O-l 0 m) changed dras-<br />

tically between 0.7 and 42.8 pg liter-‘. Peak<br />

values were found in May (Chl a concn, 42.8<br />

pg liter-‘), June (6.9 hg liter-l), and July to<br />

early August (15.4 pg liter-l).<br />

HMF abundance was in the range of 0.8-<br />

5.1 X 1 O3 cells ml-’ in the upper 20-m layer<br />

and 0.1-1.9 x lo3 cells ml-l below 20 m<br />

(Fig. 2). Highest HMF densities were found<br />

Microbial <strong>food</strong> chain 507<br />

70 M ‘J ’ J ‘A ‘S ’ 0 ’ N<br />

Fig. 1. Seasonal and vertical variation of water<br />

temperature (“C) in the north basin of Lake Biwa.<br />

at 10 and 15 m-the bottom of the epilim-<br />

nion and the metalimnion during summer<br />

stratification. In contrast with HMF, bac-<br />

terial vertical distribution was, in general,<br />

more closely related to water temperature:<br />

higher in the epilimnion than in the meta-<br />

and hypolimnion (Fig. 2). Epilimnetic bac-<br />

terial density ranged between 1.6 and 7.0 x<br />

lo6 cells ml-‘; the meta- and hypolimnion<br />

range was 1.2-3.4 x 10” cells ml-‘. <strong>The</strong><br />

highest density was found at 5 and 10 m<br />

during mid-July to early August when a co-<br />

lonial diatom, Fragilaria crotonensis, was<br />

abundant in these layers. UCB could be de-<br />

tected in the whole water column, but the<br />

density below 25 m was very low (0.8-l 6 x<br />

1 O3 cells ml-‘). In the upper 20-m layer, a<br />

drastic increase from 3 x lo4 cells ml-l to<br />

30 x 1 O4 cells ml- I, followed by a decrease<br />

to 3 x lo4 cells ml-‘, was found between<br />

August and November (Fig. 2).<br />

Size and biomass of HMF, bacteria, and<br />

UCB- Detailed taxonomic study on HMF<br />

was not done in the present study. Colony-<br />

forming HMF or HMF associated with par-<br />

ticles were not common, except in late July<br />

and early August at 10 m, where many HMF<br />

attached to frustulcs of F. crotonensis and<br />

detrital particles. Mean cell volumes of HMF<br />

fluctuated seasonally in the range of 9-50<br />

pm3, but no clear seasonal trend was found<br />

(data not shown). Mean cell volumes were,<br />

however, significantly different in different<br />

water layers. I compared the mean cell vol-<br />

umes of HMF in the samples collected at<br />

O-l 0, 10-20, and 20-70 m and found that<br />

cell volume increased with depth (Mann-<br />

Whitney U-test, two-tailed, P < 0.05). At<br />

all depths, the majority (> 70%) of the cells<br />

had an equivalent spherical diameter of 2-

508 Nagata<br />

E<br />

r<br />

it<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

60<br />

70<br />

0<br />

10<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

G 60<br />

v I 70 i<br />

J ’ J ’ Ai<br />

I- r<br />

M’ J<br />

HMF Bacteria UCB 20<br />

103celis ml-’ IO6 cells ml-’ 1 O4 cells ml”<br />

m 5- 6- 25 - 30<br />

4 -5 5-6 20 - 25<br />

m 3-4 4-5 15-20 40<br />

a 2-3 3-4 10 - 15<br />

0<br />

-2 -3 - 10<br />

,<br />

J<br />

0<br />

,<br />

A<br />

Bacteria<br />

,,<br />

S 0<br />

Fig. 2. Seasonal and vertical variations of the cell abundance of heterotrophic <strong>microflagellate</strong>s (HMF),<br />

bacteria, and unicellular chroococcoid cyanobacteria (UCB) in the north basin of Lake Biwa. Samples were<br />

collected for depths of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m at intervals of 7-10 d, and for depths of 30 (or 40), 50 (or<br />

60), and 70 m at intervals of l-4 weeks. For the upper 20-m layers, total numbers of samples analyzed for<br />

HMF, bacteria, and UCB were 129, 134, and 72, and for the layers >20 m they were 47,48, and 22. UCB were<br />

counted after 6 August.<br />

50<br />

60<br />

,:<br />


4 pm. For the deeper water layers, however,<br />

the distribution was skewed to larger size<br />

categories.<br />

Because of the high variability within<br />

depth strata, I estimated the attached bac-<br />

terial contribution by pooling the data for<br />

each depth during the whole investigation<br />

period. <strong>The</strong> percentage of attached bacteria<br />

by number was 0.8, 1.8, and 3.6% for O-l 0,<br />

1 O-30, and 30-70 m. <strong>The</strong>refore, it is evident<br />

that unattached bacteria were numerically<br />

predominant in the study site. Mean cell<br />

volume of bacteria was calculated for each<br />

date and each water layer (O-l 0, 1 O-20, and<br />

20-70 m) because the sizing of 20 cells per<br />

sample was not large enough to treat the<br />

data of each sample separately. <strong>The</strong> mean<br />

cell volume pooled for each date and each<br />

layer (n = 40-80) varied in the range of<br />

0.07-o. 16 pm3. I could not find a clear sea-<br />

sonal trend. <strong>The</strong> average values of the mean<br />

cell volumes for each layer were 0.10 1 pm3<br />

(SD = 0.019, n = 23), 0.099 pm3 (SD =<br />

0.018, n = 17), and0.121 pm3 (SD = 0.021,<br />

n = 16) for O-l 0, 1 O-20, and 20-70 m. <strong>The</strong><br />

average cell volume of the deepest layer was<br />

larger than that of the other two layers<br />

(Mann-Whitney U-test, two-tailed, P <<br />

0.005). <strong>The</strong>se mean values were used to cal-<br />

culate the bacterial biomass for each layer.<br />

I did not measure the size of UCB in the<br />

present study. However, I did observe that<br />

UCB below 15 m were larger and fluoresced<br />

more brightly than those in the upper layers<br />

during 13 August to 20 September. After<br />

partial mixing began, larger forms were<br />

found less frequently in the whole water col-<br />

umn. This pattern was similar to the results<br />

of a previous study (Nagata 1986b). In that<br />

study, the measured mean cell volume of<br />

UCB in 1985 was 0.6 1 pm” for the samples<br />

without larger forms and 2.77 pm3 for the<br />

samples in which larger cells were abundant<br />

(Nagata 19863). I used these values for cal-<br />

culating biomass of UCB in this study.<br />

<strong>The</strong> biomass of HMF was a tenth to a<br />

twentieth of bacterial biomass, and the bio-<br />

mass of UCB was usually less than a half to<br />

a third of bacterial biomass. HMF biomass<br />

was higher in the middle layer than in the<br />

upper layer during midsummer (Fig. 3).<br />

Conversely bacterial biomass was higher in<br />

the upper layer than in the middle layer<br />

Microbial <strong>food</strong> chain 509<br />

during the same period. For both the upper<br />

and the middle layers, coupled oscillation<br />

of the biomass of bacteria with that of HMF<br />

was not found. In the lower layers, the bio-<br />

mass estimates of bacteria and HMF were<br />

usually lower than those in the upper and<br />

the middle layers, and they were relatively<br />

stable throughout the investigation. Bio-<br />

masses of UCB in the upper and middle<br />

layers were nearly equal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> frequency of HMF containing UCB -<br />

I did not observe any HMF containing red-<br />

fluorescing (Chl a-rich: see Waterbury et al.<br />

1979; Murphy and Haugen 1985) eucary-<br />

otic cells in their <strong>food</strong> vacuoles, although<br />

HMF containing orange-fluorescing (phy-<br />

coerythrin-rich: Waterbury et al. 1979;<br />

Murphy and Haugen 198 5) UCB were often<br />

found. This fact suggests that herbivory of<br />

HMF on eucaryotic phytoplankton was not<br />

prevalent in Lake Biwa.<br />

<strong>The</strong> percentage of HMF containing UCB<br />

was < 1% until August (data not shown).<br />

Afterward, the percentage increased. At<br />

maximum, 52% of HMF contained UCB in<br />

their <strong>food</strong> vacuoles (Fig. 4). In most cases,<br />

one HMF cell contained one UCB cell. Al-<br />

though the plots scatter broadly, the per-<br />

centage of HMF containing UCB tends to<br />

increase with increasing UCB density and<br />

decreasing temperature. This pattern sug-<br />

gests that temperature-dependent increase<br />

in digestion rate and passage rate of UCB<br />

in HMF <strong>food</strong> vacuoles exceeded tempera-<br />

ture-dependent increase in grazing rate of<br />

HMF. For the temperature range of 13”-<br />

26°C however, temperature-dependent de-<br />

crease in the percentage was not evident.<br />

From a literature value of the retention<br />

time of particles in the <strong>food</strong> vacuoles of<br />

HMF (20-40 min: McManus and Fuhrman<br />

1986) and the range of average numbers of<br />

UCB cells contained in one HMF cell (0. l-<br />

0.4 for the UCB density of l-3 x lo5 cells<br />

ml-l, Fig. 4), it can be roughly estimated<br />

that an HMF cell can clear, per hour, UCB<br />

in a volume of water which is lo5 times its<br />

own cell volume [cf. (clearance rate of 1<br />

HMF) = (avg number of UCB cells con-<br />

tained in 1 HMF) x (UCB density))’ x<br />

(retention time)- ‘1. This value suggests that<br />

HMF in Lake Biwa graze on UCB as effi-<br />

ciently as on bacteria (Fenchel 1982a).

510 Nagata<br />

t<br />

+<br />

.-<br />

; 60<br />

E<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

1 ,<br />

M J-’ J<br />

.-,,,,--0--<br />

- o-IOm - lo-20m --- 20970m<br />

Fig. 3. Seasonal change of the biomass of heterotrophic <strong>microflagellate</strong>s (HMF), bacteria, and unicellular<br />

chroococcoid cyanobacteria (UCB) in the north basin of Lake Biwa. <strong>The</strong> biomass estimates are presented as<br />

average values for the water columns of O-10, 10-20, and 20-70 m. <strong>The</strong> biomass of UCB in the deepest layer<br />

is not indicated because it was very low (~2 pg C liter-‘).<br />

Growth of bacteria and HMF in bottled<br />

water-<strong>The</strong> incubation experiments were<br />

done at temperatures ranging from 18” to<br />

27°C. Chl a concentrations in untreated<br />

waters ranged from 1.4 to 13.0 pg liter-‘,<br />

of which 6.2-92.6% and 1.5-35.7% were<br />

found in the 25-pm and the I -pm prefiltered<br />

water, respectively. Chl a concentrations at<br />

the beginning of the incubations were not<br />

greatly different from those at the end of the<br />

incubations.<br />

Table 1 summarizes the regression pa-<br />

rameters ofthe changes in bacterial number.<br />

I found that bacterial density increased sig-<br />

nificantly in the l-pm prefiltcred water ex-<br />

cept on 24 October 1984, the density did<br />

not change significantly in the 25-pm pre-<br />

filtered water except on 24 August 1984 and

60 1<br />

A A0 A<br />

2<br />

a’<br />

a 20<br />

0s<br />

%<br />

0<br />

OOOO<br />

A<br />

0 *A<br />

A<br />

Microbial <strong>food</strong> chain<br />

l 0. __--

512<br />

0”<br />

d<br />

V<br />

IA<br />

d<br />

m<br />

Nagata<br />

.<br />

9 is s - 8 s”<br />

O V ? O v O v

Table 2. Net production rate ofbacteria and grazing<br />

rate of heterotrophic <strong>microflagellate</strong>s on bacteria es-<br />

timated by incubation experiments. Explanations giv-<br />

en in text.<br />

16 Jul 1984<br />

24 Aug 1984<br />

20 Sep 1984<br />

24 Ott 1984<br />

24 Jun 1985<br />

8 Jul 1985<br />

12 Aug 1985<br />

21 Sep 1985<br />

Production rate Grazing rate<br />

(pg C liter I d-‘)<br />

24 20<br />

17<br />

5 8<br />

14 23<br />

20 24<br />

17 22<br />

10 7<br />

be a critical <strong>food</strong> concentration around 40<br />

pg C liter- l below which the growth of HMF<br />

becomes near zero.<br />

If HMF can, in an hour, clear bacteria<br />

from a water volume lo5 times their own<br />

cell volume at 20°C (Fcnchel 1982a), the<br />

clearance rate (ml HMF populations-l h-l)<br />

can be calculated from the mean total cell<br />

volume of HMF in the 25-pm prefiltered<br />

water (assuming Qlo of 2). <strong>The</strong> potential<br />

grazing rate of HMF was obtained by multiplying<br />

the clearance rate by the mean bacterial<br />

biomass in the 25-pm prefiltered sample.<br />

In most cases, the independent estimates<br />

from incubation<br />

tent (Table 4).<br />

experiments were consis-<br />

<strong>The</strong> gross growth efficiency of HMF was<br />

calculated by using the estimates of grazing<br />

rate and net production rate of HMF<br />

[gross growth efficiency = (net production<br />

rate) x (grazing rate)- 1 : Table 41. <strong>The</strong> values,<br />

depending on date and method, ranged from<br />

11 to 53%.<br />

Discussion<br />

Some characteristics of the occurrence of<br />

HMF in Lake Biwa-<strong>The</strong> densities of HMF<br />

found in Lake Biwa ( 1 02-1 O3 cells ml-l) are<br />

within those previously reported in some<br />

other aquatic environments (Sieburth and<br />

Davis 1982; Fenchel 1982~; Sherr et al.<br />

1984; Giide 1986). Although Fenchel<br />

(1982~) suggested that a significant fraction<br />

of HMF is associated with particles in<br />

Limfjorden, Denmark, I observed micro-<br />

scopically that most HMF cells in Lake Biwa<br />

were usually unattached. This finding and<br />

Microbial <strong>food</strong> chain 513<br />

3-l1c)Ic)-l@OVT<br />

00000000<br />

bddddddd<br />


514 Nagata<br />

Table 4. Production rate (pg C liter-l d-l), grazing rate (pg C liter-’ d-l) on bacteria, and gross growth<br />

efficiency (%) of heterotrophic <strong>microflagellate</strong>s (HMF).<br />

Grasing ratct estimated from Gross growth efficiency* estimated from<br />

Production rate* incubation experiment biomass of HMF incubation experiment biomass of HMF<br />

16 Jul 1984 2.1 20 7 11 30<br />

24 Aug 1984 4.8 7 53<br />

20 Sep 1984 8 3<br />

24 Ott 1984 1.2 3 31<br />

24 Jun 1985 6.0 23 12 26 50<br />

8 Jui 1985 3.6 24 19 14 19<br />

12 Aug 1985 8.4 22 21 38 40<br />

21 Sep 1985 7 7<br />

* From the slope of the regression; log (HMF density) vs. time (p) and that of the regression; log (mean cell volume of HMF) vs. time (p’) found in<br />

Table 3. Production rate (PR) was calculated as follows: PR = CN,V[exp(24a) - I] (when $ = 0), or PR = CN,V,{exp[24@ -t r’)] - I ) (when p’<br />

z O), where N,, and V, are initial cell density and mean cell volume, V is averaged mean cell volumes, and C is the conversion factor (71 fg C<br />

pm ‘: Fenchcl and Finlay 1983).<br />

t Explained in text.<br />

$ Gross growth efficiency was estimated by dividing HMF net production rate by HMF grazing rate. For the cases of 24 August and 24 October<br />

1984, in which UCB biomass was large (corresponding to -30% of the bacterial biomass) and the frequency of HMF containing UCB was high<br />

(-30%), the UCB biomass was incorporated in the calculation on the assumption that HMF mgest UCB as efficiently as bacteria. Mean values of<br />

gross growth efficiency were 23% by the incubation experiment and 37% by the biomass of HMF.<br />

the fact that most bacteria are unattached<br />

in this water body (see above and Nagata<br />

1987) suggest that the prevailing mode of<br />

trophic interaction between HMF and bac-<br />

teria is one between unattached forms of<br />

HMF and unattached bacteria.<br />

An interesting vertical zonation pattern<br />

of HMF in Lake Biwa is that HMF are more<br />

abundant in the metalimnion than in the<br />

epilimnion during summer stratification<br />

(Figs. 2, 3). It is not known why this meta-<br />

limnetic peak of HMF was found. It is dif-<br />

ficult to explain from the vertical distribu-<br />

tion of bacterial production rate, because I<br />

have demonstrated that bacterial biomass<br />

and production rate (measured by the thy-<br />

midine method of Fuhrman and Azam<br />

1982) decreased rapidly from the bottom of<br />

the epilimnion to the metalimnion in Lake<br />

Biwa (Nagata 1987). In Lake Dalnee, So-<br />

rokin and Paveljeva (1972) reported that<br />

the peak of the vertical distribution of HMF<br />

moved from the epilimnion to the hypolim-<br />

nion as thermal stratification developed.<br />

Steinberg et al. (1983) observed in some<br />

lakes that a species of HMF (Phyllomitus<br />

apiculatus) was distributed more abun-<br />

dantly in the hypolimnion than in the epi-<br />

limnion during summer stratification. Ef-<br />

fects of light and grazing pressure on HMF<br />

in the epilimnion may be related to the ver-<br />

tical zonation pattern of HMF in thermally<br />

stratified lakes.<br />

Evaluation ofproduction and grazing estimates<br />

-<strong>The</strong> bacterial production rate of<br />

5-25 pg C liter-’ d--l (Table 2) is within the<br />

levels reported in other meso- and oligotrophic<br />

lakes (Jordan and Likens 1980; Glide<br />

et al. 1985; Scavia et al. 1986). In 1986, I<br />

examined the seasonal change of planktonic<br />

bacterial production rate in the same water<br />

body by the thymidine method. <strong>The</strong> range<br />

in production rate estimated with a conversion<br />

factor of 2 X 1 O6 cells pmol- ’ was<br />

5-60 pg C liter-l d-l in warm months (Nagata<br />

1987). This value is close to the range<br />

reported here.<br />

Sherr et al. (1984) determined the growth<br />

of HMF populations in bottled coastal seawaters<br />

prescrecned with a 20-pm screen. <strong>The</strong><br />

doubling time of HMF biomass (9.7-26.5<br />

h) and the production rate (2.4-19.0 pg C<br />

liter-l d-l) are close to the ranges of the<br />

present study (Table 4). In their experiments,<br />

both bacterial density (2-6 X lo6<br />

cells ml- I) and water temperature (19”-27°C)<br />

were also similar to the conditions of my<br />

experiments. As Sherr et al. pointed out,<br />

however, larger HMF and ciliates may graze<br />

on smaller HMF. <strong>The</strong>refore, production<br />

rates estimated by the present method may<br />

be conservative.<br />

.<br />

<strong>The</strong> grazing rate estimated by the incubation<br />

experiments is consistent with the<br />

potential grazing rate of HMF estimated<br />

from the biomass of HMF (Table 4) and

with other studies in the literature (Wright<br />

and Coffin 1984; Glide 1986), supporting<br />

results that bacterial production almost<br />

equals the grazing of HMF (Table 2).<br />

<strong>The</strong> trophic interaction between HMF and<br />

bacteria -Although tight trophic interac-<br />

tion between HMF and bacteria in the epi-<br />

limnetic water was suggested by the incu-<br />

bation experiments, no apparent seasonal<br />

patterns with respect to HMF and bacterial<br />

biomass coupling were found in the field<br />

(Fig. 3). Fenchel (1982~) found that HMF<br />

density increases following increases in bac-<br />

terial density in Limfjorden, Denmark, sug-<br />

gesting a tight coupling between the two.<br />

Andersen and Fenchel (1985) have also re-<br />

ported coupled oscillations in 8-pm pre-<br />

screened coastal seawaters contained in<br />

tanks. Since these prey-predator oscilla-<br />

tions had periods of weeks, it is possible that<br />

they could not be detected in my study<br />

(weekly sampling). <strong>The</strong> degree of seasonal<br />

variation in HMF biomass in the epilim-<br />

nion (Fig. 3), however, seems to be rather<br />

small when its potentially high growth rate<br />

(Table 3) is taken into account. It seems<br />

likely that HMF was consumed intensively<br />

by plankters such as crustaceans, rotifers, or<br />

ciliates, and HMF biomass was kept stable.<br />

To evaluate whether <strong>food</strong> biomass was a<br />

factor that controls the dynamics of HMF<br />

in the field, it is useful to know the minimal<br />

<strong>food</strong> concentration at which HMF can grow.<br />

From experiments on several isolated strains<br />

of HMF fed cultured bacteria, Fenchel<br />

(1982a) suggested that this minimum bac-<br />

terial density is 0.5-2 x lo6 cells ml-l (50-<br />

200 pg C liter-‘). My study indicates that<br />

the critical <strong>food</strong> concentration for natural<br />

populations of HMF in Lake Biwa is about<br />

40 pg C liter- ’ at water temperatures of 17”-<br />

28°C (Fig. 5). This value is close to the lower<br />

one of Fenchel. During warm seasons, epi-<br />

limnetic <strong>picoplankton</strong> sometimes decrease<br />

to this level (Fig. 3), suggesting that HMF<br />

become starved and incapable of growth.<br />

As suggested by Fenchel (1982b), HMF<br />

populations may persist during such a fam-<br />

ine by adaptive responses such as lowering<br />

the metabolic rate or forming cysts.<br />

Gross growth qficiency of HMF-Gross<br />

growth efficiency of natural populations of<br />

HMF fed on natural <strong>picoplankton</strong> was es-<br />

Microbial <strong>food</strong> chain 515<br />

timated in the present study (Table 4). Since<br />

the net production rate of HMF may be<br />

somewhat underestimated (see above), the<br />

efficiency may also be underestimated. Al-<br />

though estimates of efficiency varied bc-<br />

tween methods (Table 4), and it was difficult<br />

to determine the factors controlling efficien-<br />

cy, the average (23 or 37%) and the range<br />

(1 l-53%) were roughly similar to currently<br />

reported gross growth efficiencies estimated<br />

for cultured HMF strains fed on bacteria<br />

(24-45%: Sherr et al. 1983; 34-43%: Fen-<br />

chel 1982a; 39-49%: Caron et al. 1985), on<br />

diatoms (35-62%: Caron et al. 1985; 41-<br />

45%: Caron et al. 1986), and on bacteria<br />

and diatoms (35-62%: Caron et al. 1985).<br />

<strong>The</strong>se results suggest that HMF in Lake Biwa<br />

produce body carbon as efficiently as iso-<br />

lated strains cultured under near-optimal<br />

conditions.<br />

Food web implications--In Lake Biwa, it<br />

has been reported that planktonic bacteria<br />

are not only significant components of par-<br />

ticulate organic carbon (6-l 3% of total par-<br />

ticulate organic carbon is attributable to<br />

bacteria: Nagata 1986a), but also are sig-<br />

nificant secondary producers (at least - 30%<br />

of primary production is channeled through<br />

bacteria: Nagata 1987). Moreover, the con-<br />

tribution of algal <strong>picoplankton</strong> in late sum-<br />

mer is significant (Chl a passing through a<br />

3-pm pore-size filter corresponds to

516 Nagata<br />

tern rather than as a link. To answer such<br />

a “link vs. sink” argument about the mi-<br />

cro bial loop in Lake Biwa, we must evaluate<br />

the fate of HMF.<br />

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Submitted: 28 May 1987<br />

Accepted: 8 February1 988<br />

Revised: 18 April 1988

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